
This procedure stops the TimesTen cache agent for the connected database.

Required Privilege

This procedure requires the CACHE_MANAGER privilege.

Usage in TimesTen Scaleout and TimesTen Classic

This procedure is supported in TimesTen Classic but not supported in TimesTen Scaleout.

Related Views

This procedure has no related views.




ttCacheStop has the parameter:

Parameter Type Description



Specifies that the TimesTen daemon should stop the cache agent if it does not stop within timeout seconds. If set to 0, the daemon waits forever for the cache agent. The default value is 100.

Result Set

ttCacheStop returns no results.


To stop the cache agent, use:

CALL ttCacheStop();


  • This procedure is available only for cache operations.

  • Do not shut down the cache agent immediately after dropping or altering a cache group. Instead, wait for at least two minutes. Otherwise, the cache agent may not get a chance to clean up the Oracle database objects that were used by the AUTOREFRESH feature.

  • When using this procedure, no application, including the application making the call, can be holding a connection that specifies database-level locking (LockLevel=1).