
Manages TimesTen active standby pairs that take advantage of the high availability framework of Oracle Clusterware. This utility starts administrative processes, generates scripts and performs other functions to administer active standby pairs and the corresponding Clusterware resources.


This utility is not supported on Linux for ARM (aarch64) systems.

For information about using Oracle Clusterware, see Using Oracle Clusterware to Manage Active Standby Pairs in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Replication Guide.

These options are supported with advanced high availability. The options are not supported for basic high availability:

  • ttCWAdmin -addMasterHosts

  • ttCWAdmin -addSubscriberHosts

  • ttCWAdmin -createVIPs

  • ttCWAdmin -delMasterHosts

  • ttCWAdmin -delSubscriberHosts

  • ttCWAdmin -dropVIPs

Required Privilege

On Windows, any user with Administrators privileges can run all commands in this utility.

On supported UNIX and Linux systems, the root user can run all commands in this utility. These commands must be run by the root user:

  • ttCWAdmin -addMasterHosts

  • ttCWAdmin -addSubscriberHosts

  • ttCWAdmin -createVIPs

  • ttCWAdmin -delMasterHosts

  • ttCWAdmin -delSubscriberHosts

  • ttCWAdmin -ocrConfig

  • ttCWAdmin -dropVIPs

The administrator user can run all other commands in this utility.

If authentication information is not supplied in the connection string or DSN, this utility prompts for a user ID and password before continuing.

Usage in TimesTen Scaleout and TimesTen Classic

This utility is supported in TimesTen Classic but not supported in TimesTen Scaleout.


ttCWAdmin {-h | -help | -?}

ttCWAdmin {-V | -version}

ttCWAdmin -init [-hosts "host_name1, host_name2[, ...]"]

ttCWAdmin {-createVIPs | -dropVIPs | -create | -drop | -restore | -start |
           -stop | -status} [-ttclusterini path] [-dsn DSN]

ttCWAdmin - [-timeout seconds] -dsn DSN

ttCWAdmin -relocate -dsn DSN

ttCWAdmin -reauthenticate -dsn DSN

ttCWAdmin -ocrConfig

ttCWAdmin -beginAlterSchema -dsn DSN

ttCWAdmin -endAlterSchema -dsn DSN

ttCWAdmin -addMasterHosts [-hosts "host_name1, host_name2[, ...]"] -dsn DSN

ttCWAdmin -delMasterHosts [-hosts "host_name1, host_name2[, ...]"] -dsn DSN

ttCWAdmin -addSubscriberHosts [-hosts "host_name1, host_name2[, ...]"] -dsn DSN

ttCWAdmin -delSubscriberHosts [-hosts "host_name1, host_name2[, ...]"] -dsn DSN

ttCWAdmin -start [-noapp] -dsn DSN

ttCWAdmin -stop -dsn DSN

ttCWAdmin -startapps -dsn DSN

ttCWAdmin -stopapps -dsn DSN

ttCWAdmin -shutdown [-noderegister] [-hosts "host_name1, host_name2[, ...]"]


ttCWAdmin has these options:

Option Description


Adds spare hosts to the pool of master hosts dynamically, when high availability is employed. On the command line, separate multiple host names by commas.

On UNIX and Linux systems, only the root user can run this command.


Adds spare hosts to the pool of subscriber hosts dynamically, when high availability is employed. On the command line, separate multiple host names by commas.

On UNIX and Linux systems, only the root user can run this command.


Enables manual alteration, addition or dropping of cache groups to the active standby pair replication scheme when automatic include of new schema objects in the active standby pair scheme is not possible. Also, enables creation of PL/SQL procedures, sequences materialized views and indexes on tables with data. Enables addition of a read-only subscriber that is not managed by Oracle Clusterware. While adding objects to the schema, the active standby pair is brought down.

See also: -endAlterSchema.


Creates the active standby pair replication scheme for the specified DSN and creates the associated action scripts.

This command:

  • Prompts for the name of a TimesTen internal user with ADMIN privileges. TimesTen uses this internal user to create the active standby pair. If cache groups are being managed by Oracle Clusterware (if the attribute CacheConnect=Y in the, enter the TimesTen cache administration user name.

  • Prompts for the TimesTen cache administration user password.

  • If cache groups are being used, prompts for the Oracle cache administration user password. This password is provided in the OraclePWD connection attribute when the cache administration user connects. This Oracle cache administration user sets the autorefresh states for cache groups.

  • Prompts for a random string used to encrypt the above information.


Creates virtual IP addresses for the active standby pair. If no DSN is specified, displays the information of all active standby pairs managed under the same TimesTen instance administrator and TimesTen instance name managed by Oracle Clusterware.


Deletes spare hosts to the pool of master hosts dynamically, when high availability is employed. On the command line, separate multiple host names by commas.

The command fails if the indicated hosts are not spare hosts.

On UNIX and Linux systems, only the root user can run this command.


Deletes spare hosts to the pool of subscriber hosts dynamically, when high availability is employed. On the command line, separate multiple host names by commas.

The command fails if the indicated hosts are not spare hosts.

On UNIX and Linux systems, only the root user can run this command.


Drops the active standby pair replication scheme and deletes its action scripts.


Drops the virtual IP addresses for the active standby pair.


Issued this option after an operation using the -beginAlterSchema option. Rolls out the active standby pair after objects have been added to the schema, while recording the new replication checksum. The old standby is being destroyed and recreated through duplicate




Prints a usage message and exits.


Starts the TimesTen cluster agent.


Used with ttCWAdmin -shutdown command. This command option tells the shutdown process to keep registered all TimesTen processes that are registered as Clusterware resources for the cluster agent and TimesTen daemon monitors for Clusterware.


TimesTen cluster information is stored in the Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR). This option registers the admin user in the OCR. You must register the admin user once before performing any of the cluster initialization steps.

On UNIX and Linux systems, login as the root user and run this command from any host in the system before creating any clusters.

On Windows systems, login as the instance administrator to run this command.

You do not need to perform this step when starting an existing cluster that you have shutdown.


This command reauthenticates the user names and passwords after any of them have been modified. Even if only a single password is changed, this command still prompts for all user names and passwords.

  • Prompts for the name of a TimesTen internal user with ADMIN privileges. TimesTen uses this internal user to create the active standby pair. If cache groups are being managed by Oracle Clusterware (if the attribute CacheConnect=Y in the, enter the TimesTen cache administration user name.

  • Prompts for the password of the TimesTen cache administration user.

  • If cache groups are being used, prompts for the password for the Oracle cache administration user. This password is provided in the OraclePWD connection attribute. This Oracle cache administration user is used to set the autorefresh states for cache groups.

  • Prompts for a random string used to encrypt the above information.

For more details, see Changing User Names or Passwords When Using Oracle Clusterware in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Replication Guide.


Relocates the database from the local host to the next available spare host specified in the MasterHosts attribute in the configuration file. If no spare host is available, an error is returned.

If the database on the local host is active, roles are first reversed so that the remote standby store of the same cluster becomes active. The newly migrated database on the spare host always comes up as the standby database. This is useful to forcefully relocate a database if you must take the host offline, when high availability is employed. This command fails when basic High Availability (HA) is deployed for the same cluster.


Restores the active master database from the backup specified by RepBackupDir. Do not use this command when AutoRecover is enabled.


Stops the TimesTen daemon, cluster agent, and the replication agent (if the replication agent is still up) on the set of hosts either specifically mentioned with the optional -hosts argument or defined within the ttcrsagent.options file. Also, if this command does not include the -noderegister option, then the default behavior is to deregister from Clusterware all TimesTen processes that are registered as Clusterware resources for cluster agents and TimesTen daemon monitors.

-start [-noapp]

Starts the cluster active standby pair. This results in starting all of the agents on the active database, creation of the standby database and the subscriber databases (if they exist) through duplicate if necessary, and subsequent starting of all agents on those databases. If you specify -noapp, the applications are not started. You can use the -startapps option to start the applications later.


Starts the applications in the cluster.


Stops the applications in the cluster.


Obtains the status of resources in the cluster.


Stops the replication agent and the cache agent and disconnects the application from both databases of an active standby pair.


Reverses the role of an active standby pair in a cluster. The standby database becomes the new active, while the existing active database becomes the standby database.

-timeout seconds

Specifies a timeout value for the - option. Specify an integer value greater than 0. The default is 900 seconds.

If you enter an invalid value, TimesTen uses the default value of 900 seconds.

If the timeout expires, TimesTen returns an error message and fails to verify the standby database.

-dsn DSN

Specifies the DSN for the active standby pair.

-hosts "host_name1, host_name2[, ...]"

Specifies the hosts on which to start or shut down the TimesTen cluster agent. If this option is not specified, the TimesTen cluster agent is started or stopped on all hosts.

-ttclusterini path

Specifies the full path name of the file. The default location is in the daemon home directory. The default location is recommended.

-V | -version

Prints the release number of ttCWAdmin and exits.


To create and start an active standby pair managed by Oracle Clusterware, using the clusterDSN DSN, enter:

% ttCWAdmin -create -dsn clusterDSN
% ttCWAdmin -start -dsn clusterDSN

To stop and drop an active standby pair managed by Oracle Clusterware, using the clusterDSN DSN, enter:

% ttCWAdmin -stop -dsn clusterDSN
% ttCWAdmin -drop -dsn clusterDSN


When you use Oracle Clusterware with TimesTen, you cannot use these commands and SQL statements:


  • The -cacheStart and -cacheStop options of the ttAdmin utility after the active standby pair has been created.

  • The -duplicate option of the ttRepAdmin utility.

  • The ttRepStart and ttRepStop built-in procedures.

  • The -repStart and -repStop options of the ttAdmin utility.

In addition, do not call ttDaemonAdmin -stop before calling ttCWAdmin -shutdown.

The TimesTen integration with Oracle Clusterware accomplishes these operations with the ttCWAdmin utility and the attributes in the file.