
Displays a formatted dump of the contents of a TimesTen transaction log.

It is designed to be used by TimesTen customer support to diagnose problems in the log or database.

A loss of data can occur with certain options such as -tr, therefore only use this tool if you have been asked to do so by a TimesTen customer support representative.

Required Privilege

This utility requires the ADMIN privilege.

Usage in TimesTen Scaleout and TimesTen Classic

This utility is supported in both TimesTen Classic and TimesTen Scaleout; however, in TimesTen Scaleout, the utility is limited to diagnosing issues only on single elements.


ttXactLog {-h | -help | -?}

ttXactLog {-V | -version}

ttXactLog [-v verbosity] [-m maxChars] [-s] [-t] [-b blkID]
[-l1 lfn.lfo [-l2 lfn.lfo]] [-r recType] [...] [-tr dir]
[-lb] [-headers recs] [-logdir dir]
{-connStr connection_string | DSN | dspath}

ttXactLog [-v verbosity] -logAnalyze 
[-s subscriberName -host hostname]]
[-xid xid] {-connStr connection_string | DSN | dspath}


ttXactLog has the options:

Option Description

-b blkID

Restricts log records to those accessing this block, plus any transaction records.

-connStr connection_string

An ODBC connection string that specifies a database location, driver, and optionally other connection attribute settings.


The ODBC source name of the database for which to display the transaction log.


The fully qualified name of the database. This is not the DSN associated with the connection but the fully qualified database path name associated with the database as specified in the DataStore= parameter of the database's ODBC definition.

For example, for a database consisting of files/home/payroll/2011.ds0, /home/payroll/2011.ds1 and several transaction log files /home/payroll/2011.logn,dspath is /home/payroll/2011.




Prints a usage message and exits.

-headers records

Prints one header for every records records. A value of 0 disables headers.

-host hostName

Specifies the name of the host on which the subscriber resides. Use this option with the -subscriber option, if the name of the subscriber is ambiguous.


Connects to the database and prints out the log buffer. Contents of the transaction log files are not printed. Requires SELECT privileges or database object ownership.


Transaction log file number (lfn) and transaction log file offset (lfo) for a log record.


Considers this log record only (unless an -l2 argument is present).


Considers records between -l1 and -l2, inclusive.


Determines the remaining amount of a database to be replicated for one or all of the subscribers.Use with the -v option to print:

1 - A summary for every track (default).

2 - Level 1 plus a track analysis.3 - Level 2 plus an in-depth transaction analysis.Use with -subscriber and -host to get information for a specific subscriber.

Use with -xid to look for a specific transaction ID.

-logdir dir

Specifies the directory where the database's transaction log files reside. If -logdir is not specified, ttXactLog uses the directory path portion of the value supplied in dspath.

-m maxChars

Maximum number of characters printed for binary items (for -v 3) only (defaults to 4000).

-r recType

Considers only records of the specified type. This option may be used multiple times to specify a list of desired log record types. recType is case-sensitive.


Prints summary information. Requires SELECT privileges or database object ownership.

-subscriber subscriberName

Specifies the name of the subscriber. To qualify the name of the subscriber, use -host hostname.


Only reads transaction log file tail (from start of last checkpoint transaction log file or, if no checkpoint, the most recent transaction log file).

-tr dir

Truncates all log records in the directory at the LWN boundary. The original transaction log files are moved to the directory dir.

-V | -version

Prints the release number of ttXactLog and exits.

-v verbosity

Specifies the verbosity level. One of:

0 - Print only summary log information (if -s specified).

1 (default) - Print log record headers too.

2 - Print log record bodies too, except long data.

3 - Print full log records (see -m option).

-x xid

Specifies the transaction ID.


% ttXactLog -v 3 -m 100 /users/pat/TimesTen/Daily/F112697SS

See Also