Starting and Stopping the Replication Agents

After you have defined a replication scheme, you can start the replication agents for each database involved in the replication scheme. You must have the ADMIN privilege to start or stop a replication agent.

You can start and stop a replication agent by using the ttAdmin utility with the -repStart or -repStop option. You can also use the ttRepStart and ttRepStop built-in procedures to start and stop a replication agent from the ttIsql command line.

To start the replication agents for the DSNs named masterDSN and subscriberDSN, with ttAdmin, enter:

ttAdmin -repStart masterDSN
ttAdmin -repStart subscriberDSN

To stop the replication agents, enter:

ttAdmin -repStop masterDSN
ttAdmin -repStop subscriberDSN

To start and stop the replication agent for the DSN named masterDSN from ttIsql, enter:

> ttIsql masterDSN
Command> call ttRepStart;
Command> call ttRepStop;

You can also use the ttAdmin utility to set the replication restart policy. By default the policy is manual, which enables you to start and stop the replication agents as described above. Alternatively, you can set the replication restart policy for a database to always or norestart.

Restart Policy Start Replication Agent When the TimesTen Daemon Starts Restart Replication Agent on Errors or Invalidation











The TimesTen daemon manages the replication agents. It must be running to start or stop the replication agents.

When the restart policy is always, the replication agent is automatically started when the database is loaded into memory. See Specifying a RAM Policy in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide to determine when a database is loaded into memory.

To use ttAdmin to set the replication restart policy to always, enter:

ttAdmin -repPolicy always DSN

To reset the policy back to manual, enter:

ttAdmin -repPolicy manual DSN

Following a database invalidation, both manual and always policies cause the replication agent to be automatically restarted. When the agent restarts automatically, it is often the first connection to the database. This happens after a fatal error that, for example, requires all applications to disconnect. The first connection to a database usually has to load the most recent checkpoint file and often needs to do recovery. For a very large database, this process may take several minutes. During this period, all activity on the database is blocked so that new connections cannot take place and any old connections cannot finish disconnecting. This may also result in two copies of the database existing at the same time because the old one stays around until all applications have disconnected. For very large databases for which the first-connect time may be significant, you may want to wait for the old database to become inactive first before starting up the new one. You can do this by setting the restart policy to norestart to specify that the replication agent is not to be automatically restarted. For more information on setting policies that would prevent the database from being reloaded, see Specifying a RAM Policy in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide.