Show the Configuration of Replicated Databases

You can display the configuration of your replicated databases with certain tools.

Display Configuration Information With the ttIsql repschemes Command

To display the configuration of your replicated databases from the ttIsql prompt, use the repschemes command.


The following example shows the configuration output from the replication scheme shown in Propagation Scheme.

Replication Scheme PROPAGATOR:

  Element: A
    Type: Table TAB
    Master Store: CENTRALDS on FINANCE Transmit Durable
    Subscriber Store: PROPDS on NETHANDLER

  Element: B
    Type: Table TAB
    Propagator Store: PROPDS on NETHANDLER Transmit Durable
    Subscriber Store: BACKUP1DS on BACKUPSYSTEM1
    Subscriber Store: BACKUP2DS on BACKUPSYSTEM2

  Port: (auto)
  Log Fail Threshold: (none)
  Retry Timeout: 120 seconds
  Compress Traffic: Disabled

  Port: (auto)
  Log Fail Threshold: (none)
  Retry Timeout: 120 seconds
  Compress Traffic: Disabled

  Port: (auto)
  Log Fail Threshold: (none)
  Retry Timeout: 120 seconds
  Compress Traffic: Disabled

  Port: (auto)
  Log Fail Threshold: (none)
  Retry Timeout: 120 seconds
  Compress Traffic: Disabled

Display Configuration Information With the ttRepAdmin Utility

To display the configuration of your replicated databases, use the ttRepAdmin utility with the -showconfig option.

ttRepAdmin -showconfig -dsn masterDSN

The following shows the configuration output from the propagated databases configured by the replication scheme shown in Propagation Scheme. The propds propagator shows a latency of 19.41 seconds and is 2 logs behind the master.

> ttRepAdmin -showconfig -dsn centralds
Self host "finance", port auto, name "centralds", LSN 0/155656, timeout 120, 
threshold 0

List of subscribers
Peer name        Host name                Port   State   Proto
---------------- ------------------------ ------ ------- -----
propds           nethandler               Auto   Start      10

Last Msg Sent Last Msg Recv Latency TPS     RecordsPS Logs
------------- ------------- ------- ------- --------- ----
0:01:12       -             19.41         5        52    2

List of tables and subscriptions
Table details
Table : tab          Timestamp updates : -

Master Name                 Subscriber Name
-----------                 -------------
centralds                   propds

Table details
Table : tab          Timestamp updates : -

Master Name                 Subscriber name
-----------                 -------------
propds                      backup1ds
propds                      backup2ds

See Display Information About Subscribers Through Querying Replication Tables for the meaning of the "List of subscribers" fields. The "Table details" fields list the table and the names of its master (Sender) and subscriber databases.

Display Configuration Information Through Querying Replication Tables

Use the following SELECT statements to query the TTREP.TTSTORES, TTREP.REPSTORES, TTREP.REPPEERS, SYS.MONITOR, TTREP.REPELEMENTS, and TTREP.REPSUBSCRIPTIONS tables for configuration information.

SELECT t.host_name, t.rep_port_number, t.tt_store_name, s.peer_timeout, 
  FROM ttrep.ttstores t, ttrep.repstores s
    WHERE t.is_local_store = 0X01
      AND t.tt_store_id = s.tt_store_id;

SELECT t1.tt_store_name, t1.host_name, t1.rep_port_number,
       p.state, p.protocol, p.timesend, p.timerecv, p.latency,
       p.tps, p.recspersec, t3.last_log_file - p.sendlsnhigh + 1
  FROM ttrep.reppeers p, ttrep.ttstores t1, ttrep.ttstores t2, sys.monitor t3
    WHERE p.tt_store_id = t2.tt_store_id
      AND t2.is_local_store = 0X01
      AND p.subscriber_id = t1.tt_store_id
      AND (p.state = 0 OR p.states = 1);

SELECT ds_obj_owner, DS_OBJ_NAME, t1.tt_store_name,t2.tt_store_name
  FROM ttrep.repelements e, ttrep.repsubscriptions s, 
      ttrep.ttstores t1, ttrep.ttstores t2
    WHERE s.element_name = e.element_name
      AND e.master_id = t1.tt_store_id
      AND s.subscriber_id = t2.tt_store_id
    ORDER BY ds_obj_owner, ds_obj_name;

The output from the queries refer to the databases configured by the replication scheme shown in Propagation Scheme.

The output from the first query might be:

< finance, 0, centralds, 120, 0 >

It shows the host name, port number and the database name. The fourth value (120) is the TIMEOUT value that defines the amount of time a database waits for a response from another database before resending a message. The last value (0) is the log failure threshold value described in Setting the Transaction Log Failure Threshold.

The output from the second query might be:

< propds, nethandler, 0, 0, 7, 1004378953, 0, -1.00000000000000, -1, -1, 1 >

See Display Information About Subscribers Through Querying Replication Tables for a description of the fields.

The output from the last query might be:

< repl, tab, centralds, propds >
< repl, tab, propds, backup1ds >
< repl, tab, propds, backup2ds >

The rows show the replicated table and the names of its master (sender) and subscriber (receiver) databases.