
Creates a database from a backup that has been created using the ttBackup utility. If the database exists, ttRestore does not overwrite it.

The attributes in the ttRestore connection string can contain any of the first connection or general connection attributes. It can also include the data store attribute LogDir. All other data store attributes are copied from the backup files. The LogDir attribute enables the restored database to be relocated.

The ttRestore action is somewhat more powerful than a first connect, as it can move the database. It is somewhat less powerful than creating a new database, as it cannot override the data store attributes, except for the LogDir attribute.

For an overview of the TimesTen backup and restore facility, see Back Up, Restore, and Migrate Data in TimesTen Classic in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation, Migration, and Upgrade Guide.

Required Privilege

This utility requires the instance administrator privilege.

Usage in TimesTen Scaleout and TimesTen Classic

This utility is supported in TimesTen Classic but not supported in TimesTen Scaleout.


ttRestore {-h | -help | -?}
ttRestore {-V | -version}
ttRestore [-fname filePrefix] [-noconn] -dir directory 
       [-open | -close] {DSN | -connStr connection_string}
ttRestore -i [-noconn] [-open | -close] {DSN | -connStr connection_String}


ttRestore has the options:

Option Description

-connStr connection_string

An ODBC connection string that specifies a database location, driver, and optionally other connection attribute settings.


Closes a database to user connections.

When a database is closed to user connections, new connection attempts will fail, but existing connections are unaffected.


Specifies an ODBC data source name of the database to be administered.

-dir directory

Specifies the directory where the backup files are stored.

-fname filePrefix

Specifies the file prefix for the backup files in the backup directory. The backup files must have been stored in the backup directory with this prefix.

The default value for this parameter is the file name portion of the DataStore parameter of the database's ODBC definition.




Prints a usage message and exits.


Read standard input for the backup data. You cannot use the -dir or -fname options with -i.


To ensure that the restore was successful, ttRestore connects to the database as a last step. This option disables that last connect. We recommend that you specify this option for best performance. If this option is not specified, the database is loaded into memory and from memory.


Opens a database to user connections.

A database is open to user connections by default upon creation.

-V | -version

Prints the release number of ttRestore and exits.


% ttRestore -dir /users/pat/TimesTen/backups
 -fname FastInsBkup FastIns

To back up a database named origDSN to the directory /users/rob/tmp and restore it to database named restoredDSN, use:

% ttBackup -dir /users/rob/tmp -fname restored origDSN
% ttRestore -dir /users/rob/tmp -fname restored restoredDSN

The value of fname is the name that you want for the prefix portion of the backup file name.

On UNIX and Linux systems, to restore a tape backup to the FastIns database, use:

% dd bs=64k if=/dev/rmt0 | ttRestore -i FastIns


The ttBackup utility and the ttRestore utility back up and restore databases only when the first two parts of the TimesTen release and the platform are the same. For example, you can back up and restore files between release and release or You cannot back up and restore files between release and release, or between release and release You can use the ttBulkCp or ttMigrateCS (UNIX and Linux systems only) utility to migrate databases across major releases or operating systems.

You can backup databases containing cache groups with the ttBackup utility. However, when restoring such a backup, special consideration is required as the restored data within the cache groups may be out of date or out of sync with the data in the back end Oracle database. See the section on Backing Up and Restoring a TimesTen Classic Database with Cache Groups in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Cache Guide for details.