Creating an Installation on Linux/UNIX

The first step in creating the installation is to decide the operating system user who will install TimesTen Classic. This user installs TimesTen Classic by unzipping the distribution. See "Distribution Media" for information. This user is named the instance administrator. See "Instance Administrator" for details.


The operating system user that unzips the distribution (and thereby installs TimesTen Classic) is named the instance administrator. This instance administrator is the only user that can create instances. See "TimesTen Instances" and "Creating an Instance on Linux/UNIX: Basics" for details.

There is one distribution file:

  • On Linux 64-bit, there is not a separate client only installation file. For example, on Oracle Linux for Intel and AMD release, the distribution file name is Unzip this file to install either the full product or the client. When you create the instance, there is a qualifier that you specify to create a client-only instance. See Creating an Instance on Linux/UNIX: Basics for details.

  • On Linux 32-bit, there is only a client installation file.

Examples in this chapter use Oracle Linux for Intel and AMD, but apply to all Linux platforms, including Oracle Linux for Arm.

The instance administrator can create an installation that is accessible by the instance administrator's primary group, by the instance administrator's secondary group, or by only the instance administrator. In addition, the instance administrator can and should verify the installation is successful. These sections cover these topics:

Create an Installation Accessible by the Instance Administrator's Primary Group

To create the installation that is accessible by the instance administrator's primary group:

  1. Place the appropriate distribution file in some desired, accessible location.
  2. Create the desired directory for the installation.
  3. Change directories to the desired directory for the installation.
  4. Extract the distribution into that directory.

In the following example on Linux, ttuser1, with primary group timesten, creates a full installation into the directory fullinstall (a subdirectory of the current directory) from a distribution file in /swdir/TimesTen/ttinstallers. This installation is accessible to members of timesten.

% mkdir fullinstall
% cd fullinstall
% unzip /swdir/TimesTen/ttinstallers/

The top level directory of the installed files is of the form tt22.

For example, this directory is created under fullinstall:

dr-xr-x--- 19 ttuser1 timesten 4096 Mar  2 22:07 tt22.

The tt22. directory includes such files as:

dr-xr-x---  3 ttuser1 timesten    4096 Jun 15 22:07 3rdparty
dr-xr-x---  2 ttuser1 timesten    4096 Jun 15 22:07 bin
dr-xr-x---  3 ttuser1 timesten    4096 Jun 15 22:07 include
dr-xr-x---  2 ttuser1 timesten    4096 Jun 15 22:07 info
dr-xr-x---  2 ttuser1 timesten    4096 Jun 15 23:33 kubernetes
dr-xr-x---  3 ttuser1 timesten    4096 Jun 15 22:07 lib
dr-xr-x---  7 ttuser1 timesten    4096 Jun 15 22:07 plsql
dr-xr-x---  3 ttuser1 timesten    4096 Jun 15 22:07 ttoracle_home

A timesten member can access the instance. A user who is not a member of timesten does not have access to this instance or any instance created from the installation.

Create an Installation Accessible by the Instance Administrator's Secondary Group

To create an installation that is accessible by a secondary group of the instance administrator:

  1. Place the appropriate distribution file in some desired, accessible location.
  2. Create the desired directory for the installation.
  3. Change directories to the desired directory for the installation.
  4. Extract the distribution into that directory.
  5. Use the chgrp Linux command to change ownership of the installation to the desired group.

In the following example, ttuser2, with primary group users and secondary group timesten, creates a full installation into the directory fullinstall_secgrp from a distribution file in /swdir/TimesTen/ttinstallers. After ttuser2 executes the chgrp command, this installation is accessible to members of timesten.

% mkdir fullinstall_secgrp
% cd fullinstall_secgrp
% unzip /swdir/TimesTen/ttinstallers/

The top level directory of the installed files is of the form tt22.

For example, under the installation directory, before the chgrp command:

dr-xr-x--- 19 ttuser2 users    4096 Mar  2 22:07 tt22.

The tt22. directory, shown before the chgrp command, includes such files as:

dr-xr-x---  3 ttuser2 users    4096 Jun 15 22:07 3rdparty
dr-xr-x---  2 ttuser2 users    4096 Jun 15 22:07 bin
dr-xr-x---  3 ttuser2 users    4096 Jun 15 22:07 include
dr-xr-x---  2 ttuser2 users    4096 Jun 15 22:07 info
dr-xr-x---  2 ttuser2 users    4096 Jun 15 23:33 kubernetes
dr-xr-x---  3 ttuser2 users    4096 Jun 15 22:07 lib
dr-xr-x---  7 ttuser2 users    4096 Jun 15 22:07 plsql
dr-xr-x---  3 ttuser2 users    4096 Jun 15 22:07 ttoracle_home

User ttuser2 executes chgrp from the fullinstall_secgrp installation directory:

% chgrp -R timesten .

Under the installation directory, after the chgrp command:

dr-xr-x--- 19 ttuser2 timesten 4096 Mar  2 22:07 tt22.

The tt22. directory, shown after the chgrp command, includes such files as:

dr-xr-x---  3 ttuser2 timesten    4096 Jun 15 22:07 3rdparty
dr-xr-x---  2 ttuser2 timesten    4096 Jun 15 22:07 bin
dr-xr-x---  3 ttuser2 timesten    4096 Jun 15 22:07 include
dr-xr-x---  2 ttuser2 timesten    4096 Jun 15 22:07 info
dr-xr-x---  2 ttuser2 timesten    4096 Jun 15 23:33 kubernetes
dr-xr-x---  3 ttuser2 timesten    4096 Jun 15 22:07 lib
dr-xr-x---  7 ttuser2 timesten    4096 Jun 15 22:07 plsql
dr-xr-x---  3 ttuser2 timesten    4096 Jun 15 22:07 ttoracle_home

After the chgrp command, a timesten member can access the instance. A user who is not a member of timesten does not have access to this installation or any instance created from the installation.

Create an Installation Accessible by Only the Instance Administrator

An installation can be created that is accessible by only the instance administrator, although this is not typical. To accomplish this:

  1. Place the appropriate distribution file in the desired directory.
  2. Create the desired directory for the installation.
  3. Change directories to the desired directory for the installation.
  4. Extract the distribution into that directory.
  5. Change the permissions on the installation directory tree.

In the following example, ttuser1 creates a full installation into the directory fullinstall_installeronly from a distribution file in /swdir/TimesTen/ttinstallers. This installation is accessible to ttuser1 only.

% mkdir fullinstall_installeronly
% cd fullinstall_installeronly
% unzip /swdir/TimesTen/ttinstallers/
% chmod -R go-rwx tt22.

The top level directory of the installed files is of the form tt22.

For example, under the installation directory:

dr-x------ 19 ttuser1 timesten 4096 Jun  2 22:07 tt22.

Contents of tt22. includes such files as:

dr-x------  5 ttuser1 timesten    4096 Jun  2 22:07 3rdparty
dr-x------  2 ttuser1 timesten    4096 Jun  2 22:07 bin
dr-x------  3 ttuser1 timesten    4096 Jun  2 22:07 include
dr-x------  2 ttuser1 timesten    4096 Jun  2 22:07 info
dr-x------  2 ttuser1 timesten    4096 Jun  2 23:33 kubernetes
dr-x------  2 ttuser1 timesten    4096 Mar  2 22:07 lib
dr-x------  8 ttuser1 timesten    4096 Mar  2 22:07 plsql
dr-x------  3 ttuser1 timesten    4096 Mar  2 22:07 ttoracle_home

Only ttuser1 has access to this instance.

Verify an Installation on Linux/UNIX

To verify the installation, run the ttInstallationCheck utility. In addition, you can review the installation directory and subdirectories.

The ttInstallationCheck Utility

The ttInstallationCheck utility, located in the installation_dir/tt22. directory, verifies the success or failure of the installation. This utility generates an error if the checksum value for the installation differs from the original checksum value. Checksum values are different if there are any of these changes to the installation directory or files:

  • Contents of a file

  • Name of a file

  • Addition of a file to a directory

  • Removal of a file from a directory

  • Changes to the permissions of a file or directory

In this example, the installation is verified:

% installation_dir/tt22.
This installation has been verified.

In this example, permissions on a file were changed, and ttInstallationCheck generates an error:

% installation_dir/tt22.
Cannot validate the installation in /installation_dir/tt22.

See "ttInstallationCheck" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference for detailed information on the ttInstallationCheck utility.

The Installation Directory and Subdirectories

A TimesTen full installation includes these subdirectories located under the top-level installation_dir/tt22. directory (Not all of the subdirectories are included in this list).

  • 3rdparty: Includes resources for:

    • Apache ZooKeeper for TimesTen Scaleout (Unused by TimesTen Classic)

    • Java Message Service (JMS)

  • bin: TimesTen utilities and executables

  • grid: Files and resources for TimesTen Scaleout (Unused by TimesTen Classic)

  • include: TimesTen include files, among them timesten.h (for TimesTen ODBC features) and tt_errCode.h (for information about TimesTen error codes)

  • kubernetes: The directory containing the file needed for the TimesTen Kubernetes Operator. See the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Kubernetes Operator User's Guide for information on the TimesTen Kubernetes Operator.

  • lib: TimesTen libraries

  • plsql: Files and resources for TimesTen PL/SQL

  • ttoracle_home: Oracle Database Instant Client files and resources, for OCI, Pro*C/C++, and ODP.NET