Modifying an Instance on Linux/UNIX

If you are using systemd as a TimesTen service, and you want to modify the instance, see "Using systemd to Manage a TimesTen Service" and "About Modifying a TimesTen Instance to Enable or Disable Management by systemd" for details.

These sections discuss how to modify instances that do not use systemd as a TimesTen service:

For information on modifying an instance with systemd, see Using systemd to Manage a TimesTen Service

The ttInstanceModify Utility

The ttInstanceModify utility modifies the attributes of an instance. The instance that is modified is the instance that the $TIMESTEN_HOME environment variable references. Run the ttInstanceModify utility from the $TIMESTEN_HOME/bin directory.

For a full instance, you can modify all of these attributes. For a client-only instance, you can only modify the installation with which the instance is associated (-install option):

  • TimesTen daemon port

  • TimesTen Server port for client/server

  • TNS_ADMIN location for tnsnames.ora

  • Oracle Clusterware configuration

  • TimesTen installation with which the instance is associated

The utility then updates the timesten.conf file accordingly.


The instance administrator cannot be modified.

Run the ttInstanceModify with the -help option to list the available options. See ttInstanceModify in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference for detailed descriptions.

Modify an Instance from Information Provided Interactively

You can run ttInstanceModify interactively if you do not specify any command-line options. In this case, the utility asks one by one if you want to change any of the supported options.

This example sets a new daemon port and server port. The values entered, or defaults chosen, are shown in bold.


TimesTen replication with Oracle Clusterware is not supported on Oracle Linux for Arm systems. If you are using Oracle Linux for Arm, Oracle Clusterware messages do not appear in the ttInstanceModify output.
% $TIMESTEN_HOME/bin/ttInstanceModify
Instance Info
Name:           myttinstance
Location:       /swdir/TimesTen/ttinstances/myttinstance
Installation:   /swdir/TimesTen/ttinstallations/fullinstall/tt22.
Daemon Port:    28000
Server Port:    28001
Would you like to change the installation that this instance points to? [ no ]
The daemon for instance 'myttinstance' is currently configured to use port 28000.
Would you like to change this port? [ no ] yes
NOTE: If you are configuring TimesTen for use with Oracle Clusterware, the
      daemon port number must be the same across all TimesTen installations
      managed within the same Oracle Clusterware cluster.
Please enter a unique port number for the TimesTen daemon (<CR>=list)? [ ] 28050
Are you sure you want to change the daemon port number from 28000 to 28050? 
[ yes ]
The server for instance 'myttinstance' is currently configured to use port 28001.
Would you like to change this port? [ no ] yes
Please enter a unique port number for the TimesTen server (<CR>=list)? [ ] 28060
Are you sure you want to change the server port number from 28001 to 28060? 
[ yes ]
TNS_ADMIN for the instance 'myttinstance' is currently not set.
Would you like to change TNS_ADMIN for this instance? [ no ]
Would you like to configure TimesTen Replication with Oracle Clusterware? [ no ]
NOTE: The daemon will be stopped before changing port numbers.
Would you like to proceed with modifying the instance? [ yes ]
ttDaemonAdmin: daemon is not running
Changing the daemon port number ...
The daemon will now run on port 28050 ...
Changing the server port number ...
The server will now run on port 28060 ...
NOTE: You may need to modify your sys.ttconnect.ini file to
      reflect the new server port. The sys.ttconnect.ini file is usually
      located in your instance's conf directory, $TIMESTEN_HOME/conf.
Restarting the daemon ...
ttDaemonAdmin: daemon is not running
TimesTen Daemon (PID: 3072, port: 28050) startup OK.

The timesten.conf file is updated accordingly:

# TimesTen Instance Configuration File


In interactive mode, the daemon is restarted automatically if you set the daemon port or server port, and you are prompted to restart the daemon if you set TNS_ADMIN.

Change the Daemon Port for an Instance

You can change the daemon port for an instance.

This example first runs the Linux/UNIX echo command to display the instance in which $TIMESTEN_HOME references. It then reviews the $TIMESTEN_HOME/conf/timesten.conf file to display the current port number. It then runs ttInstanceModify to change the port number to 6524. As a final step, the example shows the port number has been changed in the $TIMESTEN_HOME/conf/timesten.conf file.

% cat $TIMESTEN_HOME/conf/timesten.conf
# TimesTen Instance Configuration File
# Created by ttInstanceCreate
# Commented values are default values

Run ttInstanceModify to change the port number to 6524.

% $TIMESTEN_HOME/bin/ttInstanceModify -port 6524
The daemon will now run on port 6524 ...
You must restart the daemon for these changes to take effect.

Review the $TIMESTEN_HOME/conf/timesten.conf file to ensure the port number is changed.

% cat $TIMESTEN_HOME/conf/timesten.conf
# TimesTen Instance Configuration File
# Created by ttInstanceCreate
# Commented values are default values

Restart the daemon

% ttDaemonAdmin -start 
TimesTen Daemon (PID: 11635, port: 6524) startup OK.

Set or Change the Path to tnsnames.ora for an Instance

You can use the ttInstanceModify utility with the -tnsadmin option to set or change the path to the tnsnames.ora file. Specify the full path to the directory where the file is located. This is relevant for an application using TimesTen Cache, OCI, Pro*C/C++, or ODP.NET. For TimesTen Cache, this is for access to the Oracle Database. For TimesTen OCI, Pro*C/C++, and

To ensure that the TNS_ADMIN setting is read by TimesTen as well as by user applications, also set the TNS_ADMIN environment variable.

This example shows how to use the -tnsadmin option. The current directory is timesten_home:

% $TIMESTEN_HOME/bin/ttInstanceModify -tnsadmin 
The value for TNS_ADMIN in 
was changed to /swdir/TimesTen/ttinstances/ttuser1instancelatest/instantclient

Before you ran ttInstanceModify, the $TIMESTEN_HOME/conf/timesten.conf file had no value for tns_admin:

# TimesTen Instance Configuration File

After running ttInstanceModify with the -tnsadmin option, the $TIMESTEN_HOME/conf/timesten.conf file is updated:

# TimesTen Instance Configuration File

Change the Oracle Clusterware Configuration for an Instance

This example illustrates how to modify an instance to use TimesTen replication with Oracle Clusterware. Since TimesTen replication with Oracle Clusterware is not supported on Oracle Linux for Arm systems, do not run this example if you are using Oracle Linux for Arm.

After creating an instance, use the ttInstanceModify -crs option to change the TimesTen configuration to use Oracle Clusterware for TimesTen Replication and specify the full path to the Oracle Clusterware installation. As shown in the example, there is a prompt to confirm whether you want to configure TimesTen Replication with Oracle Clusterware and to enter or confirm the directory path to the installation. There must be a valid Oracle Clusterware installation in the specified directory. In this example, the current directory is timesten_home. User entries or defaults that are chosen are shown in bold.

This example provides the path to the Oracle Cluster installation as /u01/app/crs_releasedir/grid, where crs_releasedir is a variable for the CRS release (for example, if the CRS release is 19.1.0, you could substitute, 19.1.0, such that the path would be /u01/app/19.1.0/grid).

% $TIMESTEN_HOME/bin/ttInstanceModify -crs
Would you like to configure TimesTen Replication with Oracle Clusterware? [ no ] 
A Clusterware installation was detected in /u01/app/crs_releasedir/grid
Please provide the path to the Oracle Clusterware installation on this machine 
[ /u01/app/crs_releasedir/grid ]
NOTE: The daemon port number must be the same across all TimesTen installations
      part of the this Clusterware configuration.
Please enter a port number for the TimesTen Clusterware agent? [ 31006 ]
Executing '/u01/app/crs_releasedir/grid/bin/olsnodes' ...
Oracle Clusterware is currently configured on the following nodes :
1. tthost1
2. tthost2
NOTE: By default, all of the nodes listed above will be added to the TimesTen
      Replication with Oracle Clusterware configuration. You can also
      specify your own list of nodes based on the list above.
Would you like to specify a node list for TimesTen Replication with Oracle Clusterware? [ no ]
INFO: Modifying /u02/ttinstances/myinstance/conf/ ...
Do you want to restart the daemon using the new configuration? [ yes ]
Restarting the daemon ...
ttDaemonAdmin: daemon is not running
TimesTen Daemon (PID: 30345, port: 31000) startup OK.
TimesTen Replication with Oracle Clusterware has been configured.
NOTE: Please run ttInstanceModify for all other TimesTen instances which are
      part of the this Clusterware configuration.


The Oracle Clusterware installation was detected by TimesTen. The location merely had to be confirmed, not entered.

Associate an Instance with a Different Installation (Upgrade or Downgrade)

You can use the ttInstanceModify -install option to associate the instance with a different TimesTen installation. This is typically used to upgrade the instance to a new maintenance or patch release. It cannot be used to upgrade to a new major release (such as going from 18.1 to 22.1).

This example upgrades from the ttinstall installation to the ttinstalllatest installation. The current directory is timesten_home for the ttuser1instance instance.

Optional: Before running $TIMESTEN_HOME/bin/ttInstanceModify, you can review the timesten_home/install directories and files to gain an understanding of the symbolic links that are defined.

Navigate to the timesten_home/install directory and run the Linux ls -l command to list the directories and the files within this directory. Note that symbolic links to the installation directory are defined for most of the files and the directories within this timesten_home/install directory. (In this example, swdir/TimesTen/ttinstallations/ttinstall/tt22. is the installation directory.)

% cd timesten_home/install
% ls -l
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttuser1 timesten   56 Jun 28 11:13 3rdparty -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttuser1 timesten   52 Jun 28 11:13 PERL -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttuser1 timesten   59 Jun 28 11:13 README.html -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttuser1 timesten   51 Jun 28 11:13 bin -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttuser1 timesten   52 Jun 28 11:13 grid -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttuser1 timestten   55 Jun 28 11:13 include -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttuser1 timesten   52 Jun 28 11:13 info -> 
drwxr-x--- 2 ttuser1 timesten 4096 Jun 28 11:13 lib
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttuser1 timesten   55 Jun 28 11:13 network -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttuser1 timesten   51 Jun 28 11:13 nls -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttuser1 timesten   61 Jun 28 11:13 oraclescripts -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttuser1 timesten   53 Jun 28 11:13 plsql -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttuser1 timesten   55 Jun 28 11:13 startup -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttuser1 timesten   55 Jun 28 11:13 support -> 
drwxr-x--- 3 ttuser1 timesten 4096 Jun 28 11:13 ttoracle_home

Now run $TIMESTEN_HOME/bin/ttInstanceModify -install to associate the ttuser1instance instance with the new installation (/swdir/TimesTen/ttinstallations/ttinstalllatest/, in this example).

% $TIMESTEN_HOME/bin/ttInstanceModify 

Instance Info (UPDATED)
Name:           ttuser1instance
Location:       /swdir/TimesTen/ttinstances/ttuser1instance
Installation:   /swdir/TimesTen/ttinstallations/ttinstalllatest/
Daemon Port:    21000
Server Port:    21001

The instance ttuser1instance now points to the installation in 

After running ttInstanceModify, note the symbolic links within the $TIMESTEN_HOME/install directory point to the new installation directory.

% cd $TIMESTEN_HOME/install
% ls -l
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttuser1 timesten   55 Jun 28 13:07 3rdparty -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttuser1 timesten   51 Jun 28 13:07 PERL -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttuser1 timesten   58 Jun 28 13:07 README.html -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttuser1 timesten   50 Jun 28 13:07 bin -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttuser1 timesten   51 Jun 28 13:07 grid -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttuser1 timesten   54 Jun 28 13:07 include -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttuser1 timesten   51 Jun 28 13:07 info -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttuser1 timesten   57 Jun 28 13:07 kubernetes -> 
drwxrwxr-x 2 ttuser1 timesten 4096 Jun 28 13:07 lib
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttuser1 timesten   54 Jun 28 13:07 network -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttuser1 timesten   50 Jun 28 13:07 nls -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttuser1 timesten   60 Jun 28 13:07 oraclescripts -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttuser1 timesten   52 Jun 28 13:07 plsql -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttuser1 timesten   54 Jun 28 13:07 startup -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttuser1 timesten   54 Jun 28 13:07 support -> 
drwxrwxr-x 3 ttuser1 timesten 4096 Jun 28 13:07 ttoracle_home