Shutting Down a TimesTen Application

You can shut down your TimesTen application using commands described in the following sections:

Shutting Down an Application Within TimesTen Classic

An application within TimesTen Classic consists of a database that has been allocated shared memory, user connections, and possibly replication and cache agents for communication with other TimesTen or Oracle databases.

To close all active connections to the TimesTen Classic database, run the ttAdmin -disconnect command. See Disconnecting from a Database in this book and ttAdmin in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

If you want to unload the TimesTen Classic database, see Unloading a Database from Memory for TimesTen Classic.

Shutting Down Applications Within TimesTen Scaleout

With TimesTen Scaleout, there are a few operations to perform when disconnecting all TimesTen applications from the database.

  • Close the database to user connections. The ttGridAdmin dbClose command disables new user connections to a database.

  • Disconnect all applications from the database. The ttGridAdmin dbDisconnect command terminates all user connections to a database.

  • Unload the database from memory. The ttGridAdmin dbUnload command unloads every element of the database from the memory of their respective hosts.

See Unloading a Database from Memory in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.