2 Replication Tables 

TimesTen stores metadata about replication in replication tables in your database.

Your applications can read the replication tables, but it cannot update them. If your application defines a table with the same name as a replication table, then your application can read a replication table by prefixing the replication table name with TTREP. For example, SELECT * FROM TTREP.REPTABLES selects rows from the REPTABLES replication table.

Information specific to replication tables:

  • Locks acquired by users on replication tables may prevent others from defining data or executing the SQLPrepare ODBC function or the Connection.prepareStatement JDBC method.

  • The last character in name columns is always a space. Therefore, while the column length for name columns is 31, the maximum object name length is 30.

  • TimesTen replication tables declare certain fields as data type TT_BIGINT. When retrieving these columns with an ODBC program, the application must bind them using SQL_C_SBIGINT.


    Some tables contain columns named SYSnumber. Because these columns contain values used internally by TimesTen, they are not documented in this chapter.

  • The TTREP.CLIENTFAILOVER table is reserved for internal or future use.

  • By default PUBLIC has SELECT privileges on various system and replication tables and EXECUTE privileges on various PL/SQL objects. You can see the list of objects by using this query:

    SELECT * FROM sys.dba_tab_privs WHERE grantee='PUBLIC';

    The ADMIN or SELECT ANY TABLE privilege is required to access other system and replication tables and views.