Load a Database into Memory (dbLoad)

The ttGridAdmin dbLoad command loads the specified database into memory. A database must be loaded and opened before it is used by applications.

ttGridAdmin dbLoad name 
                   [-nowait | -wait [timeout]]


The dbLoad command has the options:

Option Description


Name of the database to load.

-nowait | -wait [timeout]

The command initiates a state change that is recorded in the active management instance of the grid.

The -nowait option causes the command to return immediately without waiting for the state change. This is the default behavior.

The -wait option causes the command to wait for the state change to complete, when the database element has been loaded on each instance in the grid. You can optionally subject the wait to a limit of timeout seconds. Otherwise, or if timeout is set to 0, there is no limit.

In a large grid, it is not typical or generally advisable to use -wait. If you do, it is advisable to set a timeout. (See Database Management Operations.)


This example loads a database without waiting for the elements to be loaded on all instances, then checks status (after the database was successfully loaded):

% ttGridAdmin dbLoad database1
Database database1 load started
% ttGridAdmin dbStatus database1
Database database1 summary status as of Mon Nov 13 18:58:53 PST 2017
Completely created elements: 4 (of 4)
Completely loaded elements: 4 (of 4)
Completely created replica sets: 0 (of 0)
Completely loaded replica sets: 0 (of 0)
Open elements: 0 (of 4)


  • Before loading a database, it is advisable to run dbStatus with the -loadReadiness option to confirm all replica sets can be loaded.

  • After the command has completed, the database is loaded but closed. (Use dbOpen to open it.)

  • It is not necessary to run dbLoad after dbCreate, because dbCreate loads the database automatically.

  • If you run dbLoad asynchronously (without waiting), you can use the dbStatus command to see when the database is loaded.