Modify an Instance (instanceModify)

The instanceModify command modifies an existing instance object in the model.

ttGridAdmin instanceModify hostname[.instancename]
                           [-installation name]
                           [-mgmtPort n]
                           [-comment comment]


The instanceModify command has the options:

Option Description


The hostname is the name of the host where the instance is to be modified. The instancename is the name of the instance to be modified and is required only if there is more than one instance on the host.

-installation name

Associates the instance with a different installation on the host, specified by the name of the installation in the model.

-mgmtPort n

For management instances, a new port number that will be used for replication when management data on the active management instance is replicated. Changing this is allowed only if there ie exactly one management instance at the time the command is issued, but is relevant only if you plan to have two management instances.

-comment comment

Associates a comment with the instance object or modifies an existing comment. Put the comment in quotes if there are any spaces. The comment is stored and included in output of the instanceList command.


In this example, griddata1 is the only instance on the host.

% ttGridAdmin instanceModify mysys3host -installation altinstall -comment 
Instance griddata1 on Host mysys3host modified in Model

(Note that if you have a multi-word comment, you can use underscores instead of spaces to avoid having to put the comment in quotes.)


  • This command is most typically used to patch or upgrade your version of TimesTen by pointing to an installation of the desired release.

  • When instanceModify updates are applied by a subsequent modelApply command, the instance is not stopped and reconfigured at that time. Instead, the next time the instance is started, TimesTen Scaleout will detect that the instance configuration does not match the model, and will reconfigure it appropriately.