Membership Operations

Use ttGridAdmin commands in this section to export or import the membership client configuration file. A typical scenario is if you want to make changes to the file.


The membership configuration file is first specified when you create the grid, according to the gridCreate -membershipConfig option. See Create a Grid (gridCreate).

Export the Membership Configuration File (membershipConfigExport)

The membershipConfigExport command exports the contents of the membership client configuration file from the specified version of the grid model into a specified file.

ttGridAdmin membershipConfigExport [-current | -latest | -version n] 


The membershipConfigExport command has the options:

Option Description


Export the configuration file from the current model—the model most recently applied to the grid.


Export the configuration file from the latest model—the model being modified and not yet applied to the grid. This is the default.

-version n

Export the configuration file from the specified version number of the model.


The path and name of the file to write the contents of the membership client configuration file to. If no file is specified, the configuration is written to stdout.


% ttGridAdmin membershipConfigExport -latest /sw/tten/grid/zkcfg/membership2.conf

% cd /sw/tten/grid/zkcfg
% more membership2.conf

The example in the next section will import this file.

Import the Membership Configuration File (membershipConfigImport)

The membershipConfigImport command replaces the membership client configuration file in the latest model of the grid with the specified file.

ttGridAdmin membershipConfigImport filepath

Also see information for the gridCreate -membershipConfig option in Create a Grid (gridCreate).


The membershipConfigImport command has the option:

Option Description


The path and name of the file that contains the new membership configuration.


This example imports the file created in the example from the preceding section, shown again here:

% cd /sw/tten/grid/zkcfg
% more membership2.conf

Run the command:

% ttGridAdmin membershipConfigImport /sw/tten/grid/zkcfg/membership2.conf
Membership configuration file /sw/tten/grid/zkcfg/membership2.conf imported


  • Any membership client configuration changes according to the new file are not applied until you run the modelApply command.

  • Once you run modelApply, the specified file is copied to each instance of the grid and its settings will take effect on each instance the next time the instance is restarted.