Repository Operations

Use ttGridAdmin commands in this section to create, attach, detach, or list repositories.

In TimesTen Scaleout, a repository is a file system directory tree used for database backups or exports or for collections of daemon logs. You specify the top-level directory when you create the repository. The contents of the directory and subdirectories of a repository, whether consisting of a backup, an export, or daemon logs, comprise a collection.

A repository is either mounted on each host of the grid (using NFS or equivalent), or mounted on a single host (optionally in the grid) and accessed by other hosts using scp (SSH copy).

For additional information, refer to Migrating, Backing Up and Restoring Data in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

Attach a Repository (repositoryAttach)

The repositoryAttach command attaches an existing repository to the grid, making it available for use.

ttGridAdmin repositoryAttach name
                             -path path
                             -method mount|scp
                             [-address internalAddress]


The repositoryAttach command has the options:

Option Description


Name of the repository to attach.

-path path

Fully qualified path to the parent directory where the repository is located.

For -method mount, this is the full NFS path, such as /net/mysys2/repositories.

For -method scp, this is the full path, such as /repositories, on the system indicated by -address.

-method mount|scp

Indicates how grid instances access the repository. Supported options are mount or scp.

  • mount: The repository is accessed through an NFS mount on each grid host.

  • scp: The repository is accessed by each grid host using scp through passwordless SSH.

Note: The -method setting for repositoryAttach must match the setting that was used for repositoryCreate when the repository was created.

-address internalAddress

For repositories accessed through scp, this option is required and indicates the DNS name or IP address of the system where the repository is located.

Also see Address Formats.


This example attaches a repository /repositories/repo1 that is located on the system mysys2, using -method scp.

% ttGridAdmin repositoryAttach repo1 -path /repositories -method scp 
Repository repo1 attached


This command is typically used to attach a repository that was created from another grid, so that you can restore a backup of a database from one grid into another grid. It can also be used to reattach a repository to the grid where it was created, if it was detached.

Create a Repository (repositoryCreate)

The repositoryCreate command creates a new repository that will be available for the grid.

ttGridAdmin repositoryCreate name 
                             -path path 
                             -method mount|scp
                             [-address internalAddress]


The repositoryCreate command has the options:

Option Description


Specifies the name for the repository. This is the name of the directory that will be created under the parent directory specified by -path.

-path path

Fully qualified path to the parent directory where the repository is to be created. This directory must already exist on the system(s) where the repository will be located and be readable and writable by the instance administrator.

For -method mount, this is the full NFS path, such as /net/mysys2/repositories.

For -method scp, this is the full path, such as /repositories, on the system indicated by -address.

-method mount|scp

Indicates how grid instances access the repository. Supported options are mount or scp.

  • mount: The repository is accessed through an NFS mount on each grid host.

  • scp: The repository is accessed by each grid host using scp through passwordless SSH.

Note: If you will later use repositoryAttach for the repository being created, the -method setting for repositoryAttach must match the setting you are using for repositoryCreate.

-address internalAddress

For repositories accessed through scp, this option is required and indicates the DNS name or IP address of the system where the repository is created.

Also see Address Formats.


This example creates a repository /repositories/repo1 on the system mysys2, using scp. The instance administrator must have write permission for /repositories.

% ttGridAdmin repositoryCreate repo1 -path /repositories -method scp 
Repository repo1 created

This example creates the repository using mount.

% ttGridAdmin repositoryCreate repo1 -path /repositories -method mount
Repository repo1 created

The repository.json file has information about the repository.


  • The repository directory is created synchronously and has permissions of 700. For repositories accessed through NFS mount, the repository directory is path/name. For repositories access through scp, the repository directory is @address:path/name.

  • The repository is available for use as soon as it is created.

  • Once a repository is created with repositoryCreate, you can use repositoryAttach to access it from other grids.

Detach a Repository (repositoryDetach)

The repositoryDetach command detaches (disassociates) a repository from the grid, so that it will no longer be usable from the grid.

ttGridAdmin repositoryDetach name


The repositoryDetach command has the option:

Option Description


Name of the repository to detach (as established when it was attached or created).


% ttGridAdmin repositoryDetach repo1
Repository repo1 detached


You can detach a repository that was created in the grid or, more typically, attached in the grid.

List Repositories (repositoryList)

The repositoryList command lists repositories that are accessible (created or attached) in the grid, optionally including information about contents of the repositories—database backups, database exports, or collections of daemon logs and other information.

ttGridAdmin repositoryList [name]
                           [-contents [-details]]


The repositoryList command has the options:

Option Description


Name of the repository to list. If no name is specified, all repositories accessible to the grid are listed.


Show the contents of each repository listed.


Show details about the contents of each repository listed (use with -contents).


This examples lists all repositories accessible to the grid (there is only one), but no contents.

% ttGridAdmin repositoryList
Repository Method Location            Address
---------- ------ ------------------- ------------------
repo1      scp    /repositories/repo1

This example shows contents:

% ttGridAdmin repositoryList -contents
Repository Collection      Type   Date                     Details  
---------- --------------- ------ ------------------------ ------------------
repo1      B20170222145544 Backup 2017-02-22T14:55:48.000Z Database database1