
Starts and stops the TimesTen main daemon and server.

Required Privilege

This utility requires the instance administrator privilege.

Usage in TimesTen Scaleout and TimesTen Classic

This utility is supported in TimesTen Classic but not supported in TimesTen Scaleout.


ttDaemonAdmin {-h | -help | -?}
ttDaemonAdmin {-V | -version}
ttDaemonAdmin [-force] {-start | -stop | -restart}
ttDaemonAdmin [-startserver | -restartserver]
ttDaemonAdmin [-force] -stopserver
ttDaemonAdmin -verbose


ttDaemonAdmin has the options:

Option Description




Prints a usage message and exits.


Starts or stops the TimesTen main daemon, even when warnings are returned or with -stopserver immediately stops the server processes.


Restarts the TimesTen main daemon.


Restarts the TimesTen server.


Starts the TimesTen main daemon.


Starts the TimesTen server daemon.


Stops the TimesTen main daemon.


Stops the TimesTen server daemon.

Without the -force option, client/server connections to TimesTen databases are gracefully disconnected after completing any request they may be processing, and then the server exits.

With the -force option, client/server connections to TimesTen databases are forcefully and immediately terminated, and then the server exits.

-V | -version

Prints the release number of ttDaemonAdmin and exits.


  • Changes to the TimesTen server options are temporary. To permanently set or disable the TimesTen server options, you must change the options in the timesten.conf file.

  • Use the -force option with caution, as it may leave databases in a state where you must perform recovery procedures.

  • When a TimesTen instance is under the control of systemd, using ttDaemonAdmin to directly control the Timesten instance results in an error and notifies the user to use systemctl to start and stop the process.

  • When you use this utility on Windows, you must be running with Windows Administrative privileges.When you stop the daemon (ttDaemonAdmin -stop), first stop all application connections to the database. This includes stopping the replication agent and the cache agent, if they are running. This decreases startup time when the daemon is restarted. In addition, not stopping application connections or agents can result in the database becoming in validated.

  • If the Oracle Clusterware agent is running, you must stop it on the local host before stopping the TimesTen main daemon (ttDaemonAdmin -stop). If you do not stop the Clusterware agent, the main daemon stops temporarily with this command, but then restarts. To stop the Oracle Clusterware agent, use:

    ttCWAdmin -shutdown -hosts localhost
  • When you use this utility to restart the server, the TimesTen daemon reads the timesten.conf files to see if it has been changed since it was last read. If the file has been changed, TimesTen checks for the values of the timesten.conf options:

    server_port server_shmipc server_shmsize noserverlog

See Also