Grid Operations

Use the ttGridAdmin commands in this section to create a grid in the model, configure passwordless SSH for the grid, gather information about the grid, and make changes to the grid, including upgrading the grid.

There is also a command to produce a sys.odbc.ini file for use by clients outside of the grid.

Export sys.odbc.ini for Client/Server Connections outside Grid (gridClientExport)

The gridClientExport command produces a sys.odbc.ini file that can be used by TimesTen instances that are not part of the grid to access databases in the grid.

ttGridAdmin gridClientExport [filepath]

The resulting file contains definitions of all client/server connectables defined in the grid. You must manually copy this file to any TimesTen client instances outside of the grid from which you want to connect to databases in the grid.


The gridClientExport command has the option:

Option Description


Path and name of the file where the sys.odbc.ini entries are written.

If no file is specified, the entries are output to stdout.


This example exports the sys.odbc.ini entries to the file sys_export.odbc.ini, then shows the contents of that file.

% ttGridAdmin gridClientExport /sw/tten/grid/clients/sys_export.odbc.ini
% cd /sw/tten/grid/clients
% more sys_export.odbc.ini
[ODBC Data Sources]
database1client=TimesTen 22.1 Client Driver
# External address/port info for mysys3host.instance1
# External address/port info for mysys4host.instance1


This command uses the external address of the host.

Export sys.odbc.ini and Certificates for Encrypted Client/Server Connections (gridClientExportAll)

The gridClientExportAll command produces a .zip file that contains:

  • A Oracle Wallet that includes the Certificate Authority (CA) public key and client certificate for server verification and client/server authentication, respectively.

  • A sys.odbc.ini file with every client/server connectable available for the grid.

  • The sqlnet.ora file, if available.

  • The tnsnames.ora file, if available.

  • A exportinfo.json file with information about the grid, such as the name, GUID, and TimesTen version of the grid.

ttGridAdmin gridClientExportAll filepath

The resulting .zip file can be used by the ttClientImport utility to import the Wallet and client/server connectables into a client instance in UNIX or Windows.


The gridClientExportAll command has the option:

Option Description


Path and name of the .zip file.

If no file is specified, the command returns an error.


This example exports all the necessary information for encrypted client connections.

% ttGridAdmin gridClientExportAll /mydir/
Definitions exported to /mydir/
% zip -sf /mydir/ 
Archive contains:
Total 6 entries (3130 bytes)

Create a Grid (gridCreate)

The gridCreate command creates a grid and the initial version of the model.

ttGridAdmin gridCreate name 
                       -k n
                       -membershipConfig filepath
                       [-membershipUser user]
                       [-address addr]
                       [-internalAddress addr]
                       [-externalAddress addr]
                       [-mgmtPort n]
                       [-host name]
                       [-retainDays numdays]
                       [-retainVersions n]
                       [-warnThresh percent]
                       [-walletDir path]
                       [-serverEncryption requirement]
                       [-serverCipherSuites suites]

The instance from which the command is run becomes the initial management instance of the new grid. Additional instances (data instances and a second management instance) can then be created and joined to the grid later.


The gridCreate command has the options:

Option Description


Specifies the name for the grid in the model.

-k n

Specifies the degree of K-safety that this grid provides. Valid values for n are 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.

-membershipConfig filepath

Path and name of the membership client configuration file, which contains the host name and port of each membership server.

The contents of this file will be automatically provisioned in every instance in the grid.

Sample contents:


Note: Either colons or exclamation marks can be used between host and port. (Always use exclamation marks with IPv6 addresses, which themselves include colons.)

Also see Membership Operations for information about exporting or importing the membership client configuration file and Configure a Grid as a Membership Service Client in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide for additional information.

-membershipUser user

Specifies the user name that instances will use for authenticated access to the membership servers.

If not specified, access to the membership servers requires no authentication.

If specified, the command prompts for a password.

-internalAddress addr

DNS name or IP address of the local system for internal communications, inside the grid. Use this together with -externalAddress.

This option takes one name or address only, and a specified name must resolve to one IP address or to multiple IP addresses on the same network segment.

If host names from /etc/hosts are being used, the /etc/hosts files on all instances in the grid must contain identical entries for all hosts in the grid.

Also see Notes below and Address Formats.

-externalAddress addr

DNS name or IP address of the local system for external communications, outside the grid, for client/server connections. Use this together with -internalAddress.

This option takes one name or address only, but a name may resolve to one or more IP addresses.

If host names from /etc/hosts are being used, the /etc/hosts files on all instances in the grid must contain identical entries for all hosts in the grid.

Also see Notes below and Address Formats.

-address addr

DNS name or IP address of the local system for both external and internal communications, if a single address is used. Setting -address xxx is exactly equivalent to setting -internalAddress xxx and -externalAddress xxx.

This option takes one name or address only, and a specified name must resolve to one IP address or to multiple IP addresses on the same network segment.

If host names from /etc/hosts are being used, the /etc/hosts files on all instances in the grid must contain identical entries for all hosts in the grid.

Note: Using a single address is not recommended for production environments.

Also see Notes below and Address Formats.

-mgmtPort n

Port number used by the initial management instance for replication when management data on the active management instance is replicated. This is required if there will be two management instances. The default is 3754.

-host name

Specifies the name that will be given to the host object in the model for the initial host in the grid. If not specified, the first component of the operating system host name is used (the host name up to but not including the first ".", such as myhost).

-retainDays numdays

Specifies that old versions of the model should be retained for numdays days, then automatically deleted. If numdays is 0, then old versions of the model are not automatically deleted based on their age. The default is 30.

Also see Notes below.

-retainVersions n

Specifies that n old versions of the model should be retained. Anything older than the newest n versions are deleted. If n is 0, then old versions of the model are not automatically deleted based on the number of versions. The default is 10.

Also see Notes below.

-warnThresh percent

Management instances store metadata for the grid and model. If the metadata on the active management instance fills beyond this percentage of capacity, ttGridAdmin commands result in warnings. The default is 90% full.


Specifies that the initial host in the grid is not assigned to a data space group. If this option is not specified, the first host is assigned to data space group 1.

Do not set this option if the first host will contain a data instance as well as the management instance.

-walletDir path

For the first management instance of the grid being created, path to the directory where the Oracle Wallets with cryptographic information will be stored. This cryptographic information includes the cache admin, client/server, and membership service credentials.

The default is timesten_home/info.

Wallets for multiple instances can be stored in the same directory, a directory which can be shared between the instances, such as through NFS.

-serverEncryption requirement

Determines if databases require encryption for client/server connections. Specify one of these settings:

  • accepted: Enable an encrypted session if required or requested by the client; use an unencrypted session otherwise. This is the default.

  • rejected: Demand an unencrypted session. (If the server does not support encryption, TimesTen behaves as if this is the setting on the server.) The connection is rejected if the client requires encryption.

  • requested: Request an encrypted session if the client allows it (if the client has any setting other than rejected); use an unencrypted session otherwise.

  • required: Demand an encrypted session. Reject the connection if the client rejects encryption.

-serverCipherSuites suites

Lists the cipher suite or suites that databases can use for TLS, depending also on the client setting. Specify one or more (separated by a comma and in order of preference) of these suites:




There is no default setting. For TLS to be used, the server and client settings must include at least one common suite.


% ttGridAdmin gridCreate grid1 -k 3 -membershipConfig /sw/tten/grid/zkcfg/membership.conf -internalAddress -externalAddress -host mysys1host
Grid grid1 created


  • You cannot run this command from an instance that is or has ever been part of another grid.

  • You cannot retry gridCreate if it fails. You must remove and recreate the management instance with ttInstanceDestroy and ttInstanceCreate. See Destroying a Grid and Creating the Initial Management Instance in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's GuideOracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide for examples. See ttInstanceDestroy and ttInstanceCreate for reference information.

  • Hosts in the grid may be configured with either one or two network addresses, depending on system topology. If configured with two addresses, one is used for communications with systems inside the grid (internal) and one is used for client/server access to databases inside the grid from systems outside the grid (external). If configured with one address, which is not recommended for production environments, it is used for both internal and external communications. You must either set -address or set -internalAddress and -externalAddress.

  • You can specify both -retainDays and -retainVersions, in which case old versions of the model are automatically deleted if they are older than numdays days old and there are more than n old versions. If one option is specified as zero, then only the other option takes effect. If both are zero, old versions of the model are not automatically deleted.

  • The -membershipUser option overwrites any previously defined user name and password.

  • The password for the -membershipUser option cannot be empty, must have a maximum length of 30 characters, and must consist only of printable characters.

  • Creating a grid creates version 1 of the grid model.

Display Information about the Grid (gridDisplay)

Use the gridDisplay command to display information about the grid.

ttGridAdmin gridDisplay


Grid name:                  grid1
Grid GUID:                  9D049059-1BF2-47E4-AEFA-D3ABA03F609E
Created:                    2021-09-30 19:05:47.000000
Major Release:              22.1
Created Release:  
K:                          2
Admin Userid:               sampleuser1
Admin UID:                  126
Admin Group:                timesten
Admin GID:                  59031
Retain Days:                30
Retain Versions:            10
Warn Threshold:             90
Perm In Use Pct:            8
Temp In Use Pct:            14

Get Diagnostic Information about the Grid (gridDump)

The gridDump command outputs diagnostic information about the grid to the specified file. This command outputs a very large amount of information and is intended for use by Oracle Support.

ttGridAdmin gridDump [filepath]


The gridDump command has the option:

Option Description


Path and name of the file where diagnostic information is written.

If no file is specified, the information is written to stdout.


This example outputs to the file griddumpout. (When the dump goes to a file, the command has no visible output.)

% ttGridAdmin gridDump /sw/tten/grid/misc/griddumpout

Collect Log Information about the Grid (gridLogCollect)

The gridLogCollect command collects daemon logs and other diagnostic information along with TimesTen configuration files from all instances in the grid. The aggregation of all of this is a collection.

ttGridAdmin gridLogCollect -repository reponame 


The gridLogCollect command has the options:

Option Description

-repository reponame

Name of the repository where the collection of logs, diagnostic information, and configuration files is stored.

See Create a Repository (repositoryCreate).


Name of the collection created to store the logs, diagnostic information, and configuration files.

If not specified, the name will be a timestamp in the format Lyyyymmddhhmmss.


This example creates a repository then creates a collection of logs, diagnostic information, and configuration files in that repository. (See Create a Repository (repositoryCreate) for information about the repositoryCreate command.)

% ttGridAdmin repositoryCreate repocollection -path /repositories 
-method scp -address
Repository repocollection created

% ttGridAdmin gridLogCollect -repository repocollection mycollection 
Logs copied to collection mycollection in repository repocollection

In the repocollection directory, the repository.json file has information about the repository.

The mycollection directory contains logs and configuration files for each instance. (See Collecting Grid Logs in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide for information about the log files.)


These are automatically included in the collection:

  • Contents of the diag directory on each instance (or other diagnostics directory according to the supportlog setting in timesten.conf), such as daemon logs and core files

  • TimesTen configuration files from the conf directory on each instance.

  • Any .inval files from the DataStore directory of each element, as specified in the database definition

Modify Grid Settings (gridModify)

The gridModify command defines the user for authenticated access to membership servers and modifies properties of the grid, such as how long previous models of the grid will be retained or how many previous models of the grid will be retained.

ttGridAdmin gridModify [-membershipUser user]
                       [-retainDays numdays]
                       [-retainVersions n]
                       [-warnThresh percent]


The gridModify command has the options:

Option Description

-membershipUser user

Specifies the user name that instances will use for authenticated access to the membership servers.

If not specified, access to the membership servers requires no authentication.

If specified, the command prompts for a password.

Also see Notes below.

-retainDays numdays

Specifies that old versions of the model should be retained for numdays days, then automatically deleted. If numdays is 0, then old versions of the model are not automatically deleted based on their age. The default is 30.

Also see Notes below.

-retainVersions n

Specifies that n old versions of the model should be retained. Anything older than the newest n versions are deleted. If n is 0, then old versions of the model are not automatically deleted based on the number of versions. The default is 10.

Also see Notes below.

-warnThresh percent

Management instances store metadata for the grid and model. If the metadata on the active management instance fills beyond this percentage of capacity, ttGridAdmin commands result in warnings. The default is 90% full.


This example defines a user name and password for instances to use to access the membership servers. The command prompts for a password.

% ttGridAdmin gridModify -membershipUser pat
Enter membership password:
Password accepted
Grid Definition modified.

This example shows selected output from gridDisplay before and after executing gridModify to change the number of days to retain old versions of the model.

% ttGridAdmin gridDisplay
Grid name:                  grid1
Retain Days:                30
Retain Versions:            10

% ttGridAdmin gridModify -retainDays 20
Grid Definition modified.

% ttGridAdmin gridDisplay
Grid name:                  grid1
Retain Days:                20
Retain Versions:            10


  • The -membershipUser option overwrites any previously defined user name and password.

  • The password for the -membershipUser option cannot be empty, must have a maximum length of 30 characters, and must consist only of printable characters.

  • You can specify both -retainDays and -retainVersions, in which case old versions of the model are automatically deleted if they are older than numdays days old and there are more than n old versions. If one option is specified as zero, then only the other option takes effect. If both are zero, old versions of the model are not automatically deleted.

Configure SSH (gridSshConfig)

The gridSshConfig command configures a set of TimesTen Scaleout hosts for passwordless SSH connection, as needed or as specified.

ttGridAdmin gridSshConfig [ [-mgmtAddress addr1 [addr2]]
                          [-dataAddress addr1 [addr2 [addr3...]]]
                          [-repoAddress addr1 [addr2 [addr3...]]] ] |
                          [-internalAddress addr1 [addr2 [addr3...]]] 

Either use the -mgmtAddress option, -dataAddress option, and -repoAddress option (as applicable) or use the -internalAddress option, which cannot be used with any other option. Each address can be an IPv4 address, an IPv6 address, or (typically) a DNS name. Also see Address Formats.

You are prompted for the operating system password of the operating system user executing the command. That user must exist with the same password, UID, and group membership on every host to be configured.

Choose one of these modes of operation for the gridSshConfig command:

  • Run ttGridAdmin from outside a TimesTen instance, where TIMESTEN_HOME is not set, using the -mgmtAddress option (to specify management instance hosts), the -dataAddress option (to specify data instance hosts), and, as needed, the -repoAddress option (to specify repository hosts). Run ttGridAdmin from the TimesTen installation bin directory in this case. Passwordless SSH will be configured between hosts only as needed for TimesTen Scaleout to function.

  • Run ttGridAdmin from inside a TimesTen instance, where TIMESTEN_HOME is set. None of the options is necessary in this case. TimesTen determines from the grid model what each host is used for (management, data, or repository) and configures passwordless SSH between hosts only as needed for TimesTen Scaleout to function.

  • Run ttGridAdmin from outside a TimesTen instance, where TIMESTEN_HOME is not set, using the -internalAddress option to specify all-to-all passwordless SSH between all specified hosts, regardless of how the hosts are used (management, data, or repository). Run ttGridAdmin from the TimesTen installation bin directory in this case, but this mode of operation is NOT recommended, for security reasons.

After the gridSshConfig command is executed by a user, that user should be able to connect between hosts through SSH as needed without specifying a password (for example, between management hosts or from management hosts to data hosts). The ttGridAdmin utility will confirm this in its output after execution of the command.


You may choose to manually configure passwordless SSH between the hosts of your grid, as needed, without using gridSshConfig.


The gridSshConfig command has the options:

Option Description

-mgmtAddress addr1 [addr2 ]

Addresses of hosts with management instances to configure for passwordless SSH access, as necessary.

-dataAddress addr1 [addr2 [addr3...]]

Addresses of hosts with data instances to configure for passwordless SSH access, as necessary.

-repoAddress addr1 [addr2 [addr3...]]

Addresses of hosts with repositories to configure for passwordless SSH access, as necessary.

-internalAddress addr1 [addr2 [addr3...]]

Addresses of hosts to configure for all-to-all passwordless SSH access.

Use of this option is NOT recommended, for security reasons.

You cannot use this option with any other option.


This example is run on, outside of any TimesTen instance, from the installation bin directory. It is run for four hosts (two management and two data).

% ./ttGridAdmin gridSshConfig -mgmtAddress -dataAddress
Enter password:
Setup ssh configuration on local system.................................................OK
Setup ssh configuration on
Setup ssh configuration on
Setup ssh configuration on
Setup ssh configuration on
Setup passwordless ssh from local system to
Setup passwordless ssh from local system to
Setup passwordless ssh from local system to
Setup passwordless ssh from local system to
Setup passwordless ssh from to
Setup passwordless ssh from to
Setup passwordless ssh from to
Setup passwordless ssh from to
Setup passwordless ssh from to
Setup passwordless ssh from to
Setup passwordless ssh from to
Setup passwordless ssh from to

Passwordless ssh working between hosts:

---------          ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------
*us*               Yes                Yes                Yes                Yes Yes                Yes                Yes                Yes Yes                Yes                Yes                Yes N/A                N/A                N/A                N/A N/A                N/A                N/A                N/A


  • In specifying host addresses, for each host use the same format—fully qualified domain name, host name, or IP address—that is used in the -internalAddress or -address option of the hostCreate (or gridCreate) command. For example, do not specify mysys1 for gridSshConfig then for hostCreate.

  • You can run gridSshConfig multiple times without harm. If you want to enable passwordless SSH on additional hosts later, you can run the command again for those hosts without impacting the hosts already configured.

  • In the event of any failure during execution, the command will continue to complete the configuration on as many hosts as it can.

  • "Permission denied" errors in the error logs may indicate the password you provided was incorrect or that there is another permissions issue that prevents the command from completing successfully (for example, inappropriate permissions for the user home directory, where the .ssh directory is placed).

Upgrade a Grid (gridUpgrade)

The gridUpgrade command upgrades a grid to a patch-compatible release by performing three main tasks:
  1. Creates, for each host in the model, an installation of the provided TimesTen installation or distribution.
  2. Upgrades the management instances to the specified release.
  3. Upgrades the data instances to the specified release.
ttGridAdmin gridUpgrade -createInstallations -source where

ttGridAdmin gridUpgrade -type mgmt -to release 
                        [-metadata file] 

ttGridAdmin gridUpgrade -type data -to release 
                        [-metadata file] 

To fully upgrade a grid with the gridUpgrade command, you will need to run the gridUpgrade command at least thrice, once per main task and in the order they are presented above. For more information, see Upgrading a Grid in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.


The gridUpgrade command has the options:

Option Description


Creates an installation of the provided TimesTen distribution or installation for each host.

-type mgmt|data

Specifies which type of instances to upgrade, management or data.

-source where

Use this option with the -createInstallations option to specify the location of the TimesTen distribution. The location does not have to be on a system that is part of the grid. You can specify it in any of the following formats, as applicable:


If path is a directory, it must be the top-level tt22.1.x.y.z directory of an existing TimesTen installation. If it is a file, it must be a .zip file that expands into a TimesTen installation. The address is a DNS or IP address.

If address is specified, passwordless SSH is used to fetch the installation source from the system with that address. You must use the fourth format if there is a colon in the address itself, such as for IPv6 addresses.

Also see Address formats.

-to release

Use this option with the-type option to specify the target release for the upgrade. You must specify all five parts of the release number, separated by period (such as


When supported, use this option with the -type data option to upgrade data instances while maintaining at least one copy of each database loaded and open to connections.


Use this option with the -type data option to upgrade data instances when all databases in the grid are unloaded.


Use this option with the-type option to stop the command from verifying if the current release supports the upgrade to the target release.

If not specified, the command uses the release compatibility metadata either provided in the -metadata option or included in the available installations.

For more information on the release compatibility metadata, see Release Compatibility Metadata in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.


Displays the commands to be performed but does not run them. Other options you specify will be reflected in the list of commands to be performed.

-metadata file

Use this option with the -type option to specify the path and name of the file that contains the metadata about supported upgrades.

If not specified, the command uses the release compatibility metadata included in the available installations.

For more information on the release compatibility metadata, see Release Compatibility Metadata in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.


This example creates installations from a TimesTen distribution. Then, the example lists all TimesTen installations in the model.

% ttGridAdmin gridUpgrade -createInstallations -source /mydir/ 
Checking for existing installations of TimesTen
Creating missing installation objects.................................OK
Applying model to create new installations............................OK

% ttGridAdmin installationList
Host  Install       Location                         Comment
----- ------------- -------------------------------- -------
host1 installation1 /grid/tt22.
host1 installation2 /grid/installation2/tt22.
host2 installation1 /grid/tt22.
host2 installation2 /grid/installation2/tt22.
host3 installation1 /grid/tt22.
host3 installation2 /grid/installation2/tt22.
host4 installation1 /grid/tt22.
host4 installation2 /grid/installation2/tt22.
host5 installation1 /grid/tt22.
host5 installation2 /grid/installation2/tt22.
host6 installation1 /grid/tt22.
host6 installation2 /grid/installation2/tt22.
host7 installation1 /grid/tt22.
host7 installation2 /grid/installation2/tt22.
host8 installation1 /grid/tt22.
host8 installation2 /grid/installation2/tt22.

This example upgrades the management instances to the TimesTen release.

% ttGridAdmin gridUpgrade -type mgmt -to
Checking prerequisites................................................OK
Checking for existing installations of TimesTen
Verify that upgrade is known to be supported..........................OK
Verify that instances are running the expected releases...............OK
Determining management instance state.................................OK
Modify instance host2.instance1.......................................OK
Apply change..........................................................OK
Stop standby management instance host2.instance1......................OK
Start standby management instance host2.instance1.....................OK
Fail over to management instance host2.instance1......................OK
Start standby management instance host1.instance1.....................OK
Modify instance host1.instance1.......................................OK
Apply change..........................................................OK
Stop standby management instance host1.instance1......................OK
Start standby management instance host1.instance1.....................OK
Fail over to management instance host1.instance1......................OK
Start standby management instance host2.instance1.....................OK

This example performs an online upgrade of the data instances to the TimesTen release.

% ttGridAdmin gridUpgrade -type data -to -online
Checking prerequisites................................................OK
Checking for existing installations of TimesTen
Verify that upgrade is known to be supported..........................OK
Verify that instances are running the expected releases...............OK
Modify instance host3.instance1.......................................OK
Apply model...........................................................OK
Stop host3.instance1..................................................OK
Start host3.instance1.................................................OK
Waiting for host3.instance1 database database1 to reload..............OK     
Modify instance host6.instance1.......................................OK
Apply model...........................................................OK
Stop host6.instance1..................................................OK
Start host6.instance1.................................................OK
Waiting for host6.instance1 database database1 to reload..............OK     
Modify instance host4.instance1.......................................OK
Apply model...........................................................OK
Stop host4.instance1..................................................OK
Start host4.instance1.................................................OK
Waiting for host4.instance1 database database1 to reload..............OK     
Modify instance host7.instance1.......................................OK
Apply model...........................................................OK
Stop host7.instance1..................................................OK
Start host7.instance1.................................................OK
Waiting for host7.instance1 database database1 to reload..............OK     
Modify instance host5.instance1.......................................OK
Apply model...........................................................OK
Stop host5.instance1..................................................OK
Start host5.instance1.................................................OK
Waiting for host5.instance1 database database1 to reload..............OK     
Modify instance host8.instance1.......................................OK
Apply model...........................................................OK
Stop host8.instance1..................................................OK
Start host8.instance1.................................................OK
Waiting for host8.instance1 database database1 to reload..............OK

This example performs an offline upgrade of the data instances to the TimesTen release.

% ttGridAdmin gridUpgrade -type data -to -offline
Checking prerequisites................................................OK
Checking for existing installations of TimesTen
Verify that upgrade is known to be supported..........................OK
Verify that instances are running the expected releases...............OK
Waiting for host3.instance1 database database1 to reload..............OK
Waiting for host6.instance1 database database1 to reload..............OK
Waiting for host4.instance1 database database1 to reload..............OK
Waiting for host7.instance1 database database1 to reload..............OK
Waiting for host5.instance1 database database1 to reload..............OK
Waiting for host8.instance1 database database1 to reload..............OK


  • If there is no installation of the provided release associated to a host, the -createInstallations option will create an installation for that host and use the parent directory of the current installation and the default installation name as the path for the new installation. For example, if the location of the current installation for the host1 host is /grid/tt22., then the path for the new installation will be /grid/installation1. Once the installation is created, the installation files for the target release can be found at /grid/installation1/tt22. Note that if installation1 is already in use as an installation name, TimesTen will use installation2 and so on.

  • You can only use the -online option if the current release supports an online upgrade to the target release. See Upgrade the Data Instances in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

  • You cannot use the -online option on a grid with k set to 1 or with no loaded databases.

  • The -offline option returns an error if any of the databases is loaded.