Working with Repositories

In a grid, a repository is used to store backups of databases, database exports, and collections of log files and configuration files. TimesTen Scaleout enables you to define a repository as a directory path mounted using NFS on each host or as a directory path that is not directly mounted on each host. Multiple grids can use a single repository.

A repository contains a number of collections. A collection can be a backup of a database, a database export, or a set of saved daemon logs and configuration files. Collections are essentially subdirectories that use the name of the collection and are stored inside of a repository. Each collection can contain a combination of files and sub-collections.

Ensure that you create your repository where there is enough file system space to store your database backups, database exports, and collections of log and configuration files.

You must create a repository for your grid before attempting to backup a database, export a database, or create a daemon log collection.

TimesTen Scaleout enables you to perform the following procedures with repositories:

Create a Repository

Before you back up a database, export a database, or create a daemon log collection, you need to configure a repository for your grid. Depending on the value of the -method parameter, the ttGridAdmin repositoryCreate command creates a repository as a directory path mounted using NFS on each host or as a directory path that is accessible on each host with SSH or SCP.


For more information on valid names for repositories, see Grid Objects and Object Naming in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

The mount (NFS) method can only be used if all instances are on the same network and all instances must use the same NFS. The SCP method can be used on any system but may be slower for larger grids.

For more information about the ttGridAdmin repositoryCreate command, see Create a Repository (repositoryCreate) in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

Create a Repository as a Directory Path Mounted Using NFS on Each Host

This example creates a repository as a directory path mounted using NFS on each host of your grid. Ensure that the directory specified by the -path parameter exists and is accessible by the instance administrator on each element. This directory must have the same identical mount path on every element. For example, if the directory path is mounted at /repositories on one element, it must be mounted at /repositories on all elements.

% ttGridAdmin repositoryCreate repo1 -path /repositories -method mount
Repository repo1 created

Create a Repository as a Directory Path That Is Accessible on Each Host with SSH or SCP

This example creates a repository as a directory path that is not directly mounted on each host of your grid. Ensure that the path value specified by the -path parameter exists on the host that you specify with the -address parameter. The address parameter is the fully qualified domain name of the host on which the repository exists. Also, ensure that each host can use the scp command to access files in the path value specified by the -path parameter. You can use the ttGridAdmin gridSshConfig command to verify that your hosts can communicate through SSH with each other. For more information, see Configure SSH (gridSshConfig) in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

% ttGridAdmin repositoryCreate repo2 -path /repositories -method scp -address
Repository repo2 created

Attach a Repository

Multiple grids can use a single repository as long as each grid is associated with that repository. If you have an existing repository, you can attach it to another grid as long as each host from your grid has access to the path of the repository. Depending on the value of the -method parameter, you can attach a repository as a directory path mounted using NFS on each host or as a directory path that is accessible on each host with SSH or SCP. However, you can only attach a repository with the same -method as which was used to create it. For example, if you created a repository with -method mount, you can only attach it to another grid with -method mount.

For more information about the ttGridAdmin repositoryAttach command, see Attach a Repository (repositoryAttach) in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

Attach a Repository as a Directory Path Mounted Using NFS on Each Host

This example attaches a repository as a directory path mounted using NFS on each host of your grid. Ensure that the path value specified by the -path parameter exists and is accessible by the instance administrator on each host of your grid.

The name of the repository needs to be the same on each grid to which you attach your repository.

% ttGridAdmin repositoryAttach repo1 -path /repositories -method mount
Repository repo1 attached

Attach a Repository as a Directory Path That Is Accessible on Each Host with SSH or SCP

This example attaches a repository as a directory path that is not directly mounted on each host of your grid. Ensure that each host can use the scp command to access files in the path value specified by the -path parameter. The address parameter is the fully qualified domain name of the host on which the repository exists.

The name of the repository needs to be the same on each grid to which you attach your repository.

% ttGridAdmin repositoryAttach repo2 -path /repositories -method scp -address
Repository repo2 attached

Detach a Repository

TimesTen Scaleout enables you to detach, but not destroy, a repository from a grid when you no longer need to use that repository with your grid.

To detach a repository from a grid, specify the name of the repository to detach from your grid:

% ttGridAdmin repositoryDetach repo1
Repository repo1 detached

Detaching a repository from a grid does not delete the directory or the contents of that repository.

For more information about the ttGridAdmin repositoryDetach command, see Detach a Repository (repositoryDetach) in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

List Repositories and Collections

TimesTen Scaleout enables you to view a list of all repositories that are attached to a grid and all collections within the repository.

To view a list of all repositories that are attached to a grid:

% ttGridAdmin repositoryList
Repository Method Location            Address
---------- ------ ------------------- --------
repo1      mount  /repositories/repo1

To view a list of all collections that are part of every repository that are attached to a grid:

% ttGridAdmin repositoryList -contents
Repository Collection      Type           Date                     Details
---------- -------------   ------------- ------------------------  ------------------
repo1      B20170222145544 Backup         2017-02-22T14:55:48.000Z Database database1
repo1      B20170615142115 Backup         2017-06-15T14:21:20.000Z Database database1
repo2      L20170615143145 gridLogCollect 2017-06-15T14:31:48.000Z
repo2      L20170616102242 gridLogCollect 2017-06-16T10:22:50.000Z


You can add the name of a repository to only view the collections that are part of a specific repository. For example, ttGridAdmin repositoryList repo1 -contents shows all collections of the repo1 repository.

For more information about the ttGridAdmin repositoryList command, see List Repositories (repositoryList) in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.