Reporting Conflicts

TimesTen conflict checking may be configured to report conflicts to a human-readable plain text file, or to an XML file for use by user applications.

This section includes the topics:

Reporting Conflicts to a Text File

You can configure replication to report conflicts to a human-readable text file (the default).

  COLUMN ColumnName

An entry is added to the report file FileName that describes each conflict. The phrase FORMAT STANDARD is optional and may be omitted, as the standard report format is the default.

Each failed operation logged in the report consists of an entry that starts with a header, followed by information specific to the conflicting operation. Each entry is separated by a number of blank lines in the report.

The header contains:

  • The time the conflict was discovered.

  • The databases that sent and received the conflicting update.

  • The table in which the conflict occurred.

The header has the following format:

Conflict detected at time on date
Datastore : subscriber_database
Transmitting name : master_database
Table : username.tablename

For example:

Conflict detected at 20:08:37 on 05-17-2004
Datastore : /tmp/subscriberds
Transmitting name : MASTERDS
Table : USER1.T1

Following the header is the information specific to the conflict. Data values are shown in ASCII format. Binary data is translated into hexadecimal before display, and floating-point values are shown with appropriate precision and scale.

For further description of the conflict report file, see Reporting Uniqueness Conflicts, Reporting Update Conflicts and Reporting Delete/Update Conflicts.

Reporting Conflicts to an XML File

You can configure replication to report conflicts to an XML file.

  COLUMN ColumnName

Replication uses the base file name FileName to create two files. FileName.xml is a header file that contains the XML Document Type Definition for the conflict report structure, as well as the root element, defined as <ttrepconflictreport>. Inside the root element is an XML directive to include the file FileName.include, and it is to this file that all conflicts are written. Each conflict is written as a single element of type <conflict>.

For further description of the conflict report file XML elements, see The Conflict Report XML Document Type Definition.


When performing log maintenance on an XML conflict report file, only the file FileName.include should be truncated or moved. For conflict reporting to continue to function correctly, the file FileName.xml should be left untouched.

Reporting Uniqueness Conflicts

A uniqueness conflict record is issued when a replicated insert fails because of a conflict.

A uniqueness conflict record in the report file contains:

  • The timestamp and values for the existing tuple, which is the tuple that the conflicting tuple is in conflict with

  • The timestamp and values for the conflicting insert tuple, which is the tuple of the insert that failed

  • The key column values used to identify the record

  • The action that was taken when the conflict was detected (discard the single row insert or the entire transaction)


    If the transaction was discarded, the contents of the entire transaction are logged in the report file.

The format of a uniqueness conflict record is:

Conflicting insert tuple timestamp : <timestamp in binary format>
Existing tuple timestamp : <timestamp in binary format>
The existing tuple :
<<column value> [,<column value>. ..]>
The conflicting tuple :
<<column value> [,<column value> ...]>
The key columns for the tuple:
<<key column name> : <key column value>>
Transaction containing this insert skipped
Failed transaction:
Insert into table <user>.<table> <<columnvalue> [,<columnvalue>...]>
End of failed transaction

This example shows the output from a uniqueness conflict on the row identified by the primary key value, '2'. The older insert replicated from subscriberds conflicts with the newer insert in masterds, so the replicated insert is discarded.

Conflict detected at 13:36:00 on 03-25-2002
Datastore : /tmp/masterds
Transmitting name : SUBSCRIBERDS
Table : TAB
Conflicting insert tuple timestamp : 3C9F983D00031128
Existing tuple timestamp : 3C9F983E000251C0
The existing tuple :
< 2, 2, 3C9F983E000251C0>
The conflicting tuple :
< 2, 100, 3C9F983D00031128>
The key columns for the tuple:
<COL1 : 2>
Transaction containing this insert skipped
Failed transaction:
Insert into table TAB < 2, 100, 3C9F983D00031128>
End of failed transaction

Reporting Update Conflicts

An update conflict record is issued when a replicated update fails because of a conflict.

This record reports:

  • The timestamp and values for the existing tuple, which is the tuple that the conflicting tuple is in conflict with.

  • The timestamp and values for the conflicting update tuple, which is the tuple of the update that failed.

  • The old values, which are the original values of the conflicting tuple before the failed update.

  • The key column values used to identify the record.

  • The action that was taken when the conflict was detected (discard the single row update or the entire transaction).


    If the transaction was discarded, the contents of the entire transaction are logged in the report file.

The format of an update conflict record is:

Conflicting update tuple timestamp : <timestamp in binary format>
Existing tuple timestamp : <timestamp in binary format>
The existing tuple :
<<column value> [,<column value>. ..]>
The conflicting update tuple :
TSTAMP :<timestamp> :<<column value> [,<column value>. ..]>
The old values in the conflicting update:
TSTAMP :<timestamp> :<<column value> [,<column value>. ..]>
The key columns for the tuple:
<<key column name> : <key column value>>
Transaction containing this update skipped
Failed transaction:
Update table <user>.<table> with keys:
<<key column name> : <key column value>>
New tuple value:
<TSTAMP :<timestamp> :<<column value> [,<column value>. ..]>
End of failed transaction

The following example shows the output from an update conflict on the col2 value in the row identified by the primary key value, '6'. The older update replicated from the masterds database conflicts with the newer update in subscriberds, so the replicated update is discarded.

Conflict detected at 15:03:18 on 03-25-2002
Datastore : /tmp/subscriberds
Transmitting name : MASTERDS
Table : TAB
Conflicting update tuple timestamp : 3C9FACB6000612B0
Existing tuple timestamp : 3C9FACB600085CA0
The existing tuple :
< 6, 99, 3C9FACB600085CA0>
The conflicting update tuple :
<TSTAMP :3C9FACB6000612B0, COL2 : 50>
The old values in the conflicting update:
<TSTAMP :3C9FAC85000E01F0, COL2 : 2>
The key columns for the tuple:
<COL1 : 6>
Transaction containing this update skipped
Failed transaction:
Update table TAB with keys:
<COL1 : 6>
New tuple value: <TSTAMP :3C9FACB6000612B0, COL2 : 50>
End of failed transaction

Reporting Delete/Update Conflicts

A delete/update conflict record is issued when an update is attempted on a row that has more recently been deleted.

This record reports:

  • The timestamp and values for the conflicting update tuple or conflicting delete tuple, whichever tuple failed.

  • If the delete tuple failed, the report also includes the timestamp and values for the existing tuple, which is the surviving update tuple with which the delete tuple was in conflict.

  • The key column values used to identify the record.

  • The action that was taken when the conflict was detected (discard the single row update or the entire transaction).


    If the transaction was discarded, the contents of the entire transaction are logged in the report file. TimesTen cannot detect delete/insert conflicts.

The format of a record that indicates a delete conflict with a failed update is:

Conflicting update tuple timestamp : <timestamp in binary format>
The conflicting update tuple :
TSTAMP :<timestamp> :<<column value> [,<column value>. ..]>
This transaction skipped
The tuple does not exist
Transaction containing this update skipped
Update table <user>.<table> with keys:
<<key column name> : <key column value>>
New tuple value:
<TSTAMP :<timestamp> :<<column value> [,<column value>. ..]>
End of failed transaction

The following example shows the output from a delete/update conflict caused by an update on a row that has more recently been deleted. Because there is no row to update, the update from SUBSCRIBERDS is discarded.

Conflict detected at 15:27:05 on 03-25-2002
Datastore : /tmp/masterds
Transmitting name : SUBSCRIBERDS
Table : TAB
Conflicting update tuple timestamp : 3C9FB2460000AFC8
The conflicting update tuple :
<TSTAMP :3C9FB2460000AFC8, COL2 : 99>
The tuple does not exist
Transaction containing this update skipped
Failed transaction:
Update table TAB with keys:
<COL1 : 2>
New tuple value: <TSTAMP :3C9FB2460000AFC8,
COL2 : 99>
End of failed transaction

The format of a record that indicates an update conflict with a failed delete is:

Conflicting binary delete tuple timestamp : <timestamp in binary format>
Existing binary tuple timestamp : <timestamp in binary format>
The existing tuple :
<<column value> [,<column value>. ..]>
The key columns for the tuple:
<<key column name> : <key column value>>
Transaction containing this delete skipped
Failed transaction:
Delete table <user>.<table> with keys:
<<key column name> : <key column value>>
End of failed transaction

The following example shows the output from a delete/update conflict caused by a delete on a row that has more recently been updated. Because the row was updated more recently than the delete, the delete from masterds is discarded.

Conflict detected at 15:27:20 on 03-25-2002
Datastore : /tmp/subscriberds
Transmitting name : MASTERDS
Table : TAB
Conflicting binary delete tuple timestamp : 3C9FB258000708C8
Existing binary tuple timestamp : 3C9FB25800086858
The existing tuple :
< 147, 99, 3C9FB25800086858>
The key columns for the tuple:
<COL1 : 147>
Transaction containing this delete skipped
Failed transaction:
Delete table TAB with keys:
<COL1 : 147>

Suspending and Resuming the Reporting of Conflicts

To avoid overwhelming a host with replication conflicts, you can configure replication to suspend conflict reporting when the number of conflicts per second has exceeded a user-specified threshold. Conflict reporting may also be configured to resume once the conflicts per second have fallen below a user-specified threshold.

Provided your applications are well-behaved, replication usually encounters and reports only sporadic conflicts. However, it is sometimes possible under heavy load to trigger a flurry of conflicts in a short amount of time, particularly when applications are in development and such errors are expected. This can potentially have a negative impact on the performance of the host because of excessive write operations to the conflict report file.

To configure conflict reporting to be suspended and resumed based on the number of conflicts per second, use the CONFLICT REPORTING SUSPEND AT and CONFLICT REPORTING RESUME AT attributes for the STORE clause of a replication scheme.

If the replication agent is stopped while conflict reporting is suspended, conflict reporting is enabled when the replication agent is restarted. If the replication agent is active and you set CONFLICT REPORTING RESUME AT to 0, reporting does not resume until the replication agent is restarted.

The following example demonstrates the configuration of a replication schemes where conflict reporting ceases when the number of conflicts exceeds 20 per second, and conflict reporting resumes when the number of conflicts drops below 10 per second.

ELEMENT elem_accounts_1 TABLE accounts
        COLUMN tstamp
        REPORT TO 'conflicts' FORMAT XML
  MASTER westds ON "westcoast"
  SUBSCRIBER eastds ON "eastcoast"
ELEMENT elem_accounts_2 TABLE accounts
        COLUMN tstamp
        REPORT TO 'conflicts' FORMAT XML
  MASTER eastds ON "eastcoast"
  SUBSCRIBER westds ON "westcoast"
STORE westds ON "westcoast"
STORE eastds ON "eastcoast"