
This procedure returns the automatic refresh status of the database and the specified cache group. If you do not specify any values for the parameters, the procedure returns the automatic refresh status for the database.

Required Privilege

This procedure requires no privilege.

Usage in TimesTen Scaleout and TimesTen Classic

This procedure is supported in both TimesTen Classic and TimesTen Scaleout.

Related Views

This procedure has no related views.


ttCacheDbCgStatus([cgOwner], [cgName])


ttCacheDbCgStatus has these optional parameters:

Parameter Type Description



Specifies the user name of the cache group owner.



Specifies the cache group name.

Result Set

ttCacheDbCgStatus returns the result:

Column Type Value



Specifies the autorefresh status of all the cache groups in the database. The status is one of:

alive - The database is active. The status of all cache groups is ok. The cache agent has been in contact with the Oracle database server.

dead - The cache agent was not able to contact the Oracle database within the timeout period. The status of all the cache groups with the AUTOREFRESH attribute is terminated.

recovering - Some or all the cache groups with the AUTOREFRESH attribute are being resynchronized with the Oracle database server. The status of at least one cache group is recovering.



Specifies the autorefresh status of the specified cache group. The status is one of:

ok - The specified cache group is synchronized with the Oracle database. The cache agent has been in contact with the Oracle database server.

dead - The cache agent was not able to contact the Oracle database within the timeout period and the specified cache group may be out of sync with the Oracle database server.

recovering - The specified cache group is being resynchronized with the Oracle database server.


This example shows that the automatic refresh status of the database is alive. The automatic refresh status of the cache group is ok.

CALL ttCacheDbCgStatus ('terry', 'cgemployees');
< alive, ok >
1 row found.

To determine the automatic refresh status of the database, call ttCacheDbCgStatus with no parameters:

CALL ttCacheDbCgStatus;
< dead, <NULL> >
1 row found.

This procedure is available only for cache operations.