9 Configuring Recovery Appliance for Protected Database Access

This chapter contains the following topics:

About Protected Database Access

This section contains the following topics:

Purpose of Protected Database Access

A database is not protected by a Recovery Appliance until it can access the database backups.

Overview of Protected Database Access

Performing necessary configuration so that a protected database can send backups to Recovery Appliance is called enrolling a database. Enrolling is a one-time task that must be performed the first time you set up a protected database to use Recovery Appliance. This task requires configuration on both the Recovery Appliance and the protected database.

The basic enrollment steps are as follows:

  1. Adding the database

    The process of adding a database to a Recovery Appliance adds metadata for the database to the Recovery Appliance metadata database, and assigns this database to the specified protection policy. The result of running DBMS_RA.ADD_DB is that a non-protected database attains the status of a protected database.

  2. Granting access to the database to a Recovery Appliance user account

    After you create a virtual private catalog account (the Recovery Appliance user) in the metadata database, run DBMS_RA.GRANT_DB_ACCESS on the Recovery Appliance to associate this account with the protected database.

  3. Registering the database with the virtual private catalog

    On the protected database host, create an Oracle wallet, and then add the credentials of the virtual private catalog account. Register the protected database with the recovery catalog using the RMAN REGISTER DATABASE command.


    If you choose to configure real-time redo transport, then you must execute several SQL statements on the protected database (see Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance Protected Database Configuration Guide).

Figure 9-1 shows an RMAN client connecting to a protected database (CONNECT TARGET) and to the virtual private catalog (CONNECT CATALOG). For backup and restore operations to be possible, the credentials for the virtual private catalog owner must exist in the Oracle wallet on the protected database host.

Figure 9-1 Protected Database Access

Description of Figure 9-1 follows
Description of "Figure 9-1 Protected Database Access"

It is possible for a database to store metadata in the Recovery Appliance catalog without backing up files to Recovery Appliance. In this case, the databases do not have the status of protected databases, and thus are not enrolled with Recovery Appliance. Future enrolling of such databases is simplified because the virtual private catalog owner already exists, and thus does not need to be created.

User Interfaces for Configuring Protected Database Access

This section contains the following topics:

Accessing the Protected Databases Page in Cloud Control

The Protected Databases page in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (Cloud Control) is the recommended interface for starting the database enrollment process.

The Protected Databases page lists all databases under the management of this Recovery Appliance, whether they back up directly to the Recovery Appliance or are configured for downstream Recovery Appliance replication. From this page, you can add protected databases by selecting an individual database, selecting multiple databases, or selecting a previously defined Enterprise Manager group.

To access the Protected Databases page:

  1. Access the Recovery Appliance Home page, as described in "Accessing the Recovery Appliance Home Page".

  2. From the Recovery Appliance menu, select Protected Databases.

    The Protected Databases page appears, as shown in Figure 9-2.

    Figure 9-2 Protected Databases Page

    Description of Figure 9-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 9-2 Protected Databases Page"

See Also:

DBMS_RA Procedures Relating to Protected Database Access

You can use the DBMS_RA package to configure protected database access. Table 9-1 describes the principal program units relating to protected databases.

Table 9-1 DBMS_RA Protected Database Access Procedures

Program Unit Description


Adds metadata for the specified database to Recovery Appliance, and assigns a protection policy to the database. Note that you must set the reserved_space parameter unless the protection policy is using autotune_reserved_space.


Removes metadata for the specified database from Recovery Appliance. All metadata and backups of this database are deleted, from both disk and SBT.


Removes metadata for the specified database from Recovery Appliance. All metadata and backups of this database are deleted, from both disk and SBT. Backups on tape, in the cloud, or replicated to other Recovery Appliances are not affected.

While a database is suspended, it will not accept backups. The database must be resumed before it can return to normal operation.


Restores a suspended database to normal operation. Only suspended databases may be resumed. Suspended databases must be resumed before they can be backed up.


Changes the attributes that are assigned to the specified protected database.


Grants Recovery Appliance privileges to a user for a specified database.


Revokes Recovery Appliance privileges from a user for a specified database.

Recovery Catalog Views for Protected Database Access

You can monitor database access using the Recovery Appliance catalog views. Table 9-2 summarizes the most relevant views.

Table 9-2 Recovery Catalog Views for Protected Database Access

View Description


This view describes databases protected by this Recovery Appliance.


This view describes the user account that can access specific protected databases.

Basic Tasks for Configuring Protected Database Access

This section explains the basic tasks involved in configuring protected database access. Figure 9-3 shows the overall workflow described in Recovery Appliance Workflow, with the configuration tasks on the Recovery Appliance highlighted.

Figure 9-3 Database Access Configuration Tasks in the Recovery Appliance Workflow

Description of Figure 9-3 follows
Description of "Figure 9-3 Database Access Configuration Tasks in the Recovery Appliance Workflow"

Typically, you configure protected database access in the following sequence:

  1. During the planning phase, decide which databases will be protected by the Recovery Appliance.

    "Task 4: Determine access requirements for Recovery Appliance" describes this task.

  2. During the configuration phase (see "Setup and Configuration for Recovery Appliance"), do the following:

    1. Create virtual private catalog accounts.

      "Creating Virtual Private Catalog Accounts" describes this task.

    2. Enroll the protected database with the Recovery Appliance.


      With Cloud Control, you can perform all enrollment steps in a single page except registering the database in the recovery catalog.

      "Enrolling Protected Databases" describes this task.

  3. During the ongoing maintenance phase (see "Maintenance Tasks for Recovery Appliance"), you can do the following:

    • Update the properties of an existing protected database using DBMS_RA.UPDATE_DB (see "Updating Protected Database Properties")

    • Remove metadata for protected databases from the Recovery Appliance using DBMS_RA.DELETE_DB

    • Revoke access to a specific protected database from a specific virtual private catalog owner by using DBMS_RA.REVOKE_DB_ACCESS

Creating Virtual Private Catalog Accounts

RMAN must connect to the Recovery Appliance catalog when backing up to a Recovery Appliance. In this step, you create a virtual private catalog user for a specific protected database or set of protected databases.


Assume that you are a Recovery Appliance administrator with the following requirements:

  • You want to enroll database orcld with a Recovery Appliance.

  • You want to create a virtual private catalog account named ravpc1. When backing up orcld, you plan to run CONNECT CATALOG with the ravpc1 credentials.

To create a virtual private catalog account:

  1. Log in to the Recovery Appliance as your named db_user with the user type admin.

  2. Change to the bin directory:

    # cd /opt/oracle.RecoveryAppliance/bin
  3. Run the command to add the new virtual private catalog account.

    The following command adds a virtual private catalog account named ravpc1:

    # ./racli add db_user --user_name=ravpc1 --user_type=vpc

    When prompted, enter the password for the ravpc1 user.

See Also:

Enrolling Protected Databases

This section explains how to enroll a protected database using either Cloud Control (recommended) or the DBMS_RA command-line interface.

See Also:

My Oracle Support Note Doc ID 1995866.1 (http://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?id=1995866.1) for main prerequisites for enrolling a database with Recovery Appliance

To enroll a protected database on the Recovery Appliance with Cloud Control:

  1. Using the Targets dropdown, select the Databases item.

    This opens a screan for Databases.

  2. From the table of Databases, select the database that is to be configured for backup and recovery protection. You may need to login as an administrator for that database.

    This loads a screen with graphical information about the performance of the database, as well as subsequent drop-downs for Performance, Availability, Security, Schema, and Administration.

  3. From the Availability drop-down for your chosen database, highlight Backup & Recovery and from its flyout select Configure Backup.

  4. From the Configure Backup screen for your chosen database, select from the Destination drop-down the option Recovery Appliance.

    For the Host Credentials field, search for a Named user who has database host credentials.

  5. In the subsequent screen for Configure Backup for your chosen database:

    • From the Recovery Appliance drop-down, select the destination recovery appliance.

    • From the Virtual Private Catalog User drop-down, select the approriate VPC user.

    • Establish other options for the database.

      If the protection policy has auto tune enabled, the reserved space does not need to be specified.

    If the Recovery Appliance only supports TCP or TCPS-only, the Protocol cannot be changed. Only if the Recovery Appliance is in dual mode does the drop-down provide options for TCP and TCPS.

    Enable Real-Time Redo switch is only permissible if the database is not a Data Guard database and if the database is in archive log mode.

    The Wallet field shows the path to the wallet if it exists, and the field is disabled. If no wallet exists, you can provide a location or use the recommended location for the wallet.

    For Oracle Databases prior to DB 23, the user can choose to Install Backup Module if it is needed.

  6. When finished with the Configure Backup settings for your chosen database, Submit them.

To enroll a protected database on a Recovery Appliance with PL/SQL:

When enrolling databases using the DBMS_RA command-line interface, you must perform the following tasks:

  1. Add protection database metadata to the Recovery Appliance using DBMS_RA

  2. Grant database access to a Recovery Appliance account using DBMS_RA.

  3. Configuring the protected database for access (see Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance Protected Database Configuration Guide)

Add Metadata for the Database

For a database to be protected, you must add metadata for this database to the Recovery Appliance using DBMS_RA.ADD_DB. This procedure requires you to specify an existing protection policy and the amount of reserved space for the database.

You must log in to the Recovery Appliance with the RASYS account or with a named db_user with user_type=admin.

The following examples assumes the following requirements:

  • You want to make orcld a protected database.

  • You want to add this database to the existing bronze protection policy, and provide it with 200 GB of reserved space.

  1. With SQL*Plus or SQL Developer, connect to the Recovery Appliance metadata database as RASYS.

  2. Use the ADD_DB procedure to add database metadata to the Recovery Appliance and assign a protection policy.

    For example, the following anonymous block adds database orcld:

      DBMS_RA.ADD_DB (
        db_unique_name         => 'orcld',
        protection_policy_name => 'bronze',
        reserved_space         => '200G');
  3. Optionally, query the recovery catalog to see information about the newly added database.

    For example, execute the following query to show details about orcld (sample output included):

    ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------
    ORCLD             301 3210984255 BRONZE


In an Oracle Data Guard environment, add the db_unique_name of whichever database (primary or standby) that you registered with the Recovery Appliance catalog.

See Also:


Granting Access

You must grant the necessary privileges to a Recovery Appliance user account—which is also a virtual private catalog account—so that protected databases that authenticate with this account can perform backup and restore operations. The DBMS_RA.GRANT_DB_ACCESS procedure associates a protected database with a virtual private catalog.

  • You must log in to the Recovery Appliance with the RASYS account or with a named db_user with user_type=admin..

  • The the Recovery Appliance user account specified in DBMS_RA.GRANT_DB_ACCESS must exist.

  • You must have already added the protected database named orcld.

For this example, assume that you want to enable RMAN to CONNECT CATALOG as ravpc1 when backing up protected database orcld.

  1. With SQL*Plus or SQL Developer, connect to the Recovery Appliance database as RASYS.

  2. Run the GRANT_DB_ACCESS procedure to grant backup and restore privileges on the database for the user.

    The following PL/SQL anonymous block grants access to protected database orcld to virtual private catalog account ravpc1:

         db_unique_name =>  'orcld',
         username       =>  'ravpc1');
  3. Optionally, query the recovery catalog to see information about the database access.

    For example, execute the following query to show details about orcld and catalog owner ravpc1 (sample output included):

           d.DBID, d.POLICY_NAME, a.USERNAME
    AND    a.DB_KEY = d.DB_KEY;
    ---------- ------- ---------- ----------- ---------------
    ORCLD          301 3210984255 BRONZE      RAVPC1
  4. Send the virtual private catalog user name and password to the DBA for each protected database that must authenticate using this account.

  5. To complete the enrollment procedure, see Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance Protected Database Configuration Guide.

See Also:


Updating Protected Database Properties

This section explains how to update protected database properties using either Cloud Control (recommended) or the DBMS_RA command-line interface.

To update a protected database properties with Cloud Control:

Assume that you have the following business requirements:

  • You want to change the protection policy for protected database ORCL11 from GOLD to BRONZE.

  • You want change the reserved space from 6355 GB to 7000 GB.

  • You want to change the Recovery Appliance user account associated with this protected database from rauser11 to rauser12.

  1. Access the Protected Databases page, as described in "Accessing the Protected Databases Page in Cloud Control".

  2. Click Edit.

    The Edit Protected Databases page appears.

  3. Change the desired attributes of the protected database, and then click OK:

    • In the Protection Policy section, select the row for the policy named BRONZE.

      For example, select All.

    • In the Reserved Space field, enter the new minimum amount of disk space to be reserved for this protected database.

      For example, enter 7000, and then select GB for the units.

    • In the Recovery Appliance User section, enter the credentials for the database user rauser12.

    The newly updated database appears in the table of protected databases.

To update a protected database properties with DBMS_RA:

Assume that you have the following business requirements:

  • You want to change the protection policy for protected database zdlrac from silver to bronze.

  1. Start SQL*Plus or SQL Developer, and then log in to the metadata database as RASYS or as a named db_user with user_type=admin.

  2. Query the existing protection policies.

    For example, execute the following query (sample output included):

             AS "DD:HH:MM:SS"
    POLICY_NAME DESCRIPTION                         DD:HH:MM:SS
    ----------- ----------------------------------- ---------------
    BRONZE      For protected dbs in bronze tier    01:00:00:00
    SILVER      For protected dbs in silver tier    07:00:00:00
    GOLD        For protected dbs in gold tier      14:00:00:00
  3. Determine which protected databases are associated with which protection policies.

    For example, execute the following query (sample output included):

    WHERE  p.policy_name=d.policy_name
    DB_UNIQUE_NAME                   POLICY_NAME
    -------------------------------- -----------
    ZDLRA                            BRONZE
    ZDLRAC                           SILVER
  4. Run the DBMS_RA.UPDATE_DB procedure to associate a database with a new policy.

    For example, execute the following PL/SQL anonymous block to associate the database named zdlrac, which has silver as its current policy, with the protection policy named bronze:

       db_unique_name             => 'zdlrac',
       protection_policy_name     => 'bronze');
  5. Optionally, confirm that the database is associated with the correct policy.

    For example, execute the following query (sample output included):

    DB_UNIQUE_NAME                   POLICY_NAME
    -------------------------------- -----------
    ZDLRA                            BRONZE
    ZDLRAC                           BRONZE

See Also: