racli add cloud_location

Adds a cloud storage object to the Recovery Appliance.


racli add cloud_location --cloud_user=CLOUD_USER_NAME --host=HOST_URL --bucket=OCI_BUCKET_NAME [--enable_archive | --disable_archive] [--archive_after_backup=NUMBER:{DAYS|YEARS} --streams=NUMBER --proxy_host=HTTP_SERVER --proxy_port=HTTP_PORT --proxy_id=HTTP_USER --proxy_pass=HTTP_PASS --import_all_trustcert=X509_CERT_PATH --retain_after_restore=NUMBER:HOURS] [-guaranteed={yes|no}] [--immutable --temp_metadata_bucket=METADATA_BUCKET_NAME]



The number in days or years for period of time before backups are moved to archive state. It takes the form "--archive_after_backup=NUMBER:DAYS" or "--archive_after_backup=NUMBER:YEARS", where NUMBER is a positive integer. If not specified, the default is 2 days.


The name of the bucket where the backup will go. Note that the install tool will create the specified bucket if it does not exist.


Previously configured cloud_user object with all authentication requirements.


Disables archival of backup data.


Enables archival of backup data after the time interval specified by the --archive_after_backup parameter. If not specified, by default the archival will be disabled.


Host name for the Oracle Bare Metal Cloud account.


Import all X509 certificates from Java truststore.


The number of streams to be associated with this specific cloud_location. Directly translates to the number of sbt_attrib sets created.


HTTP proxy server. Used for OCI-C support.


HTTP proxy server username. Used for OCI and stored as part of the alias_http_proxy in location wallet.


HTTP proxy server password. Stored as part of the alias_http_proxy in location wallet.


HTTP proxy server port. Used for OCI-C support.


Specifies the number of hours to retain information after a restore.

It takes the form "--retain_after_restore=NUMBER:HOURS". It has a maximum value of "240:HOURS".


If --guaranteed=yes, this cloud location will require a copy of a backup piece before it can be deleted. For virtual backups, only one of the Level 0 or Level 1 copies of a backup piece are required.


This makes the bucket being added immutable. Must be used with the --temp_metdata_bucket option.


Used for immutable buckets.

Specifies the metadata bucket name for immutable cloud location setup. The metadata bucket must be a mutable bucket (i.e. non immutable) and must exist. It can be created using the OCI console. Each metadata bucket must be unique. You cannot use the same metadata bucket for different immutable buckets.


This is equivalent to the sbt_library used for copy-to-tape but is specific to copy-to-cloud. The user's cloud credentials are required.


This example adds a new cloud storage object to the Recovery Appliance schema.

racli add cloud_location --cloud_user=samu ---host=https://cloud_uri/oci -bucket=sam_backup