racli add cloud_key

Generates the public and private key files required for OCI access.


racli add cloud_key --key_name=KEY_NAME [--fingerprint=PUBFINGERPRINT --pvt_key_path=PVTKEYFILE]



The name of the cloud_key object to create.


Specifies the name of the fingerprint for the public key that is paired with the specified private key. The fingerprint is used to authenticate the request.


The name of a private key used to sign BMC API requests. The key file must be in PEM format.


Generates the public and private key files required for OCI access. It also associates fingerprint and pre-existing private key files.

The first syntax form generates the public and private keys required for OCI access. The user takes the generated public key to get fingerprint from OCI console.

racli add cloud_key --key_name=KEY_NAME

The second syntax form associates fingerprint and private key files that already exist.

racli add cloud_key --key_name=KEY_NAME --fingerprint=PUBFINGERPRINT --pvt_key_path=PVTKEYFILE