12 Autonomous Databases

This chapter provides information about the Autonomous Database metrics.

Metric Category Metric Name Unit Collection Frequency Description
CPU Usage CPU Utilization Percentage Every 5 minutes

The CPU utilization aggregated across all consumer groups. This metric is reported based on the number of CPUs the database is allowed to use, which is two times the number of OCPUs.

CPU Usage CPU Usage Seconds Seconds Every 5 minutes The average rate of accumulation of CPU time by foreground sessions in the database over the time interval. The CPU time component of Average Active Sessions.
CPU Utilization by Consumer Group CPU Utilization by Consumer Group Percentage Every 5 minutes The CPU utilization in each consumer group.
CPU Utilization by Consumer Group Queued Statements NA Every 5 minutes The number of queued SQL statements aggregated across all consumer groups, during the selected interval.
CPU Utilization by Consumer Group Running Statements NA Every 5 minutes The number of running SQL statements aggregated across all consumer groups, during the selected interval.
Database Load Profile Average Active Session NA Every 5 minutes The average rate of accumulation of database time (CPU + Wait) by foreground sessions in the database over the time interval. This is also known as Average Active Sessions.
Database Load Profile DB Time Seconds Every 5 minutes The amount of time spent in performing database user-level calls.
Database Load Profile Parse Elapsed Time Seconds Every 5 minutes The amount of time spent parsing SQL statements.
Database Load Profile Transaction Response Time Seconds Every 5 minutes The amount of time spent in database operations per transaction. It is derived from the total time that user calls spend in the database (DB time) and the number of commits and rollbacks performed.
Database Throughput Executions per second NA Every 5 minutes The number of user and recursive calls that executed SQL statements per second.
Database Throughput Logons per second NA Every 5 minutes The number of successful logons per second.
Database Throughput Total Parse Count per second NA Every 5 minutes The number of hard and soft parses per second.
Database Throughput Transactions per second NA Every 5 minutes The number of transactions per second.
Database Throughput User Calls per second NA Every 5 minutes The number of logins, parses, or execute calls per second.
SQL Execution Time SQL Execution Time Seconds Every 5 minutes The amount of time spent in executing SQL statements.
Storage Storage Total Terabytes Every 1 hour The maximum amount of space allocated to the database during the interval.
Storage Storage Used Terabytes Every 1 hour The amount of storage space used.
Storage Storage Used Percentage Every 1 hour The percentage of storage space used.
Wait Count Active Sessions : CPU NA Every 5 minutes The active sessions using CPU.
Wait Count Active Sessions : I/O NA Every 5 minutes The active sessions using I/O.
Wait Count Active Sessions : Other NA Every 5 minutes The active sessions that are neither idle nor using CPU or I/O.
Waits by Wait Class Foreground Wait Time Seconds Every 5 minutes The average rate of accumulation of non-idle wait time by foreground sessions in the database over the time interval. The wait time component of Average Active Sessions.

Configuration Metric

Metric Category Metric Name Unit Collection Frequency Description
Other Collected Items Initialization Parameters NA Every 24 hours Oracle Enterprise Manager collects Initialization Parameter configuration information for Autonomous Databases, thereby allowing you to compare and monitor configuration history for changes. This also helps in performing root cause analysis and impact analysis by comparing the changes.

To manage configuration information, click <Autonomous Database Type> menu > Configuration.