
Converts a single-instance Data Guard physical standby database to an admin managed cluster database.


  • The single-instance physical standby database files and the recovery files should already be in a shared location in order to convert the physical standby to a cluster database using this verb.
  • If the standby database is Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) enabled, conversion will only be allowed if the WALLET_ROOT parameter is set to a shared location and auto-login is enabled on the database.


emcli dg_convert_standby_to_cluster      
-standby_target_name="<physical standby target name>"       
[-rac_host_list="<physical standby cluster database host list>"]       
[-instance_prefix="<physical standby cluster database instance prefix>"]       
[-primary_db_creds_name="<primary database credential name>"]       
[-primary_host_creds_name="<primary database host credential name>"]       
[-standby_db_creds_name="<physical standby database credential name>"]       
[-standby_host_creds_name="<physical standby database host credential name>"]       
[-standby_gi_host_creds_name="<physical standby database grid infrastructure host credential name>"]       
[-asm_inst_creds_name="<asm instance credential name>"]

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional 


  • standby_target_name

    Single-instance physical standby database Enterprise Manager target name.

  • rac_host_list

    Physical standby cluster database host list. Default Value: All hosts present in the cluster.

  • instance_prefix

    Physical standby cluster database instance prefix. Default Value: SID of the physical standby database.

  • primary_db_creds_name

    Primary database named credential for a user with SYSDBA or SYSDG role. Default Value: Preferred credentials will be used.

  • primary_host_creds_name

    Primary database host named credential for an operating system user who can access the primary database Oracle home. Default Value: Preferred credentials will be used.

  • standby_db_creds_name

    Physical standby database named credential for a user with SYSDBA or SYSDG role. Default Value: Preferred credentials will be used.

  • standby_host_creds_name

    Physical standby database host named credential for an operating system user who can access the standby database Oracle home. Default Value: Preferred credentials will be used.

  • standby_gi_host_creds_name

    Grid infrastructure named credentials for an operating system user who can access the grid infrastructure Oracle home of the standby cluster Database. Default Value: Preferred credentials will be used.

  • asm_inst_creds_name

    Automatic storage management (ASM) named credential for a user with SYSDBA or SYSASM role. Default Value: Preferred credentials will be used.


Example 1

The following example will convert the single-instance physical standby database database1 to a cluster database that will have instances on all the nodes of the cluster. The preferred credentials will be utilized for database as well as host credentials for the primary, the standby database that is being converted and its corresponding Grid Infrastructure credentials. Default instance prefix will be assumed as the SID of the database.
emcli dg_convert_standby_to_cluster -standby_target_name="database1"

Example 2

The following example will convert the single-instance physical standby database database1 to a cluster database in which the instance prefix of the converted database will be instPrefix and its instances will be created on host1 and host2 of the cluster. The preferred credentials will be utilized for database as well as host credentials for the primary, the standby database that is being converted and its corresponding Grid Infrastructure credentials.
emcli dg_convert_standby_to_cluster -standby_target_name="database1" -instance_prefix="instPrefix" -rac_host_list="host1, host2"