Track, Fix and Resume Update Procedures

Oracle Enterprise Manager 13.5 allows you to Track, Fix, Pause and Resume Fleet Maintenance procedures directly from Enterprise Manager, allowing for greater oversight and control of all your Fleet operations.

Search for Fleet Maintenance Procedures

There are two methods to search for Fleet Maintenance procedures:
  • If you are accessing after submitting a Fleet Maintenance Operations, click the Monitor Progress button, this will take you to the Procedure Activity page.
  • If you are accessing from anywhere else in Enterprise Manager, navigate to the Procedure Activity page (Enterprise, then Provisioning and Patching, select Procedure Activity).

Track Operations

In the Procedure Activity page you can track in real time all ongoing Enterprise Manager procedures, Fleet Maintenance Operations will be flagged as Fleet Maintenance Procedure. Click on a specific Fleet Maintenance Operation to access detailed information for that activity. You can filter by Search Text Fields, Type, and Status.

Starting with Oracle Enterprise Manager 13.5 Release Update 17 (13.5.017) additional search filters have been added. You can further refine your deployment procedure activity searches with the following additional filters: Owner, Start Date From, and Start Date To.

Fix Operations

Fleet Operations that encountered issues will be presented with a red X mark, navigate to the Procedure Activity page. Click on the corresponding Fleet Maintenance Activity to open a new page with detailed information on said activity. Once you have reviewed the activity, click on the Procedure Actions button on the left hand side and select Debug to trouble shoot.

Resume Operations

In the Procedure Activity page, click on a specific Fleet Maintenance Operation. This will open a new page with detailed information for this activity. Click on the Procedure Actions button on the left hand side to access the available actions for said activity. You can perform Stop, Suspend, and Resume actions.