4 Creating and Provisioning Oracle Databases

This chapter explains how you can create databases (Oracle single-instance, Oracle RAC, and Oracle RAC One Node) or provisioning single-instance databases. In particular, this chapter covers the following:

Oracle Database Topology

Figure 4-1 shows a typical Oracle Database (single-instance database) topology that you can provision using Cloud Control.

Figure 4-1 Oracle Database Topology

Oracle single instance database topology

The topology shows a RDBMS managed by Single-Instance High Availability (SIHA) component of Grid Infrastructure The software components of the topology are:

  • Oracle High Availability daemons running from Grid Infrastructure home.

  • Single-Instance Oracle ASM running from Grid Infrastructure home.

  • Single-Instance Oracle database running from an Oracle Database Oracle home.

The hardware components of the topology are:

  • A database host with a public interface.

  • A dedicated storage network that links to the ASM disk raid.

Creating Databases

This section explains how you can create databases using Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (Cloud Control). It covers the following:


This section also provides information about creating single-instance, Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC), and Oracle Real Application Clusters One Node (Oracle RAC One Node) container databases.

You can create a container database on a host only if Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1), or higher, is installed on the host. For more information on container databases, see Oracle Database Administrator's Guide


If you are going to provision an Oracle 19.6 database on Oracle Linux 8, you need to apply the following mandatory patches before you start the provisioning process:
  • 19.6 DBRU Patch# 30557433
  • 19.6 OJVM Patch# 30484981
  • 19.6 OCWRU Patch# 30855259
  • 19.6 Oneoff Patch# 30150710
If these patches are not applied, provisioning will fail when the Gold Image is created from the unpatched source. Sample code:
<19.3 on-prem_dbhome image>/runInstaller -applyRU <19.6 DBRU Patch#
    30557433 Location> -applyOneOffs <19.6 OJVM Patch# 30484981 Location>, <19.6 OCWRU
    Patch# 30855259 Location>,<19.6 Oneoff Patch# 30150710 Location EMExpress>

Getting Started with Creating Databases

This section helps you get started with this chapter by providing an overview of the steps involved in creating databases. Consider this section to be a documentation map to understand the sequence of actions you must perform to successfully create a database using Cloud Control. Click the reference links provided against the steps to reach the relevant sections that provide more information.

Table 4-1 Getting Started with Creating Oracle Databases

Step Description Reference Links

Step 1

Selecting the Use Case

This chapter covers a few use cases for creating databases. Select the use case that best matches your requirements.

Step 2

Meeting the Prerequisites

Before you run any Deployment Procedure, you must meet the prerequisites, such as setting up of the provisioning environment, applying mandatory patches, and setting up of Oracle Software Library.

Step 3

Running the Deployment Procedure

Run the Deployment Procedure to successfully create the database.

Creating an Oracle Database

This section provides information about creating an Oracle Database (also called single-instance database).


You can also use the information provided in this section to create a single-instance container database.

You can create a container database on a host only if Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1), or higher, is installed on the host. For more information on container databases, see Database Administrator's Guide.

This section covers the following:

Prerequisites for Creating an Oracle Database
To create single-instance databases using Cloud Control, ensure that you meet the following prerequisites:
  1. Ensure that you meet the infrastructure requirements explained in Setting Up Your Infrastructure.
  2. Ensure that you have created and stored a database template in the Software Library or Oracle Home. For information about creating database templates, see Creating Database Templates.
  3. Oracle Home for the database you want to create must be installed and you need to have credentials of the owner of the Oracle Home. If the Create Database wizard is launched from the Provision Database deployment procedure wizards, the Oracle Home need not be installed earlier. In such cases, the validations for Oracle Home will be skipped during the procedure interview and will be performed during execution of the deployment procedure.
  4. The database plug-in that supports the corresponding database version should be deployed on OMS and Agent. For information about deploying plug-ins, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.
  5. Ensure that you have sufficient space to create the database, and that you have write permissions to the recovery file location.
  6. If you are using a template from the Software Library for database creation, you must have Write permission to the Staging Location.
  7. If you are using Pre or Post scripts for Database Creation, make sure they are created and loaded into the software library before starting the creation process. For more information on Pre/Post scripts in Database Provisioning see: Pre/Post Scripts for Database Provisioning.
  8. If you are using Automatic Storage Management (ASM) as storage, ASM instances and disk groups must be configured prior to creating database.
  9. The Cloud Control user creating the database template must have CONNECT_ANY_TARGET privilege in Cloud Control.
Procedure for Creating an Oracle Database

To create an Oracle database, follow these steps:

  1. From the Enterprise menu, select Provisioning and Patching, then select Database Provisioning.
  2. In the Database Provisioning page, select the Create Oracle Database Deployment Procedure and click Launch. The Create Oracle Database wizard is launched.
  3. In the Database Version and Type page, select the database Version and select Oracle Single Instance Database.

    In the Hosts section, specify hosts and Oracle Home to provision the database. You can also specify Host Credentials and Common Oracle Home across all hosts. The Host Credentials can be Named or Preferred Credentials.

    Click the plus (+) icon to add the host. Select the host and specify Oracle Home. Select Host Credentials or add new. Click the plus icon to add new credentials and specify User Name, Password, and Run Privileges and save the credentials.

    Click Next.

  4. In the Database Template page, choose the database template location. The location can be Software Library or Oracle Home. The template selected must be compatible with the selected Oracle Home version.

    If you have selected Software Library, click on the search icon and select the template from the Software Library. Specify Temporary Storage Location on Managed Host(s). This location must exist on all hosts where you want to create the database.

    Click Show Template Details to view details of the selected template. You can view initialization parameters, table spaces, data files, redo log groups, common options, and other details of the template.

    If you have selected Oracle Home, select the template from the Oracle Home. The default location is ORACLE_HOME/assistants/dbca/templates.

    Click on the Lock icon to lock the fields you have configured. These fields will not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  5. In the Identification and Placement page, specify database configuration details. Specify Global Database Name and SID prefix.
    In the Database Consolidation section, select Create As Container Database if you want to create a container database. By default, an empty container database is created. If you want to add one or more pluggable databases to that container database, then select Create a Container Database with one or more PDBs, and set the number of PDBs.


    Starting with Oracle Enterprise Manager 13.5 RU1 Oracle Database 21c is available as a Container Database only option.

    If you choose to create multiple PDBs, then the unique name you enter here is used as a prefix for all the cloned PDBs, and the suffix is a numeric value that indicates the count of PDBs.

    For example, if you create five PDBs with the name accountsPDB, then the PDBs are created with the names accountsPDB1, accountsPDB2, accountsPDB3, accountsPDB4, and accountsPDB5.

    Specify the Database Credentials for SYS, SYSTEM, and DBSNMP database accounts. Starting with Enterprise Manager 13c Release 5 Update 8 ( you can specify a non-DBSNMP user for database monitoring, edit the DBSNMP field with the user name. If the user does not exist it will be created.

    For database version 12.1 or higher, for Microsoft Windows operating systems, the database services will be configured for the Microsoft Windows user specified during Oracle home installation. This user will own all services run by Oracle software. In the Oracle Home Windows User Credentials section, specify the host credentials for the Microsoft Windows user account to configure database services. Select existing named credentials or specify new credentials. To specify new credentials, provide the user name and password. You can also save these credentials and set them as preferred credentials.

    Click on the Lock icon to lock the fields you have configured. These fields will not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.


    • SID must be unique for a database on a host. This means, the SID assigned to one database on a host cannot be reused on another database on the same host, but can be reused on another database on a different host. For example, if you have two databases (db1 and db2) on a host (host1), then their SIDs need to be unique. However, if you install the third database on another host (host2), then its SID can be db1 or db2.
    • Global database name must be unique for a database on a host and also unique for databases across different hosts. This means, the global database name assigned to one database on a host can neither be reused on another database on the same host nor on another database on a different host. For example, if you have two databases (db1 and db2) on a host (host1), then their global database names need to be unique. And if you install the third database on another host (host2), the global database name of even this database must be unique and different from all other names registered with Cloud Control.
    • The database credentials you specify here will be used on all the destination hosts. However, after provisioning, if you want to change the password for any database, then you must change it manually.
  6. In the Storage Locations page, select the storage type, whether File System or Automatic Storage Management (ASM).

    If you want to use a file system, then select File System and specify the full path to the location where the data file is present. For example, %ORACLE_BASE%/oradata or /u01/product/db/oradata.

    If you want to use ASM, then select Automatic Storage Management (ASM), and click the torch icon to select the disk group name and specify ASMSNMP password. The Disk Group Name List window appears and displays the disk groups that are common on all the destination hosts.

    In the Database Files Location section, specify the location where data files, temporary files, redo logs, and control files will be stored.

    • Select Use Database File Locations from Template to select defaults from the template used.
    • Select Use Common Location for All Database Files to specify a different location.

      If you select Use Oracle Managed Files (OMF), in the Multiplex Redo Logs and Control Files section, you can specify locations to store duplicate copies of redo logs and control files. Multiplexing provides greater fault-tolerance. You can specify upto five locations.

    In the Recovery Files Location section, select Use same storage type as database files location to use the same storage type for recovery files as database files. Select Use Flash Recovery Area and specify the location for recovery-related files and Fast Recovery Area Size.

    Select Enable Archiving to enable archive logging. Click Specify Archive Log Locations and specify upto nine archive log locations. If the log location is not specified, the logs will be saved in the default location.

    Click on the Lock icon to lock the fields you have configured. These fields will not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  7. In the Initialization Parameters page, select the memory management type as Automatic Memory Management or Automatic Shared Memory Management. Select Specify Memory Settings as Percentage of Available Memory to specify memory settings as percentage of available physical memory. For Automatic Shared Memory management, specify Total SGA and Total PGA. For Automatic Memory Management, specify Total Memory for Oracle.

    In the Database sizing section, specify the Block Size and number of Processes. If you have selected a database template with datafiles in the Database Template page, you cannot edit the Block Size.

    Specify the Host CPU Count. The maximum CPU count that can be specified is equal to the number of CPUs present on the host.

    In the Character Sets section, select the default character set. The default character set is based on the locale and operating system.

    Select a national character set. The default is AL16UTF16.

    In the Database Connection Mode section, select the dedicated server mode. For shared server mode, specify the number of shared servers.

    Click on the Lock icon to lock the fields you have configured. These fields will not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  8. In Custom Properties, all the available listeners running from the Oracle Home and Grid Infrastructure listeners are listed. You can either select a listener or create a new one. You can select multiple listeners to register with the database. To create a new listener, specify the Listener Name and Port.
  9. Select database schemas and specify custom SQL scripts from the host where you are creating the database or from Software Library. If you have selected multiple hosts, you can specify scripts only from Software Library.

    If you have selected a Structure Only database template in the Database Template page, you can also view and edit database options.

    Click on the Lock icon to lock the fields you have configured. These fields will not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  10. In the Schedule page, specify a Deployment Instance name and a schedule for the deployment. If you want to run the procedure immediately, then retain the default selection, that is Immediately. If you want to run the procedure later, then select Later and provide time zone, start date, and start time details.
    Select whether you wish to pause after the Prerequisite check to analyze the results and whether Prerequisite System Checks are to be performed.

    Select the Pre/Post scripts you will use, these need to be previously uploaded into the Software Library. For more information on Pre/Post scripts in Database Provisioning see: Pre/Post Scripts for Database Provisioning.

    Click Next.
  11. In the Review page, review the details you have provided for the deployment procedure and if you are satisfied with the details, then click Finish to run the deployment procedure according to the schedule set. If you want to modify the details, then click Back repeatedly to reach the page where you want to make the changes. Click Save to save the deployment procedure for future deployment. Click Analyze to check for prerequisites and to ensure that all the necessary requirements for provisioning are met.
  12. In the Procedure Activity page, view the status of the execution of the job and steps in the deployment procedure. Click the Status link for each step to view the details of the execution of each step. You can click Debug to set the logging level to Debug and click Stop to stop the procedure execution.

Creating Oracle Real Application Clusters Database

This section provides information about creating Oracle Real Application Clusters Database.


You can also use the information provided in this section to create a Oracle Real Application Clusters container database.

You can create a container database on a host only if Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1), or higher, is installed on the host. For more information on container databases, see Oracle Database Administrator's Guide

This section covers the following:

Prerequisites for Creating an Oracle Real Application Clusters Database

To create an Oracle RAC databases using Cloud Control, ensure that you meet the following prerequisites:

  1. Ensure that you meet the mandatory infrastructure requirements explained in Setting Up Your Infrastructure.
  2. Ensure that you have created and stored the database template in the Software Library or Oracle Home. For information about creating database templates, see Creating Database Templates.
  3. Oracle Home for the database you want to create must be installed and you need to have credentials of the owner of the Oracle Home. If the Create Database wizard is launched from the Provision Database deployment procedure wizards, the Oracle Home need not be installed earlier. In such cases, the validations for Oracle Home will be skipped during the procedure interview and will be performed during execution of the deployment procedure.
  4. The database plug-in that supports the corresponding database version should be deployed on OMS and Agent. For information about deploying plug-ins, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.
  5. Ensure that you have sufficient space to create the database, and that you have write permissions to the recovery file location.
  6. If you are using a template from the Software Library for database creation, you must have Write permission to the Staging Location.
  7. If you are using Pre or Post scripts for Database Creation, make sure they are created and loaded into the software library before starting the creation process. For more information on Pre/Post scripts in Database Provisioning see: Pre/Post Scripts for Database Provisioning.
  8. If you are creating Oracle Real Application Clusters database, you must have Grid Infrastructure installed and configured. If the Create Database wizard is launched from the Provision Database deployment procedure wizards, Grid Infrastructure need not be installed and configured. In such cases, the validations for Grid Infrastructure will be skipped during the procedure interview and will be performed during execution of the deployment procedure.
  9. If you are using Automatic Storage Management (ASM) as storage, ASM instances and diskgroups must be configured prior to creating database.
  10. The Cloud Control user creating the database template must have CONNECT_ANY_TARGET privilege in Cloud Control.
Procedure for Creating an Oracle Real Application Clusters Database

To create an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) database, follow these steps:

  1. From the Enterprise menu, select Provisioning and Patching, then select Database Provisioning.
  2. In the Database Provisioning page, select the Create Oracle Database Deployment Procedure and click Launch. The Create Oracle Database wizard is launched.
  3. In the Database Version and Type page, select the database Version and select Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) Database.

    In the Cluster section, select the Cluster and Oracle Home. Select a reference host to perform validations to use as reference to create database on the cluster.

    Select Cluster Credentials or add new. Click the plus icon to add new credentials and specify User Name, Password, and Run Privileges and save the credentials.

    Click Next.

  4. In the Database Template page, choose the database template location. The location can be Software Library or Oracle Home. The template selected must be compatible with the selected Oracle Home version.

    If you have selected Software Library, click on the search icon and select the template from the Software Library. Specify Temporary Storage Location on Managed Host(s). This location must be present on the reference node that you selected earlier.

    Click Show Template Details to view details of the selected template. You can view initialization parameters, table spaces, data files, redo log groups, common options, and other details of the template.

    If you have selected Oracle Home, select the template from the Oracle Home. The default location is ORACLE_HOME/assistants/dbca/templates.

    Click the Lock icon to lock the fields you have configured. These fields will not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  5. In the Identification and Placement page, select the type of Oracle RAC database, whether Policy Managed or Admin Managed. Also, specify Global Database Name and SID prefix.

    For admin-managed database, select nodes on which you want to create the cluster database. You must specify the node selected as the reference node in the Database Version and Type page.

    For policy-managed database, select the server pools to be used for creating the database, from the list of existing server pools, or choose to create a new server pool. Policy-managed databases can be created for database versions 11.2 and higher. For database versions lower than 11.2, you will need to select nodes to create the Oracle RAC database.

    In the Database Consolidation section, select Create As Container Database if you want to create a container database. By default, an empty container database is created. If you want to add one or more pluggable databases to that container database, then select Create a Container Database with one or more PDBs, and set the number of PDBs.

    If you choose to create multiple PDBs, then the unique name you enter here is used as a prefix for all the cloned PDBs, and the suffix is a numeric value that indicates the count of PDBs.

    For example, if you create five PDBs with the name accountsPDB, then the PDBs are created with the names accountsPDB1, accountsPDB2, accountsPDB3, accountsPDB4, and accountsPDB5.

    Specify the Database Credentials for SYS, SYSTEM, and DBSNMP. Starting with Enterprise Manager 13c Release 5 Update 8 ( you can specify a non-DBSNMP user for database monitoring, edit the DBSNMP field with the user name. If the user does not exist it will be created.

    For database version 12.1 or higher, for Microsoft Windows operating systems, the database services will be configured for the Microsoft Windows user specified during Oracle home installation. This user will own all services run by Oracle software. In the Oracle Home Windows User Credentials section, specify the host credentials for the Microsoft Windows user account to configure database services. Select existing named credentials or specify new credentials. To specify new credentials, provide the user name and password. You can also save these credentials and set them as preferred credentials.

    Click the Lock icon to lock the fields you have configured. These fields will not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  6. In the Storage Locations page, select the storage type, whether File System or Automatic Storage Management (ASM).

    In the Database Files Location section, specify the location where data files, temporary files, redo logs, and control files will be stored. These locations must be on shared storage such as cluster file system location or ASM diskgroups.

    • Select Use Database File Locations from Template to select defaults from the template used.

    • Select Use Common Location for All Database Files to specify a different location.

      If you select Use Oracle Managed Files (OMF), in the Multiplex Redo Logs and Control Files section, you can specify locations to store duplicate copies of redo logs and control files. Multiplexing provides greater fault-tolerance. You can specify upto five locations.

    In the Recovery Files Location section, select Use Flash Recovery Area and specify the location for recovery-related files and Fast Recovery Area Size.

    In the Archive Log Settings section, select Enable Archiving to enable archive logging. In the Specify Archive Log Locations, you can specify up to nine archive log locations. If the log location is not specified, the logs will be saved in the default location.

    Click the Lock icon to lock the fields you have configured. These fields will not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  7. In the Initialization Parameters page, select the memory management type as Automatic Memory Management or Automatic Shared Memory Management. Select Specify Memory Settings as Percentage of Available Memory to specify memory settings as percentage of available physical memory. For Automatic Shared Memory management, specify Total SGA and Total PGA. For Automatic Memory Management, specify Total Memory for Oracle.

    In the Database sizing section, specify the Block Size and number of Processes. If you have selected a database template with datafiles in the Database Template page, you cannot edit the Block Size.

    Specify the Host CPU Count. The maximum CPU count that can be specified is equal to the number of CPUs present on the host.

    In the Character Sets section, select the default character set. The default character set is based on the locale and operating system.

    Select a national character set. The default is AL16UTF16.

    In the Database Connection Mode section, select the dedicated server mode. For shared server mode, specify the number of shared servers.

    Click the Lock icon to lock the fields you have configured. These fields will not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  8. In the Additional Configuration Options page, select custom Pre/Post and SQL scripts from the Software Library. For more information on Pre/Post scripts in Database Provisioning see: Pre/Post Scripts for Database Provisioning. If you have selected a Structure Only database template in the Database Template page, you can also view and edit database options.

    Click the Lock icon to lock the field. Click Next.

  9. In the Schedule page, specify a Deployment Instance name and a schedule for the deployment. If you want to run the procedure immediately, then retain the default selection, that is Immediately. If you want to run the procedure later, then select Later and provide time zone, start date, and start time details. Click Next.
  10. In the Review page, review the details you have provided for the deployment procedure and if you are satisfied with the details, then click Finish to run the deployment procedure according to the schedule set. If you want to modify the details, then click Back repeatedly to reach the page where you want to make the changes. Click Save to save the deployment procedure for future deployment. Click Analyze to check for prerequisites and to ensure that all the necessary requirements for provisioning are met.
  11. In the Procedure Activity page, view the status of the execution of the job and steps in the deployment procedure. Click the Status link for each step to view the details of the execution of each step. You can click Debug to set the logging level to Debug and click Stop to stop the procedure execution.

Creating Oracle Real Application Clusters One Node Database

This section provides information about creating Oracle Real Application Clusters One Node Database (also called as Oracle RAC One Node Database).


You can also use the information provided in this section to create a Oracle Real Application Clusters One Node container database.

You can create a container database on a host only if Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1), or higher, is installed on the host. For more information on container databases, see Oracle Database Administrator's Guide.

This section covers the following:

Prerequisites for Creating an Oracle RAC One Node Database

To create an Oracle RAC One databases using Cloud Control, ensure that you meet the following prerequisites:

  1. Ensure that you meet the infrastructure requirements explained in Setting Up Your Infrastructure.
  2. Ensure that you have created and stored the database template in the Software Library or Oracle Home. For information about creating database templates, see Creating Database Templates.
  3. Oracle Home for the database you want to create must be installed and you need to have credentials of the owner of the Oracle Home. If the Create Database wizard is launched from the Provision Database deployment procedure wizards, the Oracle Home need not be installed earlier. In such cases, the validations for Oracle Home will be skipped during the procedure interview and will be performed during execution of the deployment procedure.
  4. The database plug-in that supports the corresponding database version should be deployed on OMS and Agent. For information about deploying plug-ins, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.
  5. Ensure that you have sufficient space to create the database, and that you have write permissions to the recovery file location.
  6. If you are using a template from the Software Library for database creation, you must have Write permission to the Staging Location.
  7. If you are using Pre or Post scripts for Database Creation, make sure they are created and loaded into the software library before starting the creation process. For more information on Pre/Post scripts in Database Provisioning see: Pre/Post Scripts for Database Provisioning.
  8. If you are creating Oracle Real Application Clusters database, you must have Grid Infrastructure installed and configured. If the Create Database wizard is launched from the Provision Database deployment procedure wizards, Grid Infrastructure need not be installed and configured. In such cases, the validations for Grid Infrastructure will be skipped during the procedure interview and will be performed during execution of the deployment procedure.
  9. If you are using Automatic Storage Management (ASM) as storage, ASM instances and diskgroups must be configured prior to creating database.
  10. The Cloud Control user creating the database template must have CONNECT_ANY_TARGET privilege in Cloud Control.
Procedure for Creating an Oracle Real Application Clusters One Node Database

To create an Oracle Real Application Clusters One Node database, follow these steps:

  1. From the Enterprise menu, select Provisioning and Patching, then select Database Provisioning.
  2. In the Database Provisioning page, select the Create Oracle Database Deployment Procedure and click Launch. The Create Oracle Database wizard is launched.
  3. In the Database Version and Type page, select the database Version and select Oracle RAC One Node Database.

    In the Cluster section, select the cluster and Oracle Home. Select a reference host to perform validations to use as reference to create database on the cluster.

    Select Cluster Credentials or add new. Click the plus icon to add new credentials and specify User Name, Password, and Run Privileges and save the credentials.

    Click Next.

  4. In the Database Template page, choose the database template location. The location can be Software Library or Oracle Home. The template selected must be compatible with the selected Oracle Home version.

    If you have selected Software Library, click on the search icon and select the template from the Software Library. Specify Temporary Storage Location on Managed Host(s). This location must be present on the reference node that you selected earlier.

    Click Show Template Details to view details of the selected template. You can view initialization parameters, table spaces, data files, redo log groups, common options, and other details of the template.

    If you have selected Oracle Home, select the template from the Oracle Home. The default location is ORACLE_HOME/assistants/dbca/templates.

    Click on the Lock icon to lock the fields you have configured. These fields will not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  5. In the Identification and Placement page, select nodes on which you want to create the cluster database. Specify Global Database Name and SID prefix. Select the type of Oracle RAC database, whether Policy Managed or Admin Managed. Specify the Service Name.

    In the Database Consolidation section, select Create As Container Database if you want to create a container database. By default, an empty container database is created. If you want to add one or more pluggable databases to that container database, then select Create a Container Database with one or more PDBs, and set the number of PDBs.

    If you choose to create multiple PDBs, then the unique name you enter here is used as a prefix for all the cloned PDBs, and the suffix is a numeric value that indicates the count of PDBs.

    For example, if you create five PDBs with the name accountsPDB, then the PDBs are created with the names accountsPDB1, accountsPDB2, accountsPDB3, accountsPDB4, and accountsPDB5.

    Specify the Database Credentials for SYS, SYSTEM, and DBSNMP database accounts. Starting with Enterprise Manager 13c Release 5 Update 8 ( you can specify a non-DBSNMP user for database monitoring, edit the DBSNMP field with the user name. If the user does not exist it will be created.

    For database version 12.1 or higher, for Microsoft Windows operating systems, the database services will be configured for the Microsoft Windows user specified during Oracle home installation. This user will own all services run by Oracle software. In the Oracle Home Windows User Credentials section, specify the host credentials for the Microsoft Windows user account to configure database services. Select existing named credentials or specify new credentials. To specify new credentials, provide the user name and password. You can also save these credentials and set them as preferred credentials.

    Click on the Lock icon to lock the fields you have configured. These fields will not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  6. In the Storage Locations page, select the storage type, whether File System or Automatic Storage Management (ASM).

    In the Database Files Location section, specify the location where data files, temporary files, redo logs, and control files will be stored.

    • Select Use Database File Locations from Template to select defaults from the template used.

    • Select Use Common Location for All Database Files to specify a different location.

      If you select Use Oracle Managed Files (OMF), in the Multiplex Redo Logs and Control Files section, you can specify locations to store duplicate copies of redo logs and control files. Multiplexing provides greater fault-tolerance. You can specify upto five locations.

    In the Recovery Files Location section, select Use Flash Recovery Area and specify the location for recovery-related files and Fast Recovery Area Size.

    In the Archive Log Settings section, select Enable Archiving to enable archive logging. In the Specify Archive Log Locations, you can specify up to nine archive log locations. If the log location is not specified, the logs will be saved in the default location.

    Click on the Lock icon to lock the fields you have configured. These fields will not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  7. In the Initialization Parameters page, select the memory management type as Automatic Memory Management or Automatic Shared Memory Management. Select Specify Memory Settings as Percentage of Available Memory to specify memory settings as percentage of available physical memory. For Automatic Shared Memory management, specify Total SGA and Total PGA. For Automatic Memory Management, specify Total Memory for Oracle.

    In the Database sizing section, specify the Block Size and number of Processes. If you have selected a database template with datafiles in the Database Template page, you cannot edit the Block Size.

    Specify the Host CPU Count. The maximum CPU count that can be specified is equal to the number of CPUs present on the host.

    In the Character Sets section, select the default character set. The default character set is based on the locale and operating system.

    Select a national character set. The default is AL16UTF16.

    In the Database Connection Mode section, select the dedicated server mode. For shared server mode, specify the number of shared servers.

    Click on the Lock icon to lock the fields you have configured. These fields will not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  8. In the Additional Configuration Options page, select custom Pre/Post and SQL scripts from the Software Library. For more information on Pre/Post scripts in Database Provisioning see: Pre/Post Scripts for Database Provisioning. If you have selected a Structure Only database template in the Database Template page, you can also view and edit database options. Click on the Lock icon to lock the field. Click Next.
  9. In the Schedule page, specify a Deployment Instance name and a schedule for the deployment. If you want to run the procedure immediately, then retain the default selection, that is Immediately. If you want to run the procedure later, then select Later and provide time zone, start date, and start time details. Click Next.
  10. In the Review page, review the details you have provided for the deployment procedure and if you are satisfied with the details, then click Finish to run the deployment procedure according to the schedule set. If you want to modify the details, then click Back repeatedly to reach the page where you want to make the changes. Click Save to save the deployment procedure for future deployment. Click Analyze to check for prerequisites and to ensure that all the necessary requirements for provisioning are met.
  11. In the Procedure Activity page, view the status of the execution of the job and steps in the deployment procedure. Click the Status link for each step to view the details of the execution of each step. You can click Debug to set the logging level to Debug and click Stop to stop the procedure execution.

Provisioning Databases

This section explains how you can provision or mass-deploy single-instance databases in an unattended, repeatable, and reliable manner, using Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (Cloud Control). It covers the following:

Getting Started with Provisioning Oracle Databases

This section helps you get started with this chapter by providing an overview of the steps involved in provisioning Oracle Databases. Consider this section to be a documentation map to understand the sequence of actions you must perform to successfully provision single-instance databases. Click the reference links provided against the steps to reach the relevant sections that provide more information.

Table 4-2 Getting Started with Provisioning Oracle Databases

Step Description Reference Links

Step 1

Understanding Oracle Database Topology

Understand the Database Provisioning feature that is offered by Cloud Control for provisioning single-instance databases.

To learn about Oracle Database topology, see Oracle Database Topology.

Step 2

Selecting the Use Case

This chapter covers a few use cases for provisioning Oracle Database. Select the use case that best matches your requirements.

Step 3

Meeting the Prerequisites

Before you run any Deployment Procedure, you must meet the prerequisites, such as setting up of the provisioning environment, applying mandatory patches, and setting up of Oracle Software Library.

Step 4

Running the Deployment Procedure

Run the Deployment Procedure to successfully provision Oracle Database.

Provisioning and Creating Oracle Databases

This section describes how you can provision and create Oracle Databases.

In particular, this section covers the following:

Prerequisites for Provisioning Databases

Before running the Deployment Procedure, meet the prerequisites listed in Setting Up Database Provisioning.

Procedure for Provisioning Databases
To run the deployment procedure for provisioning a database, follow these steps:
  1. Log in as a designer, and from the Enterprise menu, select Provisioning and Patching, then select Database Provisioning.
  2. In the Database Procedures page, select the Provision Oracle Database Deployment Procedure and click Launch. The Oracle Database provisioning wizard is launched.
  3. In the Select Hosts page, if you want to use a provisioning profile for the deployment, choose Select a Provisioning Profile and then, select the profile with previously saved configuration parameters.
    In the Select destination hosts section, click Add to select the destination host where you want to deploy and configure the software.

    In the Select Tasks to Perform section, select the platform, the version for the process, and the components you want to provision:

    • To deploy Grid Infrastructure, select either Deploy and configure Grid Infrastructure, Deploy the software only or Do not provision.
    • To deploy Database software select either Deploy software only or Deploy and create a new database, which creates a new database and configures it after installing the standalone Oracle Database.
    Click on the Lock icon against the fields that you do not want to be edited in the operator role. For more information about the lock down feature in deployment procedures, see Introduction to Database Provisioning. Click Next.
  4. In the Configure page, the various configuration options are displayed. Provide values for the Setup Hosts, Deploy Software, Configure Grid Infrastructure, and Create Database tasks.
  5. Click on the Setup Hosts link.
  6. In the Specify OS Users page, specify the operating system user for the Oracle Home for the database.


    To use credentials other than root, see Using Non-Root Credentials for Provisioning Oracle Databases.
    For Oracle Home User for the database, select the Normal User and Privileged User to be added to the OS group.

    Click on the Lock icon against the fields that you do not want to be edited in the operator role. Click Next.

  7. In the Specify OS Groups page, specify the OS Groups to use for operating system authentication. Ensure that the groups corresponding to the following roles already exist on the hosts you select for provisioning.
    • Inventory Group (OINSTALL)
    • Database Administrator (OSDBA)
    • Database Operator (OSOPER)
    If they do not exist, then either specify alternative groups that exist on the host or create new groups as described in: Oracle Database Install and Upgrade

    The new groups you create or the alternative groups you specify automatically get SYSDBA and SYSOPER privileges after the database is configured. For more information, see: Oracle Database 2 Day DBA.

    Click on the Lock icon against the fields that you do not want to be edited in the operator role.

    Click Next. You will come back to the Configure page. If you have configured the destination hosts, the Setup Hosts task will have a completed status.

  8. Click on the Deploy Software link.
  9. In the Select Software Locations page, specify the source and destination locations for the software binaries of Oracle Database.

    In the Source section, select the Software Library location for Oracle Database binaries.


    For Windows operating systems, if the Oracle Database component selected is of version 12.1 or higher, you can install all services as a named Oracle service user with limited privileges. This will enhance security for database services.

    In the Windows Security option section, you can configure the option for an existing user or add a user and specify the User Name and Password. Select Decline Security option if you want all the services to be installed and configured as an administrative user.

    In the Destination location, specify the following:

    • Oracle Base for Database, a location on the destination host where the diagnostic and administrative logs, and other logs associated with the database can be stored. This location is used for storing only the dump files and is different from the Oracle home directory where the database software will be installed.

    • Database Oracle Home, a location on the destination host where the database software can be provisioned. This is the Oracle home directory for the database.

    In the Additional Parameters section, specify the Working Directory on the destination host where the files related to cloning can be staged temporarily. Ensure that you have approximately 7 GB of space for this directory. For Database Installer Parameters, specify any additional Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) parameters you want to run while provisioning Oracle database. For example, -force (to override any warnings), -debug (to view more debug information), and -invPtrLoc <Location> (for UNIX only). Ensure that the parameters are separated by white space.

    Click on the Lock icon against the fields that you do not want to be edited in the operator role.

    Click Next. You will come back to the Configure page. If you have configured the source and destination location for the software, the Configure Software task will have a completed status.

  10. Click on the Create Databases link.
  11. In the Database Template page, choose the database template location. The location can be Software Library or Oracle Home. The template selected must be compatible with the selected Oracle Home version.

    If you choose Select Template from Software Library, click on the search icon and select the template from the Software Library. Specify Temporary Storage Location on Managed Host(s). This location must exist on all hosts where you want to create the database.

    Click Show Template Details to view details of the selected template. You can view initialization parameters, table spaces, data files, redo log groups, common options, and other details of the template.

    If you choose Select Template from Oracle Home, select the template from the Oracle home. The default location is ORACLE_HOME/assistants/dbca/templates.

    Click on the Lock icon to lock the fields you have configured. These fields will not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  12. In the Identification and Placement page, specify database configuration details. Specify Global Database Name and SID prefix. Specify the Database Credentials for SYS, SYSTEM, and DBSNMP database accounts. You can choose to use the same or different administrative passwords for these accounts. Starting with Enterprise Manager 13c Release 5 Update 8 ( you can specify a non-DBSNMP user for database monitoring, edit the DBSNMP field with the user name. If the user does not exist it will be created.


    • SID must be unique for a database on a host. This means, the SID assigned to one database on a host cannot be reused on another database on the same host, but can be reused on another database on a different host. For example, if you have two databases (db1 and db2) on a host (host1), then their SIDs need to be unique. However, if you install the third database on another host (host2), then its SID can be db1 or db2.

    • Global database name must be unique for a database on a host and also unique for databases across different hosts. This means, the global database name assigned to one database on a host can neither be reused on another database on the same host nor on another database on a different host. For example, if you have two databases (db1 and db2) on a host (host1), then their global database names need to be unique. And if you install the third database on another host (host2), the global database name of even this database must be unique and different from all other names registered with Cloud Control.

    • The database credentials you specify here will be used on all the destination hosts. However, after provisioning, if you want to change the password for any database, then you must change it manually.

    Click on the Lock icon to lock the fields you have configured. These fields will not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  13. In the Storage Locations page, select the storage type, whether File System or Automatic Storage Management (ASM).

    If you want to use a file system, then select File System and specify the full path to the location where the data file is present. For example, %ORACLE_BASE%/oradata or /u01/product/db/oradata.

    If you want to use ASM, then select Automatic Storage Management (ASM), and click the torch icon to select the disk group name and specify ASMSNMP password. The Disk Group Name List window appears and displays the disk groups that are common on all the destination hosts.

    In the Database Files Location section, specify the location where data files, temporary files, redo logs, and control files will be stored.

    • Select Use Database File Locations from Template to select defaults from the template used.

    • Select Use Common Location for All Database Files to specify a different location.

      If you select Use Oracle Managed Files (OMF), in the Multiplex Redo Logs and Control Files section, you can specify locations to store duplicate copies of redo logs and control files. Multiplexing provides greater fault-tolerance. You can specify upto five locations.

    In the Recovery Files Location section, select Use same storage type as database files location to use the same storage type for recovery files as database files. Select Use Flash Recovery Area and specify the location for recovery-related files and Fast Recovery Area Size.

    Select Enable Archiving to enable archive logging. Click Specify Archive Log Locations and specify upto nine archive log locations. If the log location is not specified, the logs will be saved in the default location.

    Click on the Lock icon to lock the fields you have configured. These fields will not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  14. In the Initialization Parameters page, select the memory management type as Automatic Memory Management or Automatic Shared Memory Management. Select Specify Memory Settings as Percentage of Available Memory to specify memory settings as percentage of available physical memory. For Automatic Shared Memory management, specify Total SGA and Total PGA. For Automatic Memory Management, specify Total Memory for Oracle.

    In the Database sizing section, specify the Block Size and number of Processes. If you have selected a database template with datafiles in the Database Template page, you cannot edit the Block Size.

    Specify the Host CPU Count. The maximum CPU count that can be specified is equal to the number of CPUs present on the host.

    In the Character Sets section, select the default character set. The default character set is based on the locale and operating system.

    Select a national character set. The default is AL16UTF16.

    In the Database Connection Mode section, select the dedicated server mode. For shared server mode, specify the number of shared servers.

    Click on the Lock icon to lock the fields you have configured. These fields will not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  15. In Custom Properties, all the available listeners running from the Oracle Home are listed. You can either select a listener or create a new one. You can select multiple listeners to register with the database. To create a new listener, specify the Listener Name and Port. Select database schemas and specify custom SQL scripts. Select custom SQL scripts from the host where you are creating the database or from Software Library. If you have selected multiple hosts, you can specify scripts only from Software Library.


    When selecting a listener on a Single Instance Database provisioning make sure you select a listener that shares a location with the destination Oracle Home.

    If you have selected a Structure Only database template in the Database Template page, you can also view and edit database options.

    Click on the Lock icon to lock the fields you have configured. These fields will not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  16. In the Schedule page, specify a Deployment Instance name and a schedule for the deployment. If you want to run the procedure immediately, then retain the default selection, that is Immediately. If you want to run the procedure later, then select Later and provide time zone, start date, and start time details.
    Select whether you wish to pause after the Prerequisite check to analyze the results and whether Prerequisite System Checks are to be performed.
    If you are running a cluster provisioning, select the CVU (Cluster Verification Utility) options that you require. You can select whether to enable them, stop or continue the execution and from where the CVU will run.


    CVU checks are only available for Cluster provisioning and will not be enabled for other instances.

    Select the Pre/Post scripts you will use, these need to be previously uploaded into the Software Library. For more information on Pre/Post scripts in Database Provisioning see: Pre/Post Scripts for Database Provisioning.

    Click Next.
  17. Review the details you have provided for creating the database and click Next. You will come back to the Configure page. If you have configured the database, the Create Databases task will have a completed status.
  18. Click the Compliance Standards link.
  19. In the Configuration Standards Target Association page, select a Compliance Standard to be associated with the database. Click Next.
  20. In the Schedule page, specify a Deployment Instance name. If you want to run the procedure immediately, then retain the default selection, that is, One Time (Immediately). If you want to run the procedure later, then select One Time (Later) and provide time zone, start date, and start time details. You can set the notification preferences according to deployment procedure status. If you want to run only prerequisites, you can select Pause the procedure to allow me to analyze results after performing prerequisite checks to pause the procedure execution after all prerequisite checks are performed.

    Click Next.

  21. In the Review page, review the details you have provided for the deployment procedure and if you are satisfied with the details, then click Finish to run the deployment procedure according to the schedule set. If you want to modify the details, then click Back repeatedly to reach the page where you want to make the changes. Click Save to save the deployment procedure for future deployment.
  22. In the Operator role, launch the saved deployment procedure. Add targets for provisioning and provide values for configurable fields in the deployment procedure.
  23. In the Procedure Activity page, view the status of the execution of the job and steps in the deployment procedure. Click the Status link for each step to view the details of the execution of each step. You can click Debug to set the logging level to Debug and click Stop to stop the procedure execution.
  24. After the procedure execution is completed, click on the Targets menu and select All Targets to navigate to the All Targets page and verify that the newly created databases appear as Cloud Control targets.

Provisioning Oracle Databases with Oracle Automatic Storage Management

This section describes how you can provision single-instance databases with Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM).

In particular, this section covers the following:

Prerequisites for Provisioning Oracle Databases with Oracle Automatic Storage Management

Before running the Deployment Procedure, meet the prerequisites listed in Setting Up Database Provisioning.

Procedure For Provisioning Databases with Oracle Automatic Storage Management

To provision a single-instance database with Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM), follow these steps:

  1. Log in as a designer, and from the Enterprise menu, select Provisioning and Patching, then select Database Provisioning.
  2. In the Database Procedures page, select the Provision Oracle Database Deployment Procedure and click Launch. The Oracle Database provisioning wizard is launched.
  3. In the Select Hosts page, if you want to use a provisioning profile for the deployment, choose Select a Provisioning Profile and then, select the profile with previously saved configuration parameters.
    In the Select destination hosts section, click Add to select the destination host where you want to deploy and configure the software.

    In the Select Tasks to Perform section, select the platform, the version for the process, and the components you want to provision:

    • To deploy Grid Infrastructure, select either Deploy and configure Grid Infrastructure, Deploy the software only or Do not provision.
    • To deploy Database software select either Deploy software only or Deploy and create a new database, which creates a new database and configures it after installing the standalone Oracle Database.
    Click on the Lock icon against the fields that you do not want to be edited in the operator role. For more information about the lock down feature in deployment procedures, see Introduction to Database Provisioning.

    Click Next.

  4. In the Configure page, click on the Setup Hosts link.
  5. In the Specify OS Users page, specify the operating system user for the Oracle Home for the database.


    To use no root credentials, refer to Using Non-Root Credentials for Provisioning Oracle Databases.
    For Oracle Home User for the database, select the Normal User and Privileged User to be added to the OS group.

    Click on the Lock icon against the fields that you do not want to be edited in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  6. In the Specify OS Groups page, specify the OS Groups to use for operating system authentication. Ensure that the groups corresponding to the following roles already exist on the hosts you select for provisioning.
    • Inventory Group (OINSTALL)
    • Database Administrator (OSDBA)
    • Database Operator (OSOPER)
    Ensure that these groups already exist on the hosts you select for provisioning. If they do not exist, then either specify alternative groups that exist on the host or create new groups as described in Oracle Database Quick Installation Guide available at


    The new groups you create or the alternative groups you specify automatically get SYSDBA and SYSOPER privileges after the database is configured.

    For more information, see Oracle Database 2 Day DBA Guide available at:


    Click on the Lock icon against the fields that you do not want to be edited in the operator role.

    Click Next. You will come back to the Configure page. If you have configured the destination hosts, the Setup Hosts task will have a completed status.

  7. Click on the Deploy Software link.
  8. In the Select Software Locations page, specify the source and destination locations for the software binaries of Oracle Database.

    In the Source section, select the Software Library location for Oracle Database binaries.

    In the Destination location, specify the following:

    • Oracle Base for Database, a location on the destination host where the diagnostic and administrative logs, and other logs associated with the database can be stored. This location is used for storing only the dump files and is different from the Oracle home directory where the database software will be installed.
    • Database Oracle Home, a location on the destination host where the database software can be provisioned. This is the Oracle home directory for the database.
    In the Additional Parameters section, specify the Working Directory on the destination host where the files related to cloning can be staged temporarily. Ensure that you have approximately 7 GB of space for this directory. For Database Installer Parameters, specify any additional Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) parameters you want to run while provisioning Oracle Grid Infrastructure. For example, -force (to override any warnings), -debug (to view more debug information), and -invPtrLoc <Location> (for UNIX only). Ensure that the parameters are separated by white space.

    Click on the Lock icon against the fields that you do not want to be edited in the operator role.

    Click Next. You will come back to the Configure page. If you have configured the source and destination location for the software, the Configure Software task will have a completed status.

  9. Click on the Create Databases link.
  10. In the Database Template page, choose the database template location. The location can be Software Library or Oracle home. The template selected must be compatible with the selected Oracle home version.
    If you choose Select Template from Software Library, click on the search icon and select the template from the Software Library. Specify Temporary Storage Location on Managed Host(s). This location must exist on all hosts where you want to create the database.

    Click Show Template Details to view details of the selected template. You can view initialization parameters, table spaces, data files, redo log groups, common options, and other details of the template.

    If you choose Select Template from Oracle Home, select the template from the Oracle home. The default location is ORACLE_HOME/assistants/dbca/templates.

    Click on the Lock icon to lock the fields you have configured. These fields will not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  11. In the Identification and Placement page, specify database configuration details. Specify Global Database Name and SID prefix. Specify the Database Credentials for SYS, SYSTEM, and DBSNMP database accounts. You can choose to use the same or different administrative passwords for these accounts. Starting with Enterprise Manager 13c Release 5 Update 8 ( you can specify a non-DBSNMP user for database monitoring, edit the DBSNMP field with the user name. If the user does not exist it will be created.


    • SID must be unique for a database on a host. This means, the SID assigned to one database on a host cannot be reused on another database on the same host, but can be reused on another database on a different host. For example, if you have two databases (db1 and db2) on a host (host1), then their SIDs need to be unique. However, if you install the third database on another host (host2), then its SID can be db1 or db2.
    • Global database name must be unique for a database on a host and also unique for databases across different hosts. This means, the global database name assigned to one database on a host can neither be reused on another database on the same host nor on another database on a different host. For example, if you have two databases (db1 and db2) on a host (host1), then their global database names need to be unique. And if you install the third database on another host (host2), the global database name of even this database must be unique and different from all other names registered with Cloud Control.
    • The database credentials you specify here will be used on all the destination hosts. However, after provisioning, if you want to change the password for any database, then you must change it manually.

    Click on the Lock icon to lock the fields you have configured. These fields will not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  12. In the Storage Locations page, select the storage type as Automatic Storage Management (ASM) and click the torch icon to select the disk group name and specify ASMSNMP password. The Disk Group Name List window appears and displays the disk groups that are common on all the destination hosts.
    In the Database Files Location section, specify the location where data files, temporary files, redo logs, and control files will be stored.


    Disk names must be provided in RAW format, for example: /prd/odb1,/prd/odb2. If the disk names are provided in ORCL: format Enterprise Manager will not let you submit and continue.
    • Select Use Database File Locations from Template to select defaults from the template used.
    • Select Use Common Location for All Database Files to specify a different location. If you select Use Oracle Managed Files (OMF), in the Multiplex Redo Logs and Control Files section, you can specify locations to store duplicate copies of redo logs and control files. Multiplexing provides greater fault-tolerance. You can specify upto five locations.

    In the Recovery Files Location section, select Use same storage type as database files location to use the same storage type for recovery files as database files. Select Use Flash Recovery Area and specify the location for recovery-related files and Fast Recovery Area Size.

    Select Enable Archiving to enable archive logging. Click Specify Archive Log Locations and specify upto nine archive log locations. If the log location is not specified, the logs will be saved in the default location.

    Click on the Lock icon to lock the fields you have configured. These fields will not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  13. In the Initialization Parameters page, select the memory management type as Automatic Memory Management or Automatic Shared Memory Management. Select Specify Memory Settings as Percentage of Available Memory to specify memory settings as percentage of available physical memory. For Automatic Shared Memory management, specify Total SGA and Total PGA. For Automatic Memory Management, specify Total Memory for Oracle.
    In the Database sizing section, specify the Block Size and number of Processes. If you have selected a database template with datafiles in the Database Template page, you cannot edit the Block Size.

    Specify the Host CPU Count. The maximum CPU count that can be specified is equal to the number of CPUs present on the host.

    In the Character Sets section, select the default character set. The default character set is based on the locale and operating system.

    Select a national character set. The default is AL16UTF16.

    In the Database Connection Mode section, select the dedicated server mode. For shared server mode, specify the number of shared servers.

    Click on the Lock icon to lock the fields you have configured. These fields will not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  14. In the Custom Properties, all the available listeners running from the Oracle Home are listed. You can either select a listener or create a new one. You can select multiple listeners to register with the database. To create a new listener, specify the Listener Name and Port. Select database schemas and specify custom SQL scripts. Select custom scripts from the host where you are creating the database or from Software Library. If you have selected multiple hosts, you can specify scripts only from Software Library.
    If you have selected a Structure Only database template in the Database Template page, you can also view and edit database options.

    Click on the Lock icon to lock the fields you have configured. These fields will not be available for editing in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  15. In the Schedule page, specify a Deployment Instance name and a schedule for the deployment. If you want to run the procedure immediately, then retain the default selection, that is Immediately. If you want to run the procedure later, then select Later and provide time zone, start date, and start time details.
    Select whether you wish to pause after the Prerequisite check to analyze the results and whether Prerequisite System Checks are to be performed.
    If you are running a cluster provisioning, select the CVU (Cluster Verification Utility) options that you require. You can select whether to enable them, stop or continue the execution and from where the CVU will run.


    CVU checks are only available for Cluster provisioning and will not be enabled for other instances.

    Select the Pre/Post scripts you will use, these need to be previously uploaded into the Software Library. For more information on Pre/Post scripts in Database Provisioning see: Pre/Post Scripts for Database Provisioning.

    Click Next.
  16. Review the details you have provided for creating the database and click Next. You will come back to the Configure page. If you have configured the database, the Create Databases task will have a completed status.
  17. Click the Compliance Standards link.
  18. In the Configuration Standards Target Association page, select a Compliance Standard to be associated with the database. Click Next.
  19. In the Configure page, click Next.
  20. The Custom Properties page will be displayed only for user customized deployment procedures that require custom parameters. Specify custom properties for the deployment, if any. Click Next.
  21. In the Schedule page, specify a Deployment Instance name. If you want to run the procedure immediately, then retain the default selection, that is, One Time (Immediately). If you want to run the procedure later, then select One Time (Later) and provide time zone, start date, and start time details. You can set the notification preferences according to deployment procedure status. If you want to run only prerequisites, you can select Pause the procedure to allow me to analyze results after performing prerequisite checks to pause the procedure execution after all prerequisite checks are performed.

    Click Next.

  22. In the Review page, review the details you have provided for the deployment procedure and if you are satisfied with the details, then click Finish to run the deployment procedure according to the schedule set. If you want to modify the details, then click Back repeatedly to reach the page where you want to make the changes. Click Save to save the deployment procedure for future deployment.
  23. In the Operator role, launch the saved deployment procedure. Add targets for provisioning and provide values for configurable fields in the deployment procedure.
  24. In the Procedure Activity page, view the status of the execution of the job and steps in the deployment procedure. Click the Status link for each step to view the details of the execution of each step. You can click Debug to set the logging level to Debug and click Stop to stop the procedure execution.
  25. After the procedure execution is completed, click on the Targets menu and select All Targets to navigate to the All Targets page and verify that the newly created databases appear as Cloud Control targets.

Provisioning Oracle Database Software Only

This section provides information about provisioning single-instance database software.

In particular, this section covers the following:

Prerequisites for Provisioning Oracle Database Software Only

Before running the Deployment Procedure, meet the prerequisites listed in Setting Up Database Provisioning.

Procedure for Provisioning Oracle Database Software Only

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in as a designer, and from the Enterprise menu, select Provisioning and Patching, then select Database Provisioning.
  2. In the Database Procedures page, select the Provision Oracle Database Deployment Procedure and click Launch. The Oracle Database provisioning wizard is launched.
  3. In the Select Hosts page, if you want to use a provisioning profile for the deployment, choose Select a Provisioning Profile and then, select the profile with previously saved configuration parameters.

    In the Select destination hosts section, click Add to select the destination host where you want to deploy and configure the software.

    In the Select Tasks to Perform section, select Deploy Database software to provision single-instance databases.

    Click on the Lock icon against the fields that you do not want to be edited in the operator role. For more information about the lock down feature in deployment procedures, see Introduction to Database Provisioning.

    Click Next.

  4. In the Configure page, click on the Setup Hosts link.
  5. In the Specify OS Users page, specify the operating system user for the Oracle Home for the database.


    To use no root credentials, refer to Using Non-Root Credentials for Provisioning Oracle Databases.

    For Oracle Home User for the database, select the Normal User and Privileged User to be added to the OS group.

    Click on the Lock icon against the fields that you do not want to be edited in the operator role.

    Click Next.

  6. In the Specify OS Groups page, specify the OS Groups to use for operating system authentication. Ensure that the groups corresponding to the following roles already exist on the hosts you select for provisioning.
    • Inventory Group (OINSTALL)

    • Database Administrator (OSDBA)

    • Database Operator (OSOPER)

    If these groups do not exist, then either specify alternative groups that exist on the host or create new groups as described in Oracle Database Quick Installation Guide available at:


    The new groups you create or the alternative groups you specify automatically get SYSDBA and SYSOPER privileges after the database is configured.For more information, see Oracle Database 2 Day DBA Guide available at:


    Click on the Lock icon against the fields that you do not want to be edited in the operator role.

    Click Next. You will come back to the Configure page. If you have configured the destination hosts, the Setup Hosts task will have a completed status.

  7. Click on the Deploy Software link.
  8. In the Select Software Locations page, specify the source and destination locations for the software binaries of Oracle Database.

    In the Source section, select the Software Library location for Oracle Database binaries.


    For Windows operating systems, if the Oracle Database component selected is of version 12.1 or higher, you can install all services as a named Oracle service user with limited privileges. This will enhance security for database services.

    In the Windows Security option section, you can configure the option for an existing user or add a user and specify the User Name and Password. Select Decline Security option if you want all the services to be installed and configured as an administrative user.

    In the Destination location, specify the following:

    • Oracle Base for Database, a location on the destination host where the diagnostic and administrative logs, and other logs associated with the database can be stored. This location is used for storing only the dump files and is different from the Oracle home directory where the database software will be installed.

    • Database Oracle Home, a location on the destination host where the database software can be provisioned. This is the Oracle home directory for the database.

    In the Additional Parameters section, specify the Working Directory on the destination host where the files related to cloning can be staged temporarily. Ensure that you have approximately 7 GB of space for this directory. For Database Installer Parameters, specify any additional Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) parameters you want to run while provisioning Oracle database. For example, -force (to override any warnings), -debug (to view more debug information), and -invPtrLoc <Location> (for UNIX only). Ensure that the parameters are separated by white space.

    Click on the Lock icon against the fields that you do not want to be edited in the operator role.

    Click Next. You will come back to the Configure page. If you have configured the source and destination location for the software, the Configure Software task will have a completed status.

  9. In the Schedule page, specify a Deployment Instance name. If you want to run the procedure immediately, then retain the default selection, that is, One Time (Immediately). If you want to run the procedure later, then select One Time (Later) and provide time zone, start date, and start time details. You can set the notification preferences according to deployment procedure status. If you want to run only prerequisites, you can select Pause the procedure to allow me to analyze results after performing prerequisite checks to pause the procedure execution after all prerequisite checks are performed.

    Click Next.

  10. In the Review page, review the details you have provided for the deployment procedure and if you are satisfied with the details, then click Finish to run the deployment procedure according to the schedule set. If you want to modify the details, then click Back repeatedly to reach the page where you want to make the changes. Click Save to save the deployment procedure for future deployment.
  11. In the Operator role, launch the saved deployment procedure. Add targets for provisioning and provide values for configurable fields in the deployment procedure.
  12. In the Procedure Activity page, view the status of the execution of the job and steps in the deployment procedure. Click the Status link for each step to view the details of the execution of each step. You can click Debug to set the logging level to Debug and click Stop to stop the procedure execution.
  13. After the procedure execution is completed, click on the Targets menu and select All Targets to navigate to the All Targets page and verify that the newly created databases appear as Cloud Control targets.
Provisioning Oracle Database Software from a Shared NFS location

To provision Oracle Database Software from a shared NFS location, perform the following steps:

Before you proceed with the steps below ensure the Preferred credentials (both Named and Privileged) and Privilege delegation are configured for all the destination hosts.

  1. From the Enterprise menu, select Provisioning and Patching, and then select Database Provisioning.
  2. Select Provision Oracle Database deployment procedure and click Launch.
  3. In the Provision Oracle Database: Select Hosts screen, provide the details as appropriate and add destination hosts.


    Do not select Provisioning Profile in this step.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Click on Setup Hosts and provide the required details.
  6. Click on Deploy Software.
  7. In the Source section, select the appropriate software entity that was created, by clicking on the search icon for Oracle Database.
  8. Provide other details as appropriate, and click Next.
  9. On the Provision Oracle Database: Configure screen, click Next.
  10. Complete the Provision Oracle Database wizard flow by providing appropriate details in the remaining steps and click Submit in the Review screen.

NFS share containing the DB Gold Image will be mounted on all the destination hosts selected for Oracle Home provisioning.

Using Non-Root Credentials for Provisioning Oracle Databases

Non-root credentials are supported for provisioning Oracle databases. To use this feature, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Specify OS users page, select Override Preferred Credentials. On the Specify OS users dialogue box that appears, create the normal name credential, and then set Run Privilege to None. Click OK.
  2. Select the new normal name credential for both Normal user and Privileged user.
  3. Click Submit.

    When the database provisioning process reaches the step which requires root credentials, the process will stop. You will need to run the command line manually. To do this, set the environment to $AGENT_HOME, and then run the command line copy from the Instructions field for the following two steps:

    • Execute fixups manually

    • Execute Root scripts manually

  4. After the command line is run manually using the root user for both the steps, click Confirm. The database provisioning process then continues till it completes.