Access Enterprise Manager Dashboards

You can access Enterprise Manager dashboards directly through the Enterprise Manager Mobile application.

The Enterprise Manager console provides a comprehensive set of dashboards that provide relevant information at a glance. Using the Enterprise Manager Mobile application you can tap into both out-of-box and custom dashboards defined in the console. By default, the Enterprise Summary dashboard is displayed when logging into Enterprise Manager Mobile.

Graphic shows the Enterprise Summary dashboard.

Most dashboard tiles are fully interactive (tapping on elements calls up contextual pop-up menus, drill-down options, and tool tips. By rotating your mobile device, you can take advantage of the horizontal screen real estate to view graphs in more detail.


If a dashboard doesn't display correctly in the Enterprise Manager Mobile application, try rearranging and/or resizing widgets in the desktop dashboard editor.

To switch to another Enterprise Manager dashboard, tap the menu to display a list of available dashboards that you can select from.

Graphic shows the dashboard menu icon.

Unsupported Widgets

The Enterprise Manager table dashboard widget is not supported and will be hidden by Enterprise Manager Mobile when opening an Enterprise Manager dashboard containing this type of widget. An information message will be displayed indicating unsupported widgets have been hidden.

For more information about Enterprise Manager dashboards, see Using Dashboards in the Enterprise Manager Monitoring Guide.