Part III Exadata Cloud Lifecycle Management

Perform database lifecycle management activities like create, patch, clone, relocate, strengthen security posture with compliance management, and establish standardization of configuration on your pluggable database across your Exadata Cloud hybrid environment. You can also set up PDB-as-a-Service(PDBaaS) and adopt a DevOps model of database deployment on your Exadata Cloud environment.

The Database Lifecycle Management and Cloud Management Pack features are available:

  • Starting with Enterprise Manager 13.5 Release Update 10 on Oracle Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer (ExaCC).
  • Starting with Enterprise Manager 13.5 Release Update 21 on Oracle Exadata Database Service on Dedicated Infrastructure (ExaCS).

Before You Begin

Before you begin Database Lifecycle Management activities for your Exadata Cloud database targets, you must ensure that they are up and discovered in Oracle Enterprise Manager. See Discovery of Exadata Cloud.

Oracle Database 19.6 or higher is required to perform Exadata Cloud Lifecycle Management operations.

In order to discover assets first you need to install agents on Exadata Cloud resources, for more information see: Deploying Agents on OCI Resources in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Database Lifecycle Management Administrator's Guide.

Once the agents have been deployed discover the targets in Enterprise Manager, for more information see Discovery of Exadata Cloud.