2 Discover Exadata Cloud Targets

Discover the Exadata Cloud Target Using Console

Starting with Enterprise Manager 13.5 Release Update 12, the discovery of Oracle Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer target is integrated with the discovery of Oracle Autonomous VM Clusters and Oracle Storage Servers.

Starting with Enterprise Manager 13.5 Release Update 14, the discovery of Oracle Exadata Database Service on Dedicated Infrastructure target is available in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.

Starting with Enterprise Manager 13.5 Release Update 18, the discovery of Oracle Exadata Database Service on Dedicated Infrastructure target is integrated with the discovery of Oracle Autonomous VM Clusters.

The Exadata VM cluster targets of the type X8M and X9M are multi-VM clusters.

Before you begin, ensure that you completed the prerequisite tasks.

Here are the steps to discover the Exadata Cloud target:

  1. Open the discovery wizard:

    1. From the Enterprise Manager home page, select the Setup menu (upper right corner), Add Target, and then Add Targets Manually.

    2. In the Add Targets Manually page, click Add Using Guided Process.

    3. In the Add Using Guided Process dialog box, under the Guided Discovery column, select Exadata Infrastructure and click Add.

    The Exadata Infrastructure Discovery page opens.

  2. Provide details of the monitoring agents:

    1. Under Monitoring Agent, select the agent that has access to OCI REST API endpoints. See Agent Installation.

    2. Optionally, you can also specify an agent as Backup Agent. If the agent designated as Monitoring Agent is down, the Backup Agent will be auto-assigned to monitor the target.

  3. Provide Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) details:

    When you sign up for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, Oracle creates a tenancy in one region. This is the home region. It contains the account information and the identity resources. The subscribed regions are those regions to which you might have subscribed later for accessing resources in a different geographical location.

    Note that the guided discovery process performs discovery of Exadata Cloud resources in a single subscribed region at a time.

    1. Select the Home Region in which your tenancy is provisioned. If your region is not listed in the menu, then select Other.

      When you select Other as your home region, then you can specify the region identifier in the adjacent text box. Select from the Region Identifier column corresponding to your region listed at Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation: Regions and Availability Domains.

    2. Under Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Named Credentials, from the menu, select the named credentials associated with your OCI account that you had identified as part of the prerequisite tasks.

    3. Select the Subscribed Region where you want to perform the discovery. The options available in this menu are updated based on your selection of home region, OCI named credentials, and monitoring agent.

    Click Next.

  4. Select the Exadata Cloud targets to discover:

    Under Discovered Targets, select the Exadata Cloud infrastructure host target to discover. The columns in the table like Deployment Type, and Target Already Managed can help you to select the right targets. For the Oracle Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer target, the deployment type is Cloud@Customer. For the Oracle Exadata Database Service on Dedicated Infrastructure target, the deployment type is Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. By default, the Target Type for the Exadata Cloud targets is Exadata Infrastructure.

  5. Provide the storage server details (Optional):

    If you have installed the monitoring agent on one of the VM cluster hosts before starting the discovery, then the button Set Storage Server Credentials is displayed in the column Storage Server Credentials. Click the button. The Set Storage Server Credentials dialog box opens.

    Under Storage Server Credentials, from the menu, select the named credentials associated with the storage server that you had identified as part of the prerequisite tasks.

    Under OCI VM Cluster, select the VM cluster which has the agent to monitor the storage server.

    Under Monitoring Mechanism, select from ExaCli or RESTful API. jf you selected RESTful API, then specify the HTTPS Protocol, and enable Trust Self-Signed Certificate if applicable.

    Click Save.

    At this point, based on your selection of Exadata Cloud infrastructure host target for discovery, all the underlying VM Clusters, Autonomous VM Clusters, and storage servers will automatically get discovered.

  6. At a later point, if there are more child targets added to the infrastructure target, then you can re-run the discovery process to include them.

    Click Next.

  7. Verify your selection of targets:

    Based on your selection of the infrastructure target in the prior step, a summary is displayed. If you provided the storage server details, then the Exadata Grid targets are also included in the summary.

    Click Submit to complete the discovery.

After the discovery process is complete, a summary of the discovery is displayed. All the targets and their discovery status can be noted. The target types listed are Oracle Exadata Storage Server Grid, Exadata Infrastructure, Oracle Exadata Storage Server, Exadata VM Cluster, and Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster.

To view the target home pages, click Show All Exadata Systems. The page Oracle Exadata Database Machines and Cloud Services is displayed.

Explore the Exadata Cloud Target Home Pages

After the discovery is complete, visit the home pages of Exadata Infrastructure target and explore the various views.

For details about accessing the Exadata targets and to view their list, see All Exadata Targets.


Exadata Infrastructure Home Page

Go to Enterprise Manager Home, click the Targets icon Targets icon, and click Exadata. This action navigates to a page that lists all the Exadata systems monitored by Enterprise Manager, both on-premises and in the cloud. Click the link on your Exadata Infrastructure target name to open the home page. The Exadata Infrastructure target home page is displayed.

The charts in the home page are rendered based on the configuration data refreshed every 24 hours. To view the latest data, click on the Target menu, select Configuration - Latest, and click Refresh.

Home page of Oracle Exadata Database Service on Dedicated Infrastructure target with multi-VM Clusters:

Home page of ExaCS target with multiple VM clusters

In the Overview tab, the Exadata Infrastructure section on this page provides the following details for this target:

  • Type: Type of Exadata target, Cloud@Customer or Dedicated Infrastructure.

  • Region: OCI region, for example, US East (Ashburn)

  • Tenancy: The name of your OCI tenancy where your Exadata Cloud target is located

  • Compartment OCID: The OCID of the compartment inside which the target resource is located

  • OCID: OCID of the Exadata Infrastructure target

  • Created: The time details of when the target was created

  • Shape: The shape used for creating the target

  • Lifecycle State: The state of the target to learn if it is active or in a different state.

  • DB Servers: Number of underlying database servers

  • Storage Servers: Number of underlying storage servers

  • VM Clusters: Number of underlying VM clusters

  • Autonomous VM Clusters: Number of underlying autonomous VM clusters

In the Overview tab, the Resources section on the page displays the availability and usage data of OCPUs, Memory (GB), Exadata Storage (TB), and Local Storage (GB) for the VM clusters. In case of single VM clusters of the target type Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, the chart for Local Storage (GB) is not available.

Resource Usage tab:

CPU Resource Usage information for Exadata Infrastructure

Memory Resource Usage information for Exadata Infrastructure

The CPU and Memory usage information is displayed for the VM Clusters in Exadata Infrastructure. The CPU usage tab displays the information like allocated OCPUs, number of databases, the database CPU usage and total OCPUs provisioned across all databases in each VM cluster. Similarly, the Memory usage tab displays the information like allocated memory (GB), number of databases, and the memory usage for each VM cluster.

The above information is available for each VM cluster when the EM agent is installed on each VM cluster host.

If the value displayed is "-" in the CPU usage tab under the columns Databases and Database CPU Usage or in the Memory usage tab under the columns Databases and Memory Usage, then the information is not available because the agent is not installed on the corresponding databases or no databases are discovered for that VM cluster.

Members tab:

Members information for Exadata Infrastructure

The Members tab on the page displays a list of the member targets and their child targets, target type, status, and versions.

Networks tab:

Networks information for Exadata Infrastructure

The Networks tab displays the network information for each Exadata VM cluster such as network name, network OCID, and its state. It also provides the control plane server IP address (es), the IPv4 mask used, and the gateway used.

The Networks tab is available only for the target type Cloud@Customer.

Incidents tab:

Incidents in Exadata Infrastructure target

In the Incidents tab, for each member target, you can view the alerts and their details such as the severity of the issue, summary of the incident, target name, target type, status of the incident, its escalation level, the age of the incident, and the date when it was last updated.

Target Navigation Tree

Click the Target Navigation icon target navigation on the top left corner of the screen of the Exadata Infrastructure target home page to view the navigation tree.

The navigation tree lists all the member targets like Automatic Storage Management (ASM), Exadata VM Clusters, Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters, Databases, and Exadata Grid. Expand each member target to explore further. You can click the member target link to visit the member target home page to view its details.

Exadata VM Cluster Home Page

From Oracle Exadata Infrastructure home page, click the target Navigation icon target navigation, navigate the tree, and click the Exadata VM Cluster target link to open the home page.

Overview tab for Exadata VM Cluster

Overview tab:

  • General section: The General section provides the following details for this Exadata VM cluster:

    • Service Type: Type of the service associated with the VM cluster. For example, Exadata Database Service or Autonomous Database.

    • Deployment Type: Type of deployment of the Exadata VM cluster. For example, Cloud@Customer or Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

    • Infrastructure Type: The type of underlying infrastructure. For example, shared or dedicated.

    • License Type: For example, Bring Your Own License.

    • Created: The time details of when the Exadata VM cluster target was created

    • Compartment OCID: The OCID of the compartment inside which the Exadata VM cluster target resource is located

    • OCID: OCID of the Exadata VM cluster target

    • VM Cluster Network: The network associated with the Exadata VM cluster. This information is available only for the target type Cloud@Customer.

    • Exadata Infrastructure: The parent target

    • Grid Infrastructure Version: The version of the storage grid associated with the Exadata VM cluster.

    • Exadata Image Version: The version of the Exadata image used for creating the Exadata cloud target

    • Status: Status of the Exadata VM cluster

  • Resource Allocation section: This section provides the details for the Exadata VM cluster like VM Count, OCPUs, Memory (GB), Exadata Storage (GB), Local Storage (GB), Storage for Exadata Snapshots and Storage for Local Backups.

  • Database Versions section: This section provides information about the databases available on the Exadata VM cluster.

Resource Usage tab:

Resource usage information for Exadata VM Cluster

Similar to Exadata Infrastructure home page, the Resource Usage tab displays the CPU usage information such as allocated OCPUs, number of databases, the database CPU usage and if the CPU is over-provisioned for the databases in the Exadata VM cluster. You can also view the CPU allocation by each database. Hover your cursor on the graph representing each database to view the CPU allocated to the VM and the current CPU usage of the database on the VM.

Members tab:

Members information for Exadata VM Cluster

The Members tab on the page displays a list of the members of the Exadata VM Cluster and its child targets, target type, status, and versions.

Oracle Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster Home Page

From Oracle Exadata Infrastructure home page, click the target Navigation icon target navigation, navigate the tree, and click the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster target link to open the home page.

Oracle Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster Home Page

Overview tab:

  • General section: The General section provides the following details for this Autonomous Exadata VM cluster:

    • Service Type: Type of Autonomous Exadata VM cluster target

    • Deployment Type: Type of deployment of the Autonomous Exadata VM cluster

    • Infrastructure Type: Type of infrastructure the Autonomous Exadata VM cluster is deployed on

    • License Type: For example, License Included

    • Created: The time details of when the Autonomous Exadata VM cluster target was created

    • Compartment OCID: The OCID of the compartment inside which the Autonomous Exadata VM cluster target resource is located

    • OCID: OCID of the Autonomous Exadata VM cluster target

    • VM Cluster Network: The network associated with the Autonomous Exadata VM cluster. This information is available only for the target type Cloud@Customer.

    • Exadata Infrastructure: The parent target

    • Status: Status of the Autonomous Exadata VM cluster

  • Resource Allocation section: This section provides the details for the Autonomous Exadata VM cluster like Node Count, Total OCPUs, Available OCPUs, Reclaimable OCPUs, Memory (GB), Autonomous Container Database, Autonomous Database Storage (TB), Database Memory per OCPU (GB), Exadata Storage (GB), Local Storage (GB), and Storage for Local Backups (This information is available only for the target type Cloud@Customer).

Members tab:

Members of Oracle Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster target

The Members tab on the page displays a list of the members of the Oracle Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster and its child targets, target type, status, and versions.