
Searches patches from the ARU site or software library with the specified search criteria.


emcli search_patches
[-product="product_id" [-include_all_products_in_family]] 
[-platform="platform_id" | -language="language_id"]
[-script | -xml | -format= name:<pretty|script|csv>];
[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • swlib: Searches patches in the software library if this option is provided, whether the current connection mode is online or offline.
  • patch_name: Patch name, number, or Sun CR ID. This option is only valid in Simple Search mode. If you provide this option, the Simple Search mode is enabled. If the options specific to Advanced Search mode are provided along with this option, they will not take effect.
  • product: Patch product/product family ID. Run the command emcli list_aru_products to search the product ID.
  • include_all_products_in_family: Takes the specified product ID as a product family ID and includes all products in this product family while searching patches. This option is valid only when you provide the 'product' option.
  • release: Patch release ID. Run the command emcli list_aru_releases to search for the release ID.
  • platform: Patch platform ID. Run the command emcli list_aru_platforms to search for the platform ID.
  • language: Patch language ID. Run the command emcli list_aru_languages to search for the language ID.
  • type: Patch type.
  • noheader: Displays tabular information without column headers.
  • script: This option is equivalent to -format="name:script".
  • xml: Displays the patch information in XML format.
  • format: Format specification (default is -format="name:pretty").
    • format="name:pretty": Prints the output table in a readable format not intended to be parsed by scripts.
    • format="name:script": Sets the default column separator to a tab and the default row separator to a newline. The column and row separator strings can be specified to change these defaults.
    • format="name:csv": Sets the column separator to a comma and the row separator to a newline.
    • format=column_separator:"column_sep_string": Column-separates the verb output by <column_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the newline character.
    • row_separator:"row_sep_string": Row separates the verb output by <row_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the tab character.

How to Search for a Patch

You can search for patches using the following repositories:
  • ARU Site
  • Software Library


If you have internet connectivity (online mode), by default you can look for patches on the ARU site. If you are in offline mode, then you must ensure that the patches are already uploaded to Software Library so you can use them.
You can perform searches in one of the following modes using EM CLI:
  • Simple Search: This mode allows you to search the ARU site or Software Library using the patch ID information.
  • Advanced Search: This mode allows you to provide a combination of key values like platform ID, Language ID, Release ID, and/or product ID to drill down to the patch that you are looking for.


You can use the following syntax, and the corresponding examples to perform simple and advanced search using EM CLI commands:

  1. Basic Search (Online Mode): To search for patches on using the Patch ID:
    emcli search_patches -patch_name=11993573 


    11993573        Agent Plugin PATCH      Cloud Control (Agent)        Linux x86-64    American English        General Enterprise Manager Base Platform - Plugin
  2. Basic Search (Offline Mode): To search for patches on Software Library using the patch ID:
    emcli search_patches -patch_name=11993573 -swlib -script
    11993573        Agent Plugin PATCH      Cloud Control (Agent)        Linux x86-64    American English        General Enterprise Manager Base Platform - Plugin
  3. Advanced Search: Use the Product ID, Release ID, Platform ID, or Language ID to get the patch details that you want to add to the patch plan.
    emcli search_patches -product=12383 -release=9800371121010   -platform=226


    13491785        ENTERPRISE MANAGER BASE PLATFORM  - AGENT BP1 (PORT) Cloud Control (Agent)        Linux x86-64    American English        Recommended     Enterprise Manager Base Platform13481721        WRONG ERROR MESSAGE RETURNED FROM NMO   Cloud Control (Agent)        Linux x86-64    American English        General Enterprise Manager Base Platform