4 Discovering, Promoting, and Adding System Infrastructure Targets

This chapter describes how you can use Cloud Control to discover, promote, and add system infrastructure targets. This chapter covers the following:

Discovering and Promoting Oracle MiniCluster

Before you begin the discovery process, there are several checks you should perform to ensure a smooth discovery.


Enterprise Manager Agents have to be installed on Oracle Solaris global zones of both MiniCluster compute nodes. You can install EM Agents into Oracle Solaris Global and Non-Global Zones using Add Host Targets wizard.

Credentials Required for Oracle MiniCluster Discovery

The following are the credentials required for the discovery of Oracle MiniCluster.

Target Type Credentials Description

Systems Infrastructure Server

ILOM Monitoring Credentials, SNMP Credentials

Required to monitor MiniCluster compute nodes through their ILOMs

Oracle MiniCluster Discovery

To discover the Oracle MiniCluster system, perform the following steps:


It is required to use Enterprise Manager Agents on both MiniCluster compute node Oracle Solaris global zones. Deploy the Enterprise Manager Agents to the Oracle Solaris global zones of the MiniCluster compute nodes prior to starting the Oracle MiniCluster discovery process. 


To enable monitoring of Oracle VM for SPARC the non-privileged user used to install and run the Enterprise Manager agent must be granted the solaris.ldoms.read and solaris.ldoms.ldmpower authorizations and be assigned the LDoms Power Mgmt Observability rights profile.

For example:

/usr/sbin/usermod -A solaris.ldoms.read,solaris.ldoms.ldmpower oracle

/usr/sbin/usermod -P 'LDoms Power Mgmt Observability' oracle

  1. Log in to Enterprise Manager.
  2. Under Setup, click Add Target, then click Add Targets Manually.
  3. In the Overview section, click Add using Guided Process.
  4. In the Add Using Guided Process screen, scroll down to Oracle MiniCluster and click Add. The Oracle MiniCluster Discovery wizard opens.
  5. The Introduction wizard guides you through the steps required to discover Oracle MiniCluster in Oracle Enterprise Manager. Click Next to continue with the discovery process.


    The guided discovery process assumes that Oracle Enterprise Manager Agents are already deployed to Oracle Solaris Global zones of the MiniCluster Compute Nodes. The Enterprise Manager agent must be deployed in order to discover MiniCluster system, monitor disk shelves and a virtualization stack on compute nodes.

    If you want to monitor database instances running on a DB domain, you must install the Enterprise Manager Agents on all the Zones where the databases are installed.

  6. In the Discovery Input screen provide the Agent EMD URL. Click the search icon and select an agent.
    Click Next to proceed to the next step. The Oracle MiniCluster discovery process is started. When the discovery is completed, a confirmation window displays the number of targets discovered. Click Close to close the window.
  7. The Discovery Prerequisites screen opens. It displays basic information of the discovery. It also displays any warnings and errors found during the discovery process. Click Next to continue.
  8. The Discovered Targets screen lists all the targets discovered in the Oracle MiniCluster system. All targets are selected by default. The Managed column indicates if the targets have already been discovered and managed by Enterprise Manager. Deselect the targets that you do not want to be discovered and monitored.
    1. Select monitoring and backup agents for MiniCluster compute node ILOMs.
    2. Provide ILOM Monitoring Credentials for the ILOMs of the MiniCluster system compute nodes.
    3. Select monitoring and backup agents for MiniCluster disk shelves.
      Click Next to proceed to the Review screen.


      Before you are taken to the Review screen, a validation is executed to find out if the correct agent for Disk Shelf Monitoring was selected. This agent has to be deployed to the host which Disk Shelf is directly connected using Serial Attached SCSI. If you selected an agent on another host where Disk Shelf is not directly connected, you will get a warning. You have to select the correct agent first otherwise you cannot proceed in MiniCluster discovery. After the Disk Shelf agent selection validation, another validation is executed. This validation checks if you correctly configured Solaris host so you can see hardware related incidents in Enterprise Manager. You can see result of this validation on the Review screen. If the Solaris Host is not configured properly to deliver incidents, you won't see FMA alerts with Disk Shelf failures as incidents in Enterprise Manager. This configuration is not mandatory to finish MiniCluster discovery but highly recommended. For information on how to configure incidents for Solaris Host, see Configuring Snmp traps for Supercluster and Minicluster monitored hosts.

  9. In the System Review screen, review the system information.
    1. Click Test Connection to check whether the specified credentials are correct for all selected targets.
    2. Click Promote Targets to create and manage targets. This may take few minutes to complete. You are informed about any errors that occur during the process. In case there is at least one error, no targets are created. Fix all errors and rerun the discovery. Once the process completes without any errors, the targets are managed and you can view the Oracle MiniCluster system with all its targets.

Configuring Snmp traps for Supercluster and Minicluster monitored hosts

After the EM agents are deployed to the engineered system, it is recommended to configure the hosts to send the snmp traps to the agents. Perform the following steps to configure the snmp:
  1. Find the EM agent numeric IP address and port number.

    Login to the host where the EM agent is deployed. From the agent directory <AGENT_HOME>/bin run the following command to obtain the port number of the agent:

    $ emctl status agent | grep 'Agent URL'
    Agent URL: https://hostname.domain:3863/emd/main/

    The port number can be seen after the fully qualified domain name of the agent, it is 3863 in the example above.

    To get the numeric IP address, use ping or nslookup command.

  2. Configure the snmpd.

    Add thetrap2sink entry information into the snmpd.conf configuration file.

    The configuration file snmpd.conf is in different location for Solaris 10 and Solaris 11.

    For Solaris 11 the location is
    vi /etc/net-snmp/snmp/snmpd.conf
    For Solaris 10 the location is
    vi /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
    Add the following line:
    trap2sink <numericip> public <transport>
    • The <transport> is the port number obtained in step (1). It is the port number of the EM agent.

    • The <numericip> is the IP address of the EM agent host, obtained in step (1).

    For example
    trap2sink public 3863
  3. Restart the SNMP services.

    For Solaris11:
    svcadm restart net-snmp
    svcadm restart snmp-notify
    For Solaris10:
    svcadm restart sma

    If the SNMP service was not enabled before, ensure that the services are enabled.

    For Solaris11:
    svcadm enable net-snmp
    svcadm enable snmp-notify
    For Solaris10:
    svcadm enable sma
  4. Optionally, verify the snmpd configuration by making sure the status for Telemetry Status is ON in the host target, in the Telemetry Alert Config metric.

    After the configuration of the snmp through steps (1) – (3), navigate to Host home page and perform the following steps:
    1. Select Host and click Configuration.

    2. Click Last collected.

    3. Select Telemetry Alert Config metric.

    4. Click Refresh, wait for few minutes until the metrics get refreshed.

    Telemetric Status

    If the Telemetry Status is ON in Telemetry Alert Config metric, it indicates the the configuration of FMA SNMP traps is done correctly.