Discovering and Promoting Oracle ZFS Storage

This section describes the manual storage discovery procedure for the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance target and Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Cluster.

The ZFS Storage Server target is a multi access point (MAP) target that supports two access points, AKCLI and REST/WebSvc access points. If both the REST/WebSvc and AKCLI access points are available, then all the metrics are uploaded using the ReST/WebSvc access point. The following command is used to add the REST/WebSvc access point:

emcli add_target -name=<name> -type=oracle_si_zfssa_storage_server -host=<emagent name>
-access_point_name=<any name> -access_point_type='oracle_si_zfssa_storage_server_websvc' 
-properties='dispatch.url=https://<applianceURL>:215/api/' -subseparator=properties='=' 

Oracle recommends that you use ReST/Websvc mode of discovery for monitoring ZFS targets. This mode reduces the load on the storage server and provides better response from the server.

This flowchart illustrates the procedure for discovering an Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance.

Figure 4-3 Discovering an Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance

Discovering an Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance

Discovering an Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance using AKCLI

To discover an Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance using AKCLI, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Setup menu, select Add Target.

  2. Click Add Targets Manually.

  3. Click Add Using Guided Process listed under Add Non-Host Targets Using Guided Process.

    The Add Using Guided Process window is displayed with the list of Guided Discovery and Discovered Target Types.

  4. Select Systems Infrastructure ZFS Storage Server from the list in the Add Using Guided Process window.

  5. Click Add.

  6. Select SSH Credentials option.

  7. Click Discover ZFS Target.

  8. For Target, enter the following details:

    1. Enter the Target Name.

    2. Enter the ZFS Storage Server DNS Name or IP Address.

  9. For Monitoring Agents, enter the following details:

    1. Enter the Monitoring Agent EMD URL.

    2. (Optional): Enter the Backup Agent EMD URL.

  10. For Monitoring Credentials, enter the following details:

    1. Select the Credential type as SSH Credentials.

    2. Enter the User name and Password in the respective fields.

    3. Retype the password in the Confirm Password field.

    4. (Optional): You can enter the Role Name, Role Password and retype the password in the Confirm Role Password field.

  11. Click Add.

Target Members of an Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance

The following target members are automatically promoted when you add an Oracle Systems Infrastructure ZFS Storage Server target through the discovery wizard:

  • ZFS Storage Server

    Target Type: Oracle ZFS Storage Server

  • Diskshelf

    Target Type: ZFS Diskshelf Storage

Target Members of an Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Cluster

When you add two ZFS Storage Appliance nodes, which are setup as cluster nodes, then the ZFS Storage Appliance Cluster is auto-discovered.

The following targets are added when two ZFS Storage Servers have cluster configuration setup:

  • ZFS Storage Server

    Target Type: Oracle ZFS Storage Server

  • Diskshelf

    Target Type: ZFS Diskshelf Storage

  • ZFS Storage Appliance Cluster

    Target Type: Oracle ZFS Storage Server Cluster

Discovering an Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance using WebSvc

To discover an Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance using WebSvc, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Setup menu, select Add Target.

  2. Click Add Targets Manually.

  3. Click Add Using Guided Process listed under Add Non-Host Targets Using Guided Process.

    The Add Using Guided Process window is displayed with the list of Guided Discovery and Discovered Target Types.

  4. Select Systems Infrastructure ZFS Storage Server from the list in the Add Using Guided Process window.

  5. Click Add.

  6. Select HTTP Credentials option.

  7. Click Discover ZFS Target.

  8. For Target, enter the following details:

    1. Enter the Target Name.

    2. Enter the ZFS Storage Server DNS Name or IP Address.

  9. For Monitoring Agents, enter the following details:

    1. Enter the Monitoring Agent EMD URL.

    2. (Optional): Enter the Backup Agent EMD URL.

  10. For Monitoring Credentials, enter the following details:

    1. Enter the Alias and Password in the respective fields.

    2. Retype the password in the Confirm Password field.

  11. Click Add.