Discovering and Promoting PDUs

Before you run the PDU discovery, verify that the NMS table and Trap Hosts Setup table of the PDU have an empty row for monitoring agent and an empty slot for backup agent, if you plan to use backup monitoring agent.

Verify PDU v1 NMS Table and Trap Hosts Setup Table

To verify and modify the NMS table and Trap Hosts setup table on a PDU v1 (see, PDU Version Identification), perform the following steps in the PDU user interface:

  1. Open the PDU Management Interface in the web browser.
  2. In the PDU User Interface, click Net Configuration.
  3. Login with your user name and password.
  4. Locate the NMS table and make sure there are enough empty slots for IP addresses of EM agents that will monitor the PDU.
    • Empty slot contains value in the IP address field and empty string in the Community string field.

  5. Enter value in the IP address field and empty Community string field if there are not enough empty slots.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. Locate the Trap Hosts Setup table on the same page and make sure there are enough empty slots for IP addresses of EM agents that will monitor the PDU.
    • Empty slot contains value in the IP address field and empty string in the Community string field.

  8. Enter value in the IP address field and empty Community string field if there are not enough empty slots.
  9. Click Submit.
  10. Logout from the PDU interface.

Verify PDU v2 NMS Table, SNMPv3 Access Table, and Trap Hosts Setup Table

To verify and modify the NMS table and Trap Hosts setup table use SNMPv1 credentials. If you’re using SNMPv3 credentials, use the SNMPv3 Access Table and Trap Hosts Setup table on a PDU v2. Perform the following steps in the PDU user interface:

  1. Open the PDU Management Interface in the web browser.
  2. In the PDU User Interface, click Net Configuration.
  3. Login with your user name and password.
  4. Click SNMP Access tab.
  5. Make sure there are enough empty slots in NMS (SNMP v1/v2) table for IP addresses of EM agents that will monitor the PDU.
    • Empty slot is a slot where the Enable check box is deselected.

  6. Deselect the Enable check boxes if there are not enough empty slots.
  7. Click Submit.
  8. Make sure there is an empty slot in SNMP v3 table for user that will be used to monitor PDU.
    • Empty slot is a slot where the Enable check box is deselected.
  9. Deselect the Enable check boxes if there are not enough empty slots.
  10. Click Submit.
  11. Click SNMP Traps tab.
  12. Make sure there are enough empty slots in Trap Remote Host Setup table for IP addresses of EM agents that will monitor the PDU.
    • Empty slot is a slot where the Enable check box is deselected.

  13. Deselect Enable check boxes if there are not enough empty slots.
  14. Click Submit.
  15. Logout from the PDU interface.

PDU Discovery in the Enterprise Manager

To discover the PDU, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to Enterprise Manager.

  2. Under Setup, click Add Target, then click Add Targets Manually.

  3. In the Overview section, click Add Targets using Guided Process.

  4. In the Add Using Guided Process screen, scroll down to Systems Infrastructure PDU, then click Add.

  5. In the Systems Infrastructure PDU Discovery screen, enter the required information.

    1. In the Target Name field, enter a name for the target.

    2. In the PDU DNS Name or IP Address field, enter the IP address or DNS name of the PDU.

    3. In the Monitoring Agent EMD URL field, click the search icon and select a monitoring agent. The agent must be able to communicate with the PDU over the network. (Optional) You can select backup monitoring agent for the PDU. In the Backup Agent EMD URL field, click the search icon and select a monitoring agent.


      Backup agent is used to monitor a target and collect its metrics when the primary agent is not reachable or is in maintenance state.

    4. Enter credentials for the PDU Management Interface in the HTTP Monitoring Credentials section.

      • In the Credential Type field, choose SNMPv1 or SNMPv3 Creds .


        Currently PDU monitoring supports SNMPv1 credentials only for SNMPv3 only no privacy and authentication options. Privacy password is not supported. Please do not enter a privacy password..

      • Enter the SNMP Community String or SNMPv3 user and authentication password and method to be used to communicate with the PDU using SNMP protocol.

        The agent IP address and community string is automatically added to the NMS table and the Trap Hosts Setup table for SNMPv1 or user is added to SNMPv3 Access table of the PDU when the PDU is discovered.

    5. (Optional) The Properties section is populated by default. Enter the SNMP Port and Timeout value if you want to change the port and timeout setting.

    6. (Optional) If you discover PDU v2 you can specify in properties section in property SNMP MIB version whether PDU should be monitored using original or enhanced SNMP MIB variant. Please enter word “Original”, “Enhanced” or leave property empty.

      If you select enhanced or original MIB here, this MIB version will be enforced and configured in PDU web management interface.

      If you leave property empty, no MIB version will be enforced in PDU and Enterprise Manager will select appropriate monitoring method automatically. Enhanced MIB has advantage over the Original one that Enterprise Manager monitors PDU completely using SNMP which performance is higher than when PDU is monitored using SNMP only partially.

      Be careful when selecting Enhanced MIB. Some obsolete PDU monitoring tools which depends on Original MIB may loose connection to PDU.

  6. It is highly recommended to test all entered values and PDU reachability and configuration correctness using the Test Connection button in the right corner of the screen. Once the test connection is successfully completed, you can continue to add the target.

  7. Click Add in the top right corner of the screen. Once the job is successfully run, the PDU is discovered and the Add Targets Manually screen is displayed. It might take a few minutes for the data to load before you open the PDU target landing page to view.

Discovering a PDU Using Command Line Interface

You can discover a power distribution unit using the emcli command line tool.

To discover PDU using the emcli, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the command line on the host where OMS is running.
  2. Login to emcli using command emcli login –username=<Your user name>.
  3. Type the password when prompted.
  4. Execute command emcli sync.
  5. Discover a new PDU using the following command if you want to use SNMPv1 credentials:

    emcli add_target \

    -name='Name of your PDU' \

    -type=oracle_si_pdu \

    -host=’Host on which the deployed agent is used to monitor the PDU’ \

    -subseparator=properties='=' \

    -separator=properties=';' \

    -properties='dispatch.url=http://PDU IP or DNS name' \

    -monitoring_cred='http;oracle_si_pdu;http;username:PDU admin user username;password:PDU admin user password' \

    -monitoring_cred='snmp_v1v2_v3;oracle_si_pdu;SNMPV1Creds;COMMUNITY:SNMP community string'

  6. Discover a new PDU using the following command if you want to use SNMPv3 credentials:

    emcli add_target \

    -name='Name of your PDU' \

    -type=oracle_si_pdu \

    -host='Host on which the deployed agent is used to monitor the PDU' \

    -subseparator=properties='=' \

    -separator=properties=';' \

    -properties='dispatch.url=http://PDU IP or DNS name' \

    -monitoring_cred='http;oracle_si_pdu;http;username:PDU admin user username;password:PDU admin user password' \

    -monitoring_cred='snmp_v1v2_v3;oracle_si_pdu;SNMPV3Creds;authUser:SNMPv3 user name;authProtocol:SHA;authPwd:SNMPv3 user password'

Set the following in the emcli add_target command:

  • Replace Name of your PDU with the name of your PDU.

  • To host, set the Monitoring Agent EMD URL without port, that is, the host name of host where agent is deployed, the agent must be able to communicate with the PDU over the network.

  • Replace PDU IP or DNS name with the IP address or DNS name of the PDU.

  • Replace PDU admin user username with the user name of the admin user that can manage the PDU using the PDU Web Management Interface.

  • Replace PDU admin user password with the password of the admin user that can manage the PDU using the PDU Web Management Interface.

  • If you’re using SNMPv1, replace SNMP community string with the SNMP Community String to be used to communicate with the PDU using SNMP protocol.

  • In you’re using SNMPv3, replace SNMPv3 user name and SNMPv3 user password with the user name and password of user which will be used to communicate with the PDU using SNMPv3 protocol. (Optional) You can replace SHA authentication protocol with MD5.

The following is a sample command to create a generic PDU:

emcli add_target \ \

-type=oracle_si_pdu \ \

-subseparator=properties='=' \

-separator=properties=';' \


-monitoring_cred='http;oracle_si_pdu;http;username:admin;password:password123' \
