Undeploying Plug-Ins

This section explains the following:

Undeploying Plug-Ins from Oracle Management Service

To undeploy plug-ins from the OMS, follow the steps:

  1. First, undeploy all plug-ins from all Management Agents. To do so, follow the steps mentioned in Undeploying Plug-Ins from Oracle Management Agent.
  2. From the Setup menu, select Extensibility, then select Plug-ins.
  3. On the Plug-ins page, select the plug-in you want to undeploy, and from the Actions menu, select Undeploy From, then select Management Servers.
  4. In the Undeploy Plug-in From Management Server dialog, enter the Management Repository admin user and password, and click Continue. Then click Undeploy.
    SYS is the default Management Repository admin user.


    Starting with Enterprise Manager 13c Release 5 Update 15 or higher, you can undeploy plug-ins using a non-SYS user as the Management Repository admin user, if preferred. In this case, you need to enter the credentials of the non-SYS admin user.

    The below screenshot shows an example using a non-SYS admin user named SYSMAN_ADMIN.Undeploy plug-in

  5. On the Confirmation dialog, click Close.

    To monitor the undeployment operation, click Show Status.

To undeploy a plug-in in EM CLI, use the following command:

$emcli undeploy_plugin_from_server





For example:

$emcli undeploy_plugin_from_server -plugin="oracle.sysman.empa" -sys_password="sys_password"


  • SYS is the default Management Repository admin user.

    Starting with Enterprise Manager 13c Release 5 Update 15 or higher, you can undeploy plug-ins using a non-SYS user as the Management Repository admin user. In this case, you need to provide the credentials of the non-SYS admin user using the arguments: -dbUser and -dbPassword. If the -dbPassword argument is not provided, it will be prompted when -dbUser is passed.

    For example:

    $emcli undeploy_plugin_from_server -plugin="oracle.sysman.emfa" -dbUser="SYSMAN_ADMIN" -dbPassword="SYSMAN_ADMIN_Password"

    Once a lifecycle management operation, such as patching, plug-in deployment or undeployment, is performed using a non-SYS user, you cannot use the SYS user to undeploy plug-ins anymore.

  • When a metadata plug-in is undeployed/redeployed, it is recommended that you run the following command. The command should be run in each OMS environment instance.
    $emcli metric_control -command=flush_metadata_cache

    If you want to undeploy only the plug-ins from the OMS, and not the entire Enterprise Manager system, then use the Plug-ins page within the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console. Do NOT use runInstaller to undeploy only the plug-ins.

Undeploying Plug-Ins from Oracle Management Agent

To undeploy plug-ins from the Management Agent, follow the steps below:


  • These steps are applicable for obsolete and deprecated plug-ins as well.

  • Undeploying a plug-in from Management Agent removes all the targets that were monitored by the plug-in.

  • Undeployment of a plug-in from the Management Agent restarts the Management Agent. The Management Agent does not monitor any target during downtime.

  1. From the Setup menu, select Extensibility, then select Plug-ins.
  2. On the Plug-ins page, select the plug-in you want to undeploy, and from the Actions menu, select Undeploy From, then select Management Agent.
  3. In the Undeploy Plug-in From Management Agent dialog, click Add and add the Management Agents from which you want to undeploy the plug-in. Click Continue. Then click Undeploy.
  4. On the Confirmation dialog, click Close.

    To monitor the undeployment operation, click Show Status.


Undeploying a plug-in from Management Agent removes all the targets that were monitored by the plug-in.

Undeployment of a plug-in from the Management Agent restarts the Management Agent. The Management Agent does not monitor any target during downtime.

To undeploy a plug-in using EM CLI, use the following command:

$emcli undeploy_plugin_from_agent


{-agent_names="agent1[;agent2...]" | -all_discovery_only_agents}

To undeploy all versions of oracle.sysman.db2 plug-ins from all Management Agents where only Discovery Plug-ins are deployed, use the following command:

$emcli undeploy_plugin_from_agent -plugin=oracle.sysman.db2 -all_discovery_only_agents