8 Troubleshooting

This chapter provides troubleshooting tips and techniques on installing, discovering, and configuring the Exadata plug-in. The following sections are provided:

Discovery Troubleshooting

Very often, the error message itself will include the cause for the error. Look for error messages in the OMS and agent logs (case insensitive search for dbmdiscovery) or in the Discovery window itself.

It is recommended that you review the logs for troubleshooting issues. For the list of logs that you can review and their locations, see Review Logs.

The following sections are provided:

Hardware Availability

All the hardware components must be "known" and reachable; otherwise, communication failures will occur. Use the ping command for each hardware component of the Exadata rack to make sure all names are resolved.

The MAP targets in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c may fail while collecting the correlation identifier. This failure can happen if the credentials are incorrect OR if a target (for example, the ILOM) is too slow in responding.

ILOM can be slow when the number of open sessions on ILOM has exceeded the limit. You can resolve this issue by temporarily closing the sessions on the ILOM.

The rack placement of targets can fail:

  • If examan did not return valid rack position for the target.

  • If there is an existing target in the same location.

Discovery Failure Diagnosis

Should discovery of your Oracle Exadata Database Machine fail, collect the following information for diagnosis:

  • Any examan-*.xml, examan-*.html, targets-*.xml, and examan*.log files from the AGENT_ROOT/agent_inst/sysman/emd/state/exadata directory.

  • Agent logs: emagent_perl.trc and gcagent.log

  • OMS logs: emoms.trc and emoms.log

  • Any snapshot (screen capture) of errors shown on the target summary page.

  • If the Prerequisite Check page shows critical errors, then discovery can be retried by clicking on the Retry menu and selecting the Retry, Static Only option.

Exadata Storage Server is not Discovered

If the Exadata Storage Server itself is not discovered, possible causes could be:

  • The /etc/oracle/cell/network-config/cellip.ora file on the compute node is missing or unreadable by the agent user or Exadata Storage Server not listed in that file.

  • The Exadata Storage Server is not listed in the /etc/oracle/cell/network-config/cellip.ora file.

  • Management Server (MS) or cellsrv is down.

  • Exadata Storage Server management IP is changed improperly. Bouncing both cellsrv and MS may help.

  • To check that the Exadata Storage Server is discovered with a valid management IP, run the following command from the grid infrastructure or database home on the compute node used for discovery:

    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/kfod op=cellconfig

Compute Node or InfiniBand Switch is not Discovered

If there are problems with discovery of the compute node or the InfiniBand switch, possible causes could be:

  • The InfiniBand switch host name or ilom-admin password is incorrect.

  • The connection from the compute node to the InfiniBand switch through SSH is blocked by a firewall.

  • The InfiniBand switch is down or takes too long to respond to SSH.

To resolve problems with the compute node or InfiniBand switch discovery, try:

  • If the InfiniBand switch node is not discovered, the InfiniBand switch model or switch firmware may not be supported by EM Exadata. Run the ibnetdiscover command. Output should look like:

    Switch 36 "S-002128469f47a0a0" # "Sun DCS 36 QDR switch switch1.example.com" enhanced port 0 lid 1 lmc 0
  • If the compute node is not discovered, then run the ibnetdiscover command on the compute node. The output should look similar to that shown below. If the output shows missing or invalid values, refer the issue to your network administrator.

    Ca 2 "H-00212800013e8f4a" # " xdb1db02 S HCA-1“

Extra or Missing Components in the Newly Discovered Exadata Database Machine

If the list of components on the Components page of the discovery wizard contains extra components or missing components, then check the following troubleshooting steps:

  • For extra components, examine them for Exadata Database Machine membership. Deselect any unnecessary pre-selected components on the components page.

  • Verify which schematic file that was used for discovery. Ensure that Enterprise Manager can read the latest xml file (for example, databasemachine.xml) on the compute node.

  • For missing components, check the schematic file content.

  • To generate a new schematic file, see Oracle Support Doc ID 1684431.1.

ILOM, PDU, or Cisco Switch is not Discovered

If the ILOM, PDU, or Cisco switch is not discovered, the most likely cause is that the Exadata Database Machine Schematic file cannot be read or has incorrect data. See Troubleshooting the Exadata Database Machine Schematic File.

Test Connection Fails in PDU

If Test connection gives an error message Wrong credentials Please provide correct PDU user name and password..., ignore the message and proceed with the discovery. The PDU target will be in the down status initially. To correct the failure, you can try one of the following methods:

  • Add the SNMP subscriptions to the PDU manually by following the steps in Enable SNMPv3 on PDUs. The target will be backup when SNMP starts collecting the availability metrics.

  • Execute the below command from the agent that is monitoring the target:

    emctl control agent runCollection <pdu-target-name>:oracle_si_pdu oracle_si_pdu_snmp_config emctl upload agent

Target Does not Appear in the Components Step of Guided Discovery

Even though no error may appear on the Prerequisite Check page during the Exadata Database Machine guided discovery process, the target does not appear on the Components page. Possible causes and solutions include:

  • Check the All Targets page to make sure that the target has not been added as an Enterprise Manager target already:

    • Log in to Enterprise Manager.

    • Select Targets, then All Targets.

    • On the All Targets page, check to see if the target that was not shown on Components selection page, appears in the list.

  • A target that is added manually may not be connected to the Exadata Database Machine system target through association. To correct this problem:

    • Delete these targets before initiating the Exadata Database Machine guided discovery.

    • Alternatively, use the emcli command to add these targets to the appropriate system target as members.

Target Status is Down or Metric Collection Error After Discovery

After the Exadata Database Machine guided discovery, an error that the target is down or that there is a problem with the metric collection may display. Possible causes and recommended solutions include:

  • For the Exadata Storage Server or InfiniBand switch, the setup of SSH may not be configured properly. To troubleshoot and resolve this problem:

    • The agent's SSH public key in the <AGENT_INST>/.ssh/id_dsa.pub file is not in the authorized_keys file of $HOME/.ssh for ilom-admin.

      For the Exadata Storage Server monitored using CellCLI: The agent's SSH public key in the<AGENT_INST>/.ssh/id_dsa.pub file is not in the $HOME/.ssh.authorized_keys for the cellmonitor user on Exadata Storage Server.

      For the Exadata Storage Server monitored using ExaCLI/RESTAPI: Exadata Storage Server credentials are not set as monitoring credentials for the Exadata Storage Server target.

      For InfiniBand Switch: The agent's SSH public key in the <AGENT_INST>/.ssh/id_dsa.pub file is not in the $home/.ssh/authorized_keys file for ilom-admin user on Infiniband Switch.

    • Verify permissions. The permission settings for .ssh and authorized_keys should be:

      drwx------ 2 cellmonitor cellmonitor 4096 Oct 13 07:06 .ssh
      -rw-r--r-- 1 cellmonitor cellmonitor 441842 Nov 10 20:03 authorized_keys
    • Resolve a PerformOperationException error. See Troubleshooting the Exadata Database Machine Schematic File for more information.

  • If the SSH setup is confirmed to be properly configured, but the target status is still down, then check to make sure there are valid monitoring and backup agents assigned to monitor the target. To confirm, click the Database Machine menu and select Monitoring Agents.

  • For the ILOM, PDU, or Cisco switch, possible causes include:

    • The Exadata Database Machine Schematic Diagram file has the wrong IP address.

    • Monitoring Credentials is not set or incorrect.

  • To verify or to set Monitoring Credentials:

    • Log in to Enterprise Manager.

    • Click Setup, then Security, and finally Monitoring Credentials.

    • On the Monitoring Credentials page, click the Exadata Database Machine target type. Verify that the monitoring credentials are set. If not, then set the monitoring credentials.

ILOM Credential Validation Fails During Discovery

ILOM Credential Validation Failure Errors

ILOM credential validation may fail while performing a 13c discovery. The following error may occur:

Authentication failed

The possible cause of the error is that the credentials provided are invalid.

To resolve the issue, use valid credentials.

Discovery Process Hangs

If the discovery process for the Exadata Database Machine hangs, then check the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Examine your network to verify:

    • That the host name can be resolved.

    • That the Agent(s) can access the OMS.

    • That a simple job can be executed from the console.

  • If the OMS reported any errors, then check the following log file:

  • For Repository issues, check the Repository database's alert.log file.

  • For Agent issues, check the following log file on the monitoring agents:


SNMP Configuration Missing

Set Up SNMP Subscription for Exadata Storage Servers

Exadata Storage Server supports SNMP v1/v2 and v3 version based alert notifications to the subscribers. To receive alerts in the SNMP V3 version, the monitoring agents must be added to the snmpsubscriber list using a snmpuser. To set the values of snmpSubscriber, notificationMethod and notificationPolicy:

  1. Set the snmpSubscriber value:
    • SNMP V1

      # cellcli -e "alter cell snmpSubscriber=((host='[host name]',port=[port]),(host='[host name]',port=[port]))"

      Where [host name] and [port] values are Agents monitoring your Exadata Storage Server targets.

    • SNMP V3

      The process is same as above, but along with the host and port, an SNMP V3 user and type must be provided:

      ALTER CELL snmpSubscriber=((host='host1.example.com',port=[port], snmpUser='[v3user]', type=V3))

      Before you run the command, make sure that a v3user is a valid SNMP user on the Exadata Storage Server. You can check by running following command:

      cellcli -e "list cell attributes snmpUser"

      If there is no valid SNMP user on the Exadata Storage Server, then add a SNMP V3 user. See Create SNMPv3 Users on Compute Nodes and Storage Servers.


    Take special care not to overwrite existing settings for snmpSubsriber. If there are existing subscribers, then append the agent subscriptions. Get the list of existing SNMP subscribers using the command cellcli -e list cell attributes snmpSubscriber as below:

    # cellcli -e list cell attributes snmpSubscriber

    Then you must append the new agent subscriptions to the existing ones and run the command alter cell snmpsubscriber as shown below:

    #cellcli -e "alter cell snmpSubscriber=((host='ilm-asr.example.com',port=162,
    community=public,type=asr),(host='[host name]',port=[port]),(host='[host name]',port=[port]))"
  2. For SNMP V3, update the following in Enterprise Manager:
    • Ensure that the SNMP V3 monitoring credentials set on the Exadata Storage Server target in Enterprise Manager match the SNMP V3 user on the Exadata Storage Server:

      • Log in to Enterprise Manager.

      • From the Setup menu, select Security, then select Monitoring Credentials.

      • Select the Exadata Storage Server type and click Manage Monitoring Credentials.

      • Select the Exadata Storage Server and set the SNMP V3 credentials.

    • Ensure that the Monitoring Configuration property SNMP Engine ID is set up for the Exadata Storage Server target in Enterprise Manager:

      • Log in to Enterprise Manager.

      • Go to the Exadata Storage Server home page.

      • From the Exadata Storage Server menu, select Monitoring Configuration.

      • If the Engine ID property is not set, then set it manually in Enterprise Manager. Obtain it from the Exadata Storage Server with the following command

        CellCLI> list cell attributes snmpengineidhex ;

        All of the above steps are automatically taken care of, if the SNMP V3 subscription is selected in the Exadata Storage Server Credentials region that appears as part of the Exadata Database Machine discovery wizard.

  3. Set the notificationMethod value:
    # cellcli -e "alter cell notificationMethod='snmp,mail'"
  4. Set the notificationPolicy value:
    # cellcli -e "alter cell notificationPolicy='Critical,Warning,Clear'"
Set Up SNMP Subscription for Cisco Ethernet Switch Targets

The Cisco Ethernet Switch must be configured to allow the Agents that monitor it to be able to both poll the switch and to receive SNMP alerts from the switch. To allow this, perform the following steps (swapping the example switch name dm01sw-ip with the name of the Cisco Ethernet Switch target being configured):


This procedure is valid for SI targets if the monitoring of the switch is performed with a non-administrator user. If Enterprise Manager monitors the switch with an administrator user, the following procedure is automatically performed as part of the discovery process.

  1. Log in to the Cisco switch and enter Configure mode:
    # ssh cisco-switch-host -l <admin user>
    User Access Verification Password: 
    dm01sw-ip> enable
    dm01sw-ip# configure terminal
    Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
  2. Enable access to allow the Agents monitoring Cisco Switch target to poll the switch.

    In the command, [EMagentIPaddr] is the IP address of the server where the Enterprise Manager Agent is running. See Create SNMPv3 Users on Cisco Ethernet Switches and Create SNMP Community on Cisco Ethernet Switches.

  3. Set the monitoring Agent as the location where SNMP alerts are delivered. The SNMP community specified for a monitoring agent on the Cisco Switch must match the value provided during Enterprise Manager Cisco Switch Management setup:
    snmp-server host <EM_Agent_IP_Address> version { 1 | 2c | 3 { auth | noauth | priv }} community-string [ udp-port <EMagentRecvltListenPort> ]

    In the above command:

    • EM_Agent_IP_Address: IP Address of the monitoring agent
    • version { 1 | 2c | 3 { auth | noauth | priv }}: The SNMP version can be SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3. The optional keywords {auth | noauth | priv}} are used to specify the authentication level.
    • udp-port <EMagentRecvltListenPort>: [EMagentRecvltListenPort] is the EMD_URL port of the emagent or SnmpRecvletListenNIC property value if it is enabled. Specifying udp-port is optional.
    • community-string: For SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c, enter the password-like community string. In case of SNMPv3, enter the SNMPv3 user name. For example, in case of SNMPv3, the above command is changed to:
      snmp-server host <EM_Agent_IP_Address> version {3 { auth | noauth | priv }} SNMPv3-user-name [ udp-port <EMagentRecvltListenPort> ]
  4. Verify settings and save the configuration:
    dm01sw-ip(config)# end
    dm01sw-ip# show running-config
    dm01sw-ip# copy running-config startup-config
Set Up SNMP for Power Distribution Unit (PDU) Targets

To enable Enterprise Manager to collect metric data and raise events for the PDU target, you must configure the PDU to accept SNMP queries from the Agents that monitor the PDU target. Also, appropriate threshold values for different phase values must be set on the PDU.

For steps to enable SNMPv3 on the PDU, see Enable SNMPv3 on PDUs.

Time Out Error During SNMP Subscription

During the discovery of Exadata Database Machine, when the Exadata Storage Servers have ILOM 5.0 or later, and the SNMP subscription step throws a Time Out error, the following two fixes are recommended:

  1. Upgrade Enterprise Manager Exadata plugin to 13.4 RU12, 13.5 RU01, or later.

  2. Upgrade Exadata Storage Server software to or later version.

Review Logs

You can review the logs to verify the proper discovery, functioning, and troubleshooting. Following are some of the useful logs and their locations:

  • OMS logs

    Location: $INSTANCE_HOME/sysman/log

    • emoms.log: The main log file for the OMS Console application

    • emoms.trc: The main trace file for the OMS Console application

    • emoms_pbs.log: The main log file for the OMS platform application

  • EM Managed Server logs

    Location: Relative path from EM instance base user_projects/domains/GCDomain/servers/EMGC_OMS1

    • EMGC_OMS1.log: The EMGC_OMSn instance writes all messages from its subsystems and applications to this log file.

    • EMGC_OMS1-diagnostic.log: This log file contains application-related security errors.

  • Monitoring agent logs

    Location: Relative path from AGENT INSTANCE HOME sysman/log

    • gcagent.log: This log file contains trace, debug, information, error, or warning messages from the Agent. It can be used for debugging Agent framework issues.

    • gcagent_errors.log: It is similar to gcagent.log, but it contains only the log messages of ERROR and FATAL levels. The log has no size limit.

    • emagent_perl.trc: Trace file for the PERL scripts. EM uses Perl scripts to gather some metrics and target discovery. The log level can be changed by modifying EMAGENT_PERL_TRACE_LEVEL variable in sysman/config/emd.properties file.

EMCLI Discovery Issues

The deployment procedure output displays the error messages for targets not promoted, tasks not performed (like SNMP subscription, access point creation, etc.) and information to resolve those errors. After you resolve the underlying cause for the error, submit the deployment procedure again.

To triage an issue, enable the debug mode on OMS and the agent and resubmit the discovery to get more information:

  • On OMS:

    emctl set property -name log4j.rootCategory -value "DEBUG, emlogAppender, emtrcAppender" -sysman_pwd sysman
  • On the agent:

    emcli set_agent_property -agent_name="<agent_target_name>" -value=DEBUG -name="Logger.sdklog.level"

The following are some of the errors that may be encountered and resolved:

System Infrastructure Targets in Pending Status

System Infrastructure targets are in Pending status for a while until the first configuration metrics are collected.

If the status Pending is displayed for the discovered targets even after 15 minutes, then go to the target home page and investigate the cause and attempt to fix them manually. For example, metric collection errors, etc.

In most cases, the issue gets resolved without rediscovery if you wait long enough for the target metrics to be collected.

Discovery Status Summary States "Completed with errors"

If the EMCLI Deployment Procedure step System Creation completes with a status of Completed with Errors, then the summary information about the errors encountered will be displayed in the procedure output. For example:

Number of targets that have been created successfully:8
Number of targets that have errors during discovery:1 

List of targets with errors during discovery:
ExpressionEvaluationException: Below error message was returned while executing this Computational step.
Some targets are not successfully discovered. Please refer the above target creation details for the detailed errors. 

Target Discovered but Association Not Created

If the discovery status reports that a target is created but its associations are not, then create associations manually by following these steps:

  1. Add the target manually to the Exadata Database Machine Schematic from the database machine home page. This will associate the target with database machine rack.

  2. Associate the target with Exadata Database Machine using the EMCLI command as in the following example:

    emcli create_assoc -assoc_type='app_composite_contains' -source='DB_Machine1.example.com:oracle_dbmachine'

Component not Available or Accessible Before Discovery

If the Exadata Database Machine member target is not available or accessible, then try resolving the issue through one of the following options:

  • Make component available before performing Database Machine discovery.

  • If the component's availability is unresolved for an indefinite time, then exclude it from the Exadata Database Machine discovery. Use the input file parameter component.skipComponentList and proceed with the discovery. After the component is available, remove it from the component.skipComponentList parameter and resubmit the discovery to add the target to the existing Exadata Database Machine.

Trouble Using ExaCLI during Discovery

If you selected ExaCLI as the monitoring mechanism for Exadata Storage Servers and if the monitoring agent is installed on the compute nodes, then ExaCLI should already be installed. If not, ensure that ExaCLI is installed on the agent that you have selected.

To verify if ExaCLI is installed properly on the agent, run the following command:

[oracle@myagent ~]$ which exacli
[oracle@myagent ~]$ exacli -c mycell.example.com -l exacli_user --xml -e 'list cell attributes name'
Password: *************
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<context cell="mycell"/>
<cell> <name>mycell</name> 

Input File Errors

  • Mandatory property name or value not specified in the input file

    The error is displayed indicating the properties that are missing as part of the input file. For example, Property outputFileLoc is not defined.

  • The specified value is not applicable for a property

    The error message lists out all allowed values for the property. For example, Check cell metric source input. It needs be CellCLI or ExaCLI.

  • The named credential specified in the input file does not exist

    The error is displayed indicating the named credential which is not available in Enterprise Manager. For example, Credential not found owner SYSMAN name BLR_BOX_CREDS_1.

  • The specified named credential in not valid

    The error is displayed indicating the credential failed during verification. For example, Credential test of cell target Exa_Storage_Server_1 failed..

Resolve the issue based on the additional information available with the error, and rediscover the targets.

Resolve the above errors by updating the information in the input file by using the resolution steps suggested in the Deployment Procedure output. Resubmit the Deployment Procedure to discover targets.

Unclear Message Shown on the Deployment Procedure Output

Typically, detailed information about the error and resolution is displayed for identified use cases. In case an unclear message is displayed, to learn the cause of the error:

  • Check the Oracle Management Service logs (instance logs) in the location $INSTANCE_HOME/sysman/log where the information would be logged.

  • Check the Enterprise Manager server logs stored in the relative path from the Enterprise Manager instance base user_projects/domains/GCDomain/servers/EMGC_OMS1, for more information.

Troubleshooting the Exadata Database Machine Schematic File

As part of any discovery troubleshooting, possible causes and recommended resolution with the schematic file can include:

  • The schematic file on the compute node is missing or is not readable by the agent user.

    For Exadata Release and later, the schematic file is:


    Ensure that the schematic file exists in the specified location and that the file and directory can be accessed by the agent installation user account.

  • If a PerformOperationException error appears, the agent NMO is not configured for setuid-root:

    • From the OMS log:

      2019-11-08 12:28:12,910 [[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '6' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] 
      ERROR model.DiscoveredTarget logp.251 - 
      ERROR: NMO not setuid-root (Unix only) oracle.sysman.emSDK.agent.client.exception.PerformOperationException:
    • As root, run:

      # <AGENT_INST>/root.sh
  • In the /etc/pam.d file, pam_ldap.so is used instead of pam_unix.so on compute nodes.

    • Even though the agent user and password are correct, this errors appears in the agent log:

      ERROR: Invalid username and/or password

    To resolve the issue, in /etc/pam.d file use pam_unix.so on compute nodes.

  • If the schematic file is blank, then:

    • Check your browser support and Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c.

    • Run through discovery again and watch for messages.

    • Check the emoms.log file for exceptions at the same time.

  • If components are missing, then:

    • Add manually to the schematic page (click Edit).

    • Check for component presence in Enterprise Manager. Check to see if it is monitored.

Exadata Database Machine Management Troubleshooting

If data is missing in Resource Utilization graphs, then run a "view object" SQL query to find out what data is missing. Common problems include:

  • Schematic file is not loaded correctly.

  • Cluster, Database, and ASM are not added as Enterprise Manager targets.

  • Database or Exadata Storage Server target is down or is returning metric collection errors.

  • Metric is collected in the Enterprise Manager repository, but has an IS_CURRENT != Y setting.

Exadata Derived Association Rules

Exadata derived association rules depend on Exadata and DB/ASM ECM data. This data may take up to 30 minutes to appear depending on metric collection schedule. To check for data availability:

  • From the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console:

    • Click Targets, then All Targets.

    • On the All Targets page, click the Oracle Exadata target from the list.

    • Click Database System, then Configuration, and finally Last Collected.

    • On the Latest Configuration page, click Actions, then Refresh.

  • From the command line:

    # emctl control agent runCollection
    # target_name:target_type <collectionName>

Other troubleshooting tips include:

  • Verify that ECM data are collected and present in Enterprise Manager repository.

  • Verify that all data and conditions in query are met by running the query in SQL+.

  • Verify triggers by enabling debug logging to check for timing issues.

Target Status Issues

If the Target status shows DOWN inaccurately, then:

  • If you are using cellCLI to monitor the Exadata Storage Server, you can check SSH equivalence (cellmonitor user) with the following command:

    ssh –i /home/oracle/.ssh/id_dsa –l cellmonitor <cell name> -e cellcli list cell

    Output should be: <cell name>

  • For the PDU: Check to make sure you can access the PDU through your browser to verify that it is connected to your LAN:

    http://<pdu name>
  • For the Cisco Switch: Check for proper SNMP subscriptions. See Set Up SNMP Subscription for Cisco Ethernet Switch Targets for details.

Metric Collection Issues

If the Target status shows a Metric Collection Error, then:

  • Hover over the icon or navigate to Incident Manager.

  • Read the full text of the error.

  • Visit the Monitoring Configuration page and examine the settings. From the Setup menu, select Monitoring Configuration.

  • Trigger a new collection: From the Target menu, select Configuration, then select Last Collected, then Actions, and finally select Refresh.

  • Access the monitoring Agent Metric through your browser:


    Click Target >> and then click Response to evaluate the results. You may need to log a service request (SR) with Oracle Support.

Status: Pending Issues

For those issues where components are in a Pending status, see the following troubleshooting steps:

Cellsys Targets

If the Cellsys target seems to be in a Pending status for too long, then:

  • Verify that there is an association for the Cluster ASM, Database, and Exadata Storage Servers.

  • Check and fix the status of the associated target database.

  • Check and fix the status of the associated target ASM cluster.

  • Ensure an UP status for all Exadata Storage Server targets.

  • Delete any unassociated cellsys targets.

Database Machine Target or Any Associated Components

If the Exadata Database Machine target or any associated components are in a Pending status for too long, then:

  • Check for duplicate or pending delete targets. From the Setup menu, select Manage Cloud Control, then select Health Overview.

  • Check the target configuration. From the target's home page menu, select Target Setup, then select Monitoring Configurations.

  • Search for the target name in the agent or OMS logs:

    $ grep <target name> gcagent.log or emoms.log

Monitoring Agent Not Deployed for IPv6 Environments

Problem: For IPv6 environments, the monitoring agent is not deployed.

Cause: If the IPv6 address is not included in the /etc/hosts file, then the agent will not be deployed.

Resolution: Edit the /etc/hosts of the compute node (or the VM in case of virtual Exadata) to map the OMS host name to an IPv6 address.

Monitoring: Error Fetching Data for Grid and CellSys Targets IORM Page Charts

When you encounter Error Fetching Data in the IORM page Workload distribution by Databases of Grid and CellSys targets charts in the first 24 hours of Database Machine discovery, to resolve, you can wait 24 hours after the Database Machine is discovered or perform the following steps:

  1. Ensure that the Grid and CellSys member targets configuration collection is collected. If the configuration is not available, perform the below steps:

    1. Go to Exadata Grid target menu, Configuration, Latest, click Refresh.

    2. Select the member targets configuration collection and click OK.

    3. Wait until the configuration collection is collected successfully.

  2. Update the collection frequency of the Exadata Storage Type metric to 1 minute for every member of the Grid and CellSys target. Follow the below steps:

    1. Go to Exadata Storage Server target menu, Monitoring, and Metric and Collection Settings.

    2. Click the Other Collected Items tab. Update the Exadata Storage Type metric collection frequency to 1 minute and save it.

  3. Wait for 10 minutes, launch the Grid and CellSys target home page, and ensure that the Overview section does not display the message Configuration collection is not available. If the message continues to appear, then repeat Steps 1 and 2.

After the issue is resolved for Grid and CellSys IORM page charts, set the Exadata Storage Type metric collection frequency to 1440 minutes.

Not able to receive SNMP traps on Exadata Storage Servers using IPv6

For IPv6 environments, the Enterprise Manager agent needs have SNMP v3 subscription to the Exadata Storage Servers, for complete monitoring.

  • SNMP V3 user created on Exadata Storage Server. See Step 1 for instructions.

  • Exadata Storage Server version must be or later to support SNMP V3 subscription.

If the SNMP subscription was missed during Exadata discovery, you can follow these steps:

To configure SNMP v3 subscription on an Exadata Storage Server:

  1. Create an SNMP V3 user on Exadata Storage Server Target.
    • Suppose you need a user called "v3user". You can check whether this user is already present on the Exadata Storage Server using this command:

      cellcli -e "list cell attributes snmpUser"
    • If this user is not present on the Exadata Storage Server, create a new user. See Create SNMPv3 Users on Compute Nodes and Storage Servers.


    The Enterprise Manager Agent supports DES and AES privacy protocols in addition to SHA authentication protocol.
  2. If you need to edit the SNMP V3 monitoring credentials of the Exadata Storage Server after discovery, you can log in to Enterprise Manager and:
    • Select Setup, then Security, then Monitoring Credentials.

    • Select Oracle Exadata Storage Server type, and click on Manage Monitoring Credentials button.

    • Select the corresponding row for the Exadata Storage Server target and SNMP V3 Monitoring Credentials credential set and click the Set Credentials button.

    • Populate the Enter Monitoring Credentials form with the appropriate information and click Save.


    Ensure that the SNMP V3 monitoring credentials are setup on the Exadata Storage Server target in Enterprise Manager which match the SNMP V3 user on the Exadata Storage Server.