2 Setting Up Your General Ledger

You set up your general ledger (G/L) in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) by creating a chart of accounts (CoA) and G/L IDs.

Topics in this document:

Setting Up Your General Ledger

When you set up the general ledger, you do this:

  1. Create a list of general ledger (G/L) accounts in the chart of accounts (CoA). See "Creating a Chart of Accounts".

  2. Create G/L IDs. See "Creating G/L IDs".

  3. Specify the G/L IDs to use for recording financial transactions when a charge or an accounts receivable (A/R) action occurs, such as a write-off. To do so, assign G/L IDs to the following:

  4. (For event-based revenue recognition only) Create segments for reporting revenue for groups of customers, such as customers in a geographic region. See "Reporting Revenue for Groups of Customers".

  5. Configure various options that specify how G/L data is reported. For example, how G/L reporting recognizes billing dates. See "General Ledger Configuration Options".

  6. Configure how G/L amounts are rounded. See "Rounding General Ledger Data".

Creating a Chart of Accounts

The chart of accounts (CoA) is a list of general ledger accounts that your company uses. In BRM, you create a CoA that lists the general ledger accounts that are in your company's general ledger on your external financial system.

If you use multiple G/L segments, you can load multiple CoAs and assign a different CoA to each segment. See "Reporting Revenue for Groups of Customers".

To create your general ledger accounts in BRM:

  1. Go to the BRM_home/sys/data/pricing/example directory.

  2. Open the pin_glchartaccts file in text editor. The pin_glchartaccts file includes instructions and examples.

  3. Add the following information to the file:
    • coa_id: The identification number for the CoA. You use this ID when configuring G/L IDs.

    • coa_name: A description of the CoA.

  4. For each general ledger account, add a gl_coa_acct line that includes the following information, separated by tabs:

    • The general ledger account code or number used in your external financial system.

    • A description of the general ledger account.

    • The type of account: asset, equity, expense, liability, or revenue.

    • The status of the account: active or inactive. Inactive accounts cannot be associated with a G/L ID.

    For example:

    gl_coa_acct    40500     prepaid.A/R     asset      active
  5. Run the following command to load the CoA into a /config/glid object in the database:

    load_pin_glchartaccts pin_glchartaccts_file

    See "load_pin_glchartaccts".

Sample pin_glchartaccts Entries

The following shows sample entries in a pin_glchartaccts file for one CoA with thirteen general ledger accounts.

To create multiple CoAs, use multiple sets of the coa_id, coa_name, and gl_coa_accts fields.

gl_chartaccts (
    coa_id         1000
    coa_name       Primary COA
    gl_coa_acct    0         undefined       revenue    active
    gl_coa_acct    1         undefined       asset      active
    gl_coa_acct    49400     prepaid.off     revenue    active
    gl_coa_acct    49300     monthly.A/R     asset      active
    gl_coa_acct    49200     uncollect.A/R   asset      active
    gl_coa_acct    40800     uncollect.off   revenue    active
    gl_coa_acct    40700     cancel.A/R      asset      active
    gl_coa_acct    40500     prepaid.A/R     asset      active
    gl_coa_acct    40000     purchase.off    revenue    active
    gl_coa_acct    20160     monthly.off     revenue    active
    gl_coa_acct    20150     cancel.off      revenue    active
    gl_coa_acct    11000     purchase.A/R    asset      active
    gl_coa_acct    10600     daily.A/R       asset      active

Creating G/L IDs

To create G/L IDs, you define each G/L ID in the BRM_home/sys/data/pricing/example/pin_glid file and then use the load_pin_glid utility to load the G/L IDs into the BRM database.


In a production system, do not remove or modify any existing G/L IDs. Doing so could generate inaccurate G/L reports.

To create G/L IDs:

  1. Go to the BRM_home/sys/data/pricing/example directory.

  2. Open the pin_glid file in a text editor. The pin_glid file includes instructions and examples.

  3. (Optional) Enter the CoA to use for this pin_glid file. The default is to not use a CoA.

  4. (Optional) To create a separate set of G/L IDs for a segment, enter a G/L segment to use for this pin_glid file by using the following syntax:

    gl_segment  root segment.child_segment  [no_rollup] 

    where child_segment is a nested segment and [no_rollup] includes the segment in your reports.


    Segment names are case sensitive and cannot have spaces.

  5. For each G/L ID, add the following information:

    • id: The identification number for the group of G/L IDs.

    • taxcode: (Optional) The tax code used by your tax calculation software.

    • descr: A description, such as Monthly fees.

    • type: The type of G/L ID: standard (0), A/R (1), Revenue (2), or Contract (3). See "About G/L IDs" for more information.

  6. For each supported revenue type in a G/L ID, add a gl_acct line that includes the following information, separated by tabs:

    • The revenue type such as billed, unbilled, and unearned.

    • What the amount represents:

      • gross: Reports the total revenue.

      • disc: Reports the balance impacts of discounted revenue.

      • net: Reports the amount of revenue that remains after applying discounts.

      • tax: Reports the amount of taxes calculated. This data is used for collecting G/L data based on tax codes.

      For example, if you provide a $5 discount on a $30 cycle forward fee: the gross amount is $30, the discounted amount is $5, and the net amount is $25.

    • The G/L accounts to use for tracking debits and credits.

    For example:

    gl_acct       billed         gross       purchase.debit        purchase.credit
  7. Save the pin_glid file.

  8. Run the following command to load the G/L IDs into the BRM database:

    load_pin_glid pin_glid_file

    See "load_pin_glid" for more information.

Sample pin_glid Entries

The following shows sample entries in a pin_glid file for defining the G/L ID for a purchase fee:

# G/L ID for purchase fee 
id            10123222
taxcode       PURCHASE_TAXCODE
descr         Purchase Fees
type          2
gl_acct       billed         gross       purchase.debit        purchase.credit
gl_acct       billed         net         purchase.debit        purchase.credit
gl_acct       billed         disc        purchase.credit       purchase.debit
gl_acct       unbilled       gross       purchase.debit        purchase.credit
gl_acct       unbilled       net         purchase.debit        purchase.credit
gl_acct       unbilled       disc        purchase.credit       purchase.debit

Assigning G/L IDs to A/R Actions

Some balance impacts are generated by A/R actions, such as payments and refunds, rather than by charges. To have these actions recorded in your general ledger, map each A/R action to a G/L ID.

To map A/R actions to G/L IDs:

  1. Go to the BRM_home/sys/msgs/reasoncodes directory.

  2. Open the reasons.en_US sample file in a text editor.

  3. Add your G/L IDs, making sure that they match the G/L IDs in the pin_glid file.


    You can change the existing G/L IDs, such as 109 (payment), to a custom G/L ID.

  4. Save the reasons.en_US file.

  5. Run the following command, which loads this change into the /config/map_glid object:

    load_localized_strings reasons.locale

Assigning G/L IDs to Prerated Events

To assign G/L IDs to prerated events or partially rated events, use the PCM_OP_ACT_POL_SPEC_GLID policy opcode. See "Assigning G/L IDs to Prerated Events" in BRM Opcode Guide.