1 Understanding Revenue Assurance Manager

This chapter provides an overview of Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Revenue Assurance Manager.


Revenue Assurance Manager is an optional feature that you install separately. See "Installing Revenue Assurance Manager".

Before using Revenue Assurance Manager, you should be familiar with BRM concepts and system architecture. See BRM Concepts.

About Revenue Assurance Manager

You use Revenue Assurance Manager to do the following:

The data collected by Revenue Assurance Manager is stored in the BRM database. You analyze that data to find revenue leakage in your system. You can view the data by using Revenue Assurance Center or Revenue Assurance Manager reports. See "About Viewing Revenue Assurance Data".

About Collecting Revenue Assurance Data

You can collect revenue assurance data from the following BRM processes:

  • Regular billing:

    • Billing accounts (pin_bill_accts utility)

    • Collecting credit and debit card payments (pin_collect utility)

    • Invoicing (pin_inv_accts utility)

    • Deferring actions (pin_deferred_act utility)

    • Calculating cycle fees (pin_cycle_fees utility)

  • Bill on purchase

  • Bill now

  • Auto-triggered billing

  • Trial billing (pin_trial_bill_accts utility)

To collect revenue assurance data from those processes, you must configure the related utilities and operations to generate that data. See "Configuring BRM to Generate Revenue Assurance Data for Billing".

Revenue assurance data consists of statistics such as the following:

  • Number of input records

  • Number of successful records

  • Number of failed records

  • Total revenue billed

  • Total revenue to be collected

  • Total revenue collected

  • Number of successfully billed accounts

  • Number of accounts that failed to be billed

  • The total revenue associated with successfully billed accounts

  • The number of suppressed bills

  • The revenue associated with suppressed bills

BRM stores revenue assurance data in /process_audit and /process_audit/billing objects in the BRM database.

After revenue assurance data has been collected, you can view the data by using Revenue Assurance Center or Revenue Assurance reports. See "About Viewing Revenue Assurance Data".

How Revenue Assurance Data Is Collected

Revenue Assurance Manager collects data from the following:

  • Bill on purchase, bill now, and auto-triggered billing operations.

  • Control points in utilities. The control points are preconfigured, and you cannot change them.

    Table 1-1 lists the utility control points:

    Table 1-1 Utility Control Points

    Control Point Utility

    Revenue Anticipated

    The pin_bill_accts utility that selects accounts ready for billing provides information on anticipated revenue.

    Revenue Collected

    The pin_collect utility that collects the balance due for bills paid by credit card or direct debit provides information on collected revenue.

    Invoice Generated

    The pin_inv_accts utility that creates a bill for the balance due provides information on the number of generated invoices, including total event records processed, event records successfully invoiced, and failed event records.

    Scheduled Deferrals Executed

    The pin_deferred_act utility that executes deferred actions calculates the number of executed scheduled deferrals.

    Cycle Fees Generated

    The pin_cycle_fees utility used to identify cycle forward fees that have reached the end of free billing periods calculates the number of generated cycle fees.

About Viewing Revenue Assurance Data

You can view revenue assurance data by using either of the following:

  • Revenue Assurance Manager reports: You can generate summary and detail reports from revenue assurance data. You can change the report parameters to meet your business needs.

    See BRM Reports.

  • Revenue Assurance Center: You can use this application in Business Operations Center to search for and view revenue assurance statistics. See Revenue Assurance Center Help for detailed instructions about using the application.

    See "Installing Revenue Assurance Center".

When you use Revenue Assurance Center to view revenue assurance data, you can search for data based on the following information:

  • Billing segments

  • Accounts billed on the same accounting day of month (DOM)

  • A combination of billing segment and DOM

You can display data from all or some of the control points listed in Table 1-1.


The data that can be displayed in Revenue Assurance Center is restricted as follows:

About Splitting Revenue Assurance Data into Detailed Categories

You can split revenue assurance data into detailed categories, such as amounts associated with A/R items, billable items, and suppressed bills. Splitting revenue assurance data enables you to pinpoint the source of revenue leakage in your system more accurately.

The following operations automatically generate split revenue assurance data:

  • Bill now

  • Bill on purchase

  • Auto-triggered billing


By default, generation of revenue assurance data by the preceding operations is disabled. To enable it, see "Enabling Billing Operations to Generate Revenue Assurance Data".

The following utilities have a -split parameter that you can use to separate revenue assurance data:

  • pin_bill_accts

  • pin_trial_bill_accts


    If you intend to collect revenue assurance data from these utilities, be sure to use the -split parameter when you run them.

See the discussions on pin_bill_accts and pin_trial_bill_accts in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

You can view split revenue assurance data in Revenue Assurance Center or in Revenue Assurance reports:

  • Revenue Assurance Center automatically displays split data. It cannot display data that is not split.

About Split Revenue Assurance Data

Split revenue assurance data includes the following categories:

  • A/R items: If service types are associated with these items, the amount for each service type is also generated:

    • Adjustments: Adjustment charges.

    • Payments: Total number of payments received.

    • Payment reversals: Total payment reversals.

    • Disputes: Sum of disputed amounts.

    • Settlements: Sum of settlements.

    • Refunds: Total refunds.

    • Write-offs: Total number of written-off accounts.

    • Write-off reversals: Total number of reversed account write-offs.

  • Billable items: The billable items and their subtypes that you configured (for example, usage charges, recurring charges, one-time charges, and discounts).

  • Miscellaneous charges: If billable items are not configured, the split revenue assurance data is stored as miscellaneous charges.

  • Connections: The number of billed subscription devices or services.

  • Bills suppressed: The number of suppressed bills, the reason for the suppression, and the anticipated revenue.


    The bills-suppressed data is generated by regular billing, trial billing, and auto-triggered billing only.

Splitting Revenue Assurance Data by Type of Charge

You can also split revenue assurance data by the type of charge, such as discounts and usage, one-time, and recurring charges. You do this by setting up custom billable items and item subtypes.

If you do not configure billable item subtypes, the split revenue assurance data is stored as miscellaneous charges.

See "Configuring Item Subtypes to Store Split Revenue Assurance Data".

About Collecting Revenue Assurance Data on Write-Offs

You can use Revenue Assurance Manager to collect statistics about the following types of write-offs:

About Using Event Notification for Revenue Assurance

Revenue Assurance Manager uses event notification to collect data on written-off usage events.

The following events are generated specifically to facilitate the revenue assurance event notification process:

  • /event/notification/suspense/writeoff — When suspended usage event records are written off, Suspense Manager generates this event. By default, when this event occurs, the PCM_OP_PROCESS_AUDIT_CREATE_WRITEOFF_SUMMARY opcode is called.

  • /event/notification/ra_threshold — When specified conditions for producing revenue leakage alerts occur, the load_pin_config_ra_thresholds utility generates this event. By default, when this event occurs, the PCM_OP_PROCESS_AUDIT_POL_ALERT policy opcode is called. See "load_pin_config_ra_thresholds".

See "Configuring Event Notification for Revenue Assurance".