12 Processing Atypical Payments

Learn how to configure how Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) handles payments that are not tailored to your normal payment processing.

Topics in this document:

Processing Overpayments and Underpayments

If a customer pays too much or too little, your Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) business policies may require payment allocation. See "Allocating Payments".

Processing Late or Missed Payments

You can specify how BRM handles late or missed payments, for example, change the account status to inactive or charge a late fee.

To change the account status, customize the PCM_OP_PYMT_POL_COLLECT policy opcode.

To charge a late fee, customize the PCM_OP_PYMT_POL_APPLY_FEE policy opcode.

See "Payment Opcode Workflows" in BRM Opcode Guide.

Reversing Payments

Payment reversals are necessary when a payment is recorded in the BRM database, but the payment is not deposited. For example, you could record a check payment for a check that does not clear. To reopen the bill so the payment can be made again, you reverse the payment. Reversing the payment enables BRM to treat the payment as if it never happened.

You use Payment Tool to process payment reversals. See "Reversing Payments" in BRM Opcode Guide to create a custom application for reversing payments.

Payment Tool reverses payment directly. Payments are reversed indirectly during suspended payment processing. See "Managing Suspended Payments".

You can directly reverse the following types of payments:

  • Check

  • Credit card

  • Direct debit

  • Inter-bank transfers

  • Postal order

  • Wire transfer


    Cash reversals enable cash payments to be recycled during payment suspense processing. They are not intended to directly reverse cash payments from the BRM database.

Refunding Externally Initiated Payments

To refund externally initiated payments, first create the refund items, either manually or by using the pin_mass_refund utility. See "About Refunds " in BRM Managing Accounts Receivable. You then make the refund payments by check or other externally initiated payment, and record those payments by using Payment Tool.

Payment Tool supports the following types of refunds:

  • Check

  • Cash

  • Wire transfer

  • Postal order

  • Inter-bank transfer


    Payment Tool does not support batches of credit card refunds. BRM-initiated refunds are handled by the pin_refund utility.

Configuring Unconfirmed Payment Processing

BRM requires acknowledgment from a bank or payment processor before posting BRM-initiated payments. In some cases, the response from the bank or payment processor does not occur immediately with the request for funds. In that case, you can allow BRM to post unconfirmed payments.

To avoid the possible delay in posting payments, you can configure a new payment Data Manager (DM) to post payments immediately, before the funds are confirmed by the bank or payment processor. The DM requires an input flist of payments from BRM and must return the results to BRM in the output flist. See "Configuring Unconfirmed Payment Processing" in BRM Opcode Guide.