54 business_params Reference

Learn how to use business_params entries to configure Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM).

Topics in this document:

Accounts Receivable business_params Entries

Table 54-1 lists the Accounts Receivable business_params entries.

Table 54-1 Accounts Receivable business_params Entries

Name Description Implementation


Enables automatic write-off reversal on receipt of payment.

See "Enabling Automatic Write-Off Reversals during Payment Collection" in BRM Managing Accounts Receivable.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies the time limit, in seconds, BRM waits before revalidating a customer's credit card during registration. BRM will not attempt to validate an account if a previous validation failed and the specified time has not elapsed.

The default is 3600.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


For Paymentech credit-card processor users, specifies whether to require credit-card verification (CVV) data for Visa card transactions as a method of fraud prevention.

The default is disabled.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies whether to collect a customer's current balance during registration.

The default is enabled.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies the time limit, in seconds, BRM waits before revalidating a customer's direct debit account during registration. BRM will not attempt to validate an account if a previous validation failed and the specified time has not elapsed.

The default is 3600 (1 hour).

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables payment incentives on early payment-in-full.

See "Enabling BRM for Payment Incentives" in BRM Configuring and Collecting Payments.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables Payment Suspense Manager, which suspends payments exhibiting certain problems instead of failing or wrongly allocating them, and postpones them for later investigation. This enables the payment posting process to be completed without requiring immediate intervention to fix the errors.

See "Enabling Payment Suspense in BRM" in BRM Configuring and Collecting Payments.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Improves billing performance.

The following values can be set for the PerfAdvancedTuningSettings business parameter.

0 (No Bit is set): Billing will be processed with default settings.

1 (0x01 Bit 0 is set): If this bit is set, the billing process will not set the item number on the bill items. Use this setting only if your system does not require items to have an item number. Item numbers appear in invoices, detailed ledger reports, and so on.

2 (0x02 Bit 1 is set): If this bit is set, the billing process will skip updating transfer events associated with the bill items. Use this setting only if your system does not have item transfer events created through line transfer operations.

4 (0x04 Bit 2 is set): Used internally by BRM

8 (0x08 Bit 3 is set): If this bit is set, the billing process will skip calculating the previous total unpaid bill for an open item accounting type bill unit. Use this setting only if your system does not require the previous unpaid amount reflected in the bill or the bill unit. See "Improving Performance by Skipping Billing-Time Tax Calculation".

16 (0x10 Bit 4 is set): If this bit is set, balance groups of the subordinate bill units will not be locked when the A/R parent bill unit is billed. For a large hierarchy, locking subordinate bill units can sometimes slow down other concurrent operations on the subordinate bill units.

32 (0x20 Bit 5 is set): When partial billing of an A/R parent bill unit is triggered, the partial billing of its subordinate bill units are triggered by default. If this bit is set, the partial billing of the subordinates will not be triggered before the A/R parent billing.

64 (0x40 Bit 6 is set): If this bit is set, the general ledger (G/L) collection is enabled for trial billing. When the G/L collection is enabled, the G/L /journal objects are created during trial billing. See "Improving Performance by Using Multiple Item Configurations".

Note: By default, the value of this business parameter is 0. To set a value you can use a combination of values. For example, to skip updating transfer events and also skip calculating the previous total unpaid bill, set the value to 10 (2 + 8).

Important: Do not set this business parameter to any value other than the valid values or any combination of those.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables BRM to process PINless debit payments.

See "Enabling PINless Debit Payments in BRM" in BRM Configuring and Collecting Payments.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables searches for /bill objects by total due amount.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies the level of write-off (account level, bill-unit level, or bill level) to track write-off reversals.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.

Billing business_params Entries

Table 54-2 lists the Billing business_params entries.

Table 54-2 Billing business_params Entries

Name Description Implementation


Use when billing occurred after an event was rated but before processing by RE Loader (that is, the event has not impacted the item). In such cases, RE Loader tries to locate the item from the next cycle if the event is created after billing in more than X days.

See "Configuring an Accounting Cycle Delay Period" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

Not cached by the CM.


Determines whether to allow a corrective bill for a bill that is fully or partially paid.

See "Enabling BRM to Create Corrective Bills for Partially or Fully Paid Bills" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Indicates whether to apply cycle forward arrears and cycle arrears fees for Bill Now.

See "Prorating Cycle Arrears and Cycle Forward Arrears for Bill Now" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies whether to apply folds and enable fold calculation.

The default is enabled.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies whether to apply rollovers.

The default is enabled.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Suppresses auto-triggered billing for events processed after the ConfigBillingDelay interval.

See "Configuring Auto-Triggered Billing" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies the hours of the day when the accounting and billing cycles start.

See "Configuring the Billing Cutoff Time" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies in which bill to include cycle forward charges when they occur on the billing day of month and within the billing delay period (ConfigBillingDelay):

  • 0: The cycle forward charges are included in the next bill. This is the default.

  • 1: The cycle forward charges are included in the current bill.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Indicates the order of billing for discount-parents and discount-members (that is, who is billed first).

See "Setting Up Billing for Charge and Discount Sharing Groups" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies the order of billing sponsors and sponsored accounts.

See "Setting Up Billing for Charge and Discount Sharing Groups" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables billing-time discounts at the end of the billing cycle.

See "Defining When Billing-Time Discounts Are Applied" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies the cancellation tolerance for account products, in minutes. This is the time after a product is purchased when it can be canceled with a full refund. For example, this tolerance is needed when a CSR assigns the wrong product to a customer and needs to cancel it.

The default is 15.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies how long after the end of the billing cycle that new events are included in the previous month's bill. The default is 0.

If this value is greater than ConfigBillingDelay, the system generates an error.

See "Billing Cycle Override for Delayed Billing" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies the number of days to wait beyond the billing day of month before billing subscribers.

See "Configuring Delayed Billing" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Sets the appropriate threshold as the default value for creating corrective bills.

See "Specifying the Minimum Threshold Amount for Corrective Bills" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Creates two Bill_Now objects during the billing delay interval. The first Bill_Now object includes charges for the previous cycle. The second Bill_Now object contains charges from the events for the new (next) cycle.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Aligns the product purchase, cycle, and usage start and end times to the accounting cycle. This entry is applicable only when you configure delayed purchase, cycle, or usage start and end times when you set up your offers, and the delay is a whole number measured in cycles.

See "Aligning Account and Cycle Start and End Times" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies how BRM calculates deferred taxes for wholesale billing. When set to billing, the tax is forwarded from the child account to the parent account. BRM calculates taxes for the parent account only, but the single tax item on the parent account includes taxes from both the parent and child accounts.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables charge offer purchases from closed or inactive accounts.

See "Enabling Charge Offer Purchases from Closed or Inactive Accounts" in BRM Managing Customers.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies how BRM journals tax data for deferred tax calculation:

  • 0: Skips journaling of tax data for deferred tax calculation.

  • 1: Journals the tax data, but uses the default tax supplier (from configuration) and default tax locales (the subscriber's address) for tax calculation. It ignores any setting in the event being processed. It can also be used to indicate that the tax supplier and tax locales do not matter for the tax calculation.

  • 2: Journals all tax data, including the tax supplier and tax locales. This is the default.

Note: This parameter works independently from the GeneralLedgerReporting business parameter.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables the 31-day billing feature.

See "Configuring 31-Day Billing" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables Revenue Assurance Manager.

See "Enabling Billing Operations to Generate Revenue Assurance Data" in BRM Collecting Revenue Assurance Data.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables corrective billing and corrective invoicing.

See "Enabling Corrective Billing" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies whether BRM reports a zero tax percentage amount.

See "Reporting Taxes of Zero Percent" in BRM Calculating Taxes.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Determines the prefix and sequence number to assign to the corrective bill.

See "Configuring Bill Numbers for Corrective Bills" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Indicates whether to apply rounding to item totals before calculating the bill total.

See "Configuring BRM to Record Rounding Difference" in BRM Creating Product Offerings.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Defines the search mode for the PCM_OP_BILL_GET_ITEM_EVENT_CHARGE_DISCOUNT opcode. The search criteria must match one of the following:

  • 0: Any balance impact for the event. This is the default.
  • 1: The gross charge of the balance impacts.
  • 2: The net charge of the balance impacts.
  • 3: The total charge of the balance impacts.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies whether to retrieve the total tax and tax due at each item level. The default is disabled.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies an appropriate option for the 31 billing feature. If this feature is not used, the billing day of month (DOM) cannot be greater than 28. Otherwise, any day of the month can be used for billing.

See "Setting the Forward and Back Billing Options" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Controls the creation of /journal objects for noncurrency balance impacts.

See BRM Collecting General Ledger Data.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies the types of items that will not be refunded with an outstanding credit balance.

See "Defining Nonrefundable Items" in BRM Managing Accounts Receivable.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables payment (grant) incentives when a payment is received early in the billing cycle.

See "Enabling BRM for Payment Incentives" in BRM Configuring and Collecting Payments.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables a phased-out service to remain active for any number of days between 1 and 31.

See "Configuring Services for a Generation Change" in BRM Managing Customers.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Determines whether payments should be accepted or rejected when the bill number associated with a payment does not match the last bill.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables borrowing from the rollover amount during the current billing cycle.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables borrowing from the rollover amount during the current billing cycle.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables BRM to evaluate cycle fee discounts purchased or canceled mid-cycle in conjunction with other discounts that are valid during the same period.

See "Configuring Remaining Charge Cycle Discounting" in BRM Managing Customers.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies whether to create a short cycle.

See "Specifying How to Handle Partial Accounting Cycles" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables you to skip validation of billing for nonpaying child bill units.

See "Skipping Validation of Billing for Nonpaying Child Bill Units" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Defines the default value for consumption_rule. When a customer uses a service, BRM must know which minutes (or sub-balance) to use first. You use consumption rules to specify the order in which sub-balances are consumed, according to the validity start time and end time.

See "Setting the Default Consumption Rule" in BRM Creating Product Offerings.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables you to divide accumulated charges across sponsored members of an account.

See "Creating Custom Sponsored Bill Items" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables you to use the deliverable-based revenue recognition scheme, which complies with the ASC 606 and IFRS 15 standards.

See "Enabling Deliverable-Based Revenue Recognition" in BRM Collecting General Ledger Data.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables you to apply cycle forward fees in parallel.

See "Applying Cycle Forward Fees in Parallel" in PDC Creating Product Offerings.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Allows you to extend the validity period of the original sub-balance when a subscription service is transferred.

See "Configuring Sub-Balance Validity for Subscription Service Transfer" in BRM Managing Customers.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables discount exclusion rules, which establish a mutually exclusive relationship between discount offers or between a discount offer and a package.

See "Enabling Mutually Exclusive Discount Offers" in BRM Managing Customers.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Allows you to create only wholesale accounts and bill unit hierarchies.

See "Setting Up Billing for Wholesale Account Hierarchies" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.

Customer business_params Entries

Table 54-3 lists the Customer business_params entries.

Table 54-3 Customer business_params Entries

Name Description Implementation


Specifies the default day of the month for billing accounts.

The default is 0.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies the default number of accounting cycles before a customer is billed.

The default is 1.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies whether to run a checksum validation on the customer's credit card during registration.

The default is enabled.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies the number of months to retain deleted accounts in the BRM system.

The default is 0.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables passwords to secure the creation, modification, and deletion of /service objects.

The default is enabled.

See "Enabling Password Restriction for /service Objects".

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables custom service life cycles.

See "Enabling BRM to Use Custom Service Life Cycles" in BRM Managing Customers.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.

General Ledger business_params Entries

Table 54-4 lists the General Ledger business_params entries.

Table 54-4 General Ledger business_params Entries

Name Description Implementation


Enables custom updates to general ledger data.

See "Customizing G/L Data Stored in /journal Objects" in BRM Opcode Guide.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies whether to enable or disable G/L collection and the creation of /journal objects.

See "Disabling G/L Collection in BRM" in BRM Collecting General Ledger Data.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Records revenue in a separate journal entry for each G/L cycle in a billing cycle. See "Segregating Unbilled Revenue by G/L Cycle within a Billing Cycle" in BRM Collecting General Ledger Data.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.

Installment business_params Entries

Table 54-5 lists the Installment business_params entries.

Table 54-5 Installment business_params Entries

Name Description Implementation


Specifies the number of days before an individual installment’s due date that a reminder notification is generated.

See "Configuring Installment Notification Days" in Configuring and Collecting Payments.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies the number of days, before the effective date, when the last installment is due when the notification will be sent.

See "Configuring Installment Notification Days" in Configuring and Collecting Payments.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.

Invoicing business_params Entries

Table 54-6 lists the Invoicing business_params entries.

Table 54-6 Invoicing business_params Entries

Name Description Implementation


Groups taxes on invoices based on the tax supplier IDs.

See "Aggregating Taxes on Invoices" in BRM Designing and Generating Invoices.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Ensures that all adjustments are allocated to the corrective bill and displayed only in the corrective invoice whenever it is generated.

See "About Deferred Corrective Invoices" in BRM Designing and Generating Invoices.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Generates invoice documents by using the BRM-BI Publisher integration framework.

See "Enabling the BRM-BI Publisher Integration" in BRM Designing and Generating Invoices.

This entry is read by the utility when it runs. You do not need to restart the CM.


Specifies the format in which to store invoices in the database.

See "Specifying the Default Format in Which to Store Invoices in BRM" in BRM Designing and Generating Invoices.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Displays promotion details on invoices.

See "Specifying Whether BRM Displays Promotion Details on Invoices" in BRM Designing and Generating Invoices.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Displays A/R items for each nonpaying bill unit on the paying parent invoice.

See "Setting Defaults for Hierarchical Bill Unit Invoices" in BRM Designing and Generating Invoices.

This entry is read by the utility when it runs. You do not need to restart the CM.


Sets the threshold for including nonpaying child bill unit details on parent detailed invoices.

See "Setting Defaults for Hierarchical Bill Unit Invoices" in BRM Designing and Generating Invoices.

This entry is read by the utility when it runs. You do not need to restart the CM.


Sets the threshold for including nonpaying child bill unit details on parent summary invoices.

See "Setting Defaults for Hierarchical Bill Unit Invoices" in BRM Designing and Generating Invoices.

This entry is read by the utility when it runs. You do not need to restart the CM.

Multibalance business_params Entries

Table 54-7 lists the Multibalance business_params entries.

Table 54-7 Multibalance business_params Entries

Name Description Implementation


Specifies whether to monitor currency balances. The default is disabled.

See "Enabling Balance Monitoring in BRM" in BRM Managing Customers.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies the order of loan or main balance consumption processing. The valid values are:

  • main: Main balance consumption processing.
  • loan: Loan balance consumption process. This is the default.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies whether to perform credit threshold checking during the batch rating process. The valid values are:

  • enabledOffline: Specifies to check credit thresholds during the batch rating process.

  • disabled: Specifies to skip credit threshold checking during the batch rating process and thus increase pipeline processing performance. This is the default.

See "Enabling Threshold Checking in Pipeline Manager" in BRM Configuring Pipeline Rating and Discounting.

This entry is read by the utility when it runs. You do not need to restart the CM.


Indicates the concurrency of object locking. The valid values are:

  • normal: Specifies to lock the account object.

  • high: Specifies to have more concurrency of locking with greater granularity in terms of which balance group to lock. This is the default.

See "Disabling Granular Object Locking" in BRM Developer's Guide.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Restricts balance validity end time to the end time of the charge offer or discount offer that grants the balance.

See "Restricting the End Time of Granted Balances That Start on First Usage" in BRM Creating Product Offerings.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies the default consumption rule when consuming validity-based sub-balances. The default is ESTEET.

See "Setting the Default Consumption Rule" in BRM Creating Product Offerings.

This entry is read by the utility when it runs. You do not need to restart the CM.

Notification business_params Entries

Table 54-8 lists the Notification business_params entries.

Table 54-8 Notification business_params Entries

Name Description Implementation


Specifies the Kafka database number. This value replaces the {Dynamic} key variable in message payloads sent to Kafka topics.

See "Configuring the Dynamic Key Value" in BRM Developer's Guide.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.

Pricing and Rating business_params Entries

Table 54-9 lists the Pricing and Rating business_params entries.

Table 54-9 Pricing and Rating business_params Entries

Name Description Implementation


Determines whether to allocate automatic adjustments from rerating to original bills.

See "Creating Corrective Bills" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables backdating beyond the number of billing cycles specified in the num_billing_cycles entry without requesting to automatically rerate.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables deferred tax calculation during rerating.

See "Enabling Deferred Tax Calculation during Rerating" in BRM Rerating Events.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies whether to apply discounts when the product scale is 0. When disabled, rating skips the pipeline call so that discounts are not processed if the product scale is 0. The default is enabled.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables the automatic creation of rerate jobs when customers cancel products with noncurrency resources.

See "Enabling Rerating for Canceled Noncurrency Resources" in BRM Rerating Events.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables Oracle Communications Elastic Charging Engine (ECE) rating.

See "Configuring the Connection Manager for Rerating" in BRM Rerating Events.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies how to enable ERAs.

See "Filtering the ERAs Considered during Rating and Discounting".

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables global charge sharing.

See "Enabling Global Charge Sharing Searches during Discounting" in BRM Managing Customers.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables BRM to rerate events by using the pricing applied when rating conditions change during the session.

See "Enabling Rerating when the Rating Conditions Change During the Session" in BRM Rerating Events.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies the maximum number of charge offers or discount offers that can be cached for rating.

See "Configuring the Maximum Number of Charge and Discount Offers Cached".

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies whether system products, user products, system discounts, or user discounts are cached during CM startup. Bit fields of the integer value are used to specify the configuration options:

  • Bit 0: Pre-caches system products.

  • Bit 1: Pre-caches user products.

  • Bit 2: Pre-caches system discounts.

  • Bit 3: Pre-caches user discounts.

The default is 0.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies whether a balance monitor group member's credit limit is set to NULL when its credit limit is rolled up to the parent. When enabled, a member's credit limit is set to NULL.

The default is enabled.

See "Nullifying Credit Limits for PR_RTCE Child Members" in BRM Managing Customers.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables time-stamp rounding to midnight for the resources granted by purchase events.

See "Configuring Time-Stamp Rounding for Purchase Events" in PDC Creating Product Offerings.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.

Subscription business_params Entries

Table 54-10 lists the Subscription business_params entries.

Table 54-10 Subscription business_params Entries

Name Description Implementation


Specifies whether to apply charges to inactive or canceled products. The default is disabled.

See "Specifying Whether to Charge Inactive, Canceled, or SuspendedActive Accounts" in PDC Creating Product Offerings.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies whether PCM_OP_SUBSCRIPTION_CYCLE_FORWARD adds rollover details to /event/notification/subscription/renewal notification events.

See "Adding Rollover Details to Subscription Renewals" in BRM Managing Customers.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies whether to automatically create a discount sharing group or product sharing group for the top-level parent or billing account. The valid values are:

  • 0: Disabled. This is the default.

  • 1: Automatic discount sharing is enabled.

  • 2: Product sharing groups are enabled.

  • 3: Both automatic discount sharing and product sharing groups are enabled.

See "Enabling AMS and Automated Sharing Groups in BRM" in BRM Managing Customers.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies whether to use Automated Monitor Setup (AMS) for creating balance monitor groups, product sharing groups, and discount sharing groups.

See "Enabling AMS in BRM" or "Enabling AMS and Automated Sharing Groups in BRM" in BRM Managing Customers.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables BRM to cancel discounts immediately when the mid-cycle purchase/cancel option is set to Full Discount.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies whether to disable searches on closed offerings.

See "Excluding Searches on Closed Offerings".

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies how many events BRM uses when prorating a cycle fee for a charge offer whose validity expires within the first cycle after the charge offer was purchased. When this parameter is enabled, a charge event for the full cycle and a refund event for the unused portion are generated. When disabled (the default), only a charge event for the used portion of the cycle is generated.

See "Using Two Events to Prorate Charges for Charge Offers Whose Validity Ends in First Cycle" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies the name of the default zone map to use for location-based operations.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies whether to include event adjustments when calculating charge offer cancellation refunds.

See "Including Event Adjustments in Charge Offer Cancelation Refunds" in BRM Managing Customers.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


In cases where customers make an underpayment, specifies the percentage of the payment that is applied to the loan repayment. Valid values are 0 through 100, where 0 specifies that no amount is applied to the loan repayment and 100 specifies that the entire amount is applied to the loan repayment. The default is 100.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables you to specify the batch size of the number of services to search.

See "Improving Performance in Retrieving Purchased Offerings for a Bill Unit".

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies whether to perform bundle dependency validations on inactive or canceled charge offers and discount offers.

See "Configuring Bundle Dependencies" in BRM Managing Customers.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables rollover transfers.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Enables users to create accounts with services or balances backdated prior to the account creation date.

See "Allowing Accounts To Be Created with Backdated Services or Balances" in BRM Managing Customers.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies whether to transfer pending scheduled actions associated with an existing subscription when transferring the subscription to a different account.

See "About Transferring a Service Group to Another Account" in BRM Managing Customers.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


When multiple charge offers in a bundle include recurring charges, specifies whether to apply recurring charges in the order of charge offer priority.

See "Applying Recurring Charges Based on Charge Offer Priority" in PDC Creating Product Offerings.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.

System Administration business_params Entries

Table 54-11 lists the System Administration business_params entry.

Table 54-11 Systems Administration business_params Entry

Name Description Implementation


Specifies how long after the delivery time that messages can be delivered to your customers through an external notification application. The default is 2 hours.

See "Setting Systemwide Values for Notifications" in BRM Managing Customers.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies the interval, in minutes, after which configuration parameters in the cache are considered stale. After the specified amount of time, the CM updates the configuration parameters in its cache. The default is 0.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies whether the parent and member accounts in sharing groups can reside in different database schemas. The default is disabled.

See "Enabling Group Members to Reside in Multiple Schemas" in BRM Managing Customers.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies whether to generate unique IDs for /event, /balance_group, /billinfo, and /payinfo objects. A value of 1 enables the generation of unique IDs, and 0 disables it. The default is 0.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Locks the account object, system-wide, at the account level or balance-group level.

See "Disabling Granular Object Locking" in BRM Developer's Guide.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies the maximum number of invalid login attempts allowed with an incorrect password.

See "Configuring the Maximum Number of Invalid Login Attempts".

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies the silent period during which messages cannot be delivered to customers through an external notification application. The default is 21:00 through 07:00.

See "Setting Systemwide Values for Notifications" in BRM Managing Customers.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies the list of subscriber preferences to add to messages before they are sent to an external notification application.

See "Adding Custom Fields during Enrichment" in BRM Managing Customers.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies the partition set for prepaid events. The valid values are 0, and 2 through 7. When set to 0, prepaid partitioning is disabled. The default is 0.

See "Enabling Prepaid Event Partitions in BRM" in ECE Implementing Charging.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.


Specifies the name of the calendar for determining the silent days. Notifications cannot be delivered to your customers on silent days. The default is NotificationSilentDays.

See "Setting Systemwide Values for Notifications" in BRM Managing Customers.

Cached by the CM. Restart the CM after changing this entry.