8 Revenue Assurance Manager Reports

This document describes the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) reports that support Revenue Assurance Manager, which you use to audit the results of billing operations.

For more information, see "Understanding Revenue Assurance Manager" in BRM Collecting Revenue Assurance Data.

Topics in this document:

Revenue Assurance Billing Summary Report


You must upload the RevAssuranceBilling.source file that is in the StoredProcedures folder to the database after the report is installed. See "Loading Stored Procedures".

The Revenue Assurance Billing Summary report (RevAssuranceBillingSummary.rtf) shows summary information on the revenue assurance data collected from billing for a specified time period.

The report shows the number of successfully billed records, the number of records that failed to be billed, and the revenue associated with successfully billed records.

Depending on the parameters you select for the report, the report can also categorize and display revenue data by the billing day of month (DOM) and the billing segment and show the number of bills suppressed, the revenue associated with suppressed bills, and the accounts that failed to be billed and their associated error codes.


A summary of the revenue assurance data collected from billing by billing segments is available from control points in pin_bill_accts only.

You can find the SQL query data model for this report in the following directory:

Reports/BRM Reports/Revenue Assurance Reports/StoredProcedures/RevAssuranceBilling.xdm

No charts are available for this report.

Revenue Assurance Billing Summary Report Parameters

You can change the following parameters to modify the output of the Revenue Assurance Billing Summary report:

  • Start date (date or date-time)

  • End date (date or date-time)

  • Control Point

  • DOM

  • Segment

  • Billing method

  • Split method

For information on parameters not described in Table 8-1, see "Understanding the Standard Parameters".

Table 8-1 Revenue Assurance Billing Summary Parameters

Parameter Description Valid Values

Control Point

Control points are logical points where BRM collects revenue assurance data. The billing control points are located in the billing utilities.

Any one of the following values:

  • Revenue Collected

  • Invoice Generated

  • Scheduled Deferrals Executed

  • Cycle Fees Generated

  • NONE


  • The report header displays Control Point only if the value selected is not NONE.

  • If the value selected is not NONE, the values of Billing method, Split method, and DOM are irrelevant.

Default: NONE


The day of the month on which billing is run.

This parameter is required when you display split revenue assurance data in the report (when the value of the Split method parameter is 1).

Note: If the value of the Split method parameter is 0, the DOM value is ignored because the DOM is always specified as 0 in revenue assurance objects that do not contain split data.

See "About the Split Method Parameter".

For a specific DOM, from 0 to 31.

Default: 0


The billing segment for which billing is run.

This parameter is required when you display split revenue assurance data in the report (when the value of the Split method parameter is 1).

Note: If the value of the Split method parameter is 0, the SEGMENT value is ignored because the billing segment is always specified as 0 in revenue assurance objects that do not contain split data.

See "About the Split Method Parameter".

Any numeric value that represents a specific billing segment.

Default: 0

Billing method

The billing operation for which billing is run.

Any one of the following values:

  • Regular

  • Trial

  • Bill Now

  • Bill on demand

  • Auto Triggered

  • All out of cycle bills

  • ALL (includes all billing operations except Trial.)

Default: Regular

Split method

Specifies whether to collect summary data from revenue assurance objects that contain or do not contain split revenue assurance data:

  • If billing method is Bill Now, Bill on demand, Auto Triggered, or All out of cycle bills, specify 1 as the split method. These billing operations all contain split revenue assurance data.

  • If billing method is Regular, Trial, or ALL, you can specify either 1 or 0.

See "About the Split Method Parameter".

  • 0 - Collects summary data only from revenue assurance objects that do not contain split data.

  • 1 - Collects summary data only from revenue assurance objects that contain split data.

Note: For summary reports from all revenue assurance objects, with and without split data, generate two reports: one for each Split method value.

Default: 1

About the Split Method Parameter

When billing generates revenue assurance data that is split into detailed categories, the split data (along with other revenue assurance data) is stored in /process_audit/billing objects.


Split revenue details have been stored in revenue assurance objects starting with Revenue Assurance Manager release 3.0. Revenue assurance objects prior to this release do not contain split revenue details.

The Split method parameter specifies whether to collect summary data from revenue assurance objects that contain split revenue assurance data or that do not contain split revenue assurance data. BRM uses this parameter to determine whether it needs to filter the split data to report only summary data.

The Split method parameter can take one of these values, which you specify when running the report:

  • Select 1 to collect summary data only from revenue assurance objects that contain split data.

    If you select 1 as the split method, the summary report categorizes and displays the data by the billing day of month (DOM) and billing segment, which you specify as report parameters.


    • If you ran billing or trial billing for a limited number of accounts and bill units (/billinfo objects), the summary report does not categorize the data by segment and DOM and displays 0 for the segment and DOM values. This occurs because BRM can retrieve the accounts and bill units directly and does not use the segment or DOM for searching the database.

    • You run billing or trial billing for a limited number of accounts by specifying the -file parameter when you run the pin_bill_accts utility or by specifying the -f or -f_control parameter when you run the pin_trial_bill_accts utility. See "Billing Only Specified Accounts and Bill Units" and "Running Trial Billing" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

    When Split method is 1, the following information is included in the summary report:

    • The number of successfully billed accounts.

    • The number of accounts that failed to be billed.

    • The total revenue associated with successfully billed accounts.

    • The number of suppressed bills.

    • The revenue associated with suppressed bills.

    • The accounts and bill units that failed to be billed and their associated error codes.

  • Select 0 to collect summary data only from revenue assurance objects that do not contain split data.

    If you select 0 as the split method, the summary report does not categorize the data by DOM and billing segment. This is because the value of the DOM and billing segment are always 0 in revenue assurance objects that do not contain split data.

    When Split method is 0, the following information is displayed in the report:

    • The number of successfully billed accounts.

    • The number of accounts that failed to be billed.

    • The total revenue associated with successfully billed accounts.

    • The accounts and bill units that failed to be billed and their associated error codes.

The Revenue Assurance Billing Summary report will be blank in the following cases:

  • You select 0 and all revenue assurance objects contain split data.

  • You select 1 and no revenue assurance objects contain split data.

If you have some revenue assurance objects that contain split data and some that do not contain split data, you can generate a summary for all revenue assurance objects by running the summary report twice: once for each Split method value.

Revenue Assurance Billing Detail Report


You must upload the RevAssuranceBilling.source file that is in the StoredProcedures folder to the database after the report is installed. See "Loading Stored Procedures".

The Revenue Assurance Billing Detail report (RevAssuranceBillingDetail.rtf) shows detail information on the revenue assurance data collected from the billing utilities for a specific or a range of DOMs and segment values for a specified time period.

The report shows the DOM, segment, error accounts, error code associated with error accounts, successfully billed records, failed billed records, revenue associated with successfully billed records split by the item and service type, number of bills suppressed, and revenue associated with suppressed bills.


Summary of the revenue assurance data collected from billing (for example, number of records billed or number of records failed) by billing segment is available for pin_bill_accts (anticipated revenue) control points only.

You can find the SQL query data model for this report in the following directory:

Reports/BRM Reports/Revenue Assurance Reports/StoredProcedures/RevAssuranceBilling.xdm

No charts are available for this report.

Revenue Assurance Billing Detail Report Parameters

You can change the following parameters to modify the output of the Revenue Assurance Billing Detail report:

  • Start Date (date or date-time)

  • End Date (date or date-time)

  • DOM

  • Segment

  • Billing method

For information on parameters not described in Table 8-2, see "Understanding the Standard Parameters".

Table 8-2 Revenue Assurance Billing Detail Parameters

Parameter Description Valid Values


The date of the month on which billing is run.

From 1 to 31. Default: not specified.


The billing segment for which billing is run.

Any numeric value. Default: not specified.

Billing method

The billing operation for which billing is run.

Any one of the following values:

  • Regular

  • Trial

  • Bill Now

  • Bill on demand

  • Auto Triggered

  • All out of cycle bills

  • ALL (includes all billing operations except Trial)

Default: Regular.