3 Setting Up Custom Categories

You can set up Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Business Operations Center to run your custom applications. To do so, you create a custom category that defines the name and location of your script as well as the parameters associated with the script.

After the custom category is set up, you run your custom application from Business Operations Center by running a custom job. See "Running Custom Jobs".


To set up custom categories, you must be assigned the Operations Custom Admin role.

To set up custom categories, see the following topics:

Defining a Custom Category

A custom category defines how Business Operations Center can find and run your custom script.

To define a custom category:

  1. Click the Jobs icon.

    The Jobs page appears.

  2. Click the Other Actions icon at the top right and then select Manage Category Definitions.

    The Category Definitions page appears.

  3. Click Define Category.

    The Define Category page appears.

  4. In the Script location field, enter the path under $PIN_HOME/ where your script is located. For example, enter /bin/custom if your script is located in the $PIN_HOME/bin/custom directory.

  5. In the Execution location field, enter the path under $PIN_HOME/ in which to run the script.

    If your script needs to connect to the BRM database, this directory must contain a configuration file that explains how the utility can connect to the BRM system. See "Connecting BRM Utilities" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.

  6. In the Script name field, enter the name of your custom script such as my_custom_script. This name must match the name of the script stored in the Script location directory.

  7. In the Category name field, enter the name to display in Business Operations Center for your custom job. The default is the name of your script.

  8. In the Resource name field, enter a unique name for each category.

    The resource name is used to authorize policies that control who can access each category.

    A valid resource name must meet the following conditions:

    - Maximum length must be 255 characters

    - You must prefix "category_" and suffix "_resource"

    - The maximum length for a category name is 237 characters and characters are restricted to alphanumeric, that is, a to z or A to Z, 0-9, underscore (_), period (.), and hyphen

  9. In the Usage summary field, enter the syntax for running your script. This should match the -help output from your script. For example:

    my_custom_script -file <FileName> [-verbose] [-test] [-help]
  10. Click Done.

Modifying a Custom Category Definition

To modify a custom category definition:

  1. Click the Jobs icon.

    The Jobs page appears.

  2. Click the Other Actions icon at the top right and then select Manage Category Definitions.

    The Category Definitions page appears.

  3. In the Category Name column, click the name of the custom category that you want to modify, such as my_custom_application.

    A read-only summary of the custom category appears on the right.

  4. Click the Edit icon:

    Shows the Edit icon
  5. Edit the details as required.

  6. Click Done.

    The edited custom category definition appears in the Category Name column.

Deleting a Custom Category Definition

When you delete a custom category definition, Business Operations Center also deletes any associated jobs that are scheduled to run.

To delete a custom category definition:

  1. Click the Jobs icon.

    The Jobs page appears.

  2. Click the Other Actions icon at the top right and then select Manage Category Definitions.

    The Category Definitions page appears.

  3. In the Category Name column, click the name of the custom category that you want to delete, such as my_custom_application.

    A read-only summary of the custom category appears on the right.

  4. Click the Delete icon.

    Shows the Delete icon.
  5. Confirm that you want to delete the custom category definition and any associated jobs that are scheduled for the future.

  6. Refresh your page.

The custom category definition is removed from Business Operations Center.