3 Reporting Revenue for Groups of Customers

In Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM), you can report revenue by customer segments.

Topics in this document:

About Reporting Revenue for Groups of Customers


Customer segments are supported only for event-based revenue recognition and are included only in individual G/L reports.

By default, individual general ledger (G/L) reports include the revenue data for all customers. You can use segments to create individual G/L reports that include data for arbitrary sets of customers, such as for different geographic regions. You specify the segment to run the report on when you generate the individual G/L report.

When you use multiple G/L segments, you can use the same G/L IDs for all segments, or create different sets of G/L IDs for different segments.

To collect G/L data about a group of accounts, BRM needs to know which G/L segment applies to each customer account.

  • Your BRM system uses a default root segment, which is defined in the Connection Manager pin.conf file. By default, all accounts use the root segment.

  • To assign G/L segments, you must define the G/L segments by editing the policy source code in PCM_OP_CUST_POL_PREP_BILLINFO. See "Preparing Bill Unit Data" in BRM Opcode Guide.

Creating Nested Segments

You can create nested G/L segments. For example, you can create the following segments:

  • northwest

  • northwest.washington

  • northwest.oregon

This allows you to run reports on all of your Northwest region, including Oregon and Washington, or just on Oregon and Washington specifically.

You can define unlimited levels of nesting.

By default, reports for parent segments automatically include the data for nested segments underneath it. To prevent a nested segment from being included in a parent report, add the no_rollup parameter to the gl_segment entry in your pin_glid file. For example, the following entries specify to include .northwest.washington in parent reports, but to not include .northwest.oregon.

gl_segment  .
gl_segment  .northwest
gl_segment  .northwest.washington
gl_segment  .northwest.oregon  no_rollup


Be sure to specify the parent segment in the report or you will get an error message similar to this:
Root Segment .NSL_REGIONAL is missing. Define the root before the child (.NSL_REGIONAL.BB) 

Changing the Default G/L Segment


This feature requires that you customize the PCM_OP_CUST_POL_PREP_BILLINFO policy opcode.

The default G/L segment is the root segment, symbolized by "." (dot).

To change the default G/L segment:

  1. Go to the BRM_home/sys/cm directory.

  2. Open the Connection Manager (CM) configuration pin.conf file in a text editor.

  3. Change the following line:

    - fm_cust_pol gl_segment .

    to this:

    - fm_cust_pol gl_segment segment_name

    where segment_name is the name of the G/L segment you want to use as the default.

  4. Save the pin.conf file.

    You do not need to restart the CM to enable this entry.

  5. Customize the PCM_OP_CUST_POL_PREP_BILLINFO policy opcode. See "Preparing Bill Unit Data" in BRM Opcode Guide.