2 Installing and Configuring GSM Manager and Provisioning Data Manager

This document describes how to install Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) GSM Manager and the Provisioning Data Manager.

About the GSM Manager Components

The GSM Manager installation includes two sets of components:

  • GSM server components

  • Provisioning Data Manager

You can choose to install either or both of these sets of components on the same machine or on different machines.

GSM Manager Customer Center Extension adds functionality to the core Customer Center.


The GSM Self-Care Manager pages are installed with Self-Care Manager.

Mandatory Configuration Tasks

After you install the GSM Manager software, you must:

Installing GSM Manager and Provisioning Data Manager


If you already installed the product, you must uninstall its features before reinstalling them.

To install GSM Manager and Provisioning Data Manager, see "Installing Individual BRM Components" in BRM Installation Guide.

For information on starting the Provisioning Data Manager, see "Starting and Stopping the BRM System" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.


You should verify that the GSM Manager FMs were added to the Connection Manager (CM) configuration file. See "Using configuration files to connect and configure components" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.

Configuring and Testing GSM Manager and Provisioning Data Manager


Install GSM Manager and the Provisioning Data Manager software before starting these configuration tasks.

In most cases, the server configuration tasks are handled during installation. However, you might need to manually configure some components. You should check the configuration after installation to verify that it is correct.

To configure your GSM Manager system, follow the configuration steps in these sections:

  1. Applying the Correct Partitioning Layout to Event Tables

  2. Configuring the Provisioning Data Manager

  3. Connecting the Connection Manager to the Provisioning Data Manager

  4. Creating Network Elements

  5. Loading GSM Configuration Files

For information about configuration files, see "Using Configuration Files to Connect and Configure Components" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.

Applying the Correct Partitioning Layout to Event Tables


If your event tables are partitioned, this is a mandatory configuration task. If your event tables are not partitioned, skip this task.

When you install GSM Manager, you create additional event tables. Run the partition_utils utility from the BRM_home/apps/partition_utils directory. See "Adding Partitions" and "partition_utils" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.

Configuring the Provisioning Data Manager

To configure the Provisioning Data Manager, you edit the Provisioning Data Manager configuration file (BRM_home/sys/dm_prov_telco/pin.conf).

  1. Open the Provisioning Data Manager configuration file (BRM_home/sys/dm_prov_telco/pin.conf).

  2. Edit the file according to the instructions in it.


    You must edit the dm_provision prov_ptr entry to connect to the provisioning system.

    The following entries should appear in the Provisioning Data Manager pin.conf file and have the correct settings.


    These entries are more fully described in the pin.conf file itself.

    - dm dm_db_no / 0
    - dm dm_logfile BRM_home/dm_prov_telco/dm_prov_telco/dm_provision.pinlog
    - dm dm_port 11990
    - dm dm_sm_obj BRM_home/sys/dm_prov_telco/dm_prov_telco.so
    - dm_provision prov_ptr ip Hostname_of_the_provisioning_system20000
    - dm_provision connect_retry_interval 0
    - dm_provision connect_retries 0
    - dm dm_trans_timeout 0
  3. Save the file.


    Before starting the Provisioning Data Manager, you must start the provisioning system.

Provisioning Data Manager Configuration File Entries

Table 2-1 lists the Provisioning Data Manager configuration file entries.

Table 2-1 Provisioning Data Manager Configuration File Entries

Entry Description

- dm dm_db_no

Specifies the Provisioning Data Manager database number. The number is / 0.

Important: The first four digits of this number ( must match the database number in the pointer to the Provisioning Data Manager in the CM pin.conf file. See "Connecting the Connection Manager to the Provisioning Data Manager".

_dm dm_logfile

Specifies the path of the log file.

- dm dm_port

Specifies the port number on which the Provisioning Data Manager listens for connections. The default port number is 11990.

Important: This number must match the port number in the pointer to the Provisioning Data Manager in the CM pin.conf file. For more information, see "Connecting the Connection Manager to the Provisioning Data Manager".

- dm dm_sm_obj

Specifies a pointer to the shared library that contains the code for the Provisioning Data Manager.

- dm_provision prov_ptr ip

Specifies the host name of the provisioning system. The default port number is 20000.

- dm_provision connect_retry_interval

Specifies the retry interval in seconds.

- dm_provision connect_retries

Specifies the number of retries.

- dm dm_trans_timeout

Specifies the timeout interval in seconds.

Connecting the Connection Manager to the Provisioning Data Manager

The CM configuration file includes entries that point to the Provisioning Data Manager.

To check or add these entries:

  1. Open the CM configuration file (BRM_home/sys/cm/pin.conf) and look for the following entries:

    - cm dm_pointer ip Hostname_of_the_Provisioning_Data_Manager 11990
    - fm_prov_telco prov_db / 0
  2. If the entries do not exist, add them. For more information on the guidelines for database and port-number entries, see BRM System Administrator's Guide.

  3. Restart the CM.

Creating Network Elements


This is a mandatory configuration task.

By default, there are only sample network elements. Before creating telephone numbers and SIM cards, you need to add the network elements that you will use with your GSM services. Your customized network elements are displayed in SIM Administration Center and Number Administration Center.

You assign network elements to SIM cards and telephone numbers:

  • When you create a block of numbers, you specify the network element for all the numbers in the block.

  • When you create an order of SIM cards, you specify the network element for all the SIM cards in the order.

For more information, see the following sections:

Loading GSM Configuration Files

This section describes how to use utilities to load configuration files required for your system.

Loading Provisioning

Load provisioning by running the load_pin_telco_provisioning utility:

load_pin_telco_provisioning -dv pin_telco_provisioning
load_pin_telco_provisioning -dv pin_telco_provisioning_gsm

For more information, see BRM Implementing Charging.

Loading Service Order States

Load telco and GSM service order states by running the load_pin_telco_service_order_state utility:

load_pin_telco_service_order_state -dv pin_telco_service_order_state
load_pin_telco_service_order_state -dv pin_telco_service_order_state_gsm
load_pin_telco_service_order_state -dv pin_telco_service_order_state_gsm_data
load_pin_telco_service_order_state -dv pin_telco_service_order_state_gsm_fax
load_pin_telco_service_order_state -dv pin_telco_service_order_state_gsm_sms
load_pin_telco_service_order_state -dv pin_telco_service_order_state_gsm_telephony

For more information, see BRM Implementing Charging.

Loading GSM Provisioning Flag Definitions


This is a mandatory configuration task.

To add or change provisioning flags in the BRM database, you edit a copy of the telco_features_and_profiles_states.en_US sample file in the BRM_home/sys/msgs/telcofeaturesandprofilesstates directory. You then use the load_localized_strings utility to load the contents of the file into the /strings objects.

Loading the Permit Mapping Files

Load the GSM number and SIM permit mapping files by running the load_pin_device_permit_map utility:

load_pin_device_permit_map pin_device_permit_map_num_telco_gsm
load_pin_device_permit_map pin_device_permit_map_sim_telco_gsm

For more information on this utility, see "Defining Device-to-Service Associations" in BRM Developer's Guide.

Configuring Event Notification for GSM Manager


This is a mandatory configuration task.

To enable provisioning, GSM delayed activation, and communication with ECE, BRM uses event notification.

Before you can use GSM Manager, you must configure the event notification feature as follows:

  1. If your system has multiple configuration files for event notification, merge them. See "Merging Event Notification Lists" in BRM Developer's Guide.

  2. Ensure that the merged file includes the entire event notification list in the BRM_home/sys/data/config/pin_notify_telco file.

  3. (Optional) If necessary to accommodate your business needs, add, modify, or delete entries in your final event notification list. See "Editing the Event Notification List" in BRM Developer's Guide.

  4. (Optional) If necessary to accommodate your business needs, create custom code for event notification to trigger. See "Triggering Custom Operations" in BRM Developer's Guide.

  5. Load your final event notification list into the BRM database. See "Loading the Event Notification List" in BRM Developer's Guide.

For more information, see "Using Event Notification" in BRM Developer's Guide.

Uninstalling GSM Manager and Provisioning Data Manager

To uninstall GSM Manager and Provisioning Data Manager, see "Uninstalling Optional Components" in BRM Installation Guide.