38 Pricing Utilities

Learn about the syntax and parameters for the Oracle Communications Pricing Design Center (PDC) utilities.

Topics in this document:


Use the ImportExportPricing utility to import and export pricing and setup components from the PDC database by using XML files. See "Importing and Exporting Pricing and Setup Components" for information on using this utility.

The XML files that are used for importing or exporting data must conform to the format detailed in the XML schema definition (XSD) files.

The utility uses separate XSD files for importing or exporting pricing components, setup components, and profile data. The XSD files are available in their respective directories in the PDC_home/apps/xsd directory, where PDC_home is the directory in which the PDC software is installed. See "About the XSD Files" for more information.



Syntax Overview

You can run the ImportExportPricing utility in the following modes:

  • export: Export pricing and setup components from the PDC database into XML files. See "Export Mode".
  • import: Import pricing and setup components data from an XML file into the PDC database. See "Import Mode".
  • publish: Publish setup components from PDC to the specified target engines, such as batch rating engine, real-time rating engine, and Oracle Communications Elastic Charging Engine (ECE). See "Publish Mode".
  • keep: Retain the latest versions of successfully promoted PDC components, but delete old versions. See "Keep Mode".
  • delete: Delete pricing profiles or pricing components that are managed in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM). See "Delete Mode".
  • type: Display the list of setup or pricing component types supported in PDC. See "Type Mode".


The ImportExportPricing utility notifies you when it runs successfully. Otherwise, look in the ImportExportPricing_username_timestamp.log file, where username is the name of user who used the utility and timestamp is the timestamp of the log file in the format yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss. This file is in the directory from which the utility was started.

Export Mode

The export mode exports pricing and setup components from the PDC database into XML files.

export Mode Syntax

ImportExportPricing -export [Prefix] -config [SetupObjectType1,SetupObjectType2]
                                     -metadata [MetaDataObjectType1,MetaDataObjectType2] 
                                     -pricing [PricingObjectType1,PricingObjectType2]
                                     -brmobject [brmObjectType1,brmObjectType2] 
                                     [-n "ObjectName1,ObjectName2"]
                                     [-pricingprofilename "Name1,Name2"]
                                     [-productSpecName ProductSpecName1,ProductSpecName2]
                                     [-expRefs|-expAllRefs] [-inclFailedObjs]  
                                     [-ma|-modifiedAfter time] 
                                     [-mby|modifiedBy user1,user2] 
                                     [-l|-LogLevel level] [-v|-verbose] [-ow|-overwrite]
                                     -appsvruser ApplicationServerUserName 
                                     -pdcuser PdcUserName -url appSvrUrl

export Mode Parameters

-export [Prefix]

Exports the data from a PDC database and generates a separate XML file for pricing components, setup components, and pricing profile data in the directory from which you run the utility. The utility generates the file names as:

  • Prefix_export_pricing.xml for the file containing pricing components.
  • Prefix_export_config.xml for the file containing setup components.
  • Prefix_export_profile.xml for the file containing pricing profiles data.

If you do not specify Prefix, the utility generates the file name as follows:

  • export_pricing.xml for the file containing pricing components. If this file already exists in PDC, the utility generates the file name as export_pricing_timestamp.xml, where timestamp is the server's local time in the format yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss.
  • export_config.xml for the file containing setup components. If this file already exists in PDC, the utility generates the file name as export_config_timestamp.xml, where timestamp is the server's local time in the format yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss.
  • export_profile.xml for the file containing pricing profile data. If this file already exists in PDC, the utility generates the file name as export_profile_timestamp.xml, where timestamp is the server's local time in the format yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss.
-config [SetupObjectType1, SetupObjectType2,…]

Exports all setup components that are defined in PDC from the PDC database to the XML file. Exports SetupObjectType from the PDC database to the XML file, where SetupObjectType is the setup component type listed in Table 38-1.

If you do not specify SetupObjectType, the utility exports all setup components from the PDC database into the XML file.

Table 38-1 Setup Component Types and the Setup Components They Represent

Setup Component Type Setup Component
GEO_ZONE_MODEL Geographical Zone Model
HOLIDAY_CALENDAR Special Day Calendar
PSCTEMPLATE Extended Attribute Template
-metadata [MetaDataObjectType1, MetaDataType2,…]

Exports the metadata object types specified in Table 38-2 from the PDC database into the XML file.

If you do not specify MetaDataObjectType, the utility exports all metadata components from the PDC database into the XML file.

Table 38-2 Metadata Component Types and the Metadata Components They Represent

Metadata Component Type Metadata Component
-pricing [PricingObjectType1, PricingObjectType2,…]

Exports PricingObjectType from the PDC database to the XML file, where PricingObjectType is the pricing component type listed in Table 38-3.

If you do not specify PricingObjectType, the utility exports all pricing components from the PDC database into the XML file.

Table 38-3 Pricing Component Types and the Pricing Components They Represent

Pricing Component Type Pricing Component Represented
APN_MAP APN Selector
USC_MAP USC Selector
SUBSCRIPTION_TERMS_AUTO_RENEW Subscription Terms with Automatic Renewal
PACKAGE_EXCLUSION Discount Restriction
-brmObject [brmObjectType1, brmObjectType2,…]

Exports BRM-mastered configuration objects from the PDC database into the XML file. This includes services, events, account attributes, tax suppliers, and G/L IDs.


Exports pricing profile data from the PDC database into the XML file.


Exports custom field data from the PDC database into the XML file.

-n "ObjectName1, ObjectName2,"

Filters the pricing or setup components based on the specified component names. You can use an asterisk (*) at the end of the name to search for variations of that name. For example, searching for chargeoffergsm* yields variations of that name, such as chargeoffergsm1 and chargeoffergsm2.


When you use the -n parameter, you must specify either -config or -pricing.

The parameters -n and -productSpecName are mutually exclusive.

-pricingprofilename "Name1, Name2,"

Exports pricing components scoped to the pricing profile names specified in the list.

If this parameter is used with the -pricing parameter when a list of pricing component types is specified, the utility exports all the pricing components of the specified type scoped to the pricing profiles names specified in the list.

If this parameter is specified with the -pricing parameter when no pricing components types are specified, the utility exports all the pricing components that are scoped to a pricing profile.

-productSpecName ProductSpecName1, ProductSpecName2,…

Filters the exported pricing components that are scoped to the specified services.

If you specify this parameter along with -pricing PricingObjectType, the utility exports all pricing component types that are scoped to ProductSpecName. You can use this parameter only for the following pricing component types:





If you specify this parameter without specifying PricingObjectType, the utility exports all pricing components scoped to the specified service.


The parameters -n and -productSpecName are mutually exclusive.


Exports all pricing components referenced by PricingObjectType. For example, if multiple charge offers are referenced by bundles, this parameter exports all charge offers when exporting bundles. The utility ignores this parameter if it is used with the -config or -metadata parameter.


Exports all PDC components (including metadata, setup components, and pricing components) referenced by PricingObjectType. For example, if setup components, such as ratable usage metrics (RUMs) and tax codes are referenced by charge offers, then this parameter exports RUMs and tax codes when exporting charge offers. This parameter applies only to the -pricing parameter.


Exports the setup or pricing objects that were last promoted objects (including those with a failed changeset status). By default, the utility exports only successfully transformed objects. The utility ignores this parameter if it is used with the -metadata parameter.

Exports obsolete pricing and setup data along with the other pricing and configuration data. By default, the utility does not export obsolete pricing and setup data.
-ma time | -modifiedAfter time

Exports pricing components modified on or after the specified time. Enter the time in the format yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss. For example: 2010-01-05T19:05:09GMT+05:30.

-mby user1, user2,… | -modifiedBy user1, user2,...

Exports the pricing components created or modified by the specified users.


This parameter and -productSpecName are mutually exclusive.

-l loglevel | -loglevel loglevel

Specifies how much information the utility should log. The logs are stored in the ImportExportPricing_username_timestamp.log file, where username is the name of user who used the utility and timestamp is the time the log file was created in the format yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss.

Set loglevel to one of the following:

  • FINE



  • INFO

  • OFF



The default is INFO.

-v | -verbose

Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.

-ow | -overwrite

Overwrites any existing XML file containing the exported pricing or setup components with the file specified in the -export [Prefix] parameter.

-appsvruser ApplicationServerUserName

Specifies the user name to access the Oracle WebLogic Server. If you do not specify this parameter, the utility prompts you to enter the user name at the command prompt.

-pdcuser PdcUserName

Specifies the user name to access PDC. If you do not specify this parameter, the utility prompts you to enter the user name at the command prompt.

-url appSvrUrl
Specifies the application server URL, which has the format t3://hostname:port

Displays the syntax for this utility.

Import Mode

The import mode imports the component data from or more XML files into the PDC database. See "Importing Pricing and Setup Components" for more information.

import Mode Syntax

ImportExportPricing -import  -metadata FileOrDirectoryName
                             -config FileOrDirectoryName [-d|-delete]
                             -pricing FileOrDirectoryName
                             -profile FileName
                             -customfields FileName
                             [-l|-loglevel loglevel] [-v|-verbose] [-ow|-overwrite]
                             [-changeSetName ChangeSetName]
                             -appsvruser ApplicationServerUserName 
                             -pdcuser PdcUserName -url appSvrUrl

import Mode Parameters


Imports data from one or more XML files that conform to the format detailed in the XSD file to the PDC database. In addition to the -import parameter, you must also include the -metadata, -config, -pricing, -profile, or -customfields parameter.

-metadata FileOrDirectoryName

Imports the metadata objects from FileOrDirectoryName to the PDC database.

FileOrDirectoryName specifies either the full path and file name of the import XML file or the full path to the directory in which your import XML files reside. Ensure the user has at least read permission for the input directory, its subdirectories, and its files. See "Importing Multiple XML Files from a Directory" for more information.

-config FileOrDirectoryName

Imports the setup components from FileOrDirectoryName to the PDC database.

-pricing FileOrDirectoryName

Imports the pricing components from FileOrDirectoryName to the PDC database.

-profile FileName

Imports the profile data from FileName to the PDC database, where FileName is the name and path to the XML file that contains your profile data.

If you specify -pricing and -config parameters along with -profile, the utility imports profile data and setup components before importing the pricing components. If the import of the profile data and setup components is not successful, the utility does not import the pricing components.

-customfields FileName

Imports the profile data from FileName to the PDC database.


Ignores the internal IDs in the specified XML file. The utility looks up the internal IDs by object name or generates internal IDs for new objects. Use this option to avoid conflicts when importing data from another environment.

Use this parameter with the -ow parameter when importing existing data.


Creates new or modified pricing data and adds it to a change set for the user to process at a later time. When this option is not specified, the changes to pricing data in the change set are committed and published to the target engine.

-l loglevel

Specifies how much information the utility should log. The logs are stored in the ImportExportPricing_username_timestamp.log file, where username is the name of user who used the utility and timestamp is the time the log file was created in the format yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss.

Set loglevel to one of the following:

  • FINE



  • INFO (This is the default.)

  • OFF




Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.


Overwrites any existing pricing or setup components available in the PDC database with the specified components. If the specified pricing or setup component does not exist in PDC, the utility creates new pricing or setup components.


If you do not use the -ow parameter when importing data, the utility generates an error if an object with the same name already exists in PDC.

[-changeSetName ChangeSetName]

Specifies the name of the changeset used to import setup and pricing components into the PDC database. If you do not specify ChangeSetName, the utility generates the changeset name as ieChangeSettimestamp, where timestamp is the current timestamp in the format yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss.

-appsvruser ApplicationServerUserName

Specifies the user name to access the WebLogic Server. If you do not specify this parameter, the utility prompts you to enter the user name at the command prompt.

-pdcuser PdcUserName

Specifies the user name to access PDC. If you do not specify this parameter, the utility prompts you to enter the user name at the command prompt.


Displays the syntax for this utility.

Publish Mode

The publish mode publishes setup components from PDC to the specified target engines, such as the batch rating engine, the real-time rating engine, and Oracle Communications Elastic Charging Engine (ECE).

publish Mode Syntax

ImportExportPricing -publish [metadata|config|pricing|all] [ObjectType1,ObjectType2,…]
                             -target [rre|bre|ece|all]

publish Mode Parameters

-publish [metadata | config | pricing | all]

Publishes the following components from PDC to the specified target engines:

  • metadata: Publishes the metadata components in PDC to the specified target engine.

  • config: Publishes the setup components in PDC to the specified target engine.

  • pricing: Publishes the pricing components in PDC to the specified target engine.

  • all: Publishes all components in PDC to the specified target engine.

If you do not specify a component type, the utility publishes all components in PDC to the specified target engine.

-Publish [ObjectType1,ObjectType2,…]

Publishes the specified components to the target engine; for example, BALANCE_ELEMENT. You can specify [Component] or [ObjectType] for publishing the components. For the list of component types, see Table 38-3.

-target [rre | bre | ece | all]

Publishes the components or object types to the specified target engine:

  • rre: Publishes the components or object types to the real-time rating target engine.

  • bre: Publishes the components or object types to the batch rating target engine.

  • ece: Publishes the components or object types to the ECE rating target engine.

  • all: Publishes the components or object types to all target engines mentioned above.

If you do not specify a target engine, the utility publishes to all target engines.

Keep Mode

The keep mode retains the latest versions of successfully promoted PDC components, but deletes the older versions.

keep Mode Syntax

ImportExportPricing -keep [config|pricing|all|metadata] [-numVersion N]

keep Mode Parameters

-keep [config | pricing | all | metadata]

Keeps only the latest versions of successfully promoted PDC components, and deletes older versions of the specified components that are obsolete in PDC or the associated target engines (for example ECE). The default value is all.

  • config: Keeps the latest versions of setup components, but deletes older versions that are obsolete.

  • pricing: Keeps the latest versions of pricing components, but deletes older versions that are obsolete. See Table 38-3.

  • all: Keeps the latest version of all PDC components.

  • metadata: Keeps only the metadata components that are supported in your PDC system. By default, PDC supports the following metadata object types.

-numVersion N

Keeps the specified number of the most recent versions of all successfully promoted objects in the PDC database and deletes the remaining versions, where N is a positive integer that specifies the number of latest successful versions to be kept in the PDC database. If you do not specify a number, the utility keeps two by default.

Delete Mode

The delete mode deletes the specified setup components, as long as they are not used by other entities.

delete Mode Syntax

ImportExportPricing -d|-delete FileName

delete Mode Parameters

-d | -delete FileName

Deletes the setup components contained in FileName from the PDC database, where FileName is the XML file containing the setup components. The utility displays an error message if the data being deleted is dependent on other data.

Type Mode

The type mode displays the list of component types that are supported in your PDC system.

type Mode Syntax

ImportExportPricing  -type|-t [config|pricing|brmObject|metadata]

type Mode Parameters

-type|-t [config | pricing | brmObject | metadata]

Displays the specified component types that are supported in your PDC system.

  • config: Displays only the setup components that are supported in your PDC system.

  • pricing: Displays only the pricing components that are supported in your PDC system. See Table 38-3.

  • brmObject: Displays only the BRM objects that are supported in your PDC system.

  • metadata: Displays only the metadata components that are supported in your PDC system. See Table 38-2.

If you do not specify a component type, the utility displays all components.


Use the PDCWalletUtil.sh utility to create the PDC wallet, set the passwords stored in the wallet, or retrieve the passwords stored in the wallet. For example, you can set or retrieve the passwords for the WebLogic Server domain, PDC user, and database.

For more information, see "Changing the Password in the PDC Wallet" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.



Syntax Overview

You can run the PDCWalletUtil.sh utility in the following modes:

  • create: Create the PDC wallet in the specified location and with the specified password. See "create Mode Syntax".

  • set: Set or change a password in the specified configuration entry. See "set Mode Syntax".

  • get: Retrieves the password from the specified configuration entry. See "get Mode Syntax".

create Mode Syntax

./PDCWalletUtil.sh create walletLocation
Enter wallet password: walletPassword

The create mode creates the PDC wallet in the specified location and with the specified password.

create Mode Parameters


The location in which to create the PDC wallet.


The PDC wallet password.

set Mode Syntax

./PDCWalletUtil.sh set walletLocation configEntry
Enter wallet password: walletPassword
Enter key password: keyPassword
Enter key password again: keyPassword

The set mode sets or changes the password in the specified configuration entry.

set Mode Parameters


The location in which the PDC wallet resides.


The configuration entry in which to store the password. The valid values are:

  • PDC_APP_SERVER_USER_PASSWORD: The Oracle WebLogic server user password.

  • PDC_APP_USER_PASSWORD: The PDC user password.

  • TARGET_PDC_ADMIN_PASSWORD: The password of the Oracle WebLogic server user in the target system.

  • SOURCE_PDC_ADMIN_PASSWORD: The password of the Oracle WebLogic server user in the source system.

  • TARGET_PDC_USER_PASSWORD: The password of the PDC user in the target system.

  • SOURCE_PDC_USER_PASSWORD: The password of the PDC user in the source system.


The PDC wallet password.


The password to be stored in the configuration entry.

get Mode Syntax

./PDCWalletUtil.sh get walletLocation configEntry
Enter wallet password: walletPassword

The get mode retrieves the password from the specified configuration entry.

get Mode Parameters


The location in which the PDC wallet resides.


The configuration entry from which to retrieve the password. The valid values are:

  • PDC_APP_SERVER_USER_PASSWORD: The Oracle WebLogic server user password.

  • PDC_APP_USER_PASSWORD: The PDC user password.

  • TARGET_PDC_ADMIN_PASSWORD: The password of the Oracle WebLogic server user in the target system.

  • SOURCE_PDC_ADMIN_PASSWORD: The password of the Oracle WebLogic server user in the source system.

  • TARGET_PDC_USER_PASSWORD: The password of the PDC user in the target system.

  • SOURCE_PDC_USER_PASSWORD: The password of the PDC user in the source system.


The PDC wallet password.


The PDCWalletUtil.sh utility notifies you when it successfully creates the wallet or stores the password in the PDC wallet.


Use the PDCBRMWalletUtil.sh utility to create the BRM Integration Pack wallet and to set passwords stored in that wallet. For example, you can set passwords for the transformation cross-reference database, migration cross-reference database, and BRM database.

For more information, see "Changing Passwords in the Wallet" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.



Syntax Overview

You can run the PDCBRMWalletUtil.sh utility in the following modes:

  • create: Create the BRM Integration Pack wallet in the specified location and with the specified password. See "create Mode Syntax".

  • set: Set or change the password in the specified configuration entry. See "set Mode Syntax".

create Mode Syntax

./PDCBRMWalletUtil.sh create walletLocation
Enter wallet password: walletPassword

The create mode creates the BRM Integration Pack wallet in the specified location and with the specified password.

create Mode Parameters


The location in which to create the BRM Integration Packet wallet.


The password for the BRM Integration Pack wallet.

set Mode Syntax

./PDCBRMWalletUtil.sh set walletLocation configEntry
Enter wallet password: walletPassword
Enter key password: keyPassword
Enter key password again: keyPassword

The set mode sets or changes the password in the specified configuration entry.

set Mode Parameters


The location in which the BRM Integration Packet wallet resides.


The configuration entry in which to store the password. The valid values are:

  • MIGRATION_DB_PASSWORD: The migration cross-reference database user password.

  • TRANS_XREF_DB_PASSWORD: The transformation cross-reference database user password.

  • BRM_DB_PASSWORD: The BRM database user password.


The password for the BRM Integration Pack.


The password to be stored in the configuration entry.


The PDCBRMWalletUtil.sh utility notifies you when it successfully creates the wallet or stores the password in the BRM Integration Pack wallet.


Use the load_pin_snowball_distribution utility to load snowball discount distribution rules into the /config/snowball_distribution object in the BRM database. You define how snowball discounts are distributed in the pin_snowball_distribution file in BRM_home/sys/data/pricing/example.


  • The load_pin_snowball_distribution utility overwrites existing distribution rules. If you are updating distribution rules, you cannot load new distribution rules only. You must load complete sets of distribution rules each time you run the load_pin_snowball_distribution utility.

  • To connect to the BRM database, the load_pin_snowball_distribution utility needs a configuration file in the directory from which you run the utility. See "Connecting BRM Utilities" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.




load_pin_snowball_distribution [-d] [-v] [pin_snowball_distribution_file]



Creates a log file for debugging purposes. Use this parameter for debugging when the utility appears to have run with no errors, but the data has not been loaded into the database.


Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.


This parameter is always used in conjunction with other parameters and commands. It is not position dependent. For example, you can enter -v at the beginning or end of a command to initiate the verbose parameter. To redirect the output to a log file, use the following syntax with the verbose parameter. Replace filename.log with the name of the log file:

load_pin_snowball_distribution other_parameters –v > filename.log


The name and location of the file that defines the snowball distribution rules. The default pin_snowball_distribution file is in BRM_home/sys/data/pricing/example.

If you do not run the utility from the directory in which the file is located, you must include the complete path to the file, for example:

load_pin_snowball_distribution BRM_home/sys/data/pricing/example


Use this utility to set up customized rating by loading the contents of the pin_spec_rates file into the BRM database.

For more information, see "Charging for Custom Events and Attributes" in BRM Configuring Pipeline Rating and Discounting.


  • The load_pin_spec_rates overwrites the existing setup for administrative events charges. If you are updating a set of administrative events charges, you cannot load new charges only. You load complete sets of charges each time you run the load_pin_spec_rates utility.

  • To connect to the BRM database, the load_pin_spec_rates utility needs a configuration file in the directory from which you run the utility. See "Creating Configuration Files for BRM Utilities".




load_pin_spec_rates [pin_spec_rates_file]



The name and location of the file that maps opcodes to event types to be rated. The default is BRM_home/sys/data/config/pin_spec_rates.

If you copy the pin_spec_rates file to the same directory from which you run the load_pin_spec_rates utility, you do not have to specify either the path or the file name.


If the utility does not notify you that it was successful, look in the default.pinlog file to find any errors. This file is either in the directory from which the utility was started or in a directory specified in the utility configuration file.


You must restart the Connection Manager for the new administrative event charges to take effect.


Use this utility to load the configuration for contributor-based sub-balances into the BRM database. You define the sub-balance configuration in the BRM_home/sys/data/pricing/example/pin_sub_bal_contributor file.

For more information, see "Defining and Loading Custom Sub-Balances".


  • The load_pin_sub_bal_contributor utility overwrites the existing sub-balance configurations. If you are updating a set of sub-balance configurations, you cannot load new configurations only. You load complete sets of sub-balance configurations each time you run the load_pin_sub_bal_contributor utility.

  • To connect to the BRM database, the load_pin_sub_bal_contributor utility needs a configuration file in the directory from which you run the utility. See "Connecting BRM Utilities" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.




load_pin_sub_bal_contributor [-d] [-v] pin_sub_bal_contributor_file



Creates a log file for debugging purposes. Use this parameter for debugging when the utility appears to have run with no errors, but the sub-balance configurations have not been loaded into the database.


Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.


This parameter is always used with other parameters and commands. It is not position dependent. For example, you can enter -v at the beginning or end of a command to initiate the verbose parameter. To redirect the output to a log file, use the following syntax with the verbose parameter. Replace filename.log with the name of the log file:

load_pin_sub_bal_contributor other_parameter –v > filename.log


The name and location of the file that defines the configuration for contributor-based sub-balances. The default pin_sub_bal_contributor file is in BRM_home/sys/data/pricing/sample.

If you copy the pin_sub_bal_contributor file to the directory from which you run the load_pin_sub_bal_contributor utility, you do not have to specify either the path or the file name.


The load_pin_sub_bal_contributor utility notifies you when it successfully creates the /config/sub_bal_contributor object.

If the load_pin_sub_bal_contributor utility does not notify you that it was successful, look in the default.pinlog file to find any errors. This log file is either in the directory from which the utility was started or in a directory specified in the utility configuration file.


You must restart the Connection Manager to make the new sub-balance configurations available.


Use this utility to specify how to handle expired discounts:

  • Change the status of active, expired discounts to canceled

  • Change the status of inactive, expired discounts to canceled

  • Delete expired discounts

You use this utility when you set discount midcycle purchase or cancel options that grant a full discount when the discount is canceled in the middle of an accounting cycle.

You can run this utility nightly or add it to the pin_bill_day script to be run automatically. See "Running Billing Utilities" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.



where BRM_home is the directory in which the BRM server software is installed.


pin_discount_cleanup -m close|close_inactive|delete [-n days] [-d date] [-v] [-t] [-help] 


-m close | close_inactive | delete

Specifies how to handle discounts that expire on the specified date. The default date is the current date.

  • close

    Changes the status of all active, expired discounts to canceled without deleting the discounts.

  • close_inactive

    Changes the status of all inactive, expired discounts to canceled without deleting the discounts.

  • delete

    Deletes all expired discounts.

-n days

The number of days prior to -d date for which to cancel or delete expired discounts. This is used in conjunction with the -d date parameter to determine the actual dates for canceling or deleting expired discounts. The default is 0.

-d date

The end date (in the format MM/DD/YYYY) for which to cancel or delete expired discounts. This is used in conjunction with the -n days parameter to determine the actual dates for canceling or deleting discounts. The default is the current date.

For example, if you enter -n 5 and -d 07/15/2021, the utility cancels or deletes all discounts that expired on 7/10/2021.


  • The expire date cannot be greater than the current date. For instance, in the example above, if 7/10/2021 is greater than the current date, pin_discount_cleanup returns an error.

  • If neither the -n or -d parameters are specified, the current date is used.


Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.


This parameter is always used in conjunction with other parameters and commands. It is not position dependent. For example, you can enter -v at the beginning or end of a command to initiate the verbose parameter. To redirect the output to a log file, use the following syntax with the verbose parameter. Replace filename.log with the name of the log file:

pin_discount_cleanup other_parameters –v > filename.log


Displays the number of records processed (the number of expired discounts that were canceled or deleted).


Displays the syntax and parameters for this utility.


To check the results of running this utility, look in the log file (normally default.pinlog) for error messages. The log file is located in the directory from which the utility was started or in a directory specified in the utility's configuration file (pin.conf).