2 Setup Components

Setup components are the prerequisite data that you configure before creating product offerings. For example, before creating product offerings, you must configure the ratable usage metrics (RUMs) that define how to measure events.

You can create the following setup components in the Oracle Communications Pricing Design Center (PDC) UI:


You need to configure the optional setup components only if you plan to use the related feature or perform certain business functions. For example, you configure a zone model only if you use zoning to determine a price in your charge offer.

See the discussion about configuring setup components in PDC Creating Product Offerings for more information about other setup components that are required for creating product offerings in PDC and how to configure them by using the SyncPDC and ImportExportPricing utilities.

Creating Service-Event Maps

A service-event map defines which events can be used for a service and which ratable usage metrics (RUMs) can be used for each service-event combination. These maps determine which events are available when you define charge and discount offers.

To create service-event maps:

  1. In the Setup section of the navigation pane, under Pricing Elements, click Service-Event Map.

    The Service-Event Map page appears.

  2. In the Service-Event Map section, select Service-Event Map and then click the Add icon.

    The Add Service or Account dialog box appears.

  3. From the Service list, select a service or select Account and click OK.

    The selected service or Account is added under Service-Event Map.

  4. Select a service or select Account and then click the Add icon.

    The Add Events dialog box appears.

  5. Select the events to map to the service or select Account and click OK.

    You must map at least one event to the service you added or to Account.

    The selected events appear under the selected service or Account.

  6. Select an event and then click the Add icon.

    The Map RUMs dialog box appears.

  7. In the RUM column, select the RUMs to map to the event.

    Optionally, you can click New RUM to create a RUM configuration. See "Creating a RUM Configuration".

    You must map at least one RUM to each event that is added.

  8. For each selected RUM, in the Expression field, enter the expression that indicates the quantity of the event.

    Optionally, you can click the Edit icon next to the Expression field and use the RUM Expression Builder to build the RUM expression.


    You must ensure that the RUM expression that you enter is valid for the rating system in which the RUM is used.

  9. Click OK.

    The selected RUMs appear under the selected event.

  10. Click Submit.

Service-Event Map Page

Use the Service-Event Map page to map events to services or to Account and map RUMs to events. These mappings are used to define charge and discount offers.

Expand the service node to display the events mapped to that service.

Expand the event node to display the RUMs mapped to that event.

Map RUMs Dialog Box

Use the Map RUMs dialog box to map RUMs to an event and configure the RUM expression for measuring the event.

Field Description


Displays the available RUMs for the selected event. Select the RUMs to map to the event.


Enter the expression that indicates the quantity of the event. For example, to calculate the duration quantity, you might reference the start and end fields in the event with the expression End Time - Start Time.

Optionally, you can click the Edit icon and use the RUM Expression Builder to build the expression.


Click this button to create a RUM configuration.

RUM Expression Builder Dialog Box

Use the RUM Expression Builder dialog box to build the expression for measuring the event for the selected RUM.

Field Description

Mathematical Elements Toolbar

Click any of the mathematical elements to add them to the Expression field.


Select a field to add it to the Expression field.


Displays the RUM expression that indicates the quantity of the event.

Note: You must ensure that the RUM expression is a valid expression for the rating system in which the RUM is used.

New RUM Dialog Box

Use the New RUM dialog box to create a RUM configuration.

Field Description


Enter a unique name for the RUM.


Enter a unique reference code for the RUM.


Select the units of measurement to use for measuring the event.

For RUMs of type Conditional, this field is not applicable.


(Optional) Select the rounding method to use for the event usage.


Select one of the following RUM types:

  • Whole: Select this type if the RUM cannot be split; for example, Occurrence.

  • Partial: Select this type if the RUM can be split; for example, Duration.

  • Conditional: Select this type to configure charges with conditional balance impacts.

You can change the RUM type only when the RUM is not used in any other components.

Creating a RUM Configuration

To create a RUM configuration, you must first map the services to the events, and then map the RUMs to the events. See "Creating Service-Event Maps".

To create a RUM configuration:

  1. In the Service-Event Map section of the Service-Event Map page, select an event and then click the Add icon.

    The Map RUMs dialog box appears.

  2. Click New RUM.

    The New RUM dialog box appears.

  3. In the Name field, enter a unique name for the RUM.

  4. In the Code field, enter a unique reference code for the RUM.

  5. From the Units list, select the unit of measurement to use for measuring the event.

    This step does not apply for RUMs of type Conditional.

  6. (Optional) From the Rounding list, select the rounding method to use for the event usage.

  7. From the Type list, select the RUM type.

  8. Click OK.

Creating Impact Categories for Zones

You use impact categories to determine a price in a charge offer. An impact category represents a combination of event, service, or account attributes.

To create impact categories for zones:

  1. In the Setup section of the navigation pane, under Pricing Elements, click Impact Categories.

    The Impact Categories page appears.

  2. In the Impact Categories for Zones section, click the Add icon in the table toolbar.

    An editable row is added.

  3. In the Name column, enter a unique name for the impact category.

  4. In the Description column, enter a description for the impact category.

  5. (Optional) To use the impact category as a result in a Usage Scenario (USC) selector and an Access Point Name (APN) selector, select the Derived Only check box.

    See "About Impact Categories for Zones" for information about different uses of impact categories for zones.

  6. Click Submit.

    The impact category is added to the table in the Impact Categories for Zones section.

About Impact Categories for Zones

Impact categories for zones are used as follows:

  • Base zone impact categories are used as results in zone models. You can also use them as results in USC and APN selectors.

  • Derived Zone impact categories are used as results in USC and APN selectors. They are considered derived because the rules in USC and APN selectors take base zone impact categories and remap them, resulting in new impact categories.

    For example, a USC selector rule might specify that if the base zone impact category is China and the usage type is Friends & Family, the selector returns the Friends & Family derived zone impact category.

Impact Categories Page Reference

Use the Impact Categories page to create impact categories for zones.

For a description of the fields, see:

Impact Categories for Zones Section

Use the Impact Categories for Zones section to create impact categories for zones.

Click the Add icon in the table toolbar to add an impact category.

Column Description


Enter a unique name for the impact category


Enter a description for the impact category.

Derived Only

(Optional) Select the check box to use this impact category only in the USC and APN selectors.

Creating Balance Elements

A balance element represents a currency or noncurrency asset of economic value, such as U.S. dollars or included minutes. When you configure pricing in a charge, you specify the balance elements that are debited or credited when the charge offer is used to rate an event. For example, a charge of one dollar per minute for a phone call affects the US Dollars balance element.

To create a balance element, see:

Creating Currency Balance Elements

To create currency balance elements:

  1. In the Setup section of the navigation pane, under Pricing Elements, click Balance Elements.

    The Balance Elements page appears. See "Balance Elements Section" for details.

  2. In the Balance Elements section, click the Add Currency Balance Element icon in the table toolbar:
    Add Currency Balance Element icon

    A new row is added to the balance elements table. See "Balance Elements Table" for details.

  3. In the Name column, select a currency name.

    The default reference code, numeric code, and symbol for the currency are automatically displayed.

    The Temporary and Counter columns are not applicable.

  4. (Optional) To use the balance element in a fold charge, select the check box in the Can Be Folded column.

  5. (Optional) To trigger notifications to customers when the balance element is about to expire, select the check box in the Notify Before Expiration column.

  6. (Optional) In the Consumption Rule column, select a consumption rule.

  7. Click Save.

    The currency balance element is saved in the balance elements table, and the default rounding rules for the currency balance element are saved in the rounding rules table. You cannot delete the default rounding rules.

  8. (Optional) To add rounding rules for specific events, see "Adding Rounding Rules for Specific Events".

Creating Noncurrency Balance Elements

To create noncurrency balance elements:

  1. In the Setup section of the navigation pane, under Pricing Elements, click Balance Elements.

    The Balance Elements page appears. See "Balance Elements Section" for details.

  2. In the Balance Elements section, click the Add Noncurrency Balance Element icon in the table toolbar:
    Add Noncurrency Balance Element

    A new row is added to the balance elements table. See "Balance Elements Table" for details.

  3. In the Name column, enter a unique name.

  4. In the Code column, enter a unique reference code.

  5. If you want to change the default numeric code, enter a unique reference code in the Numeric Code column.

    You can change the numeric code only before publishing the balance element.

  6. (Optional) In the Symbol column, enter a symbol.

  7. (Optional) To use the balance element for tracking balances temporarily while applying discounts to events, select the check box in the Temporary column.

    If you select this check box, rounding rules are not applicable.

  8. (Optional) To use the balance element as a counter, select the check box in the Counter column.

  9. (Optional) To use the balance element in a fold charge, select the check box in the Can Be Folded column.

    This column is disabled if the check box in the Temporary column is selected.

  10. (Optional) To trigger notifications to customers when the balance element is about to expire, select the check box in the Notify Before Expiration column.

  11. (Optional) In the Consumption Rule column, select a consumption rule.

  12. Click Save.

    The noncurrency balance element is saved in the balance elements table.

    If you have not selected the check box in the Temporary column, the default rounding rules for the noncurrency balance element are saved in the rounding rules table. You cannot delete the default rounding rules.

  13. (Optional) To add rounding rules for specific events, see "Adding Rounding Rules for Specific Events".

Adding Rounding Rules for Specific Events

The Rounding Rules section displays the rounding rules for the balance element selected in the balance elements table. (See "Rounding Rules Section" for details.) You cannot delete the default rounding rules, but you can add new rounding rules for specific events.

To add rounding rules for specific events:

  1. In the Rounding Rules section, click the Add icon in the table toolbar.

    The Processing Stage and Event Selection dialog box appears. See "Processing Stage and Event Selection Dialog Box" for details.

  2. From the Processing Stage list, select a processing stage for the rounding rule.

  3. From the Event Category list, select an event category.

  4. From the Event(s) list, select the events.

  5. Click OK.

    For each selected event, a rounding rule is added to the rounding rules table.

  6. (Optional) If the selected events have child events, in the Rounding Rules section, select the check box in the Apply To Child Events column to use the balance element for both parent and child events.

  7. (Optional) In the Rounding Method column, select a rounding method to use for the selected balance element.

  8. (Optional) In the Precision column, enter the precision for rounding the balance element.

  9. (Optional) In the Tolerance Parameters columns, enter the minimum and maximum tolerance values and the tolerance percentage that determines how the rounding rule will be applied to the balance element.

  10. Click Save.

    The rounding rules are saved.

Related Topics

Rounding Rules Section

Balance Elements Page Reference

Use the Balance Elements page to create, modify, or delete currency or noncurrency balance elements and to add or delete rounding rules.

For a description of the fields, see:

Balance Elements Section

Use the Balance Elements section to create, modify, or delete currency or noncurrency balance elements.

See "Balance Elements Table" for information about the balance elements table.

Field Description

Add Currency Balance Element

Add Currency Balance Element icon

Use to add a currency balance element.

Add Noncurrency Balance Element

Add Noncurrency Balance Element icon

Use to add a noncurrency balance element.


Delete icon

Use to delete a balance element.

Balance Element table

Use to configure balance elements.

Related Topics

Balance Elements Table

Balance Elements Table

Use the balance elements table in the Balance Elements section to configure balance elements. Each row in the table represents a balance element.


You cannot delete a balance element that is referenced by other components. The In Use icon indicates that the balance element is referenced by other components and that it cannot be deleted:
In Use icon
Column Description


For a currency balance element, select a currency from the list.

For a noncurrency balance element, enter a unique name.


For a currency balance element, this column displays the default reference code: it is read-only.

For a noncurrency balance element, enter a unique reference code for the balance element.

Numeric Code

Displays the numeric code for the currency or noncurrency balance element.

You can change the default numeric code for a noncurrency balance element only.


(Optional) For a currency balance element, this column displays the default currency symbol: it is read-only.

For a noncurrency balance element, enter a symbol. You can enter any character string for this balance element.


(Optional) For a noncurrency balance element, select the check box to use the balance element for tracking balances temporarily while applying discounts to events. See "About Using Temporary Balances in Discounts" in PDC Creating Product Offerings.

If you select this check box, rounding rules are not applicable.

If you do not select this check box, the default rounding rules for each processing stage are automatically added to the rounding rules table.


(Optional) For a noncurrency balance element, select the check box to use the balance element as a counter.

Can Be Folded

(Optional) Select this check box to use the balance element in a fold charge.

Notify Before Expiration

(Optional) Select this check box to send notifications to your customers when their balance (of this balance element) is about to expire.

Consumption Rule

(Optional) Select a consumption rule for the balance element.

Rounding Rules Section

Use the Rounding Rules section to add or delete rounding rules.

When you add a balance element, the default rounding rules for each processing stage are added to the rounding rules table. You cannot delete these rounding rules.

Select a balance element in the balance elements table and click Add or Delete icon in the rounding rules table toolbar to add or delete rounding rules.

Column Description

Processing Stage

Displays the processing stage to which the rounding rule applies.

For default rounding rules, this column is read-only.

Event Name

Displays the event to which the rounding rule applies.

For default rounding rules, this column displays an asterisk (*), which indicates that the rounding rules will be applied to all the events.

Apply To Child Events

(Optional) If the selected event has child events, select this check box to use the balance element for both parent and child events.

For default rounding rules, this column is read-only.

Rounding Method

(Optional) Select one of the following rounding methods to use for the balance element:

  • Up: If there is an additional digit, the last significant digit is always rounded up. For example, if rounding is set to two significant digits, 1.151 rounds to 1.16.

  • Down: If there is an additional digit, the last significant digit always remains the same. For example, if rounding is set to two significant digits, 1.159 rounds to 1.15.

  • Even: If there is an additional digit and the digit to the left is even, the last significant digit always remains the same. For example, if rounding is set to two significant digits, 10.154 rounds to 10.16 and 10.165 rounds to 10.16.

  • Nearest: If the additional digit is 0 through 4, the last significant digit remains the same. If the additional digit is 5 through 9, the last significant digit is rounded up. For example, 1.151 rounds to 1.15, and 1.159 rounds to 1.16.


(Optional) Enter the precision for rounding the balance element. For example, if the precision is 2, 1.1201 rounds to 1.12.

Note: The precision must be between 0 and 15.

Tolerance Min

(Optional) Enter the minimum error tolerance for rounding the currency balance element.

Tolerance Max

(Optional) Enter the maximum error tolerance for rounding the currency balance element.

For example, for Swiss Francs, if the minimum error tolerance is 2 and the maximum error tolerance is 3:

  • If a customer pays in euros for a 50 CHF charge, and the euro amount converts to 49 CHF, the payment is accepted.

  • If a customer pays in euros for a 50 CHF charge, and the euro amount converts to 46 CHF, the payment is not accepted.

Note: The maximum tolerance value must be greater than the minimum tolerance value.

Tolerance %

(Optional) Enter the error tolerance percentage for rounding the currency balance element.

For example, if the tolerance percentage for Swiss Francs is 98%:

  • If a customer pays in euros for a 100 CHF charge, and the euro amount converts to 99 CHF, the payment is accepted.

  • If a customer pays in euros for a 100 CHF charge, and the euro amount converts to 97 CHF, the payment is not accepted.

If you set both a tolerance percentage and a tolerance amount, the tolerance percentage overrides the tolerance amount. For example, if the tolerance percentage is 1% and the minimum error tolerance is 5. If the customer pays in euros for a 1000 CHF charge, and the euro amount converts to 992, the percentage tolerance is met, so the payment is accepted, even though the minimum error tolerance has not been met.

Note: The tolerance percentage must be between 0 and 100.

Processing Stage and Event Selection Dialog Box

Use the Processing Stage and Event Selection dialog box to select a processing stage and the events for adding the rounding rules.

Field Description

Processing Stage

Select the processing stage.

Event Category

Select an event category. This category determines which events are displayed in the Event(s) list.

See "About Charge Categories" for descriptions of the categories.


Select the events for adding the rounding rules.

Note: The Event(s) list displays only the events that are not associated with any processing stage.

Related Topics

Rounding Rules Section

Creating Zone Models

You can configure the following types of zone models:

  • Standard Zone Model: Associates the origin and destination area codes of a call to an impact category. See "Creating Standard Zone Models".

  • Geographical Zone Model: Associates the distance between the origin and destination area codes of a call to an impact category. See "Creating Geographical Zone Models".

Creating Standard Zone Models

To create standard zone models:

  1. In the Setup section of the navigation pane, under Pricing Elements, click Zone Models.

    The Zone Models page appears.

  2. In the Zone Models section, click the Add icon in the table toolbar.

    An editable row is added.

  3. In the Details section, enter a name and a description.

  4. Under Type, select Standard.

  5. Under the Zone Rules subtab, click the Add icon in the table toolbar.

    An editable row is added.

  6. In the Service Type column, do one of the following:

    • Select the service type to which this zone rule applies.

    • Select the asterisk (*), which applies this zone rule to all the services.

  7. In the Origin column, enter the call origin area code to associate with this zone rule.


    The area code must include the international code.

  8. In the Destination column, enter the call destination area code to associate with this zone rule.


    The area code must include the international code.

  9. In the Results column, under Zone Impact Category, select a zone impact category to associate with the call origin and call destination area codes. The impact category name is also the name of the zone.


    The Zone Impact Category list shows only the base zone impact categories. This list is empty if no zone impact category is available. You must create the base zone impact category to proceed further. See "Creating Impact Categories for Zones".

  10. (Optional) In the Results column, under Alternate Zone Model, select an alternative zone model that can be used to determine the price of a call.


    The alternative zone model that you select must have at least one zone rule with the service type that matches with the service type selected for this zone model.

  11. In the Validity column, enter the period for which this zone rule is valid. See "Setting Validity Periods" for information about setting the validity period.

  12. (Optional) Add more zone rules to the standard zone model.

  13. Click Submit.

    A standard zone model is added to the table in the Zone Models section.

Creating Geographical Zone Models

To create geographical zone models:

  1. In the Setup section of the navigation pane, under Pricing Elements, click Zone Models.

    The Zone Models page appears.

  2. In the Zone Models section, click the Add icon in the table toolbar.

  3. In the Details section, enter a name and a description.

  4. Under Type, select Geographical.

  5. Under the Zone Rules subtab, click the Add icon in the table toolbar.

    An editable row is added.

  6. In the Service Type column, do one of the following:

    • Select the service type to which this zone rule applies.

    • Select the asterisk (*), which applies this zone rule to all the services.

  7. In the Distance column, enter the distance between call origin and call destination.

  8. In the Results column, under Zone Impact Category, select an impact category that is assigned to the specified distance. The impact category name is also the name of the zone.


    The Zone Impact Category list shows only the base zone impact categories. This list is empty if no zone impact category is available. You must create the base zone impact category to proceed further. See "Creating Impact Categories for Zones".

  9. (Optional) In the Results column, under Alternate Zone Model, select an alternative zone model that can be used to determine the price of a call.


    The alternative zone model that you select must have at least one zone rule with the service type that matches with the service type selected for this zone model.

  10. In the Validity column, enter the period for which this zone rule is valid. See "Setting Validity Periods" for information about setting the validity period.

  11. (Optional) Add more zone rules to the geographical zone model.

  12. Click the Area Codes subtab.

  13. Click the Add icon in the table toolbar.

    An editable row is added.

  14. In the Prefix Area Code column, enter the area code prefix.

  15. In the Latitude column, enter the latitude for the specified area code.

  16. In the Longitude column, enter the longitude for the specified area code.

  17. In the Validity column, enter the period for which this mapping is valid. See "Setting Validity Periods" for information about setting the validity period.

  18. (Optional) Add more area code combinations for this geographical zone model.

  19. Click Submit.

    A geographical zone model is added to the table in the Zone Models section.

Zone Models Page Reference

Use the Zone Models page to add and create zone models.

For a description of the fields, see:

Zone Models Section

Use the Zone Models section to add zone models.

Click the Add icon in the table toolbar to add a zone model.

Column Description

Name, Description

Displays the name and the description of the zone model added in the Details section.


Displays the type of the zone model added in the Details section.

Details Section

Use the Details section to provide general information for the zone model.

The Details section also contains the Zone Rules subtab and, for geographical zone models, the Area Codes subtab.

For a description of the fields, see:

Field Description

Name, Description

Enter a unique name and a unique description for the zone model


Select the zone model type:

  • Standard to create a standard zone model.

  • Geographical to create a geographical zone model.

Zone Rules Subtab for Standard Zone Model

Use the Zone Rules subtab to add rules that associate origin and destination area codes to impact categories.

Column Description

Service Type

Select the service type to which this zone rule applies.

Select the asterisk (*) to apply this zone rule to all the services.


Enter the call origin area code to associate with this zone rule. Include the international code.


Enter the call destination area code to associate with this zone rule. Include the international code.


Select the base zone impact category to associate with the call origin and call destination area codes. The impact category name is also the name of the zone.

(Optional) Select the alternative zone model that can be used to determine the price of a call. You specify an alternative zone model when you create zone hierarchies.


Specify the period for which this zone rule is valid. Enter the start and end dates for this zone rule.

Zone Rules Subtab for Geographical Zone Model

Use the Zone Rules subtab to add rules that associate distances between origin and destination area codes to impact categories.

Column Description

Service Type

Select the service type to which this zone rule applies.

Select the asterisk (*) to apply this zone rule to all the services.


Enter the distance between call origin and call destination.


Select the base zone impact category, which is also the name of the zone, that is assigned to the specified distance.

(Optional) Select the alternative zone model that can be used to determine the price of a call. You specify an alternative zone model when you create zone hierarchies.

See PDC Creating Product Offerings for more information on alternative zone models.


Specify the period for which this zone rule is valid. Enter the start and end dates for this zone rule.

Area Codes Subtab

Use the Area Codes subtab to add a set of mappings that associate area codes to their respective latitude and longitude coordinates for geographical zone models.

Column Description

Prefix Area Code

Enter the area code prefix. You can create multiple geographical zones within a single area code by mapping different combinations of longitude and latitude coordinates to that area code.


Enter the latitude for the specified area code.

The range for valid latitude values is -90 through 90.


Enter the longitude for the specified area code.

The range for valid longitude values is -180 through 180.


Specify the period for which this mapping is valid. Enter the start and end dates for this mapping.

Related Topics

Setting Validity Periods

Configuring Policy Specifications

A policy specification is made up of one or more counter policies each of which defines a gradation in the QoS based on the subscriber's service usage. For example, you can have a policy specification called Platinum for a data service and a balance element for it as Megabytes Used. You can define a counter policy labeled Fair Usage, which has three levels, Low QoS, Medium QoS, and High QoS, with each level containing a usage range valid for that quality of service, such as 100-150, 150-200, and 200-No Maximum megabytes.

See the discussion about policy specifications in PDC User's Guide for more information.

To configure policy specifications by using the PDC user interface:

  1. In the Setup section of the navigation pane, under Pricing Elements, click Policy Specifications.

    The Policy Specifications page appears.

  2. Specifying general information for a policy specification. See "Specifying General Information for a Policy Specification" for more information.

  3. Create policy labels. See "Creating Policy Labels" for more information.

  4. Create counter policies. See "Creating Counter Policies" for more information.

Specifying General Information for a Policy Specification

To specify general information for a policy specification:

  1. In the Policy Specifications section, click the Add icon in the table toolbar.

    A new row is added.

  2. In the Name column, enter a unique name for the policy specification.

  3. In the Description column, enter a description for the policy specification.

Creating Policy Labels

To create a policy label:

  1. In the Counter Policies section, click the Add icon in the table toolbar.

    The Create Counter Policy dialog box appears.

  2. From the Policy Label list, select Create….

    The Create Policy Label dialog box appears.

  3. In the Name field, enter a unique name for the policy label.

  4. In the Sub-Labels section, click the Add icon in the table toolbar.

    A new row is added.

  5. In the Label column, enter a unique name for the sublabel.

    You can add additional sublabels by repeating step 4 and 5.

  6. Click OK.

Creating Counter Policies

To create a counter policy:

  1. In the Counter Policies section, click the Add icon in the table toolbar.

    The Create Counter Policies dialog box appears.

  2. From the Policy Label list, select a policy label or create a new policy label. See "Creating Policy Labels" for more information.

  3. From the Unit list, select the unit to be used for measurement.

  4. From the Balance Element list, select a balance element to which the counter policy must be applied.


    The Balance Element list displays only the noncurrency balance elements. You can add only one counter policy for a balance element in a policy specification.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Click Save.

Adding Counter Ranges

To vary QoS based on the level of usage, add counter ranges to a counter policy and use different policy labels for each range.

To add a counter range to a counter policy:

  1. In the Counting Ranges section, click the Add icon in the table toolbar.

    The Add Counter Range dialog box appears.

  2. In the Starting At field, enter the starting value for the range, or select No Minimum.

    PDC automatically generates an end value for the range based on the existing counter ranges.

    For example, if you specify 5, PDC creates the following range:

    • 5 – No maximum

    If you then create another quantity range with a start value of 2.5, PDC creates the following ranges:

    • 2.5 – 5

    • 5 – No maximum

  3. Add counter ranges.

  4. From the Label list, select the corresponding label for each counter range.


    You can select the same label for multiple counter ranges as appropriate.

  5. Click OK.

    A table for the counter range is added.

Modifying Policy Specifications

To modify a policy specification:

  1. In the Policy Specifications section, click the policy specification that you want to modify.

  2. Edit the name and description as required.

  3. Modify the counter policies as required. See "Modifying Counter Policies" for more information.

  4. Click Save.

Modifying Policy Labels

To modify a policy label:

  1. In the Counter Policies section, click the counter policy that you want to modify.

    The Edit Counter Policy dialog box appears.

  2. From the Policy Label list, select the policy label that you want to modify.

    The Edit Policy Label dialog box appears.

  3. Modify the policy label and sublabels as required.

    To edit a sublabel, click a label in the Sub-labels section.

    To delete a sublabel, select a label in the Sub-labels section and then click the Delete icon in the table toolbar.

  4. Click OK.

Modifying Counter Policies

To modify a counter policy:

  1. In the Counter Policies section, click the counter policy that you want to modify.

    The Edit Counter Policies dialog box appears.

  2. Modify the policy label, counter ranges, and the range labels as required.

    For modifying policy labels, see "Modifying Policy Labels".

    For modifying counter ranges, see "Modifying Counter Ranges".

  3. Click OK.

Modifying Counter Ranges

To modify the counter range in a counter policy:

  1. Go to the Counter Ranges section.

  2. In the Counter Ranges table, click the link in the Counter Ranges column for which you want to change the range.

    The Edit Counter Range dialog box appears.

  3. Modify the Start value.

    You can specify a minimum start value or select No Minimum.

    You cannot enter a value that includes the entire following counter range. Instead, to extend a range beyond the following range, first delete the following range. See "Deleting Counter Ranges" for more information.

    PDC adjusts the start and end values of the preceding and following counter ranges accordingly.

  4. Click OK.

Deleting Policy Specifications

To delete a policy specification:

  1. In the Policy Specifications section, click the policy specification that you want to delete.

  2. Click the Delete icon in the table toolbar.

    A confirmation message appears.

  3. Click OK.

    The policy specification and the associated counter policies are removed.

  4. Click Save.

Deleting Counter Policies

To delete a counter policy:

  1. In the Counter Policies section, select the counter policy that you want to delete.

  2. Click the Delete icon in the table toolbar.

    A confirmation message appears.

  3. Click OK.

    The counter policy is removed from the table.

  4. Click Save.

Deleting Counter Ranges

To delete a counter range:

  1. Go to the Counter Ranges section.

  2. In the Counter Ranges table, select the range in the Counter Ranges column.

  3. Click the Delete icon in the table toolbar.

    A confirmation message appears.

  4. Click OK.

    The counter range and the corresponding policy label are removed from the table.

    If you deleted a middle range, PDC automatically adjusts the end value of the previous counter range.

Policy Specifications Page Reference

Use the Policy Specifications page to create, modify, or delete policy specifications, counter policies, and policy labels.

For a description of the fields, see:

Field Description
Add icon
Use to add a policy specification, policy label, and counter policy.
Delete icon
Use to remove a policy specification, policy label, and counter policy.


You cannot delete a policy specification that is referenced by other components. The In Use icon indicates that the policy specification is referenced by other components and that it cannot be deleted:
In Use icon
Policy Specifications Section

Use the Policy Specifications section to add the policy specifications. Click the Add icon in the table toolbar to add a policy specification.

Column Description

Name, Description

Enter the name and the description of the policy specification that you have added.

Create Policy Label Dialog Box

Use the Create Policy Label dialog box to create policy labels.

Field Description


Enter a unique name for the policy label.

Sub Labels

In the sub labels section, click Add icon to enter a unique name for the sub label.

Create Counter Policies Dialog Box

Use the Create Counter Policies dialog box to counter policies.

Field Description

Policy Label

Select a policy label from the drop down list. You can also create and edit a policy label.


Select the units to be used for measurement.

Balance Element

Select a balance element to which the counter policy must be applied.

Add Counter Range

Add counter ranges to a counter policy and use different policy labels for each range.

Configuring Item Type Selectors

An item type selector contains rules and item specifications for assigning balance impacts to bill items. These rules and specifications enable you to assign different bill items for balance impacts within the same event or event type. For example, you can define separate bill items for international and national calls and apply a different tax to each bill item at billing time.

See the discussion about item type selectors in PDC User's Guide for more information.

To configure item type selectors by using the PDC user interface:

  1. In the Setup section of the navigation pane, under Pricing Elements, click Item Type Selectors.

    The Item Type Selectors page appears.

  2. Specifying general information for an item type selector. See "Specifying General Information for an Item Type Selector".

  3. Select the attributes that you want to use in the rules for the item type selector. See "Selecting Rule Attributes".

  4. Create the rules for the item type selector. See "Creating Item Type Selector Rules".

Specifying General Information for an Item Type Selector


You can add only one item type selector for a combination of service, event, and item group.

To specify general information for an item type selector:

  1. In the Item Type Selector section, click the Add icon in the table toolbar.

    A new row is added.

  2. In the Name column, enter a unique name for the item type selector.

  3. In the Description column, enter a description for the item type selector.

  4. In the Applicable To column, select the service name or account.

  5. To apply the item type selector to all the child services of the selected service or account, select the check box in the Select Applicable to all Child Services column.

  6. In the Event column, select the name of an event.

  7. To apply the item type selector to all the child events of the selected event, select the check box in the Select Applicable to all Child Events column.

  8. In the Item Group column, enter the name of the item group to be used for aggregating the balance impacts.

  9. To apply the item type selector to all the balance impacts, select the check box in the Applicable to all Balance Impacts column.

  10. In the Default Item Spec column, select a default item specification from the list or create a default item specification.

    To create the default item specification, see "Creating Item Specifications".

  11. Click Save.

Selecting Rule Attributes

To select the rule attributes:

  1. In the Rules section, click Manage Rule Attributes.

    The Manage Rule Attributes dialog box appears.

  2. Choose the attribute for assigning balance impacts and click the check box in the Use column.

  3. Select an operator to be used in the rule for the selected attributes from the Operator list.

  4. Click OK.

    The selected attributes are displayed in the Rules section.

Creating Item Type Selector Rules

To create rules for an item type selector:

  1. In the Item Type Selectors section, select an item type selector.

  2. Click the Add icon in the table toolbar of the Rules section.

    A new row is added. By default, in the Priority column, the priority of the rules is displayed in the order of creation.

  3. In the Rule Name column, enter a name of the rule.

  4. (Optional) In the Custom Expressions column, enter the custom expression.


    You cannot use custom expressions for the USAGE_PREPAID or USAGE_POSTPAID events.

  5. In the attribute columns, enter values for each of the rule attributes that you selected in the Manage Rule Attributes dialog box.

  6. In the Item Spec column, select an item specification from the list or create an item specification.

    To create an item specification, see "Creating Item Specifications".

  7. Click Save.

Changing Priority of the Rules

To change the priority of the rules, in the Rules section select a rule and then click the up and down arrow keys in the table toolbar.


  • In the Rules section, you cannot sort the columns in the ascending or descending order because the columns are dynamically generated. You can only change the priority of the rules.

  • After creating the rules, changing the event or service in the item type selector removes all the rules configured for that event or service.

Related Topics

Rules Section

Creating Item Specifications

To create an item specification:

  1. In the item specifications column, navigate till the end of the list of values and then click Manage Item Spec.

    The Item Specifications dialog box appears.

  2. Click the Add icon in the table toolbar.

    A new row is added.

  3. In the Name column, enter a unique name for the item specification.

  4. In the Category column, enter a charge category for the item specification.

  5. In the Type column, enter an item type for assigning balance impacts.


    • Item type should always start with /item/.

    • You can add only one item specification for a combination of category, item type, and aggregation type.

  6. In the Aggregation Type column, select an aggregation type to track the balance impacts.

  7. Click OK.

Modifying Item Type Selectors

To modify an item type selector:

  1. In the Item Type Selectors section, click the item type selector that you want to modify.

  2. Do the following as appropriate:

    • To modify an item specification, in the item specifications column navigate till the end of the list of values, and then click Manage Item Spec. In the Item Specifications dialog box, click the item specification that you want to modify.

    • To modify a rule, in the Rules section click the rule that you want to modify.

  3. Make the necessary changes as required.

  4. Click Save.

Deleting Item Type Selectors

To delete an item type selector:

  1. In the Item Type Selectors section, click the item type selector that you want to delete.

  2. Do the following as appropriate:

    • To delete an item specification, in the item specifications column navigate till the end of the list of values, and then click Manage Item Spec. In the Item Specifications dialog box, click the item specification that you want to delete.


      You cannot delete an item specification that is in use.

    • To delete a rule, in the Rules section, click the rule that you want to delete.

  3. Click the Delete icon in the table toolbar.

    A confirmation message appears.

  4. Click OK.

    The selected item is removed.

  5. Click Save.

Item Type Selectors Page Reference

Use the Item Type Selectors page to create, modify, or delete item type selectors, item specifications, and their rules.

For a description of the fields, see:

Field Description


Add icon

Use to add an item type selector, item specification, and a rule.


Delete icon

Use to remove an item type selector, item specification, and a rule.

Item Type Selectors Section

Use the Item Type Selectors section to add the item type selectors.

Column Description

Name, Description

Enter a unique name and a description for the item type selector.

Applicable To

Select the service name or account.

Applicable to all Child Services

(Optional) Select the check box to apply the item type selector to all the child services of the selected service or account.


Select the name of an event.

Applicable to all Child Events

(Optional) Select the check box to apply the item type selector to all the child events of the selected event.

Item Group

Enter the name of the item group to be used for aggregating the balance impacts.

Applicable to all Balance Impacts

(Optional) Select the check box to apply the item type selector to all the balance impacts.

Default Item Spec

Select a default item specification.

Item Specifications Dialog Box

Use the Item Specifications dialog box to create item specifications.

Field Description


Enter a unique name for the item specification.


Enter a charge category. This category determines the balance impacts to be tracked.

See "About Charge Categories" for descriptions of the categories.


Enter the type of the bill item for assigning balance impacts. This must match the item type created in BRM.

Note: Item type should always start with /item/.

You can add only one item specification for a combination of category, type, and aggregation type.

Aggregation Type

Select the aggregation type for tracking balance impacts:

  • CUMULATIVE_NONPRECREATE. Specifies that the bill item accumulates charges throughout the billing cycle and the bill item need not be pre-created in BRM.

  • INDIVIDUAL_NONPRECREATE. Specifies that the bill item stores a charge for a single event and the bill item need not be pre-created in BRM.

  • CUMULATIVE_PRECREATE. Specifies that the bill item accumulates charges throughout the billing cycle and the bill item needs to be pre-created in BRM.

Manage Rule Attributes Dialog Box

Use the Manage Rule Attributes dialog box to select the attributes that you want to use in the item type selector rules.

Field Description


Select this check box against the attributes that you want to use in the rules.

Attribute Name

Displays the attributes that you can use in the rules.


Select an operator and enter a value. Displays the relationship between the rule's default field value and the value in the subscriber, event, service, or charging field.

You can select one of the following operators:

  • Equal To

  • Not Equal To

  • Greater Than

  • Greater Than or Equal To

  • Less Than

  • Less Than or Equal To

  • Contains

  • Matches

Related Topics

Selecting Rule Attributes

Rules Section

Use the Rules section to add the item type selector rules.

Column Description


Displays the priority of the rules. By default, the priority of the rules is displayed in the order of creation.

Rule Name

Enter a name for the rule.

Custom Expressions

(Optional) Enter the custom expression.

Note: You cannot use custom expressions for the USAGE_PREPAID or USAGE_POSTPAID events.

Field Name

Enter values for each of the rule attributes that you selected.

The same fields are used for all the rules in the item type selector. You can set specific values in the rule to limit the fields that you want used in a rule.

Item Spec

Select or add an item specification.

Creating Special Day Calendars

Use a special day calendar to define a set of dates, such as holidays, for which you want to configure special prices for your services. Each date can either be a specific date valid only in one year or a recurring date valid each year. These dates are used in a time model to define a time period. A time period can be used in a charge offer to determine a price.

To create special day calendars:

  1. In the Setup section of the navigation pane, under Pricing Elements, click Special Day Calendars.

    The Special Day Calendars page appears.

  2. In the Special Day Calendars section, click the Add icon in the table toolbar.

    An editable row is added.

  3. In the Special Day Calendars column, enter a name.

  4. In the Special Day Definitions for Selected Calendar section, click the Add icon in the table toolbar.

    An editable row is added.

  5. In the Type column, select one of the following types of special days:

    • Fixed to specify a specific date valid in only one year.

    • Recurring to specify a date that is valid every year.

  6. In the Special Days column, enter the date.

  7. In the Description column, enter a brief description for the special day.

  8. Enter additional special day definitions for the calendar as needed.

  9. Click Submit.

    The special day definitions for the selected calendar are added to the table.

Special Day Calendars Page Reference

Use the Special Day Calendars page to create, edit, or delete a set of dates, such as holidays, for which you want to configure special prices for your services. These dates are used in a time model to define a time period. A time period can be used in a charge offer to determine a price.

For a description of the fields, see:

Special Day Calendars Section

Use the Special Day Calendars section to define names for the calendars.

Click the Add icon in the table toolbar to add a special day calendar.

Column Description

Special Day Calendars

Enter a name for the special day calendar.

Special Day Definitions for Selected Calendar Section

Use the Special Day Definitions for Selected Calendar section to specify the dates to include in the calendar.

Click the Add icon in the table toolbar to add special days to the calendar.

Column Description


Select the special day type:

  • Fixed to specify a specific date valid only in one year, such as May 8, 2011, for Mother's Day in the U.S.

  • Recurring to specify a date that is valid every year, such as January 1 for New Year's Day.

Special Days

Click the date selector to select a date for the special day type in the following formats:

  • For Fixed type: Mmm DD YYYY. For example, May 08 2011.

  • For Recurring type: Mmm DD. For example, Jan 01.


Enter a brief description.

Creating Custom Analyzer Rules

A custom analyzer rule (custom rule) is a named expression that is used in selector rules to guide to a price. You can use these rules when configuring a charge based on a subscriber's Friends & Family, Special Day, or Closed User Group profile. For example, you can create custom rules for calls to friends and family on a subscriber's birthday, or to configure supplementary services, such as call forwarding and call blocking.

To create custom analyzer rules:

  1. In the Setup section of the navigation pane, under Pricing Elements, click Custom Analyzer Rules.

    The Custom Analyzer Rules page appears.

  2. In the Custom Analyzer Rules section, click the Add icon in the table toolbar.

    A new row is added.

  3. In the Name column, enter the rule name.

  4. (Optional) Enter the rule description.

  5. In the Details section, select the following for which you want to create the rule:

    • Profile Attribute Specification. Select the profile attribute specifications that you want to use for configuring the rule.

    • Service Specification. Select the service attributes that you want to use for configuring the rule.

    • Event Specification. Select the event attributes that you want to use for configuring the rule.

  6. Under Condition, click the condition link.

    The Condition Builder dialog box appears.

  7. In the Condition Builder dialog box, enter the conditions for the custom rule.

    For example, you can define the conditions for identifying if the originating and terminating subscribers belong to a common closed user group to apply special rates for the calls between the members of the closed user group.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Click Save.

Custom Analyzer Rules Page Reference

Use the Custom Analyzer Rules page to create custom rules.


You cannot delete a custom rule that is being referenced by other pricing components. The In Use icon indicates that the custom rule is referenced by other rules and that it cannot be deleted:
In Use icon

See "Details Section" for configuring custom rules.

Field Description

Name, Description

Enter a unique name and a description for the custom rule.


You can copy the existing rules. When you click the Duplicate icon, a copy of the selected rule is added below the selected rule.

Duplicate icon

The rule's fields contain the same values as the fields in the original rule.

Related Topic

Details Section

Details Section

Use the Details section to configure custom rules.

Field Description

Rating Profile

Select the profile attribute specifications that you want to use for configuring the rule.

Note: If you do not select any profile attribute specification value, Not Used is selected by default.


Select the service attributes that you want to use for configuring the rule.

Note: If you do not select any service specification value, Not Used is selected by default.


Select the event attributes that you want to use for configuring the rule.

Note: If you do not select any event specification value, Any is selected by default.


Click to enter the expression and then select conditions for the custom rule. See "Condition Builder Dialog Box" for more information.

Condition Builder Dialog Box

Use the Condition Builder dialog box to configure conditions by using condition elements.

Field Description

Condition Type/Left Hand Side Condition Type

Create Right Hand Side of Condition Type

Select one of the following condition types for the condition type, left hand side condition type, and the right hand side condition type (as applicable):

  • Complex Expression. By default, this condition type is disabled. You can use any condition type to create a complex expression.

  • Compare Field with Another Field. Compares the field with another field in the condition.

  • Compare Field with Values. Compares the field with a specific value.

  • Dynamic Fields. Compares dynamic fields. Use this condition type to configure closed user groups.

    Note: You can interchange the left hand side and right hand side conditions by clicking the Swap icon:
    Swap icon


Select the originating values for configuring the closed user groups.

  • Selector Field. Select the closed user group name that matches the given product identifier (PUID); for example, a phone number for the originating subscribers.

  • Operator. Displays the EQUAL_TO operator.

  • Condition Field. Select any service, event, or account attribute.

Operator (for Dynamic Fields )

Displays the INTERSECT operator.


Select the terminating values for configuring the closed user groups.

  • Selector Field. Select the closed user group name that matches the given product identifier (PUID); for example, a phone number for the terminating subscribers.

  • Operator. Displays the EQUAL_TO value.

  • Condition Field. Select any service, event, or account attribute.

Compare Field

Select a field that you want to compare.

Note: The list of fields appears based on the configuration.

Operator (for Condition Type )

Select an operator to compare the fields, fields and values, or the left hand side and right hand side conditions.

Compare to Field

Select a field that you want to compare with.

Note: The list of fields appears based on the configuration.


Enter the values for which you want to compare with the field.

Creating Tax Codes

Tax codes are used to assign taxes to the products and services that you sell to your customers. For example, you use tax codes to apply taxes differently to usage charges versus charges for physical goods. A tax code indicates which tax to apply based on a charge offer. For example, a telephone handset uses a different tax code than an online service subscription. When a customer is charged, the tax code identifies the tax to apply.

Creating Tax Codes for a Flat Tax or Custom Implementation

You use Tax Codes page to implement simple flat taxes. You configure tax code and then assign it to one or more tax rates, which are differentiated by criteria such as validity date and jurisdiction.

To create a tax code for a flat tax or custom implementation:

  1. In the Setup section of the navigation pane, under Pricing Elements, click Tax Codes.

    The Tax Codes page appears.

  2. In the Tax Codes section, click the Add icon in the table toolbar.

    A new row is added.

  3. In the Tax Name column, enter the tax name.

  4. (Optional) Enter the tax description.

  5. In the Tax Code column, enter a unique tax code.

  6. In the Type column, select the tax package type that you want to use. For flat taxes and custom implementations, select CUSTOM.

  7. In the Details section, configure the following:

    • In the Description column, enter the tax rate description.
    • In the Rate (%) column, enter the tax rate in percent.
    • In the Jurisdiction column, select the Jurisdiction level for which this rate is applicable.
    • In the Nexus column, click the link to configure nexus for the corresponding jurisdiction level.
    • In the Tax Calculation Rule column, select the tax rule type that determines how taxes will be calculated. For more information about tax calculation rule, see "Details Section (For Flat Taxes and Custom Implementations)".
    • Select Manage... from the drop-down list to configure the validity period.

      The Manage Validity Period dialog box appears. You can add, edit, and delete the validity period from the Manage Validity Period dialog box. By default, validity period is set to Immediately - Never Ends.

  8. Click Save.

Creating Tax Codes for Vertex

You specify to calculate taxes using Vertex by mapping tax codes to Vertex product codes. The Vertex product codes are used to apply the tax rate. The two types of Vertex tax codes are VERTEX_QUANTUM and VERTEX_COMMTAX_21.

To create a tax code for Vertex:
  1. In the Setup section of the navigation pane, under Pricing Elements, click Tax Codes.

    The Tax Codes page appears.

  2. In the Tax Codes section, click the Add icon in the table toolbar.

    A new row is added.

  3. In the Tax Name column, enter the tax name.

  4. (Optional) Enter the tax description.

  5. In the Tax Code column, enter a unique tax code.

  6. In the Type column, select the tax package type that you want to use.

  7. In the Details section, configure the following:

    • If you have selected tax package type as VERTEX_QUANTUM, configure Transaction Type, Transaction Subtype, and Sale Type.

    • If you have selected tax package type as VERTEX_COMMTAX_21, configure Category Code, Service Code, and Sale Type.

  8. Click Save.

Tax Codes Page Reference

Use the Tax Code page to create, modify, and delete tax codes.

Tax Codes Section

Use the Tax Codes section to add tax codes.

Column Description

Tax Name, Description

Name and a brief description of the tax code.

Tax Code

A unique alphanumeric value that defines categories with different tax treatments.


The tax package type. Values are:

  • CUSTOM: For flat taxes and custom implementations.
  • VERTEX_QUANTUM: For Vertex Communications Tax Q Series (telecommunications).
  • VERTEX_COMMTAX_21: For Vertex Sales Tax Q Series (sales and use).
Details Section (For Flat Taxes and Custom Implementations)

Use the Details section to configure tax rates for flat taxes and custom implementations.

Column Description


Description of tax rate.

Rate (%)

The tax rate in percent. For example, 4.25 means 4.25%.

For prepaid purchase events that grant negative currency balances, the corresponding tax associated with it should also be negative. For example, -4.25.


Jurisdiction level for which this rate is applicable. Values are FEDERAL, STATE, COUNTY, CITY, LOCATION.


The jurisdiction where the rate applies. If the Jurisdiction field value is STATE, the Nexus values must be state-level jurisdictions.

Tax Calculation Rule

Determines how taxes will be computed. Values are:

  • STANDARD: Standard tax computation. Taxes are computed based on the taxable amount and are then added to the total.
  • TAX: "Tax on tax" computation. Taxes are computed based on previous taxable amounts and taxes, and are then added to the total.

    For example, if tax1 = 10%, tax2 = 20%, and charge = 100.00, taxes are computed as follows:

    • tax1 = 10% @ 100.00 = 10.00
    • tax2 = 20% @ (100.00 + 10.00) = 22.00
  • INCLUSIVE: Inclusive tax computation. Taxes are already included in the total.

    For example, if the total is $110 and the tax is 10%, the tax amount is $10 and the charge is $100.

  • NCS: Noncumulative standard tax computation. Taxes are computed based on the taxable amount but are not added to the total.
  • NCT: Noncumulative "tax on tax" computation. Taxes are computed based on the taxable amount but are not added to the total.

    For example, if tax1 = 10%, tax2 = 20%, and charge = 100.00, taxes are computed as follows:

    • tax1 = 10% @ 100.00 = 10.00
    • tax2 = 20% @ 100.00 = 20.00
Details Section (For Vertex)

Use the Details section to map tax codes for Vertex.

Column Description

Category Code

(Applicable for VERTEX_QUANTUM tax package type.) Refer to the Communications Tax Q Series documentation for more information about its category codes.

Service Code

(Applicable for VERTEX_QUANTUM tax package type.) Refer to the Communications Tax Q Series documentation for more information on service codes.

Transaction Type

(Applicable for VERTEX_COMMTAX_21 tax package type.) Refer to the Sales Tax Q Series documentation for more information on transaction types.

Transaction Subtype

(Applicable for VERTEX_COMMTAX_21 tax package type.) Refer to the Sales Tax Q Series documentation for more information on transaction subtypes.

Sale Type

Indicates if the charge offer is for sale (SALE) or resale (RESALE). The default value is SALE.

Manage Validity Period Dialog Box

Use the Manage Validity Period dialog box to add, modify, and delete the validity period for the tax rate. You can use multiple validity periods to create different rates for a single tax code, but the validity periods must not overlap.

Click the Add icon in the table toolbar to add a new validity period.

Field Description


Start date for the tax rate validity period. By default, start date is set to Immediately.

To set a specific start date, deselect Immediately, then enter a date or use the date selector to select a date.


End date for the tax rate validity period. By default, end date is set to Never Ends.

To set a specific end date, deselect Never Ends, then enter a date or use the date selector to select a date.

Creating Tax Exemption Codes

You use tax exemption codes to remove tax liability (either entirely or partially) from a charge. For example, you could create a tax exemption code to exempt a customer account from all tax liability.

To create a tax exemption code:

  1. In the Setup section of the navigation pane, under Pricing Elements, click Tax Exemption Codes.

    The Tax Exemption Codes page appears.

  2. In the Tax Exemption Codes section, click the Add icon in the table toolbar.

    A new row is added.

  3. In the Name column, enter the tax exemption name.

  4. (Optional) Enter the tax exemption description.

  5. In the Tax Exemption Code column, enter a unique tax exemption code.

  6. In the Jurisdictions column, select one or more jurisdiction levels for which this rate is applicable.

  7. In the Jurisdictions and Rates section, do the following for each jurisdiction:

    • In the Rate (%) column, enter a rate between 0 and 1 that represents a percentage. For example, enter 0.25 for a 25% exemption.

    • In the Validity column, select the Immediately - Never Ends link and then enter the new start and end dates for the validity period.

  8. Click Save.

Tax Exemption Codes Page Reference

Use the Tax Exemption Code page to create, modify, and delete tax exemption codes.

For a description of the fields, see:

Tax Exemption Codes Section

Use the Tax Exemption Codes section to define your tax exemption codes.

Click the Add icon in the table toolbar to add a tax exemption code.

Column Description


Enter a unique name for the tax exemption code.


(Optional) Enter a brief description for the tax exemption code.

Tax Exemption Code

Enter a unique alphanumeric value that defines categories with different tax exemptions.


Enter the jurisdiction level for which this exemption is applicable: All, City, County, District, Federal, Location, State, and Territory.

Jurisdictions and Rates Section

Use the Jurisdictions and Rates section to configure the exemption rate for each jurisdiction level.

Column Description


Displays the jurisdiction levels you selected.

Rate (%)

Enter the tax exemption rate. Enter a value between 0 and 1. For example, enter .15 for 15%.


Displays the validity period for the tax exemption code. By default, it displays Immediately – Never Ends. To modify the validity period, click the link for the validity period. See "Manage Validity Period Dialog Box".

Manage Validity Period Dialog Box

Use the Manage Validity Period dialog box to set the validity period for the jurisdiction's tax exemption rate.

Field Description


Displays the start date for the validity period. By default, the start date is set to Immediately.

To set a specific start date, deselect Immediately and then enter or select a date.


Displays the end date for the validity period. By default, the end date is set to Never Ends.

To set a specific end date, deselect Never End and then enter or select a date.