4 BRM Preinstallation Tasks

Learn about the tasks to perform before installing the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) system.

To install BRM, you need the following:

  • A directory with sufficient space for the BRM software (at least 440 MB).

  • A user ID, such as pin, with the privileges to access the files under your BRM home directory and to run BRM and third-party applications.

  • The BRM-related information that you noted when installing your database.

    See "About Capturing Information When Installing the Oracle Database Software".

You must also perform the following tasks:

The person installing BRM should be familiar with the following:

  • Linux commands and the Linux operating system

  • Database installation and configuration

  • Network Management Systems

  • SQL*Plus

  • A Linux text editor, such as vi or nano

Installing the Database

Learn how to install and configure the database to work with the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) system.

Topics in this document:

The person installing and configuring the Oracle database should be familiar with the following:

  • Linux commands and the Linux operating system

  • Database installation and configuration

  • Network Management Systems

  • SQL*Plus

  • A Linux text editor, such as vi or nano

Collecting Information Before Installing the Oracle Database Software

You will need the following documents while installing and configuring the Oracle database software:

  • Oracle documentation:

    • Oracle installation documentation for Linux.
    • The current release notes for your Oracle software.
    • The Oracle Administrator's Guide for instructions about configuring the network.
  • A Linux operating system reference guide.

About Capturing Information When Installing the Oracle Database Software

As you install the Oracle software, record the following important information. You will need this information later, when you install BRM.

  • Host name of the Oracle database instance.

  • IP address of the Oracle database instance.

  • Port number of the Oracle database instance.

  • User login name and password.

  • SID for the BRM database name (the BRM default is pindbhostname).

  • Oracle database alias/Global Database Name (for example, pindbhostname.example.com).

See the tables in "Information Requirements for BRM Installation" for more information about the information that should be collected.

Before Installing Oracle Database Software

Before installing the Oracle database software on your system, verify the following:

Installing and Configuring Your Oracle Database: Task List

Installing and configuring your Oracle database for BRM includes these major tasks:


This list is not a substitute for the Oracle documentation or the most recent release notes for the database.

  1. Installing the Oracle Database Software

  2. Creating your BRM Database

  3. Setting Environment Variables for the Database

  4. Setting Up Your Database for BRM

Installing the Oracle Database Software

Install the Oracle database software according to the instructions in the Oracle documentation. When you install the software, pay particular attention to the following requirements.

  • Install the Oracle Enterprise Edition.

  • Choose a Customized installation. This option lets you configure Oracle with the AL32UTF8 database character set.


    If you installed your database before referring to this document and used the Complete installation option, your database might have been installed with another character set. See "Modifying Your Oracle Database Installation" for information on how to modify your existing database.

  • To configure discounts in BRM, install the following Oracle components:

    • Oracle XML DB. For more information, see the Oracle documentation.

    • Oracle XML Developer's Kit (XDK). For more information, see the Oracle documentation.

  • Install Oracle JServer as part of the Oracle Database installation.

  • To partition the tables in your BRM database, you must install the Oracle Partitioning component. See "Partitioning Tables" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.

Creating your BRM Database

Create your database by using the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant, which can be started automatically by the Oracle installer or started manually. If you start it manually, choose the Custom option.


BRM supports AL32UTF8 as its default character set. It also continues to support the UTF8 character set for backward compatibility. The unicode character set AL32UTF8 is recommended for all new BRM deployments.

As you create your database, pay particular attention to the following:

  • Specify a Global Database Name using the format DatabaseName.DomainName, where DatabaseName is the database name and DomainName is the network domain in which the database is located. For example, pindbhostname.example.com. Most BRM databases use a DatabaseName of pindbhostname, but you can use another name.


    You can modify your machine's default domain name in the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/sqlnet.ora file. For information, see your Oracle documentation.

  • Specify a System Identifier (SID) for your database. For clarity, it should be the same as your Oracle database name. Most BRM databases are named pindbhostname, but you can use another name.

    • Set the Character Set to AL32UTF8.

    • Set the National Character Set to AL16UTF16.

For detailed instructions on how to create your database, see the Oracle documentation.

Setting Environment Variables for the Database

Set the environment variables shown in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1 Environment Variables

Environment Variable Value





You must use American_America as the language and territory, regardless of your locale, and the UTF8 or AL32UTF8 character set.


Set this to the service name of your primary database.

Setting Up Your Database for BRM

For development or demonstration systems, you have the option to configure your database manually or let the BRM installer configure your database automatically. For production systems, you should configure your database manually. Set up your database using one of the following options:

Using the BRM Installer to Configure Your Database for Demonstration Systems

The BRM installer provides the option to automatically configure your database for demonstration or development systems. The installer configures your database by creating one data, one index, and one temporary tablespace; creating the BRM user; and granting connection privileges to the BRM user. If you want the BRM installer to configure your database, your Oracle installation is complete and you can go directly to "Installing BRM".

Configuring Your Database Manually for Demonstration Systems

To configure your database so that it uses additional or larger tablespaces, you can perform the following general tasks:


You can also create the additional tablespaces and the BRM user during the BRM server installation.

Creating BRM Tablespaces

For a simple demonstration BRM system, you must create a minimum of three tablespaces for BRM. The following section shows the steps required to create the following tablespaces:

  • pin00 (for data)

  • pinx00 (for indexes)

  • PINTEMP (for a temporary tablespace)

To create your tablespaces:

  1. Create a directory for the tablespaces, such as /u02/oradata/pindb.

    This directory is referred to as table_location.

  2. Connect to the Oracle database with SQL*Plus:

    % sqlplus system@DatabaseAlias
    Enter password: password
  3. Create the data, index, and temporary tablespaces, making sure:

    • Data tablespaces are at least 600 MB with an extent ("next") size of 64 KB.

    • Index tablespaces are at least 400 MB with an extent size of 64 KB.

    • Temporary tablespaces are at least 100 MB with an extent size of 64 KB.

      SQL> create tablespace pin00 datafile 'table_location/pin00.dbf'
           size 600M reuse autoextend on extent management
           local uniform size 64K segment space management auto; 
      Tablespace created.
      SQL> create tablespace pinx00 datafile 'table_location/pinx00.dbf'
           size 400M reuse autoextend on default 
           storage( initial 64K next 64K pctincrease 0 );
      Tablespace created.
      SQL> create temporary tablespace PINTEMP tempfile 
           size 100M reuse autoextend on maxsize unlimited 
           storage(initial 64K next 64K pctincrease 0);
      Tablespace created.
Configuring Your Database Manually for Production Systems

To create a production system, you must create multiple tablespaces for the BRM data and indexes. For information on how to estimate your database size, create multiple tablespaces, and map the tablespaces to BRM tables, see "Planning Your Database Configuration".

Installing the Database and Oracle DM on Separate Machines

If you are installing your Oracle database and Oracle DM on separate machines, you must perform the following on the machine containing the Oracle DM:

  1. Install the Oracle database client. For the list of supported database clients, see "BRM Software Compatibility" in BRM Compatibility Matrix.


    For BRM installation to be successful:

    • Install the same version of the database server and database client software.

    • Install the 64-bit version of the Oracle database client.

  2. Modify the Oracle_home/network/admin/tnsnames.ora file to include entries for connecting to your BRM database.


    If you are installing the BRM server and Pipeline Manager on separate machines, ensure that you include the database alias for connecting to the BRM database and the Pipeline Manager database in the Oracle_home/network/admin/tnsnames.ora file. The database alias for each database must be unique.

  3. Use SQL*Plus to ensure that you can connect to your database.

For information, see the Oracle database software documentation.

Modifying Your Oracle Database Installation

If you installed your Oracle database before referring to this document and accepted the default options, your database installation might have defaulted to an unsupported character set. If this occurred, you must move your data to a database installation that supports the AL32UTF8 or the UTF8 character set. By default, BRM uses the AL32UTF8 character set.


After you create a database, you cannot change the character set.

To export your existing data to a database installation that supports the AL32UTF8 character set:

  1. Back up your existing database. See your Oracle documentation for details.

  2. Uninstall your existing database. See your Oracle documentation for details.

  3. Create a new Oracle database that supports the AL32UTF8 character set.

    See "Creating your BRM Database".

  4. Use the Oracle Import utility to import your existing data to the new database.

    See your Oracle documentation for more information.

Installing Third-Party Tools

To install BRM, you need to perform the following tasks:

Installing Java

Install Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE), containing Java Development Kit (JDK) and Java Runtime Environment (JRE). JRE is required for the BRM installation. It is not included in the BRM software pack.

See "BRM Software Compatibility" in BRM Compatibility Matrix for the compatible version of Java.

For instructions on installing Java, see Oracle Java documentation.

Installing Perl

Perl is required for the BRM installation. It is not included in the BRM software distribution.

See "BRM Software Compatibility" in BRM Compatibility Matrix for the compatible version of Perl.


Ensure you compile Perl on the version of Linux specified in "Linux" in BRM Compatibility Matrix.

Before installing Perl (64-bit) on Linux, do the following:

  1. Set the environment variables for installing Perl by running the following command:

    • For Bash shell:

      export -n PATH
      export -n LD_LIBRARY_PATH
      export PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin
    • For C shell:

      unsetenv PATH
      unsetenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH
      setenv PATH /usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin

To install Perl on Linux:

  1. Download the source code for the compatible version of Perl to a temporary directory (temp_dir).

    See BRM Compatibility Matrix for the compatible version of Perl.

  2. Go to the temp_dir directory and unzip the source code by running the following command:

    gunzip perl-version.tar.gz
    tar -xf perl-version.tar

    where version is the compatible version of Perl.

  3. Run the following command:

    cd perl-version
    sh Configure-des
            -Accflags=-fPIC -Dcc="gcc -m64 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1"  -Dusethreads -Duserelocatableinc

    where perl_path is the path to the directory in which you want to install Perl.


    If you receive errors, use this command instead, which unsets the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable:

    sh Configure -des
            -Dcc="gcc -m64 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64-D_LARGE_FILE_SOURCE=1" -Dusethreads -Dusemorebits
            -Uuselargefiles -Duserelocatableinc -Dprefix='perl_path'
  4. Run the following make commands:

    make test
    make install
  5. Verify the Perl version by running the following command:

    Perl -v

    The Perl version is displayed.

    If the latest version of Perl certified with BRM is not displayed, the latest Perl is not installed.

Installing Apache Kafka

Install the latest compatible version of Apache Kafka, which is required for the BRM installation. It is not included in the BRM software pack.

For the latest compatible version, see "BRM Software Compatibility" in BRM Compatibility Matrix.

For instructions on downloading and installing Kafka, see "Apache Kafka Quickstart" on the Apache Kafka website.

Preparing the Environment

You need to perform the following tasks before installing BRM:

Downloading the ojdbc8.jar File

Download the ojdbc8.jar file and save it in a directory on the machine on which you want to install BRM. Note the path to this directory; you are required to specify this path in the Specify Prerequisite Libraries Location window during the BRM installation.

You can download ojdbc8.jar from the following location:


Creating and Configuring pin_user

You can create pin_user before installing BRM or during the BRM installation process. If you create pin_user before you install BRM, you must grant execute permission to pin_user as well.

Create a new BRM user who can access the Oracle database. The Oracle Data Manager (DM) gains access to the Oracle database by using this Oracle user. This Oracle user owns all the tables created and used by BRM. Usually, the BRM database is set up with the user name pin, but you can choose another name.


If you are installing a multischema system, the primary and secondary database schemas must not use the same user name. If they do, multischema installation will fail.

To create and configure the BRM user:

  1. Log in to your database as user sysdba:

    % sqlplus system@databaseAlias AS SYSDBA
    Enter password: password


    • password is the Oracle system database user password.

    • databaseAlias is the Oracle system database alias.

  2. Create the Oracle user pin_user (for example, pin), grant the user the resource to connect to Oracle and set the default tablespaces:

    create user pin_user identified by password;
    grant resource, connect to pin_user;
    alter user pin_user default tablespace data_ts;
    alter user pin_user temporary tablespace temp_ts;
  3. Grant execute privileges to pin_user:

    grant unlimited tablespaces to pin_user;
    grant alter session to pin_user;
    grant execute on dbms_lock to pin_user;
    grant execute on dbms_aq to pin_user;
    grant execute on dbms_aqadm to pin_user;
    grant select on sys.gv_$aq to pin_user;
    grant select on v_$session to BRM_user;
    grant select on sys.dba_2pc_pending to pin_user;
    grant create synonym, create any synonym, create public synonym, drop public synonym, create view, create sequence, create table, create any index, create procedure to pin_user;


    If this user is the user for a secondary schema in a multischema installation, you must also run the following command:
    grant select any table to pin_user;
  4. Type exit to exit SQL*Plus.

Setting the Environment Variables for Installation

Before installing BRM, you must set the environment variables for BRM and the Java, Perl, and (if used) Apache Kafka software. For information about the latest compatible versions of Java, Perl, and Kafka, see "BRM Software Compatibility" in BRM Compatibility Matrix.

You must also set the environment variables required by the database. See "Setting Environment Variables for the Database" for details.

To set the environment variables, perform the following for all users you are going to use to install or run the BRM server:

  1. Set the PIN_HOME environment variable to the location you intend to install BRM:

    setenv PIN_HOME install_path

    where install_path is the path to the directory in which you are planning to install BRM.

  2. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the directory in which the latest version of Java certified with BRM is installed by running the following command:

    setenv JAVA_HOME java_path

    where java_path is the path to the directory in which the latest version of Java certified with BRM is installed; for example /Linux/x86_64/packages/jdk/jdk1.8.0_381.

  3. Verify the Java version by running the following command:

    java -version

    The Java version is displayed.

    If the latest version of Java certified with BRM is not displayed, the latest Java version is not installed in the directory specified by JAVA_HOME.

  4. Set the PERL_HOME environment variable:
    setenv PERL_HOME Perl_path

    where Perl_path is the path to the directory in which the latest version of Perl certified with BRM is installed; for example /perl_5_36.0/linux.

  5. Set the PATH environment variable:
    setenv PATH $JAVA_HOME/bin:$PERL_HOME/bin:${PATH}
  6. Set the HOSTNAME environment variable:
    setenv HOSTNAME hostName

    where hostName is the fully qualified domain name of the machine on which you want to install the BRM server.

  7. If your BRM client wallet is not stored in the default location, set the BRM_CONF_WALLET and BRM_WALLET environment variables to point to the directory in which the BRM client wallet is stored:
    setenv BRM_CONF_WALLET brm_wallet_path
    setenv BRM_WALLET brm_wallet_path
  8. If you will be using the Kafka Data Manager (DM), set the Kafka environment variables::
    setenv KAFKA_HOME Kafka_path
    setenv KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_LIST KafkaHost1:port1,KafkaHost2:port2


    • Kafka_path is the path to the directory in which the Kafka library JARs are installed.
    • KafkaHost1:port1,KafkaHost2:port2 are the hosts and ports that the Kafka client will connect to in a bootstrap Kafka cluster the first time it starts. You can specify any number of hosts and ports in this list.

      You can alternatively set this list in the dm_kafka_config.xml after installing BRM. See "Mapping Business Events to Kafka Topics" in BRM Developer's Guide.

Setting BRM Wallet Location in sqlnet.ora

By default, the BRM client wallet is stored in the BRM_home/wallet/client directory. If it is stored in a different location, update the sqlnet.ora file accordingly.

To set the BRM client wallet location in the sqlnet.ora file:

  1. Open the sqlnet.ora file on the BRM machine. The file is located in the directory specified by $TNS_ADMIN (typically $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin).

  2. Add these entries:


    where brm_wallet_path is the path to the directory in which the BRM client wallet is stored.

  3. Save and close the file.