5 Installing BRM

Learn about installing the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) software on Linux.

Topics in this document:

This chapter is for network administrators, database administrators, and engineers who install and configure the BRM software. The person installing the software should be familiar with the following topics:

  • Linux administration commands and the Linux operating system

  • Database configuration

  • Network system management

About the BRM Installation Package

The BRM installation package includes the BRM server and BRM client packages. The BRM server package includes all the required and optional BRM server components and applications. You can use the Installer to install one or more of the following individual BRM server components:

  • Typical BRM server components. The following are the most commonly used BRM server components:

    • Connection Manager (CM)

    • Oracle Data Manager (DM)

    • Batch Controller

    • Billing and Invoicing utilities

  • Connection Manager (CM) Proxy

  • Connection Manager (CM) Master Process (CMMP)

  • Invoice Data Manager

    Before you install the Invoice Data Manager, make sure you have a separate database schema installed and available to use for storing invoices.

  • Kafka Data Manager

  • Provisioning Data Manager

  • Email Data Manager

  • BRM Optional Managers

    You can install BRM with the following optional managers:


    You must install the CM and DM before or at the same time as installing the optional managers. Also, make sure that you install the optional managers on the same machine where the CM is installed.

    • Account Migration Manager (AMM)

    • BRM Services Framework Manager

    • BRM SDK

      You can install BRM SDK independent of the BRM server, making it possible to isolate development activities from production servers. For example, you can install BRM SDK on each of the computers used by BRM developers at your site. These developers can share access to test and production BRM servers. However, there are some advantages of installing the BRM SDK on BRM servers. For example, installing the SDK on your BRM server gives you access to sample applications that are not included in the server installation.

    • Conversion Manager

    • Collections Manager

      The BRM Collections Manager server components include opcodes, utilities, and storable classes.

    • Content Manager

    • EAI Manager

      To ensure proper load balancing on your BRM system, you can install EAI Manager on a different machine. However, you must install this on the same machine where the CM is installed.

    • Event Extraction Manager

    • GPRS Manager

    • GSM Manager

    • Inventory Manager

    • IP Address Manager

    • JCA Resource Adapter

    • LDAP Manager

    • MultiDB manager

    • Number Manager

    • Paymentech Manager

    • Partition Upgrade Manager

    • Performance Manager

    • Revenue Assurance Manager

    • Rated Event Loader

    • SIM Manager

    • Roaming Settlement Package

    • Suspense Manager

    • Vertex Manager

    • Voucher Manager

    • Web Services Manager

      Oracle recommends that you install Web Services Manager on the machine on which the typical BRM server components are installed. You must also increase the heap size used by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) before installing Web Services Manager to avoid "Out of Memory" error messages in the log file.

  • BRM Reports

  • BRM Reports Optional Managers

    You can install BRM Reports with the following optional managers:

    • MultiDB Reports

    • Collections Reports

    • Content Manager Reports

    • GPRS Reports

    • Number Manager Reports

    • Revenue Assurance Reports

    • Roaming Reports

    • SIM Card Manager Reports

    • SMS Reports

    • Suspense Reports

    • Voucher Reports

  • BRM Invoices

  • Pipeline Manager

  • Pipeline Manager Optional Managers

    You can install Pipeline Manager with the following optional managers:

    • CIBER Roaming Manager

    • Interconnect Manager

    • Pipeline Configuration Manager

    • Pipeline PDK Manager

    • TAP Roaming Manager

For information on the BRM client application package, see "Installing BRM Thick Clients".

Installing BRM: Task List

BRM installation must be performed by a user who has permissions to write to the oraInventory directory.

To install the BRM software:

  1. Download the BRM package and extract its contents. See "Downloading the BRM Software".

  2. Install the BRM software in either GUI mode or silent mode. Installing BRM in silent mode lets you perform a non-interactive installation of BRM. You can use silent mode to install BRM quickly.

  3. Check your configuration entries and Oracle wallet. See "Completing the Installation".

Downloading the BRM Software

You can download the BRM software from one of the following locations:

Search for and download the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management 15.0.x.y.0 software, where x refers to the maintenance release and y refers to the patch set release of BRM that you are installing.

The Zip archive includes the installer: brmserver_15.0.x.y.0_linux_generic_full.jar

Installing BRM in GUI Mode

For information about installing BRM in GUI mode, please see the following topics:


If you are installing BRM to replace an identical release (for example, to restore a clean version of the package), you must first uninstall the existing installation. See "Uninstalling BRM".

Starting the BRM GUI Installer

To start the BRM GUI installer, go to the directory where you downloaded the BRM software and run the following command:

Java_home/bin/java -jar jarFile[ -invPtrLoc invPath/oraInst.loc][ -record -destinationFile respPath]


  • Java_home is the directory in which you installed the latest compatible Java version.

  • jarFile is the BRM installer file. For example:

  • -invPtrLoc starts an optional clause to use if you want to use an oraInventory directory that already exists in a different location from the one specified in the /etc/oraInst.loc file.

  • invPath is the path to the directory in which the oraInst.loc file is located.

  • -record starts an optional clause to use if you want to create a silent installer response file during the installation.

  • respPath is the absolute path to the response file.

For example:

/tools/Linux/jdk/bin/java -jar brmserver_15.


/tools/Linux/jdk/bin/java -jar brmserver_15. -invPtrLoc /support/oraInventory/oraInst.loc


/tools/Linux/jdk/bin/java -jar brmserver_15. -record -destinationFile /brm15/silent/InstComp.txt


/tools/Linux/jdk/bin/java -jar brmserver_15. -invPtrLoc /support/oraInventory/oraInst.loc -record -destinationFile /brm15/silent/InstComp.txt

After the GUI installer starts, the steps for installing BRM depend on the BRM server components you choose to install:

  • To install only the default BRM server components, select the Typical installation option.

    This option installs the most common BRM server components that are required by default. Use this option for evaluation, demonstration, and functional testing.

    See "Installing a Typical BRM System" for more information.

  • To install all BRM server components, select the Complete installation option.

    See "Installing All BRM Components" for more information.

    This option installs all the BRM server components. Use this option for development and production systems.

  • To choose one or more BRM server components to install each time you run the installer, select the Custom installation option.

    This option installs a subset of BRM server components that you select. Recommended for advanced users. Use this option for production systems.

    See "Installing Individual BRM Components" for more information.

    For an overview of the different ways to set up a production system, see "Types of BRM Systems".

Installing a Typical BRM System

The instructions in this section assume that you are installing all of the required BRM server components, including the database, on a single computer.

A Typical BRM system is a self-contained version of BRM that contains only the most typically used BRM components. Use this option for evaluation and demonstration systems.

To install a Typical BRM system, launch the installer and then answer the window prompts:

  1. In the Welcome window, click Next.

  2. If the oraInst.loc file is corrupt or not present, the Specify Inventory Directory and Credentials window appears next. Otherwise, go to step 3. In the Specify Inventory Directory and Credentials window, enter the details listed in Table 5-1 and then click Next.

    Table 5-1 Specify Inventory Directory and Credentials

    Field Description
    Inventory Directory

    The full path to the inventory directory. This should be an absolute path, not containing environment variables. Do not include the name of the oraInst.loc file. The directory and oraInst.loc file will be created if they do not already exist.

    The default location of the oraInventory directory is recorded in the /etc/oraInst.loc file.

    Operating System Group Name

    The name of the operating system group that has write permission to the inventory directory.

  3. In the Installation Location window, enter the full path or browse to the directory in which to install BRM. This should be an absolute path, not containing environment variables. Click Next.

  4. In the Installation Type window, select Typical. The lower part of the window displays the components that are included in the Typical installation. Click Next.

  5. In the Specify Prerequisite Libraries Location window, enter the details listed in Table 5-2 and then click Next.

    Table 5-2 Specify Prerequisite Libraries Location

    Field Description
    Prerequisite Libraries

    The full path to the directory in which the ojdbc8.jar file is stored. See "Downloading the ojdbc8.jar File" for more information.

    Enable SSL

    Do one of the following:

    • To enable secure communication between BRM server components, select the Enable SSL check box.

    • To not use SSL between BRM server components, deselect the check box.

  6. In the Specify Wallet Details window, enter the details listed in Table 5-3 and then click Next.

    Table 5-3 Specify Wallet Details

    Field Description
    Client Wallet Password

    The password for the client Oracle wallet

    Confirm Client Password

    The client Oracle wallet password again

    Root Wallet Password

    The password for the root Oracle wallet

    Confirm Root Password

    The root Oracle wallet password again

    Server Wallet Password

    The password for the server Oracle wallet

    Confirm Server Password

    The server Oracle wallet password again

  7. In the Specify BRM Log Location window, enter the full path to the directory in which to store BRM log files and then click Next.

  8. In the Database SSL Options window, select one of the following:

    • If your database uses one-way SSL, select Yes One Way, click Next, and go to the next step.

    • If your database uses two-way SSL, select Yes Two Way, click Next, and go to the next step.

    • If your database does not use SSL, select No, click Next, and go to step 10.

  9. In the Database SSL Information window, enter the details listed in Table 5-4 and then click Next.

    Table 5-4 Database SSL Information

    Field Description
    Truststore Type

    The type of TrustStore file for the SSL connection: SSO or PKCS12

    Truststore Location

    The directory in which the TrustStore file is located

    Truststore Password

    The password required to access the certificates from the TrustStore

    Keystore Type

    The type of KeyStore file that is used for the SSL connection: SSO or PKCS12

    Keystore Location

    The directory in which your KeyStore file is located

    Keystore Password

    The password required to access the certificates from the KeyStore

  10. In the Create BRM Database Schema User window, do one of the following and then click Next.

    • If you want to create a BRM database schema user during installation, select Yes.

    • If you do not want to create the BRM database schema user during installation, select No and go to step 12.

  11. In the BRM Database System User Details window, enter the details listed in Table 5-5 for connecting to the BRM database and then click Next.

    Table 5-5 BRM Database System User Details

    Field Description
    Host Name

    The host name or IP address of the machine on which the BRM database is installed

    Port Number

    The port number assigned to the BRM database service

    Database Name

    The BRM database alias, for example, pindb.example.com

    User Name

    The name of the BRM database system user

    This user should have the following capabilities on the BRM database: create user, grant any role, grant any privilege, select any table.


    The BRM database system user password


    Ensure that the Oracle Database server is in Running state. The Installer connects to the Oracle Database server to verify that the information you entered is valid.

  12. In the BRM Database Connection Details window, enter the details listed in Table 5-6 and then click Next.

    Table 5-6 BRM Database Connection Details

    Field Description
    Host Name

    The host name or IP address of the machine on which the BRM database is installed

    Port Number

    The port number assigned to the BRM database service

    Database Name

    The BRM database alias, for example, pindb.example.com

    User Name

    The BRM database schema user name


    The BRM database schema user password

    Confirm Password

    The BRM database schema user password again

    This is enabled only if you selected to create a BRM database schema user.

  13. In the BRM Root User Details window, enter the details listed in Table 5-7 and then click Next. This user has all of the permissions in BRM.

    Table 5-7 BRM Root User Details

    Field Description
    Root Password

    The password for the BRM root user

    Confirm Root Password

    The BRM root user password again

  14. In the BRM User Details window, enter the details listed in Table 5-8 and then click Next. This password will be used for all of the default BRM users except the root user. You should update these passwords after the install.

    Table 5-8 BRM User Details

    Field Description
    User Password

    The password for the non-root default BRM users

    Confirm user Password

    The non-root BRM user password again

  15. In the BRM Connection Manager (CM) Details window, enter the details listed in Table 5-9 for connecting to the CM and then click Next.

    Table 5-9 BRM Connection Manager (CM) Details

    Field Description
    Host Name

    The host name or IP address of your CM machine

    Port Number

    The port number for your CM

  16. In the Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) Framework Details window, enter the port number for your EAI Manager and then click Next.

  17. In the Oracle Data Manager (DM) Details window, enter the details listed in Table 5-10 for connecting to the DM database and then click Next.

    Table 5-10 Oracle Data Manager (DM) Details

    Field Description
    Database Number

    The DM database number. The default value is

    Note: In BRM 15.0, you can use only the default Database Number for the primary schema.

    Port Number

    The port number to connect to your DM.

    Is Primary DB?

    Do one of the following:

    • Select Yes if the DM is being installed in the primary schema and go to step 19.

    • Select No if the DM is not being installed in the primary schema.

  18. In the Primary DB details window, enter the details listed in Table 5-11 for the primary database and then click Next.

    Table 5-11 Oracle Primary DB Details

    Field Description
    Database Name

    The alias for the primary database

    User Name

    The user name for the primary database


    The password for the primary database user

  19. In the Select BRM Data Storage Model window, set the size of your database and then click Next.

    • For test or demonstration databases smaller than 700 MB, select Test.

    • For demonstration databases smaller than 1.5 GB, select Small.

    • For production databases smaller than 30 GB, select Medium.

    • For production databases larger than 30 GB, select Large.

  20. In the BRM Table and Index Tablespace Details window, enter the details listed in Table 5-12 and then click Next. If you elected to create the BRM schema user, these tablespaces will be created. Otherwise, the tablespaces should already exist.

    Table 5-12 BRM Table and Index Tablespace Details

    Field Description
    Table Tablespace

    The name of your data tablespace

    Index Tablespace

    The name of your index tablespace

  21. In the Select Drop BRM Database Tables window, do one of the following and then click Next.

    • To drop the BRM database tables and reinitialize the database, select Yes. Select this option for test systems, for example where an unsuccessful previous installation might have left some tables in the database.


      If you select Yes, the Installer drops all of the existing BRM database tables on your system. This results in irrecoverable loss of data. Ensure that you have backed up all of your existing data before selecting this option.

      This does not impact the Pipeline Manager database tables.

    • To retain the BRM database tables, select No.

      The Installer uses your existing BRM database tables.

  22. In the Select BRM Database Partitions window, do one of the following and then click Next.

    If you are installing the BRM server for evaluation or demonstration, you can select No to disable partitioning of the database and you need not install Oracle Partitioning. For a production system, however, you must install Oracle Partitioning.


    To partition tables, you must have Oracle Partitioning installed. If you select Yes but do not have Oracle Partitioning installed, the BRM setup program fails when it tries to create partitions. See "Database Requirements" for more information.

    • To enable partitioning for all event tables in your database, select Yes.

      If you select Yes, the following classes are automatically enabled for partitioning: event, journal, journal master, newsfeed, and user activity.

      This sets the $ENABLE_PARTITION parameter to Yes in the pin_setup.values file.

      If you plan to use Rated Event (RE) Loader to load rated events, you must partition your event tables.

    • If you do not want to enable partitioning during installation, select No and go to step 24.

      You can also enable partitioning after installation. See the discussion about converting nonpartitioned classes to partitioned classes in BRM System Administrator's Guide.

  23. In the BRM Database Partition Details window, do one of the following and then click Next.

    • To add 12 monthly partitions, a historic partition, and a last partition to your event tables, select Monthly (12 partitions).


      This sets the $SETUP_CREATE_PARTITIONS parameter to Yes in the pin_setup.values file.

      In the Non-event tables field, add the class names for partitioning your non-event tables.

    • To add only a historic partition and a last partition to the event tables, select Default (2 partitions).

      You can use this partitioning layout for a simple test or demonstration system. For a production system, however, you must add purgeable partitions after installation is complete and before the system generates events.

  24. In the Select Running the pin_setup Script window, do one of the following and then click Next.

    • To run the pin_setup script during installation, select Yes. Running this script installs the database components.

    • To prevent the pin_setup from running during installation, select No. Do this if you want to modify the database configuration before installing.


    If pin_setup fails due to invalid database alias or service name, see "Problem: An Error Occurred When pin_setup is Run During Installation".

  25. In the Installation Summary window, review your selections and then click Install.


    After the installation begins, you cannot stop or cancel the installation.

    The Installation Progress window appears, and the installation begins.

    If the BRM database and Pipeline Manager database are installed on different machines, the Pipeline Manager database details will not appear in the installation summary.

    The installer checks for all required software and displays errors if it detects any missing or unavailable components or if any connectivity issues occur.

    For information about BRM installer logs, see "Troubleshooting the BRM Installation".

  26. When the installation is done, click Next.

  27. In the Installation Complete window, click Finish.

Installing All BRM Components

For a production system, you optimize BRM performance and availability by installing and running the BRM database on its own computer and the various processes on separate computers.


If you are installing the Oracle DM and your database on separate machines, you must install a database client. For information, see "Installing the Database and Oracle DM on Separate Machines".

To install all BRM components, launch the installer and then answer the window prompts:

  1. In the Welcome window, click Next.

  2. If the oraInst.loc file is corrupt or not present, the Specify Inventory Directory and Credentials window appears next. Otherwise, go to step 3. In the Specify Inventory Directory and Credentials window, enter the details listed in Table 5-13 and then click Next.

    Table 5-13 Specify Inventory Directory and Credentials

    Field Description
    Inventory Directory

    The full path to the inventory directory. This should be an absolute path, not containing environment variables. Do not include the name of the oraInst.loc file. The directory and oraInst.loc file will be created if they do not already exist.

    The default location of the oraInventory directory is recorded in the /etc/oraInst.loc file.

    Operating System Group Name

    The name of the operating system group that has write permission to the inventory directory.

  3. In the Installation Location window, enter the full path or browse to the directory in which to install BRM. This should be an absolute path, not containing environment variables. Click Next.

  4. In the Installation Type window, select Complete. The lower part of the window displays the components that are included in the Complete installation. Click Next.

  5. In the Specify Prerequisite Libraries Location window, enter the details listed in Table 5-14 and then click Next.

    Table 5-14 Specify Prerequisite Libraries Location

    Field Description
    Prerequisite Libraries

    The full path to the directory in which the ojdbc8.jar file is stored. See "Downloading the ojdbc8.jar File" for more information.

    Enable SSL

    Do one of the following:

    • To enable secure communication between BRM server components, select the Enable SSL check box.

    • To not use SSL between BRM server components, deselect the check box.

  6. In the Specify Wallet Details window, enter the details listed in Table 5-15 and then click Next.

    Table 5-15 Specify Wallet Details

    Field Description
    Client Wallet Password

    The password for the client Oracle wallet

    Confirm Client Password

    The client Oracle wallet password again

    Root Wallet Password

    The password for the root Oracle wallet

    Confirm Root Password

    The root Oracle wallet password again

    Server Wallet Password

    The password for the server Oracle wallet

    Confirm Server Password

    The server Oracle wallet password again

  7. In the Specify BRM Log Location window, enter the full path to the directory in which to store BRM log files and then click Next.

  8. In the Database SSL Options window, select one of the following:

    • If your database uses one-way SSL, select Yes One Way, click Next, and go to the next step.

    • If your database uses two-way SSL, select Yes Two Way, click Next, and go to the next step.

    • If SSL is disabled in your database, select No, click Next, and go to step 10.

  9. In the Database SSL Information window, enter the details listed in Table 5-16 and then click Next.

    Table 5-16 Database SSL Information

    Field Description
    Truststore Type

    The type of TrustStore file for the SSL connection: SSO or PKCS12

    Truststore Location

    The directory in which the TrustStore file is located

    Truststore Password

    The password required to access the certificates from the TrustStore

    Keystore Type

    The type of KeyStore file that is used for the SSL connection: SSO or PKCS12

    Keystore Location

    The directory in which your KeyStore file is located

    Keystore Password

    The password required to access the certificates from the KeyStore

  10. In the Create BRM Database Schema User window, do one of the following and then click Next.

    • If you want to create a BRM database schema user during installation, select Yes.

    • If you do not want to create the BRM database schema user during installation, select No and go to step 12.

  11. In the BRM Database System User Details window, enter the details listed in Table 5-17 for connecting to the BRM database and then click Next.

    Table 5-17 BRM Database System User Details

    Field Description
    Host Name

    The host name or IP address of the machine on which the BRM database is installed

    Port Number

    The port number assigned to the BRM database service

    Database Name

    The BRM database alias

    User Name

    The name of the BRM database system user

    This user should have the following capabilities on the BRM database: create user, grant any role, grant any privilege, and select any table.


    The BRM database system user password


    Ensure that the Oracle Database server is in Running state. The Installer connects to the Oracle Database server to verify that the information you entered is valid.

  12. In the BRM Database Connection Details window, enter the details listed in Table 5-18 and then click Next.

    Table 5-18 BRM Database Connection Details

    Field Description
    Host Name

    The host name or IP address of the machine on which the BRM database is installed

    Port Number

    The port number assigned to the BRM database service

    Database Name

    The BRM database alias

    User Name

    The BRM database schema user name


    The BRM database schema user password

    Confirm Password

    The BRM database schema user password again

    This is enabled only if you selected to create a BRM database schema user.

  13. In the BRM Root User Details window, enter the details listed in Table 5-19 and then click Next.

    Table 5-19 BRM Root User Details

    Field Description
    Root Password

    The password for the BRM root user

    Confirm Root Password

    The BRM root user password again

  14. In the BRM User Details window, enter the details listed in Table 5-20 and then click Next. This password will be used for all of the default BRM users. You should update these passwords after the install.

    Table 5-20 BRM User Details

    Field Description
    User Password

    The password for the non-root default BRM users

    Confirm user Password

    The non-root BRM user password again

  15. In the BRM Connection Manager (CM) Details window, enter the details listed in Table 5-21 for connecting to the CM and then click Next.

    Table 5-21 BRM Connection Manager (CM) Details

    Field Description
    Host Name

    The host name or IP address of your CM machine

    Port Number

    The port number for your CM

  16. In the Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) Framework Details window, enter the port number for your EAI Manager and then click Next.

  17. In the Oracle Connection Manager Proxy Details window, enter the port number for your CM Proxy and then click Next.

  18. In the Oracle Connection Manager Master Process Details window, enter the port number for your CM Master Process (CMMP) and then click Next.

  19. In the Oracle Data Manager (DM) Details window, enter the details listed in Table 5-22 for connecting to the DM database and then click Next.

    Table 5-22 Oracle Data Manager (DM) Details

    Field Description
    Database Number

    The DM database number. The default value is

    Note: In BRM 15.0, you can use only the default Database Number for the primary schema.
    Port Number

    The port number to connect to your DM.

    Is Primary DB?

    Do one of the following:

    • Select Yes if the DM is being installed in the primary schema and go to step 21.

    • Select No if the DM is not being installed in the primary schema.

  20. In the Primary DB details window, enter the details listed in Table 5-23 for the primary database and then click Next.

    Table 5-23 Oracle Primary DB Details

    Field Description
    Database Name

    The alias for the primary database

    User Name

    The user name for the primary database


    The password for the primary database user

  21. In the Select BRM Data Storage Model window, set the size of your database and then click Next.

    • For test or demonstration databases smaller than 700 MB, select Test.

    • For demonstration databases smaller than 1.5 GB, select Small.

    • For production databases smaller than 30 GB, select Medium.

    • For production databases larger than 30 GB, select Large.

  22. In the BRM Table and Index Tablespace Details window, enter the details listed in Table 5-24 and then click Next. If you elected to create the BRM schema user, these tablespaces will be created. Otherwise, the tablespaces should already exist.

    Table 5-24 BRM Table and Index Tablespace Details

    Field Description
    Table Tablespace

    The name of your data tablespace

    Index Tablespace

    The name of your index tablespace

  23. In the Select Drop BRM Database Tables window, do one of the following and then click Next.

    • To drop the BRM database tables and reinitialize the database, select Yes. Select this option for test systems, for example where an unsuccessful previous installation might have left some tables in the database.


      If you select Yes, the Installer drops all of the existing BRM database tables on your system. This results in irrecoverable loss of data. Ensure that you have backed up all of your existing data before selecting this option.

      This does not impact the Pipeline Manager database tables.

    • To retain the BRM database tables, select No.

      The Installer uses your existing BRM database tables.

  24. In the Select BRM Database Partitions window, do one of the following and then click Next.

    If you are installing the BRM server for evaluation or demonstration, you can select No to disable partitioning of the database and you need not install Oracle Partitioning. For a production system, however, you must install Oracle Partitioning.


    To partition tables, you must have Oracle Partitioning installed. If you select Yes but do not have Oracle Partitioning installed, the BRM setup program fails when it tries to create partitions. See "Database Requirements" for more information.

    • To enable partitioning for all event tables in your database, select Yes.

      If you select Yes, the following classes are automatically enabled for partitioning: event, journal, journal master, newsfeed, and user activity.

      This sets the $ENABLE_PARTITION parameter to Yes in the pin_setup.values file.

      If you plan to use Rated Event (RE) Loader to load rated events, you must partition your event tables.

    • If you do not want to enable partitioning during installation, select No and go to step 26.

      You can also enable partitioning after installation. See the discussion about converting nonpartitioned classes to partitioned classes in BRM System Administrator's Guide.

  25. In the BRM Database Partition Details window, do one of the following and then click Next.

    • To add 12 monthly partitions, a historic partition, and a last partition to your event tables, select Monthly (12 partitions).


      This sets the $SETUP_CREATE_PARTITIONS parameter to Yes in the pin_setup.values file.

      In the Non-event tables field, add the class names for partitioning your non-event tables.

    • To add only a historic partition and a last partition to the event tables, select Default (2 partitions).

      You can use this partitioning layout for a simple test or demonstration system. For a production system, however, you must add purgeable partitions after installation is complete and before the system generates events.

      In the Non-Event Tables field, add the class names for partitioning your non-event tables and then click Next.

  26. In the Oracle Data Manager (DM) Email window, enter the port number for the email DM and then click Next.

  27. In the Oracle Data Manager (DM) Invoice window, enter the port number for the invoice DM and then click Next.

  28. In the Sample Pricing Data window, do one of the following and then click Next.

    • If you want to load the sample pricing data during installation, select Yes.

    • If you do not want to load the sample pricing data during installation, select No.

  29. In the Select Running the pin_setup Script window, do one of the following and click Next.

    • To run the pin_setup script during installation, select Yes. Running this script installs the database components.

    • To prevent the pin_setup from running during installation, select No. Do this if you want to modify the database configuration before installing.


    If pin_setup fails due to invalid database alias or service name, see "Problem: An Error Occurred When pin_setup is Run During Installation".

  30. In the Create Pipeline Schema User window, do one of the following and then click Next.

    • If you want to create a pipeline schema user during installation, select Yes. Skip step 34 when you get to it.

    • If you already have a pipeline schema user, select No. Skip step 33 when you get to it.

  31. In the Pipeline Database System User Details window, enter the details listed in Table 5-25 for connecting to the pipeline database and then click Next.

    Table 5-25 Pipeline Database System User Details

    Field Description
    Host Name

    The host name or IP address of the machine on which the Pipeline Manager database is installed

    Port Number

    The port number assigned to the Pipeline Manager database service

    Database Name

    The Pipeline Manager database alias

    User Name

    The name of the Pipeline Manager database system user

    This user should have the following capabilities on the Pipeline Manager database: create user, grant any role, grant any privileges, select any table.


    The Pipeline Manager database system user password


    Ensure that the Oracle Database server is in Running state. The Installer connects to the Oracle Database server to verify that the information you entered is valid.

  32. In the BRM Database System User Details window, enter the details listed in Table 5-26 for connecting to the BRM database and then click Next.

    Table 5-26 BRM Database System User Details

    Field Description
    Host Name

    The host name or IP address of the machine on which the BRM database is installed

    This field may be prepopulated with information you provided earlier in the installation.

    Port Number

    The port number assigned to the BRM database service

    This field may be prepopulated with information you provided earlier in the installation.

    Database Name

    The BRM database alias

    This field may be prepopulated with information you provided earlier in the installation.

    User Name

    The name of the BRM database system user

    This user should have the following capabilities on the BRM database: create user, grant any role, grant any privileges, select any table.

    This field may be prepopulated with information you provided earlier in the installation.


    The BRM database system user password


    Ensure that the Oracle Database server is in Running state. The Installer connects to the Oracle Database server to verify that the information you entered is valid.

  33. In the Pipeline Schema User Details window, enter the details listed in Table 5-27 to create a pipeline schema user and click Next:

    Table 5-27 Pipeline Schema User Details

    Field Description
    Host Name

    The host name or IP address of the machine on which the Pipeline Manager database is installed

    Port Number

    The port number assigned to the Pipeline Manager database service

    Database Name

    The Pipeline Manager database alias

    User Name

    A pipeline schema user name


    The password for the pipeline schema user

    Confirm Password

    The password for the pipeline schema user again

    Table Tablespace

    The name of the data tablespace for the pipeline schema

    Index Tablespace

    The name of the index tablespace for the pipeline schema

  34. In the Pipeline Schema User Details window, enter the enter the details listed in Table 5-28 to connect to the existing pipeline schema and click Next:

    Table 5-28 Pipeline Schema User Details

    Field Description
    Host Name

    The host name or IP address of the machine on which the Pipeline Manager database is installed

    Port Number

    The port number assigned to the Pipeline Manager database service

    Database Name

    The Pipeline Manager database alias

    User Name

    The pipeline schema user name


    The password for the pipeline schema user

    Table Tablespace

    The name of the data tablespace for the pipeline schema

    Index Tablespace

    The name of the index tablespace for the pipeline schema

  35. In the BRM Schema User Details window, enter the enter the details listed in Table 5-29 to connect to the existing BRM database schema and click Next:

    Table 5-29 BRM Schema User Details

    Field Description
    User Name

    The BRM schema user name

    This field may be prepopulated with information you provided earlier in the installation.


    The BRM for the pipeline schema user

    Table Tablespace

    The name of the data tablespace for the BRM schema

    This may be prepopulated with information you provided earlier in the installation.

    Index Tablespace

    The name of the index tablespace for the BRM schema

    This may be prepopulated with information you provided earlier in the installation.

  36. In the Installation Summary window, review your selections and then click Install.


    After the installation begins, you cannot stop or cancel the installation.

    The Installation Progress window appears, and the installation begins.

    If the BRM database and Pipeline Manager database are installed on different machines, the Pipeline Manager database details will not appear in the installation summary.

    The installer checks for all required software and displays errors if it detects any missing or unavailable components or if any connectivity issues occur.

    For information about BRM installer logs, see "Troubleshooting the BRM Installation".

  37. When the installation is done, click Next.

  38. In the Installation Complete window, click Finish.

Installing Individual BRM Components


If you already installed a component, you must uninstall its features before reinstalling them.

You can install a subset of BRM components, such as the CM and DM, on a single machine to save disk space.


  • If you are installing the CM and DM on separate machines, see "Installing CM and DM on Separate Machines" for instructions.

  • If you are installing additional BRM instances with Pipeline Manager for configuring high availability, ensure that you also select the Upgrade Manager Framework in the Available Product Components window. This ensures that a separate Pipeline Manager schema is not created and allows you to use the Pipeline Manager schema of the primary instance.

    After installing the additional BRM instance, you can remove the upgrade files in the BRM_home directory.

To install individual BRM components, launch the installer and then answer the window prompts:

  1. In the Welcome window, click Next.

  2. If the oraInst.loc file is corrupt or not present, the Specify Inventory Directory and Credentials window appears next. Otherwise, go to step 3. In the Specify Inventory Directory and Credentials window, enter the details listed in Table 5-30 and then click Next.

    Table 5-30 Specify Inventory Directory and Credentials

    Field Description

    Inventory Directory

    The full path to the inventory directory. This should be an absolute path, not containing environment variables. Do not include the name of the oraInst.loc file. The directory and oraInst.loc file will be created if they do not already exist.

    The default location of the oraInventory directory is recorded in the /etc/oraInst.loc file.

    Operating System Group Name

    The name of the operating system group that has write permission to the inventory directory.

  3. In the Installation Location window, enter the full path or browse to the directory in which to install BRM. This should be an absolute path, not containing environment variables. Click Next.

  4. In the Installation Type window, select Custom. The lower part of the window displays the components that are included in the Complete installation, and you can choose which of them to install in the next window. Click Next.

  5. In the Available Product Components window, select the components to install, and deselect any other components that you do not want to install. Click Next.


    You cannot deselect a component if it is required to install any of the selected components.

  6. If a window other than the Summary window appears, provide the requested information and then click Next.

    For the description of the fields displayed, see "Installing All BRM Components". Continue moving through the windows until the Summary window appears.

    Your responses are written to the BRM_home/setup/pin_setup.values file.

  7. When the Installation Summary window appears, review your selections and then click Install.

  8. The Installation Progress window appears. When installation completes, click Next.


    After the installation begins, you cannot stop or cancel the installation.

    If the BRM database and Pipeline Manager database are installed on different machines, the Pipeline Manager database details will not appear in the installation summary.

  9. The Installation Complete window appears. The installer checks for all required software and displays errors if it detects any missing or unavailable components or if any connectivity issues occur.

    For information about BRM installer logs, see "Troubleshooting the BRM Installation".

  10. Click Finish to complete the installation.

Installing CM and DM on Separate Machines

To install CM and DM on separate machines:

  1. Install DM. For instructions, see "Installing Individual BRM Components".

  2. If you enabled SSL for the DM, do the following:

    1. Open the DM configuration file (BRM_home/sys/dm/pin.conf) file in a text editor.

    2. Search for enable_ssl entry:

      - dm enable_ssl 1
    3. Set the enable_ssl entry to 0:

      - dm enable_ssl 0
    4. Save and close the file.

  3. Start all the DMs installed. See "Starting and Stopping the BRM System" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.

  4. Install CM with SSL enabled. For instructions, see "Installing Individual BRM Components".

  5. On the machine on which you installed the DM in step 1, do the following:

    1. Open the DM configuration file (BRM_home/sys/dm/pin.conf) file in a text editor.

    2. Search for enable_ssl entry:

      - dm enable_ssl 0
    3. Set the enable_ssl entry to 1:

      - dm enable_ssl 1
    4. Save and close the file.

  6. Start the DM processes.

  7. On the machine on which you installed the CM in step 4, start the CM processes.

For instructions on starting the DM and CM processes, see "Starting and Stopping the BRM System" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.

Installing BRM in Silent Mode

The silent installation uses a response file in which you have set installation information. To obtain the response file, you run the GUI installer for the first install. The GUI installer generates a response file that contains the key-value pairs based on the values that you specify during the GUI installation. You can then copy and edit the response file to create additional response files for installing the BRM server on different machines.


If you are installing BRM to replace an identical release (for example, to restore a clean version of the package), you must first uninstall the existing installation. See "Uninstalling BRM".

Creating a Response File

To create a response file:

  1. Create the response file by doing one of the following:

    • Create a copy of the response file that was generated during the GUI installation. See "Installing a Typical BRM System" for more information.


      The GUI Installer does not store passwords provided during installation in the response file. You must manually add the passwords after creating a copy of the response file.

    • Create a response file using the template by running the following command:

      Java_home/bin/java -jar jarFile -getResponseFileTemplates


      • Java_home is the directory in which you installed the latest compatible Java version.

      • jarFile is the BRM installer file. For example:


      A response file is created with the default values.

    You can create as many response files as needed.

  2. Open the file in a text editor.

  3. Modify the response file you copied by specifying the key-value information for the parameters you want in your installation.


    • The response file template contains guidelines and examples on how to enter the values in the parameters.

    • The Installer treats incorrect context, format, and type values in a response file as if no value were specified.

  4. Save and close the response file.

Performing a Silent Installation

To perform a silent installation:

  1. Create a response file. See "Creating a Response File".

  2. Copy the response file you created to the machine on which you are running the silent installation.

  3. On the machine on which you are running the silent installation, go to the directory where you downloaded the BRM software, and run the following command:

    Java_home/bin/java -jar jarFile -debug -invPtrLoc Inventory_home/oraInventory/oraInst.loc [parameter=value] -responseFile path -silent


    • Java_home is the location of the compatible version of Java.

    • jarFile is the BRM installer file. For example:

    • Inventory_home is the location of the Oracle inventory.

    • parameter is the name of an installation parameter.

    • value is the value of the installation parameter.

    • path is the absolute path to the response file.

    For example:

    $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar brmserver_15. -debug -invPtrLoc Inventory_home/oraInventory/oraInst.loc INSTALL_TYPE=Complete -responseFile /tmp/brm_complete.rsp  -silent

    The installation runs silently in the background.


    For a complete list of the available parameters for the [parameter=value] clause, and for information about optional debugging parameters, run the following command:

    Java_home/bin/java -jar jarFile -help

The Installer checks for all required software and writes errors to a log file if it detects any missing or unavailable components or if any connectivity issues occur.

For information about BRM installer logs, see "Troubleshooting the BRM Installation".

Completing the Installation

After BRM has been installed on each machine, check the configuration entries and the BRM root key stored in the client wallet. You can verify the entries by doing the following:

  1. Go to the directory in which you installed the BRM server, and source the source.me file:

    Bash shell:

    source source.me.sh

    C shell:

    source source.me.csh
  2. Run the following command:

    orapki wallet display -wallet client 

    The entries stored in the client wallet appear.

    If the entries do not appear, you must store the entries manually in the client wallet by using the pin_crypt_app utility.

  3. Verify the following entries:

    • The dm_pointer entry is stored for each DM in your system and they contain the DM machine's host name or IP address. Any additional dm_pointer entries include the correct host name.

    • The DM (sm_database) points to the correct database.

Installation is now complete. If you encountered installation problems, verify that the settings in the pin_setup.values file on each computer point to the correct CM and DM.