6 Subscriptions (Release 15.0.0 only)

You can manage the no-contract subscriptions and contracts owned by your customers by using the Subscriptions area of Oracle Communications Billing Care.


Billing Care displays the Subscriptions area only if you are using the 15.0.0 release and have enabled deliverable-based revenue recognition. See "Enabling Deliverable-Based Revenue Recognition" in BRM Collecting General Ledger Data. In release 15.0.1 or later, the Subscriptions area does not exist.

To manage your customers' subscriptions, see the following topics:

About Account Subscriptions

Your customers can purchase two different types of subscriptions:

  • Contracts: A contract is a subscription with terms that your customers agree to when they purchase it. The terms define the commitment periods and options for canceling and renewing the subscription. A contract's terms apply to all required bundles in the contract. Any optional bundles that are added have their own, independent terms.

  • No-contract subscriptions: A no-contract subscription does not include terms. Your customers can use a no-contract subscription until they wish to cancel, without requiring them to renew or to incur early termination fees.

Each subscription that your customer owns is displayed in a subscription card, which displays details such as the purchase date and the services owned.

Viewing Subscriptions

Billing Care displays details about the subscriptions that a customer owns in the Subscriptions area. Each subscription has its own subscription card. The top of the card contains overview information, such as:

  • The name of the package that the customer purchased

  • The number of deferred actions, if any

  • The date the package was purchased

The lower section contains information about the bundles, services, charge offers, and discount offers owned by the customer. For contracts, it also includes details about the terms, such as the end date and renewal settings.

You can select a card to expand it and show more details.

In case of service groups, the subscription cards for all the member services in the group are displayed under the parent service irrespective of their status. You can use the parent service to sort the services in the group. You cannot sort the services in the group individually.


In the detail view, customized charge offers are displayed with an asterisk.

To view a subscription:

  1. On the account page, click the Home tab.

  2. Select the Subscriptions area.

    Subscription cards appear on the page to the right. The cards are organized by purchase date with the most recent on top.

  3. Select the subscription card that you want to work with.

Working with No-Contract Subscriptions

To perform an action on a no-contract subscription, such as inactivating, reactivating, or terminating a service:

  1. View your customer's subscriptions. See "Viewing Subscriptions".

  2. In a subscription card, select the row of the bundle that you want to change.

    A bundle window appears.

  3. In the bundle row, click the Actions menu and then select one of the following:


    For account subscriptions, the Actions menu service options are not applicable.

    Action Description

    Cancel Products/Discounts

    Displays a list of service charge offers and discounts which can be individually selected for termination.

    Inactivate Products/Discounts

    Displays a list of service charge offers and discounts which can be individually selected for inactivation.

    Reactivate Products/Discounts

    Displays a list of inactivated charge offers and discounts which can be individually selected for reactivation.

    Cancel Service

    Terminates a service and applies any early termination fees if applicable. Terminating a parent service also terminates any child services.

    Inactivate Service

    Temporarily inactivates a service. Inactivating a parent service also inactivates any child services.

    Reactivate Service

    Reactivates a previously inactivated service. Reactivating a parent service also reactivates any child services.

    Custom Service Life Cycle State

    Transitions the service to the selected custom service life cycle state.

    Custom service life cycle states are available on the action menu only if Service Lifecycle Management (SLM) is enabled in your BRM system and a custom service life cycle is configured for the service type.

    When those conditions are met, the action menu does not display the Terminate Service, Inactivate Service, and Reactivate Service options. Instead, it lists all the states in the specified service's custom life cycle to which the service can transition from its current state.

    For more information, see the discussion about SLM in BRM Managing Customers.

    Rate Customizations

    You can modify product and discount related information after creating an account or purchasing a service.

    Click Edit in the Rate Customizations dialog box to modify the information.

    The expired products or services appear in the Cancelled or Expired section of a subscription card.

    Show Subscription Details

    Displays additional details about a subscription including information on recurring monthly charges, rate customizations, and expired promotions. Click Edit to make changes to the subscription.

  4. (Optional) Do one of the following:

    • Click Backdate to set a past date for the Terminate Products and Discounts and Inactivate Products and Discounts actions.


      You cannot backdate a custom life cycle state transition.

    • To set the termination date, click Terminate Service and Termination Date.

    • To set the inactivation date, click Inactivate Service and Inactivation Date.

Working with Contracts

After your customers have purchased a contract, they can:

  • View the subscription terms associated with their contract

  • Modify the contract's auto-renewal options

  • Purchase any optional bundles that are associated with their contract

  • Cancel optional bundles in their contract, incurring any early termination fees for doing so

  • Cancel their contract before the end of the commitment period, if allowed by the contract's terms, incurring any early termination fees for doing so

Viewing a Contract's Terms

To view the terms of a customer's contract:

  1. On the account page, click the Home tab and then select the Subscriptions section.

    Subscription cards appear. Each card contains information about the subscription, including the services and related charge offers and discount offers owned by the customer.

    If the subscription card is for a contract, the Terms row includes the contract's end date and renewal settings. If it is for a no-contract subscription, the Terms row says No subscription terms.

  2. In the contract's subscription card, select the Terms row.

    The Subscription Terms screen appears and lists the commitment period, what happens if the customer cancels early, and what happens when the commitment period ends.

Modifying a Contract's Auto-Renewal Preferences

To modify the auto-renewal preferences for a customer's contract:

  1. On the account page, click the Home tab and then select the Subscriptions section.

    Subscription cards appear. Each card contains information about the subscription, including the services, related charge offers, and discount offers owned by the customer.

    If the subscription card is for a contract, the Terms row includes the contract's end date and renewal settings. If it is for a no-contract subscription, the Terms row says No subscription terms.

  2. Select the contract that you want to change.

  3. To automatically renew the contract at the end of its commitment period, do this:

    1. Click the Shows the Menu icon menu icon at the top right of the card. Then, select Enable auto-renew.

      A renewal options window shows when the terms will renew and end.

    2. If the renewal terms are correct, click Renew.

  4. To prevent the contract from renewing at the end of its commitment period, do this:

    1. Click the Shows the Menu icon menu icon at the top right of the card. Then, select Cancel Subscription.

      A cancel options window shows options for canceling now or when the commitment period ends.

    2. Click Cancel on Date, where Date lists the day the contract's commitment period ends.

Modifying a Bundle's Auto-Renewal Preferences

You can modify the auto-renewal preferences for only optional bundles in a contract. Required bundles are governed by the contract's terms, so you cannot cancel a required bundle and still keep the contract. If you cancel a required bundle, the entire subscription is canceled.

To modify the auto-renewal preferences for an optional bundle:

  1. On the account page, click the Home tab and then select the Subscriptions section.

    Subscription cards appear. Each card contains information about the subscription, including the services and related charge offers and discount offers owned by the customer.

    If the subscription card is for a contract, the Terms row includes the contract's end date and renewal settings. If it is for a no-contract subscription, the Terms row says No subscription terms.

  2. Select the appropriate contract.

  3. In the contract's card, select the row of the optional bundle that you want to change.

    A bundle window appears. The bundle's terms indicate whether it is an optional or required bundle.

  4. To automatically renew the bundle's terms at the end of its commitment period, do this:

    1. In the bundle window, click the Actions menu and then select Enable auto-renew.

      A renew options window appears and shows when the terms will renew and end.

    2. If the renewal terms are correct, click Renew.

  5. To prevent the bundle from renewing at the end of its commitment period, do this:

    1. In the bundle window, click the Actions menu and then select Cancel Bundle.

      A cancel options window appears and shows options for canceling now or when the commitment period ends.

    2. Click Cancel on Date, where Date lists the day the bundle's commitment period ends.

Canceling a Customer's Contract

Your customers can cancel their contract early, if it is allowed by the contract's terms, or at the end of the commitment period. When contracts are canceled, BRM cancels all bundles, offers, and services in the contract.

  1. On the account page, click the Home tab and then select the Subscriptions section.

    Subscription cards appear. Each card contains information about the subscription, including the services and related charge offers and discount offers owned by the customer.

    If the subscription card is for a contract, the Terms row includes the contract's end date and renewal settings. If it is for a no-contract subscription, the Terms row says No subscription terms.

  2. Select the contract that you want to cancel.

  3. Click the This shows the Menu icon menu icon at the top right of the card and then select Cancel Subscription.

    A cancel options window appears and shows options for canceling now or when the commitment period ends.

  4. To cancel the contract immediately, click Cancel Now.

    BRM automatically applies any early termination fees.

  5. To cancel the contract at the end of the commitment period, click Cancel on Date where Date lists the day the contract's commitment period ends.