4 Charge Offers

Charge offers determine how customers can purchase and use your services and how you track and charge for usage. Each charge offer contains one or more charges, which specify the events to track and the fees to charge when the events occur.

To set up a charge offer, perform the following tasks:

  1. Create the charge offer (see "Creating a Charge Offer").

  2. Add charges to the charge offer (see "Adding Charges to a Charge Offer").

  3. If necessary, add extended pricing features and date ranges to the charges (see "Adding Impact Categories and Time Periods to a Charge" and "Adding Date Ranges to a Charge").

  4. Configure charge pricing (see "Setting Up Pricing for a Charge").

To make charge offers available for purchase, you group them, with discount offers, into bundles.

For an overview of charge offers, see "Configuring Charge Offers" in PDC Creating Product Offerings.

Related Topics

Discount Offers


Creating a Charge Offer

To create a charge offer:

  1. In the Pricing section of the navigation pane, under Offers, click Create Charge Offer.

    The Create Charge Offer page appears.

  2. Enter general information. See "Specifying General Information for a Charge Offer" for more information.
  3. Specify values for any product specification attributes configured in XML templates for charge offers. See "Specifying Product Specification Attribute Values" for more information.
  4. Specify offer settings. See "Specifying Charge Offer Settings" for more information.
  5. Optionally, add one or more deliverables. See "Adding Deliverables" for more information.
  6. Add charges. See "Adding Charges to a Charge Offer" for more information.

Specifying General Information for a Charge Offer

To specify general information for a charge offer:

  1. In the Create Charge Offer page, enter a unique name and a description.

  2. From the Type list, select a charge offer type.

  3. From the Applicable To list, select the service to which the charge offer applies.

Specifying Product Specification Attribute Values

If you have configured product specification attributes in an XML template file, you can specify values for them. The attributes and input types available depend on what is configured in the XML template file.

The values are validated against the XML template file. Any invalid values are highlighted and errors are displayed in a pop-up message.

See "About Product Specification Attributes for Pricing Components" in PDC Creating Product Offerings for more information.

Specifying Charge Offer Settings

The settings in this section have valid defaults, but you can change them.

To specify charge offer settings:

  1. In the Create Charge Offer page, expand Offer Settings.

    The Offer Settings subsection appears.

  2. In the Available for Purchase fields, specify the period during which customers can purchase the charge offer.
  3. (Optional) In the Cycle Alignment Day of Month list, select the day of the month on which to align recurring charges and product validity. For example, select 5 to apply recurring charges on the 5th day of each month regardless of the billing or purchase date.
  4. (Optional) Select a provisioning tag for the charge offer.

    In Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM), provisioning tags implement extended rating attributes (ERAs), which provide special charges or discounts based on a specific attribute of a service or an account, such as a telephone number.

  5. (Optional) Select a supplier tax ID.
  6. Enter the charge offer's priority.

    When multiple charge offers apply to the same service-event pair, your billing system can consider them in the order of their priority.

  7. In the Ownership Rules fields, specify the number of charge offers that a customer can purchase and own at one time.
  8. Specify whether customers can purchase only part of the offer.
  9. Specify whether the charge offer is shared with all members of a corporate sharing group when it is purchased by the group's owner.
  10. Specify whether to notify customers when their offer is about to expire.
  11. Specify whether to notify customers when their offer is about to renew.
  12. Specify what happens when you are using date ranges for versioning. From the Existing subscriptions menu, if you select Continue to use the old rates and grants, also specify whether to determine the balance impacts to apply based on the charge offer purchase date or the service instantiation date.
  13. (Optional) Select the name of the tax exemption selector to apply.
  14. Specify whether you want to round the validity for the charge offer.
  15. Specify whether to charge for a full day or a partial day for the first day of the billing cycle.

Adding Deliverables

Use deliverables to specify when and how much revenue can be recognized from a customer's purchase of a good or service. A deliverable defines the type of good or service you are selling, its standalone selling price, its revenue earning schedule, and the revenue general ledger ID (G/L ID) to associate with financial transactions.

Add one or more deliverables to a charge offer when the following is true:

  • Your company is using deliverable-based revenue recognition.

  • The charge offer contains a recurring or one-time charge.

To add a deliverable to a charge offer:

  1. In the Create Charge Offer page, expand the Deliverables section.

  2. Click the Add icon in the table toolbar:
    Add icon

    The Select Deliverable dialog box appears.

  3. Select a deliverable.

  4. Click OK.

Adding Charges to a Charge Offer

A charge specifies how to calculate the cost of an event. In a charge offer, you can configure charges for any event associated with the service to which the offer applies.


The charge features displayed in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Pricing Design Center (PDC) are determined by the pricing profile that you associate with the charge. Not all the features described in this procedure and related procedures are supported by all pricing profiles.

To add a charge to a charge offer, use one of the following procedures:

Related Topics

Charges Section

Adding a New Charge

See "Adding a New Fold Charge" to add a new fold charge.

To add a new charge of any other type:

  1. In the Charges section of the Create Charge Offer page, from the Add Charge list, select Add New Charge.

    The Create Charge dialog box appears. See "Create Charge Dialog Box" for details.

  2. From the Charge Category list, select the event category to which the charge applies.

    See "About Charge Categories" for descriptions of the categories.

  3. From the Charge Type list, select the type of event to which the charge applies.

  4. From the Pricing Profile list, select a pricing profile for the charge.

  5. From the Measured By list, select the ratable usage metrics (RUMs) to use in the charge.

    To configure conditional balance impacts, select a RUM of type Conditional.

    This step does not apply to rollover charges.

  6. (Optional) Select the Using same pricing rule for all RUMs option.


    This option appears only if you selected multiple RUMs.

    If you select this option, a single charge tree is created for multiple RUMs. This enables you to quickly publish the charges to ECE.

    If you do not select this option, multiple charge trees are created for multiple RUMs, each representing the charge for a different RUM.

  7. (Optional) Enter a name for the charge.

    If you leave this field blank, PDC generates a name.

  8. From the Stop Charging list, select whether to stop applying charges to accounts that have an Inactive status, a Cancelled status, or a Suspended Active custom life cycle state.


    This setting also affects the rerating process. If you specify to:

    • Stop charging accounts with an Inactive, Cancelled, or SuspendedActive status, the charge is not used if it has that status during the rerate period.

    • Continue charging with an Inactive, Cancelled, or SuspendedActive status, the charge is used when it has that status during the rerate period.

  9. From the Currency list, select the required charge currencies.

    This step does not apply to rollover charges.

  10. (Optional) Select the Use extended pricing features for this charge option.

    If you select this option, the Charges tree is displayed when the charge first appears. You use the tree to add extended pricing features (such as impact categories, time periods, and price overrides) to the charge.

    If you do not select this option, the Charges tree is hidden and only a pricing table is displayed when the charge first appears. This enables you to quickly configure pricing for a simple charge.

    To display the hidden Charges tree, click the Restore Pane arrow in the lower-left corner of the Pricing Details section of the charge tab.

  11. (Optional) In the Taxation section, specify when to apply taxes and how to apply taxes. See "Taxation Section" for details.

    This step does not apply to rollover charges.

  12. (Usage charges only) In the Advanced section, specify settings for processing events. See "Advanced Section" for details.

  13. (Recurring charges only) In the Cycle Settings section, specify settings for the following:

    • In-Advance Billing

    • Cycle Alignment

    • Proration

    See "Cycle Settings Section for Recurring Charges" for details.

  14. (Rollover charges only) Under Proration, specify how the charge should be handled if the charge offer is purchased or canceled in the middle of a billing cycle. See "Proration Section for Rollovers" for details.

  15. Click OK.

    A tab for the fold charge is added to the Charges section of the charge offer.

    You can now configure pricing for the charge.

Adding Additional Currencies to a Charge

To add additional currencies to a charge:

  1. In the Charges section of the Create Charge Offer page, do one of the following:

    • If you are adding the currency to a multi-currency graph, click the Charge Currency list.

    • If you are adding the currency to a single currency graph, click the Tier Currency list.

  2. Select Add.

    The Manage Currencies dialog box appears listing all the currencies that are available for the charge.

  3. Select the required currencies.

  4. Click OK.

    The selected currencies are added to the charge.

Removing Currencies from a Charge

To remove currencies from a charge:

  1. In the Charges section of the Create Charge Offer page, do one of the following:

    • If you are removing the currency from a multi currency graph, click the Charge Currency list.

    • If you are removing the currency from a single currency graph, click the Tier Currency list.

  2. Select Delete.

    The Manage Currencies dialog box appears listing all the currencies that are configured for the charge.

  3. Select the currencies to be removed.

  4. Click OK.

    The selected currencies are removed from the charge.

About Charge Categories

Charges can apply to the following categories of events:

Event Category Description


Charges used to zero-out a balance, such as unused free minutes or to convert one balance to another. Fold charges must be associated with an existing charge selector whose event matches the fold event.


Nonrecurring charges, such as setup or cancellation fees.


Ongoing charges that are not generated or affected by usage, such as a monthly subscription fee.


Charges that calculate the manner in which you share revenue with third parties, such as resellers or service providers. This category is available only for charge offers that apply to accounts.


Charges that extend the validity of unused balances to succeeding cycles. For example, unused included minutes are often rolled over.


Charges for service usage, such as telephone calls or Internet sessions.

Adding a New Fold Charge

To add a new fold charge:

  1. In the Charges section of the Create Charge Offer page, from the Add Charge list, select Add New Charge.

    The Create Charge dialog box appears.

  2. From the Charge Category list, select Fold.

  3. Click Search.

    The Search for Charge Selectors dialog box appears.

  4. Search for a charge selector to add to the charge. See "Searching for Pricing Components" for more information.

  5. In the Results section, select the charge selector to add, and click OK.

  6. In the Create Charge dialog box, click OK.

    A tab for the charge is added to the Charges section of the charge offer.

    To edit the charge selector and its associated charges, click the Charge Selector link above the Rules section on the charge tab. See "Charge Selectors" for more information.

Adding an Existing Charge

To add an existing charge:

  1. In the Charges section of the Create Charge Offer page, from the Add Charge list, select Add Existing Charge.

    The Search for Charges dialog box appears.

  2. Search for a charge to add to the charge offer. See "Searching for Pricing Components" for more information.

  3. In the Results section, select the charge to add, and click OK.

    A tab for the charge is added to the Charges section of the charge offer.

  4. (Optional) Modify the pricing in the charge.


    When using an existing charge, any changes you make to the charge, including price changes, will affect all the charge offers and charge selectors where this charge is used. To avoid unintended consequences of changing prices in a reusable charge, use the Change Price dialog box provided in the charge.

Adding an Existing Charge Selector

See "Charge Selectors" for information about charge selectors.

To add an existing charge selector:

  1. In the Charges section of the Create Charge Offer page, from the Add Charge list, select Add Existing Charge Selector.

    The Search for Charge Selectors dialog box appears.

  2. Search for a charge selector to add to the charge. See "Searching for Pricing Components" for more information.

  3. In the Results section, select the charge selector to add, and click OK.

    A tab for the charge selector is added to the Charges section of the charge offer.

  4. In the Charges section, click Charge Selector Configuration. See "Charge Selector Configuration" for more information.

  5. Select Proration Settings from the list.

    The Proration Settings dialog box appears.

  6. Specify how the charge should be handled if the charge selector is purchased or canceled in the middle of a customer's billing cycle by selecting one of the following options:

    • Prorate: Calculate the charge based on the amount used.

    • Full Charge: Charge for the entire cycle.

    • No Charge: Do not charge for the cycle.

  7. Click OK.


    The proration settings are applicable to all charges in the charge selector.

  8. (Optional) To edit the charge selector and its associated charges, click the Charge Selector link above the Rules section on the charge tab.

  9. (Optional) To edit the charge selector and its associated charges, click the Charge Selector link above the Rules section on the charge tab.

Working with Charges

After adding a charge to a charge offer, you use the Charges tree to add extended pricing features, such as impact categories and time periods, to it.


If you did not select the extended pricing option when you created the charge, the Charges tree is hidden. Display it by clicking the Restore Pane arrow in the lower-left corner of the Pricing Details section of the charge tab.

You then configure pricing for each branch of the Charges tree. If necessary, you can add date ranges to your charges and edit charge details.

About the Charges Tree

Use the Charges tree to build a complex charge, which is a charge that contains extended pricing features, such as impact categories, time periods, and multiple pricing instances.

The Charges tree shows the hierarchical structure of a charge. Initially, the tree contains only the Charges root node. The pricing profile associated with a charge determines which elements can be added to the tree and the order in which they can be added.

The last node of each branch of the Charges tree is a pricing node. Each pricing node has its own pricing table or tables in which balance impacts for that branch of the tree are configured. The tables appear in the Pricing Details section of the charge tab when the pricing node is selected. When a node other than a pricing node is selected, read-only information about that node appears in the charge tab.

The Charges tree is typically used to configure usage charges, but it supports all charge categories except folds and rollovers.

Related Topics

Charges Tree

Displaying the Charges Tree
If the Charges tree is not visible, display it by clicking the Restore Pane arrow in the lower-left corner of the Pricing Details section of the charge tab:
Restore Pane arrow button
Editing Charge Details

To edit details of a charge, such as the RUMs used to measure it or the currency to which it applies:

  1. Open the charge offer that contains the charge.

    The Charge Offer page appears.

  2. If the charge offer is in read-only mode, click Edit in the charge offer toolbar.

  3. In the Charges section, click the appropriate charge's tab.

  4. From the Charge Actions list, select Charge Details.

    The Charge Details dialog box appears.

  5. Edit the details, and then click OK.

Removing a Charge from a Charge Offer

To remove a charge from a charge offer:

  1. Open the charge offer that contains the charge.

  2. If the charge offer is in read-only mode, click Edit in the charge offer toolbar.

  3. In the Charges section of the charge offer, click the charge tab.

  4. From the Charge Actions list, select Remove Charge.

  5. In the confirmation message, click OK.

    The charge is removed from the charge offer, but it is not deleted from PDC. See "Deleting Pricing Components" for information about deleting charge offers from PDC.

Adding Impact Categories and Time Periods to a Charge

After adding a charge to a charge offer, use the Charges tree to perform the following tasks:

Related Topics

Charges Tree

Adding Impact Categories to a Charge

You use impact categories to enable a charge to apply different balance impacts based on various event attributes, such as the destination of a call.

To add impact categories to a charge:

  1. In the Charges tree, select the root node, Charges.

  2. From the Add or Insert list in the Charges tree, select Impact Categories.

    The Add Impact Categories dialog box appears.

  3. Select the zone model that contains the appropriate impact categories.

    The impact categories in the selected zone model are listed in the dialog box.

  4. (Optional) To list enhanced impact categories for differentiated network services, select a Usage Scenario (USC) selector. See "USC Selectors" for more information.

    This step is mandatory if the Online Usage pricing profile is associated with the charge.

  5. (Optional) To list enhanced impact categories for GPRS calls, select an Access Point Name (APN) selector. See "APN Selectors" for more information.

  6. Select the impact categories to add to the charge.

  7. (Optional) To add all the selected impact categories to the same node in the tree, select Add Impact Categories As a Group.

    Grouping impact categories enables you to use the same pricing for all the impact categories in the group.

  8. Click OK.

    The impact categories are added as children of the Charges node.

Adding Time Periods to a Charge

You use time periods to charge different prices for the same service depending on the day and time the service is used.

To add time periods to a charge:

  1. In the Charges tree, select the parent node for the time period.

    Possible parent nodes are Charges or an impact category.

  2. From the Insert or Add list in the Charges tree, select Time Periods.

    The Add Time Periods dialog box appears.

  3. Select a time model.

  4. Select the time periods to add to the parent node.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • To add each time period to a separate node, click Add.

    • The add the time periods to the same node, click Add As a Group.

      Grouping time periods enables you to use the same pricing for all the time periods in the group.

    The time periods are added as children of the selected parent node.

Grouping Components in a Charge

Grouping components on the same node in the Charges tree enables you to use the same pricing for all the components in the group. You can group the components either as you add them to the tree or after you add them.

To group components after adding them to the Charges tree:

  1. In the Charges tree, right-click the node on which to group the components, and select Group.

    The Group dialog box appears.

  2. Select the components to group on the node.


    If the selected components have child nodes, they will lose those nodes. Only the child nodes of the component currently residing on the selected node are retained.

  3. Click OK.

    The components are moved to the selected node.

Ungrouping Components in a Charge

Ungrouping components that currently reside on the same node in the Charges tree enables you to use modify each component's pricing without affecting the pricing of the other components.

To ungroup components in a charge:

  1. In the Charges tree, right-click the node containing the components to ungroup, and select Ungroup.

    The Ungroup dialog box appears.

  2. Select the components to remove from the group.

  3. Click OK.

    Individual nodes are added to the tree for the selected components. The original group's child nodes are copied to the new node of each former group member.

Setting Up Pricing for a Charge

After adding a charge to a charge offer, perform the following tasks to configure pricing for the charge:

After configuring pricing for a charge, you might need to perform the following task:

Adding Pricing to a Charge

If you do not select the extended pricing option when creating a charge, the charge initially contains a single new pricing instance. This is a simple charge, which contains no extended pricing features, such as impact categories and time periods. You do not add pricing to simple charges; you just configure their new pricing instance.

If you select the extended pricing option when creating a charge, the charge initially contains no pricing instances. After adding extended pricing features to the charge, you must add pricing to each branch of the Charges tree. A branch can have only one pricing node. The pricing node is the last node on a branch.

Depending on the pricing profile associated with a charge, you can add the following pricing elements to a charge:

Adding Pricing to a Charge

To add pricing to a charge:

  1. In the Charges tree, select the parent node for the pricing instance.

    Possible parent nodes are Charges, an impact category, or a time period.

  2. From the Add list, select Pricing.

    A Pricing child node is added to the selected parent node, and a corresponding table is displayed in the Pricing Details section of the charge tab.

Adding a Price Selector to a Charge

To add a price selector to a charge:

  1. In the Charges tree, select the parent node for the price selector.

  2. From the Add list, select Price Selector.

    The Search for Price Selectors dialog box appears.

  3. Search for a price selector to add to the charge. See "Searching for Pricing Components" for more information.

  4. In the Results section, select a price selector to add to the charge, and click OK.

    The price selector is added to the Charges tree.

  5. (Optional) To edit the price selector and its associated charges, click the Price Selector link above the Rules section in the charge tab.

Adding a Generic Selector to a Charge

To add a generic selector to a charge:

  1. In the Charges tree, select the parent node for the generic selector.

  2. From the Add list, select Generic Selector.

    The Add Generic Selector dialog box appears.

  3. From the Generic Selector list, select the generic selector to add to the charge.

  4. From the Generic selector results to add list, select the generic selector results to add to the charge and click OK.

    The generic selector results are added to the Charges tree.

  5. (Optional) Select Add Generic Selector results as a group, which adds all the selected generic selector rules to the same node in the Charges tree.

    If necessary, you can later ungroup the generic selector rules to individual nodes.

  6. (Optional) To edit the generic selector and its associated rules, from the Charges tree, select the node for the generic selector rule and click the Generic Selector link in the Generic Selector Details section.

Adding a Price Override to a Charge

A price override replaces or adjusts a previously applied charge. For example, suppose a content provider has specified a price for downloading its content. The service provider who makes the content available to customers and does the billing might use a price override to add a surcharge or a discount to the content provider's original price.

To add a price override to a charge:

  1. In the Charges tree, select the parent node for the price override.

  2. From the Add list, select Price Override.

    A Price Override child node is added to the selected parent node, and a corresponding table is displayed in the charge.

  3. In the Impact to Original Price column, select the type of override.

  4. In the Amount column, enter the amount of the override.

  5. In the Balance Element column, select the balance element affected by the override.

  6. In the Measured By column, select the RUMs to use in the price override.


    The Measured By column appears only if you selected to create a single charge tree for multiple RUMs when adding a charge.

  7. In the GLID column, enter the general ledger (G/L) ID for the event associated with the charge.

Configuring Balance Impacts for Charges

Balance impacts define how a charge affects a specified balance in an account.

Each charge can contain one or more balance impacts. For example, you can configure different balance impacts for different impact categories, different time periods, and different balance elements in the same charge.

For all charges except folds and rollovers, balance impacts are specified in the Pricing Details section of the charge tab or in the associated price selector.

For folds, balance impacts are specified in the associated charge selector.

For rollovers, balance impacts are specified in the Rollover Rules section of the charge tab.

Because charge and price selectors reference existing charges and pricing in which balance impacts are already configured, all balance impacts are ultimately configured in the tables in the Pricing Details or Rollover Rules section of a charge.

Each row in those tables represent a balance impact. To configure balance impacts for charges, you configure, add, and delete rows. The information required in each row depends on the charge category and pricing profile associated with the charge.


Changing balance impacts in charges that are used in multiple places can impact all the components that use it. See "Modifying Pricing without Inadvertently Affecting Other Components" for information about avoiding unintended consequences when changing pricing.

Adding Balance Impacts to Charges

To add a balance impact to a charge:

  1. In the Pricing Details section, click the Add Balance Impact icon in the pricing table toolbar:
    Add Balance Impact icon
  2. Edit the values for the balance impact.

Adding Balance Impacts to Fold Charges

To add a balance impact to a fold charge:

  1. In the Pricing Details section, click the Add Balance Impact icon in the pricing table toolbar.

  2. Edit the values for the Debit balance impact.

    See "Pricing Table" for details.

  3. Click the Add Balance Impact icon to add Credit balance impacts.

    The Debit balance impact is converted into each Credit balance impact that you specify.

Adding Balance Impacts to Rollover Charges

To add a balance impact to a rollover charge:

  1. In the Rollover Rules section, click the Create Balance Impact icon in the table toolbar:
    Create Balance Impact icon

    A row for the new balance impact is added to the table.

  2. Edit the values for the balance impact.

    See "Rollover Rules Section" for details.

Configuring Counters for Charges

Counters track a balance for a specified period, increasing or decreasing the balance accordingly. For example, a counter can track the number of minutes talked during a period. The total number of minutes talked can then be used to determine a billing-time discount.

To configure a counter for a charge:

  1. In the Pricing Details section, click the Add Counter icon in the pricing table toolbar:
    Add Counter icon

    A row for the new counter is added to the table.

  2. Edit the values for the counter.

    See "Pricing Table" for details.

Configuring Conditional Balance Impacts

Conditional balance impacts credit or debit a customer's balance when the customer uses a charge offer for the first time within a specified period; for example, the first time in a day or the first time in two days. For example, you can use conditional balance impacts to grant daily included minutes to a customer, instead of using recurring events.

You can configure conditional balance impacts only for a charge that includes a RUM of type Conditional. If a charge uses multiple RUMs, the conditional balance impact is displayed only in the tab for the RUM of type Conditional. Conditional balance impacts are applicable only for charges with the Convergent Usage pricing profile.


Conditional balance impacts can only be used with charge offers that are associated with a service, not with the charge offers associated with an account.

To configure conditional balance impacts:

  1. In the Pricing Details section, click the Add Balance Impact icon in the pricing table toolbar.
    Add Balance Impact icon
  2. Edit the values for the conditional balance impact.

    See "Pricing Table" for details.

Adding Multiple Validity Periods to Noncurrency Balance Impacts


This functionality is supported only for recurring and one-time charges that have validity periods with a specified end date.

You can add multiple validity periods to a noncurrency balance impact. This allows you to distribute free minutes, Gigabytes, or so on in smaller portions on an incremental basis. For example, you could distribute 500 free minutes to your customers in 100-minute buckets every 7 days.

To add multiple validity periods to noncurrency balance impacts:

  1. In the Pricing Details section, click the link in the Amount Is Valid column on the pricing table toolbar.

    The Amount is Valid dialog box appears.

  2. Specify a validity start date and a fixed validity end date.

    Additional fields are displayed in the Amount is Valid dialog box if you entered a fixed end date.

  3. In the Distribute Credit list, select one of these options:

    • All at once: All of the noncurrency resources are granted at the start of the validity period.

    • Periodically over a fixed period: The noncurrency resources are granted in buckets on an incremental basis, such as daily. This splits the noncurrency resources into multiple incremental validity periods.

  4. Specify the length of the incremental validity periods, such as 5 hours or 14 days.

  5. In the Unused Credit Valid Until list, select one of the following:

    • The end of the periodic distribution period: Each bucket of noncurrency resources expires at the end of its incremental validity period.

    • The end of the overall validity period: All of the noncurrency resources expire at the end of the total validity period.

  6. Click OK.

Specifying a Minimum Charge

You can specify a minimum amount to charge for each balance element in a pricing instance. The minimum charge applies only to the current tier and effective period.

To specify a minimum charge:

  1. If the charge has multiple tiers or effective periods, select a tier and an effective period.

  2. In the Pricing Details section, click the Minimum Charges icon in the toolbar of the first pricing table:
    Minimum Charges icon

    The Edit Minimum Charge dialog box appears.

  3. Enter a minimum charge for one or more balance elements in the pricing instance.

    The minimum charge applies only to the current tier and effective period.

  4. Click OK.

Adding Effective Periods to Charge Pricing

You add an effective period to pricing to make a price modification take effect on a future date.

To add pricing effective periods:

  1. In the Pricing Details section, click the Change Price icon in the pricing table toolbar:
    Change Price icon

    The Change Price dialog box appears.

  2. Select one of the options to indicate the scope of the price change:

    • This charge wherever it is used

      Affects every component that uses this charge.

    • The current offer only

      Affects only this charge offer. Other components that use the charge are not affected.

  3. In the Change Price section, select Effective On.

  4. Click the Select Date icon, select the start date of the new effective period, and click OK.

    A new effective period is added to the pricing. A copy of the pricing details for the preceding effective period is associated with the new period.

  5. In the new effective period, make the appropriate price change.


When pricing has multiple effective periods, a Prices Effective list appears above the pricing table or set of tables to enable you to display the pricing details for each period.

Deleting Effective Periods from Charge Pricing

To delete pricing effective periods:

  1. In the Pricing Details section, click the link in the Prices Effective field.

  2. From the list, select Manage.

    The Manage Effective Periods dialog box appears.

  3. Select the effective period you want to delete.

  4. Click the Delete icon in the table toolbar:
    Delete icon
  5. In the confirmation message, click Yes.

    The new effective period appears in the table.

  6. In the Manage Effective Periods dialog box, click OK.

    The effective period and its pricing are deleted.

Changing the Start Date of Effective Periods in Charge Pricing

To change the start date of pricing effective periods:

  1. In the Pricing Details section, click the link in the Prices Effective field.

  2. From the list, select Manage.

    The Manage Effective Periods dialog box appears.

  3. In the Start column of the period you want to modify, enter a new start date.

  4. Click OK.

    The start date of the effective period is updated.

Adding Quantity Ranges to Charge Pricing

To vary charges based on the level of usage or frequency of occurrence, add quantity ranges and configure different balance impacts for each range.

To add a quantity range to charge pricing:

  1. If the pricing contains multiple tiers, effective periods, or both, select a tier and an effective period in the Pricing Details section.

    The quantity range is added only to the selected tier and effective period.

  2. In the Pricing Details section, click the Add Quantity Range icon in the pricing table toolbar:
    Add Quantity Range icon

    The Add Quantity Range dialog box appears.

  3. Select Numeric Quantity Range.

  4. In the Starting At field, enter the starting numeric value for the new range.

  5. Click OK.

    A pricing table for the range is added, in sequence, to the pricing instance. PDC automatically generates an end value for the range based on the existing quantity ranges.

Adding Ranges for Usage Pricing

You can configure usage charges to consume your customers' granted allowances, such as free minutes or free movie downloads, before applying any usage charges. To do so, add multiple ranges to the usage charge. For each range, configure whether it consumes a granted noncurrency balance element or bases pricing on a numeric quantity range.


  • PDC always organizes ranges with a granted noncurrency balance element before ranges based on a numeric quantity.

  • PDC applies the ranges of granted noncurrency balance elements in the order displayed on the screen. To change the order in which they are applied, see "Changing the Order that Granted Allowances Are Consumed".

  • This functionality is supported only by the ECE rating engine.

To add ranges for usage pricing:

  1. If the pricing contains multiple tiers, effective periods, or both, select a tier and an effective period in the Pricing Details section.

    The quantity range is added only to the selected tier and effective period.

  2. In the Pricing Details section, click the Add Quantity Range icon in the pricing table toolbar:
    Add Quantity Range icon

    The Add Quantity Range dialog box appears.

  3. To consume a granted allowance, such as free minutes or free data:

    1. Select Consume Granted Balance Element.

    2. In the Balance Element field, select the noncurrency balance element to consume, such as free minutes, MB used, or Free Games.

  4. To vary pricing based on the quantity used:

    1. Select Numeric Quantity Range.

    2. In the Starting At field, enter the starting numeric value for the new range.

  5. Click OK.

    A pricing table for the range is added, in sequence, to the pricing instance. PDC automatically generates an end value for the range based on the existing quantity ranges.

Changing the Start and End Values of Quantity Ranges in Charge Pricing

To change the start and end dates of a quantity range:

  1. If the pricing contains multiple tiers, effective periods, or both, in the Pricing Details section, select the tier and effective period that contain the quantity range.

  2. Above the pricing table, click the Quantity Range link.

    The Edit Quantity Range dialog box appears.

  3. Modify the values in the Start and End fields.

    The Start field is available only for the first quantity range in the pricing. To modify the start value of subsequent ranges, change the end value of the range that precedes them.

    By default, the first quantity range has no minimum start value. To specify a minimum start value, first deselect No Minimum.

    You cannot enter a value that includes the entire following quantity range. Instead, to extend a range beyond the following range, first delete the following range.

    By default, the last quantity range has no maximum end value. To specify a maximum end value, first deselect No Maximum.

  4. Click OK.

    The selected range is updated. If necessary, the preceding and following ranges are also updated to accommodate the change.

Changing the Noncurrency Balance Element in Quantity Ranges

If the pricing contains multiple tiers, effective periods, or both, you can change the type of noncurrency balance element that is consumed.

To change the noncurrency balance element to consume for a quantity range:

  1. Above the pricing table, click the link next to Quantity Range. For example, click Until balance of Free Minutes consumed.

    The Edit Quantity Range dialog box appears.

  2. In the Balance Element list, select the name of the noncurrency balance element to consume.

    This specifies to consume the entire granted allowance of minutes, gigabytes, or so on.

  3. Click OK.

    The selected range is updated for the new noncurrency balance element.

Changing the Order that Granted Allowances Are Consumed

ECE consumes your customers' granted allowances in the order listed in the PDC Pricing Details page. For example, if free movie downloads are listed first and tokens are listed second, ECE consumes your customers' allowance of free movie downloads before consuming their allowance of tokens. You can change the order of consumption by using the Reorder Balance Element Quantity Ranges dialog box.

To change the order that granted allowances are consumed:

  1. In the Pricing Details section, click the Reorder Balance Element Quantity Ranges icon in the pricing table toolbar:

    Reorder Balance Element Quantity Ranges icon

    The Reorder Balance Element Quantity Ranges dialog box appears and lists the order in which noncurrency balance elements are consumed.

  2. Change the order by selecting a balance element and then clicking the up or down arrow.

    The balance element moves up or down, depending on your selection.

  3. Click OK.

Editing Quantity Range Properties

Some pricing profiles enable you to edit properties, such as credit limits, that apply to all quantity ranges and effective periods in the current pricing instance. Other pricing profiles enable you only to view such properties.


If a pricing instance contains multiple price tiers, this procedure applies only to the current price tier.

To edit or view properties that apply to all quantity ranges:

  1. In the Pricing Details section, click the Edit Quantity Range Properties icon in the pricing table toolbar:
    Edit Quantity Range Properties icon

    The Properties for All Quantity Ranges dialog box appears.

  2. Edit the fields in the dialog box as necessary.

  3. Click OK.

Adding Price Tags to One-Time and Recurring Charges

You can use price tags to apply special prices to charges at purchase time according to rules defined in setup components. You add price tags to the balance impacts of one-time and recurring charges. You can later edit or remove these tags as required.

To add a price tag to the balance impact of a one-time or recurring charge:

  1. In the Pricing Details section of the charge tab, select a balance impact.

  2. Click the Price Tag icon in the pricing table toolbar:
    Price Tag icon

    The Price Tag dialog box appears. See "Price Tag Dialog Box" for details.

  3. From the Price tag for list, select Amount.

  4. From the Name list, select a price tag name. Only the price tags that are valid for the charge are shown.

  5. (Optional) Enter a description of the price tag.

  6. Click OK.

Adding Price Tags to Usage Charges

You can use price tags to apply special prices to charges at purchase time according to rules defined in setup components. You add price tags to the balance impacts or quantity ranges of usage charges. You can later edit or remove these tags as required.


You can add price tags only for usage charges with the Convergent Usage pricing profile.

To add a price tag to a usage charge:

  1. In the Pricing Details section of the charge tab, select a balance impact.

  2. Click the Price Tag icon in the pricing table toolbar.
    Price Tag icon

    The Price Tag dialog box appears. See "Price Tag Dialog Box" for details.

  3. From the Price tag for list, select the price tag name. Only the price tags that are valid for the charge are shown.

    If you selected Amount or Increment, proceed to step 7.

    To add price tags for a quantity range, click the Quantity Range link.

    The Edit Quantity Range dialog box appears.

  4. Modify the values in the Start and End fields.

    The Start field is available only for the first quantity range in the pricing. To modify the start value of subsequent ranges, change the end value of the range that precedes them.

    By default, the first quantity range has no minimum start value. To specify a minimum start value, first deselect No Minimum.

    You cannot enter a value that includes the entire following quantity range. Instead, to extend a range beyond the following range, first delete the following range.

    By default, the last quantity range has no maximum end value. To specify a maximum end value, first deselect No Maximum.

  5. Expand Price Tag.

  6. From the Attribute list, select End.

  7. Select a price tag from the list. Only the price tags that are valid for the charge are shown.

  8. (Optional) Enter the description for the price tag.

  9. Click OK.

Identifying the Components That Share a Charge

To identify the components that share a charge:

  • In the charge section of the charge offer, click Used By.

    The Used By button is available only when the charge is used by another component.

    The Used By page appears. This page provides an expandable hierarchical view of all the components that use the charge.

    See "Used By Search" for more information.

Related Topics

Adding an Existing Charge

Modifying Pricing without Inadvertently Affecting Other Components

When you modify pricing in a charge used by multiple components, PDC enables you to specify which of those components you want your changes to affect.

To specify which components are affected when you modify pricing in a charge:

  1. In the Pricing Details section, click the Change Price icon in the pricing table toolbar:
    Change Price icon

    The Change Price dialog box appears.

  2. Select one of the following options to indicate the scope of the price change:

    • This charge wherever it is used

      Affects every component that uses this charge.

    • The current offer only

      Affects only this charge offer. Other components that use the charge are not affected.

  3. (Optional) To make the change take effect on a future date, do the following:

    1. In the Change Price section, select Effective On.

    2. Click the Select Date icon, select the start date of the new effective period, and click OK.

      A new effective period is added to the pricing. A copy of the pricing details for the preceding effective period is associated with the new period.


      When pricing has multiple effective periods, a Prices Effective list appears above the pricing table or set of tables to enable you to display the pricing details for each period.

Renaming Charge Pricing

By default, all pricing instances are named "Pricing." You can use the pricing name to filter the charge for the discount.

You are not required to change the default name, but you can do so if you want to.

To rename pricing:

  1. In the Charges tree, select a pricing node.

    The selected pricing appears in the Pricing Details section of the charge.

  2. From the Pricing Actions list in the Charges tree, select Rename Pricing.

    The Rename Pricing dialog box appears.

  3. In the Pricing Name field, enter a unique name for the pricing.

  4. Click OK.

    The new name of the pricing appears in the Charges tree and in the heading of the Pricing Details section.

Adding Price Tiers

After creating a single charge tree for multiple RUMs, you can add pricing tiers for any applicable RUMs configured in the charge.

To add a price tier:

  1. In the Charges tree, select a pricing node.

    The selected pricing appears in the Pricing Details section of the charge.

  2. From the Pricing Actions list in the Charges tree, select Add Price Tier.

    The Add Price Tier dialog box appears.

  3. In the Measured By field, select any RUM from the list of available RUMs.

  4. Click OK.

    The price tier is created and it appears in the Charges tree and in the heading of the Pricing Details section.

Removing Price Tiers

From a single charge tree for multiple RUMs, you can remove pricing tiers for any RUMs configured in the charge.

To remove a price tier:

  1. In the Charges tree, select a pricing node.

    The selected pricing appears in the Pricing Details section of the charge.

  2. From the Pricing Actions list in the Charges tree, select Remove Price Tier.

    The Remove Price Tier dialog box appears.

  3. In the Measured By field, select the RUM for which you want to remove the price tier.

  4. Click OK.

    The price tier is removed from the Charges tree.

Deleting a Pricing Tag

To delete a pricing tag from a charge pricing:

  1. In the Pricing Details section of the charge tab, select a balance impact.

  2. Click the Price Tag icon in the pricing table toolbar.
    Price Tag icon

    The Price Tag dialog box appears.

  3. From the Name list, select Not Set.

  4. Click OK.

Adding Date Ranges to a Charge

The date range of a charge is the period during which a charge is effective. By default, this period starts immediately and never ends.

Optionally, you can add more date ranges or modify the default date range. Each date range has its own pricing configuration. Adding date ranges enables you to make structural changes to a charge for different time periods.

To add a date range to a charge:

  1. From the Charge Actions list, select New Date Range.

    The New Date Range dialog box appears.

  2. From the Type list, select a value.

  3. (For fixed periods Only) In the Date Range Effective field, enter the start date for the new range.

    PDC calculates the end date based on the existing date ranges.

  4. (For relative periods Only) Change one or both of the following times:

    • Start time: Deselect Immediately, and enter the number of days, hours, minutes, or seconds after the purchase time that the charge takes effect.

    • End time: Deselect Never Ends, and enter the number of days, hours, minutes, or seconds after the start time that the charge is no longer effective.

  5. Click OK.

    The new date range is added to the charge. The data in its Charges tree and pricing are copied from the preceding date range.

Modifying Date Ranges in a Charge

To modify the date range in a charge containing only one date range:

  1. Create a temporary date range:

    1. From the Charge Actions list, select New Date Range.

      The New Date Range dialog box appears.

    2. Click OK.

      A Date Range list appears in the top-left corner of the charge tab.

  2. From the Date Range list, select Manage.

    The Manage Date Ranges dialog box appears.

  3. In the table, select the temporary date range, and delete it.

  4. Select the remaining date range.

  5. Click the Edit icon:
    Edit icon

    The Edit Date Range dialog box appears.

  6. Change the values in the fields as necessary.

  7. Click OK and OK.

To modify a date range in a charge containing multiple date ranges:

  1. From the Date Range list, select Manage.

    The Manage Date Ranges dialog box appears.

  2. In the Manage Date Ranges section, select a date range in the table.

  3. Click the Edit icon.

    The Edit Date Range dialog box appears.

  4. Change the values in the fields as necessary.

  5. Click OK and OK.

Create Charge Offer Page Reference

Use the Create Charge Offer page to create charge offers and the charges and pricing they contain.

For a description of the fields, see the following:

General Information Section

Use the General Information section to provide general information and settings for the charge offer.

For a description of the subsections in General Information, see:

Field Description

Name, Description

Enter a unique name and a description.


Select a type for the charge offer:

  • Item: A one-time purchase fee only.

  • Subscription: Charges for any type and combination of events, including one-time, recurring, usage, rollover, remittance, and fold. These charges apply only to the subscriber who owns the charge offer.

  • System: Charges that apply to all subscribers who use a particular service.

Applicable To

Select the service to which the charge offer applies.

Note: If the charge offer does not apply to a specific service, select Account . For example, you might do this for late charges or for coupons. The charge offer can then be used to rate any event associated with the word Account in the service-event map.


Displays one of the following charge offer statuses:

  • Draft: The charge offer belongs to one of your unsubmitted changesets. Only you have access to it.

  • Promoted: The charge offer belongs to a submitted changeset. All PDC users have access to it. After you edit and save a promoted charge offer, its status changes to Draft, and only you have access to it.

This field is read-only.

Related Tasks

Creating a Charge Offer

Product Specification Attributes Subsection

Use the Product Specification Attributes subsection to provide values for any product specification attributes configured in XML template files. The fields available in this subsection depend on what is configured in the XML template file.

See "About Extended Attributes for Pricing Components" in PDC Creating Product Offerings for more information.

Offer Settings Subsection

Use the Offer Settings subsection to modify default charge offer settings.

Field Description

Available for Purchase

Specify when the charge offer can be purchased.

For the start date, either select Immediately or enter a date and time in the Start field. For the end date, either select Never or enter a date and time in the End field.

The start date is included in the purchase period, but the end date is not. For example, if the start date is May 1 and the end date is May 10, the offer can be purchased from May 1 through May 9.

To be added to a bundle, a charge offer must have a purchase period that is the same as or greater than the bundle's purchase period.

Cycle Alignment Day of Month

(Optional) Select the day of the month on which to align recurring charges and product validity.

For example, you can apply recurring charges on the 5th day of each month regardless of the billing or purchase date.

Note: This option applies only to recurring charges in the charge offer.

Provisioning Tag

(Optional) Select a provisioning tag for the charge offer.

In BRM, provisioning tags are used to implement extended rating attributes (ERAs), such as a discount for calls to friends and family on a subscriber's birthday, or to configure telco service extensions and supplementary services, such as call forwarding and call blocking.

Supplier Tax ID

(Optional) Select a supplier tax ID for the charge offer.

This ID specifies the company or corporate division that sells the product and is responsible for collecting taxes for it.


Enter the priority for the charge offer.

When more than one charge offer applies to the same event, this priority determines the order in which your billing system considers the charge offers. The higher the number, the higher the priority; 0 is the lowest priority.

Customers Can Purchase

Specify the number of charge offers that a customer can buy at one time.

To specify limits, deselect No Minimum and No Maximum, and then enter values in the Minimum and Maximum fields.

The minimum and maximum values are included in the valid range.

Customers Can Own

Specify the number of charge offers that a customer can own at one time.

To specify limits, deselect No Minimum and No Maximum, and then enter values in the Minimum and Maximum fields.

The minimum and maximum values are included in the valid range.

For example, if a website charge offer provides 100 MB of disk space, you can limit customers to 500 MB by setting the maximum ownership quantity to 5.

Can be purchased in partial/fractional amounts

To enable partial purchases, select this check box.

This option is used by another application, such as Customer Center, to determine whether customers can purchase only part of the charge offer.

Share charge offer with members of billing hierarchy

To enable charge offer sharing with all members of a corporate sharing group, select this check box.

Notify subscriber prior to offer expiration

To notify your customers when their charge offer is about to expire, select this check box.

Notify subscriber prior to offer renewal

To notify your customers when their charge offer is about to renew, select this check box.

Tax Exemption Selector

Select the name of the tax exemption selector to apply.

Attempt Rental Fee Deduction Again if Credit is Insufficient

Specify the maximum number of times to retry the subscription before it fails.

For example, to configure retry of failed subscriptions a maximum of 3 times, every 6 hours, set Retry every field to 6 and select Hour from the drop down list. Set Max number of retries field to 3.

Note: This field is applicable only when you set When Subscriber has insufficient Credit field as Subscription fails, Subscription fails and is canceled, or Charge minimum configured amount.

Existing subscriptions Specify whether customers who subscribe during one date range will keep the same rates and grants after that range ends, or move to the new rates and grants configured in the next date range.
Determine the rates and grants based on This field appears if you select Continue to use the old rates and grants from the Existing subscriptions menu.

Specify whether which rates and grants to apply is determined based on the charge offer's purchase date or the service's instantiation date.

Validity Rounding (Optional) Specify one of the options for the charge offer's validity period:
  • Starts at midnight: Starts at midnight (00:00:00) of the day that the charge offer is purchased.
  • Use purchase time: Starts at the time of purchase.
  • Use system default: Uses deployment's systemwide setting.
Charge For Full Day (Optional) Specify one of the options to calculate the charge:
  • Not Set: Uses deployment's systemwide setting.
  • Yes: Calculates charge based on full days.
  • No: Calculates charge based on the validityRounding setting.
Deliverables Subsection

Use the Deliverables subsection to associate one or more deliverables with a charge offer.


Add deliverables only if your company uses deliverable-based revenue recognition and the charge offer contains a recurring or one-time charge.

Field Description


Add icon
Click to add a deliverable.


Delete icon
Click to delete a deliverable.

Deliverables table

View the deliverables associated with the charge offer.

Related Topics

Creating a Charge Offer

Select Deliverable Dialog Box

Use the Select Deliverable dialog box to specify which deliverable to associate with the charge offer. For each deliverable, the table shows:

  • Name

  • Type, which can be Physical product, Manual service, or Service.

Select a deliverable and then click OK.

Charges Section

Use the Charges section to add charges to a charge offer.

For a description of the fields in this section, see the following:

Add Charge List

Use the Add Charge list to add charges to a charge offer.

List Item Description

Add New Charge

Select this item to create a charge.

Add Existing Charge

Select this item to add an existing charge to the charge offer.

Add Existing Charge Selector

Select this item to add an existing charge selector to the charge offer.

Note: When you add a charge selector to a charge, the charge selector is read-only. To edit the selector, click the selector name link in the Charge Selector field at the top of the charge tab. The selector appears in an editable tab.

Charge Selector Configuration

Use the Charge Selector Configuration list to configure charge selector.

List Item Description

Remove Charge Selector

Click to remove a charge selector.

Proration Settings

Click to open the Proration Settings dialog box.

Proration Settings Dialog Box

Use the Proration Settings dialog box to specify how charges should be handled if the charge selector is purchased or canceled in the middle of a customer's billing cycle.


Proration settings are applicable to all charges in the charge selector.

List Item Description

When purchased mid-cycle

Select how to apply charges when it is purchased in the middle of a customer's billing cycle:

  • Prorate: Calculate the charge based on the amount used.

  • Full Charge: Apply the entire charge.

  • No Charge: Do not apply the charge.

When cancelled mid-cycle

Select how to apply charges it is canceled in the middle of a customer's billing cycle:

  • Prorate: Calculate the charge based on the amount used.

  • Full Charge: Charge for the entire cycle.

  • No Charge: Do not charge for the cycle.

Used By Button

Click this button to display a hierarchical view of all components that use this charge.

Charge Actions List

Use the Charge Actions list to perform charge-related tasks.

List Item Description

New Date Range

Select this item to add a date range to the charge.

Manage Date Range

Select this item to add, edit, or delete a date range.

Charge Details

Select this item to display and edit details about the charge.

Remove Charge

Select this item to remove the charge from the charge offer.

Charges Tree

Use the Charges tree to add a hierarchy of pricing components to the charge. The contents of the lists in the Charges tree toolbar depend on the profile associated with a charge.

List Description

Pricing Actions

This list is available when a pricing node is selected in the tree. It contains the following item:

  • Rename Pricing: Changes the name of the pricing.

In addition, the following options appear if you have a single charge tree with multiple RUMs:

  • Add Price Tier: Adds the price tiers for the applicable RUMs that are configured in the charge.

  • Remove Price Tier: Removes the price tiers for the applicable RUMS that are configured in the charge.


This list is available when a node can be added between the selected node and its current child. The items in the list depend on the type of node that is selected.

Selecting an item from the list adds it to the charge as a child of the selected node and as a parent of the node's current child.


This list is available when a child node can be added to the selected node. The items in the list depend on the type of node that is selected.

Selecting an item from the list adds it to the charge as a child of the selected node.

Pricing Details Section

Use the Pricing Details section to configure pricing for a charge.


The pricing features displayed in PDC are determined by the pricing profile that you associate with the charge. Not all features described in this section are supported by all pricing profiles.

See "Pricing Table" for information about the pricing table.

Field Description

Price tier tabs

If a charge uses more than one RUM, a tab appears in the pricing for each RUM. These tabs are called price tiers.

Prices Effective

This list contains the pricing's effect periods, which are used to change the pricing on a future date. If the pricing contains only the default effective period, this list is not displayed.

Quantity Range

This list contains the pricing's quantity ranges, which are used to change the pricing based on the level of usage or frequency of occurrence.

Add Quantity Range

Add Quantity Range icon.

Use to add a quantity range to pricing.

Reorder Balance Element Quantity Ranges

Reorder Balance Element Quantity Ranges icon

Use to change the order in which granted allowances, such as free minutes and tokens, are consumed.


Delete icon

Use to delete a quantity range, balance impact, or counter.

Edit Quantity Range Properties

Edit Quantity Range Properties icon

Use to edit universal quantity range properties.

Change Price

Change Price icon

Use to create pricing effective periods and to specify the scope of the pricing change.

Minimum Charges

Minimum Charges icon

Use to set a minimum charge for the balance elements in pricing.

Add Balance Impact

Add Balance Impact icon

Use to add a balance impact to pricing.

Add Counter

Add Counter icon

Use to add a counter to pricing.

Price Tag

Price Tag icon

Use to add a pricing tag to pricing.

Pricing table

Use to configure balance impacts and counters.

Pricing Table

Use the pricing table in the Pricing Details section to configure balance impacts and counters for a charge.

To display the pricing table, select a pricing node in the Charges tree. If the Charges tree does not contain a pricing node, you cannot display the pricing table.

Each row in the table represents a balance impact for the event associated with the charge. See "Configuring Balance Impacts for Charges" for more information.

Depending on the charge type and profile associated with a charge, only a subset of the columns in the pricing table might appear.

Column Description


Select the type of impact represented by the row. This can be a debit or credit.


For conditional balance impacts, specify when the balance impact should be applied.

Click the link in this column to select options in the Balance Impact Condition dialog box.

The following options are available:

  • Apply balance impact: Select this value to specify the period for applying the balance impact, such as once every 1 hour or once every 2 days.

  • Period Start Time: Select one of the following:

    • Start of Calendar Period. The period is effective from the start of a calendar day.

    • Event Occurrence. The period is effective from the time the event occurs.

    • Aligned with Offer Start Time. The period is effective from the start time of the associated charge offer.


Specify the amount of debit or credit.

Balance Element

Select the currency or noncurrency balance element.

Per Unit

Select the type of unit, such as Minute or Byte, to which the charge applies.

The selected unit should be related to the RUM associated with the charge. For example, if the RUM is Duration and the units specified in the RUM are seconds, select a unit that can be converted to seconds, such as Minute.

The following values apply to all RUMs:

  • Amount Used: Select this value to apply the charge to the amount of any RUM unit used to measure usage, such as minutes or bytes. (Alternatively, you can select the actual unit.)

  • Fixed Charge: Select this value to charge a flat fee for the event. Fixed charges are unaffected by the quantity of the event. You can use this for fixed one-time, recurring, and usage charges. These charges are typically used for purchase and cancellation fees.

When the RUM is of type Conditional, Fixed Charge is selected by default.


Enter the number of units to which the charge applies.

For example, for a mobile phone service, you might charge 0.40 US dollars for every minute of usage in 2-minute increments. In this example:

  • Amount is 0.40.

  • Balance Element is US dollars.

  • Per Unit is Minute.

  • Increment is 2.

Select a rounding option. Rounding is based on the specified increment. For example, if a 3-minute-and-50-second call is rated in 2-minute increments, it is handled as follows:

  • No Rounding: Not applicable. (Applies only to an increment of 1.)

  • Round Down: Charge for 2 minutes ($0.80).

  • Round Up: Charge for 4 minutes ($1.60).

Amount Is Valid

When a balance impact is a credit of a noncurrency balance element or an increase of a counter, specify the period when the balance is available for consumption by setting its validity period.

Click the link in this column to select values in the Amount Is Valid dialog box. See "Amount Is Valid Dialog Box" for details.

For debit balance impacts, this field is not applicable.


Select the G/L ID assigned to the charge event.

Some target engines require G/L IDs. If you do not provide a G/L ID for such engines, you will receive a validation error when you submit the charge.


Select the Do not prorate check box to prevent the proration settings in a charge from applying to a particular balance impact.

This column applies only to recurring charges.


Select the Do not discount check box in this column to make a balance impact nondiscountable. By default, balance impacts are discountable.

This option is available only when the charge pricing profile is associated with the BRM real-time rating target engine profile.

When a charge type is discounted in a bundle, the discount applies to all instances of the charge type that are discountable.

For example, you might have a charge offer that charges for two cycle events. You charge a monthly fee for one event, and you grant included minutes for the other event. If you specify a percentage discount for cycle charges in the bundle, the discount applies to both cycle charges.

To discount only the monthly fee, you must make the balance impact for the monthly fee discountable and the balance impact that grants included minutes nondiscountable.

Apply Taxes

Select when to tax the charge:

  • After Computing Charge: Taxes are applied to the charge as soon as the charge is computed.

  • At Billing: Taxes are applied to the charge when the customer's bill is generated.

  • At Billing, Use Event Time: Taxes are applied to the charge when the customer's bill is generated, but taxes are calculated using the tax rate at the time the event occurred.

  • Never: The charge is not taxed.

Tax Code

Select the name of the tax code to apply.

Amount Is Valid Dialog Box

Use the Amount Is Valid dialog box to select the validity period for the credited amount in the balance impact.

Use the list on the left to select the validity start time. The list includes the following options:

  • Always: The amount is always valid.

  • From Event Occurrence: The amount is valid from the occurrence of the event associated with the balance impact.

  • From First Usage: The amount is valid from the first time it is impacted by a subscriber's usage.

  • From Specific Date: The amount is valid from the date that you specify.

  • Relative to Event Occurrence: The amount is valid relative to the occurrence of the event associated with the balance impact. Enter the number of accounting cycles, billing cycles, months, days, hours, minutes, recurring cycle, or seconds from the event occurrence.

    For example, if you specify two accounting cycles, the amount will be valid after two accounting cycles from when the event occurs.

  • From Period Start: The amount is valid from the start of the balance impact period.

Use the list on the right to select the validity end time (when the amount can no longer be used). The list includes the following options:

  • No End Date: The amount validity does not end.

  • End Relative to Validity Start: The amount validity ends relative to the validity start time. Enter the number of accounting cycles, billing cycles, months, days, calendar days, hours, minutes, or seconds from the validity start time when the validity ends.

    For example, if you specify five days, the amount will not be valid after five days from the validity start time. If you specify one calendar day, the amount will not be valid after midnight (which is 12:00 AM) of the same day.


    You can use calendar days only for charges with the Convergent Usage pricing profile.

  • Until Specific Time After Period Start: The amount validity ends the specified number of hours, days, weeks, or so on after the start of the balance impact period.

  • Until Specific Date: The amount validity ends on the date that you specify.

The following fields are displayed only for recurring and one-time charges, and only if you selected Until Specific Date for the validity end date.

Field Description

Distribute Credit

Select how to distribute the noncurrency resources:

  • All at once: The minutes, Gigabytes, or so on are granted to the customer in one lump sum at the beginning of the validity period. This is the default.

    If you select this option, the subsequent fields are not displayed.

  • Periodically over a fixed period: The minutes, Gigabytes, or so on are split into multiple buckets, which are distributed incrementally over multiple validity periods. For example, a grant of 5 Gigabytes could be distributed in 1 Gigabyte buckets every hour.

Frequency and Period

Select how often to distribute a new bucket of noncurrency resources, such as every 2 hours or every 3 days.

Unused Credit Valid Until

Select when the incremental bucket of noncurrency resources expire:

  • The end of the periodic distribution period: Each bucket of noncurrency resources expires at the end of its incremental validity period.

  • The end of the overall validity period: All of the noncurrency resources expire at the end of the total validity period.

Rollover Rules Section

Use the Rollover Rules section to configure rollover charges.

Field Description

Balance Impact Validity

Specify the period in which the rollover is valid.

For the start date, either select Immediately or enter a date and time in the Start field. For the end date, either select Never or enter a date and time in the End field.


Use this table to configure the rollover balance impact. It contains the following columns:

  • Balance Element: Select the balance element to roll over.

  • GLID: Select the G/L ID for the rollover balance impact.

    Some target engines require G/L IDs. If you do not provide a G/L ID for such engines, you will receive a validation error when you submit the charge.

  • Rollover Units of Measure: Select the units for the cycle to which the rollover applies. For example, if you select Months, the rollover applies only to balances granted by a monthly cycle.

  • Maximum Number of Rollover Cycles: Enter the maximum number of cycles that the balance can be rolled over.

  • Maximum Rollover Amount per Cycle: Enter the maximum amount of the unused balance that can be rolled over each cycle. (The remaining unused balance is lost.)

  • Maximum Cumulative Rollover Total: Enter the maximum value for a rollover balance.

Price Override Section

Use the Price Override section to configure a replacement price for a charge.

Table Column Description

Impact to Original Price

Select the manner in which to override the original price:

  • Percentage Adjustment: Increases the price by a specified percentage.

    For example, if you enter 10% and the original price is $10, the override price is $11.

  • Fixed Adjustment: Increases or decreases the price by a specified amount.

  • Replace: Replaces the original price with a specified amount.


Enter the percentage or the amount of the adjustment or replacement.

To increase or decrease the original price by a fixed amount, enter a positive or negative number.

Balance Element

Select the balance element affected by the price override.

Measured By

Select the RUMs to use in the price override.

RUMs specify the units used to measure an event and how to calculate the measurement. The pricing profile determine which RUMs are available for selection.

This column is not applicable if you have created multiple charge trees for multiple RUMs.


Select the G/L ID for this balance impact.

Some target engines require G/L IDs. If you do not provide a G/L ID for such engines, you will receive a validation error when you submit the charge.

Price Tag Dialog Box

Use the Price Tag dialog box to apply price tags to pricing components.

Field Description

Price tag for

Select one of the following attributes to override the value at run time:

  • Amount: Overrides the amount at run time.

  • Increment: Overrides the number of units to which the charge or discount applies.


Select a price tag from the list. Only the price tags that are valid for the selected pricing component are shown.

Tip: Select Not Set to clear the price tag.


Enter a description for the price tag.


Displays Event Profile by default.

RUM Details Dialog Box

Use the RUM Details dialog box to set the rounding rules for the RUM.

Field Description

RUM Name

Displays the RUM name.


Select how the event quantity is rounded, enter the rounding increment, and select the units to measure the quantity.

  • Rounding mode

    Up: If there is an additional digit, the last significant digit is always rounded up. For example, if rounding is set to two significant digits, 1.151 rounds to 1.16.

    Down: If there is an additional digit, the last significant digit always remains the same. For example, if rounding is set to two significant digits, 1.159 rounds to 1.15.

    To the Nearest: If the additional digit is 0 through 4, the last significant digit remains the same. If the additional digit is 5 through 9, the last significant digit is rounded up. For example, 1.151 rounds to 1.15, and 1.159 rounds to 1.16.

  • Rounding increment units

    For example, if a phone call lasts 10 minutes and 47 seconds and you specify to round up in 5-second increments, the duration of the call event is recorded as 10 minutes and 50 seconds.

  • Rounding measurement unit

    Select the units to measure the quantity.

Minimum Quantity

Enter the minimum quantity of the event that results in a fee, and select the units to measure it.

If the quantity is less than the minimum, it is rounded up to the minimum regardless of the specified rounding mode. If the minimum quantity is 0 and the event quantity is less than 0, no rounding occurs.

Create Charge Dialog Box

Use the Create Charge dialog box to add a new charge to a charge offer.

For information about the subsections in this dialog box, see the following:

Field Description

Charge Category

Select the event category to which the charge applies. See "About Charge Categories" for descriptions of the categories.

The charge category determines which fields are displayed in this dialog box.

Charge Type

Select the type of event to which the charge applies.

The list of event types is determined by the service to which the charge offer applies and the charge category.

Pricing Profile

Select a pricing profile for the charge.

The pricing profile determines which features are supported for the charge.

The selected charge category and charge type determine which profiles are available for selection.

Measured By

Select the RUMs to use in the charge.

RUMs specify the units used to measure an event and how to calculate the measurement.

(Offline Usage pricing profiles only) In a charge, the pricing for each RUM is contained in a price tier. If you add multiple RUMs to a charge, each tier appears in a subtab in the Pricing Details section of the charge tab.

(Online Usage and Convergent Usage pricing profiles only) If you add multiple RUMs to a charge, each tier appears in a subtab in the charge tab.

Select a RUM of type Conditional to configure conditional balance impacts.

Note: Available RUMs for each service-event combination are configured in the service-event map.

Using same pricing rule for all RUMs

(Online Usage and Convergent Usage pricing profiles only) Select this option to create a single charge tree for multiple RUMs. Each tier appears in a subtab in the Pricing Details section of the charge tab. This option enables you to quickly publish the charge to ECE.

If you do not select this option, multiple charge trees are created for multiple RUMs, each representing the charge for a different RUM. Each charge tree appears in a subtab in the charge tab.


(Optional) Enter a unique name.

If you do not specify a name, PDC automatically generates a name in the following format:

CHG MMDDYY : HHMMSS : randomNumber

CHG identifies that the component is a charge.

Stop Charging

Indicate whether to stop charging accounts when they have an Inactive status, Cancelled status, or SuspendedActive life cycle state:

  • Never: Charges continue to be applied to accounts that have an Inactive status, Cancelled status, or Suspended Active state.

  • When Cancelled: Charges are not applied to cancelled accounts.

  • When Inactive: Charges are not applied to inactive accounts.

  • When Life Cycle State Suspended_Active: Charges are not applied to accounts that are set to the SuspendedActive custom life cycle state.

By default, stop charging is selected for Inactive status, Cancelled status, and SuspendedActive state.


By default, the system currency appears in this field. To use a different currency for the charge, select the currency.

The selected currency is the only currency balance element that you can use when configuring balance impacts for the charge.

Use extended pricing features for this charge

Select this option to create a complex charge that includes extended pricing features, such as impact categories, time periods, and price overrides. Initially, the charge contains no pricing and an empty Charges tree.

One-time, recurring, usage, and remittance charges support extended pricing features.

If you do not select this option, the charge initially contains one pricing instance. The pricing table is displayed, and the Charges tree is hidden. This enables you to quickly configure pricing for a simple charge.

Taxation Section

Use the Taxation section to specify tax information for the charge.

Field Description

Apply Taxes

Select when to tax the charge:

  • After Computing Charge: Taxes are applied to the charge as soon as the charge is computed.

  • At Billing: Taxes are applied to the charge when the customer's bill is generated.

  • At Billing, Use Event Time: Taxes are applied to the charge when the customer's bill is generated, but taxes are calculated using the tax rate at the time the event occurred.

  • Never: The charge is not taxed.


Specifies how to apply taxes:

  • Use Tax Code: Applies the specified tax code.

  • Use Tax Selector: Applies the specified tax selector.

Tax Code or

Tax Selector

Specifies the name of the tax code or tax selector to apply.

Note: If the charge pricing profile is associated with the BRM real-time rating target engine profile, this tax code overrides the tax code configured in the billing system for the charge.

Advanced Section

Use the Advanced section to specify settings for processing events. These settings apply only to usage charges.

Field Description

Time zone used to rate this event

Select the time zone to use to rate the event:

  • From Account: Uses the time zone in which the account is registered.

  • From Event: Uses the time zone in which the event occurs.

For example, if you make a call from California and your account is registered in New York:

  • If you select From Account, New York time is used.

  • If you select From Event, California time is used.

When an event crosses multiple time periods, charge using

Select the way to charge for an event if it is priced differently by time period:

  • Start Time: Applies the charges defined in the time period in which the event begins.

  • End Time: Applies the charges defined in the time period in which the event ends.

  • Split: Applies charges according to the time period in which each portion of the event falls.

Quantity used to select steps is

Select the way a price step is selected when part of the event was already charged in another time period:

  • Dependent On: Dependent on the quantity already used. When selecting a price step, PDC considers the amount of the event that occurred in the previous time period.

  • Independent Of: Independent of the quantity already used. When selecting a price step, PDC does not consider the amount of the event that occurred in the previous time period.

For example, a phone call starts at 6 p.m. and ends at 10 p.m. The two hours between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. are rated by the peak hours rate. The two hours between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. are rated by the off-peak hours rate. The off-peak rate includes the following price steps:

  • For the first two hours, charge $0.10 per minute.

  • For all subsequent hours, charge $0.05 per minute.

If the selection quantity is Dependent On, the quantity already used, the peak hours are considered the first two hours, and the off-peak portion of the call is charged $0.05 per minute.

If the selection quantity is Independent Of, the quantity already used, the peak hours are not considered the first two hours, and the off-peak portion of the call is charged $0.10 per minute.

This field is available only when charges from multiple time periods are used to rate an event.

Cycle Settings Section for Recurring Charges

Use the Cycle Settings section to specify settings for recurring charges.

Field Description

In-Advance Billing

Select a billing option for a recurring charge:

  • Don't bill in advance: Customers are charged only for the current billing cycle and the next billing cycle.

    For example, if a customer purchases an offer on May 1 and the offer's $10 monthly fee is not billed in advance, the total charge in the customer's first bill is $20. The total charge in the next (June) bill is $10, but from an accounting perspective, the $10 fee applies to July, not to June.

  • Charge cycle fees: Customers are charged for the current billing cycle and the next billing cycle plus a specified number of days or months.

    For example, if a customer purchases an offer on May 1 and the offer's $10 monthly fee is billed three months in advance, the total charge in the customer's first bill is $30. The total charge in the next (June) bill is $10, but from an accounting perspective, the $10 fee applies to August, not to June.

Cycle Alignment

Select how to apply recurring charges:

  • Alignment with billing: Charge is applied on the customer's current billing date.

    For example, if the billing date is the 1st of the month and the charge offer is purchased on January 10, the charge is prorated and applied on January 10 for the interval January 10 to February 1. For subsequent cycles, the charge is applied on the billing date (for the interval February 1 to March 1, March 1 to April 1, and so on).

  • Alignment with purchase: Charge is applied on the product purchase date.

    Using the previous example, the charge is applied on the 10th of every month (for the interval January 10 to February 10, February 10 to March 10, and so on).

Proration When purchased mid-cycle

Select one of the following to specify how to handle a recurring charge when customers purchase an offer in the middle of their billing cycle:

  • Prorate: Calculate the charge based on the amount used.

  • Full Charge: Charge for the entire cycle.

  • No Charge: Do not charge for the cycle.

Proration When cancelled mid-cycle

Select one of the following to specify how to handle a recurring charge when customers cancel an offer in the middle of their billing cycle:

  • Prorate: Calculate the charge based on the amount used.

  • Full Charge: Charge for the entire cycle.

  • No Charge: Do not charge for the cycle.

Proration When the cycle changes

Select one of the following to specify how to handle a recurring charge when customers change their billing day of month (DOM) in the middle of their billing cycle:

  • Prorate: Calculate the charge based on the amount used.

  • Full Charge: Charge for the entire cycle.

  • No Charge: Do not charge for the cycle.

Proration Section for Rollovers

Use the Proration section to specify settings for rollover charges.

Field Description

When purchased mid-cycle

Select one of the following to specify how to handle a rollover charge when customers purchase an offer in the middle of their billing cycle:

  • Prorate: Calculate the amount to roll over based on the percentage of the cycle for which the customer owned the charge offer.

  • Full Charge: Roll over the entire balance available for the cycle.

  • No Charge: Do not roll over any of the available balance.

When cancelled mid-cycle

Select one of the following to specify how to handle a rollover charge when customers cancel an offer in the middle of their billing cycle:

  • Prorate: Calculate the amount to roll over based on the percentage of the cycle for which the customer owned the charge offer.

  • Full Charge: Roll over the entire balance available for the cycle.

  • No Charge: Do not roll over any of the available balance.

Search for Charges Dialog Box

Use the Search for Charges dialog box to find an existing charge to add to a charge offer or a charge selector.

Field Description

Pricing Component

(Charge selector) Specifies that you are searching for a charge.

Applicable To

Displays the Applicable To setting for the charge offer or charge selector, either a service or Account.

Charge Type

(Charge offer) Select the type of event to which the charge applies or Any.

Select Unassigned to find charges without a service.

(Charge Selector) Displays the type of event to which the charge selector applies.

Pricing Profile

(Charge offer) Select the pricing profile associated with the charge or Any.

(Charge selector) Displays the pricing profile associated with the charge selector.

Measured By

(Charge offer) Select the RUMs used by the charge or Any. The charge type and pricing profile determine which RUMs are available for selection. Any is not available for profiles that support multiple RUMs.

(Charge selector) Displays the RUMs associated with the charge selector.


Select a name operator and then enter a value in the field next to the operator to narrow the search.

Leading and trailing whitespaces are removed from the search criteria. If embedded whitespaces need to be included in the search, use '% %' in place of the whitespace in your search criteria.

Results Table

The Results table lists the charges that meet the search criteria. Select the charge to add to the charge offer, and click OK.

Column Description


Displays the name of the charges that meet the search criteria.


Displays a description of each charge.


Displays the status of each charge:

  • Draft: The charge belongs to one of your unsubmitted changesets. Only you have access to it.

  • Promoted: The charge belongs to a submitted changeset. All PDC users have access to it.

If the search finds both a promoted version and a draft version of a charge in the PDC database, it returns the draft version.

Applicable To

Displays the Applicable To setting for the charge, either a service or Account.

Charge Type

Displays the type of event to which the charge applies.

Search for Charge Selectors Dialog Box

Use the Search for Charge Selectors dialog box to find a charge selector to add to a charge offer.

Field Description

Applicable To

Displays the Applicable To setting for the charge selector, either a service or Account.


Select the type of event to which the charge applies or Any.

Pricing Profile

Select the pricing profile associated with the charge or Any.


Select a name operator and then enter a value in the field next to the operator to narrow the search.

Leading and trailing whitespaces are removed from the search criteria. If embedded whitespaces need to be included in the search, use '% %' in place of the whitespace in your search criteria.

Results Table

The Results table lists the charge selectors that meet the search criteria. Select the charge selector to add to the charge offer, and click OK.

Column Description


Displays the charge selectors that meet the search criteria.


Displays a description of each charge selector.


Displays the status of the charge selectors:

  • Draft: The charge selector belongs to one of your unsubmitted changesets. Only you have access to it.

  • Promoted: The charge selector belongs to a submitted changeset. All PDC users have access to it.

If the search finds both a promoted version and a draft version of a charge selector in the PDC database, it returns the draft version.

Applicable To

Displays the Applicable To setting for the charge selector, either a service or Account.


Displays the type of event to which the charge selector applies.

Charge Details Dialog Box

Use the Charge Details dialog box to view and edit settings in a charge.

The mode of this dialog box (read-only or edit) matches the mode of the charge from which it is opened.

For information about the subsections in this dialog box, see the following:

Field Description

Charge Category

Displays the category of event to which the charge applies. See "About Charge Categories" for descriptions of the categories.

Charge Type

Displays the type of event to which the charge applies.

The available event types are determined by the service to which the charge offer applies and the charge category.

Pricing Profile

Displays the pricing profile for the charge.

The pricing profile determines which features are supported for the charge.

Measured By

Displays the RUMs used in the charge.

RUMs specify the units used to measure an event and how to calculate the measurement.

In a charge, the pricing for each RUM is contained in a price tier. If a charge uses multiple RUMs, each tier appears in a subtab in the Pricing Details section of the charge tab.

Using same pricing rule for all RUMs

When selected, a Single Rum Graph will be created for all RUMs.


Displays the name of the charge. If a default name was generated for the charge, it has the following format:

CHG MMDDYY : HHMMSS : randomNumber

CHG identifies that the component is a charge.

Stop Charging

Indicates whether to stop charging accounts when they have an Inactive status, Cancelled status, or SuspendedActive state:

  • Never: Charges continue to be applied to accounts that have an Inactive status, Cancelled status, or Suspended Active state.

  • When Cancelled: Charges are not applied to cancelled accounts.

  • When Inactive: Charges are not applied to inactive accounts.

  • When Life Cycle State Suspended_Active: Charges are not applied to accounts that are set to the SuspendedActive custom life cycle state.

The value of this field can vary for each charge offer where the charge is used. You can edit this field only from the charge offer that contains the charge. See "Editing Charge Details" for more information.


Displays the only currency balance element that you can use when configuring balance impacts for the charge.

Related Tasks

Editing Charge Details

Taxation Section

Use the Taxation section to view and edit charge taxation settings.

Field Description

Apply Taxes

Specifies when the charge is taxed:

  • After Computing Charge: Taxes are applied to the charge as soon as the charge is computed.

  • At Billing: Taxes are applied to the charge when the customer's bill is generated.

  • At Billing, Use Event Time: Taxes are applied to the charge when the customer's bill is generated, but taxes are calculated using the tax rate at the time the event occurred.

  • Never: The charge is not taxed.


Specifies how to apply taxes:

  • No Tax: Does not apply taxes.

  • Use Tax Code: Applies the specified tax code.

  • Use Tax Selector: Applies the specified tax selector.

Tax Code or

Tax Selector

Specifies the name of the tax code or tax selector to apply.

Related Tasks

Editing Charge Details

Advanced Section

Use the Advanced section to view settings for processing events. These settings apply only to usage charges.

Field Description

Time zone used to rate this event

Displays the time zone to use to rate the event:

  • From Account: Uses the time zone in which the account is registered.

  • From Event: Uses the time zone in which the event occurs.

For example, if you make a call from California and your account is registered in New York:

  • If you select From Account, New York time is used.

  • If you select From Event, California time is used.

The value of this field can vary for each charge offer where the charge is used. You can edit this field only from the charge offer that contains the charge. See "Editing Charge Details" for more information.

When an event crosses multiple time periods, charge using

Displays the way an event is charged if it is priced differently by time period:

  • Start Time: Applies the charges defined in the time period in which the event begins.

  • End Time: Applies the charges defined in the time period in which the event ends.

  • Split: Applies charges according to the time period in which each portion of the event falls.

Quantity used to select steps is

Displays the way a price step is selected when part of the event was already charged in another time period:

  • Dependent On: Dependent on the quantity already used. When selecting a price step, PDC considers the amount of the event that occurred in the previous time period.

  • Independent Of: Independent of the quantity already used. When selecting a price step, PDC does not consider the amount of the event that occurred in the previous time period.

For example, a phone call starts at 6 p.m. and ends at 10 p.m. The two hours between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. are rated by the peak hours rate. The two hours between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. are rated by the off-peak hours rate. The off-peak rate includes the following price steps:

  • For the first two hours, charge $0.10 per minute.

  • For all subsequent hours, charge $0.05 per minute.

If the selection quantity is Dependent On, the quantity already used, the peak hours are considered the first two hours, and the off-peak portion of the call is charged $0.05 per minute.

If the selection quantity is Independent Of, the quantity already used, the peak hours are not considered the first two hours, and the off-peak portion of the call is charged $0.10 per minute.

This field is applicable only when charges from multiple time periods are used to rate an event.

Related Tasks

Editing Charge Details

Cycle Settings Section

Use the Cycle Settings section to view and edit settings for recurring and rollover charges.

Field Description

In-Advance Billing

Displays a billing option for a recurring charge:

  • Don't bill in advance: Customers are charged only for the current billing cycle and the next billing cycle. For example, if a customer purchases an offer on May 1 and the offer's $10 monthly fee is not billed in advance, the total charge in the customer's first bill is $20. The total charge in the next (June) bill is $10, but from an accounting perspective, the $10 fee applies to July, not to June.

  • Charge cycle fees: Customers are charged for the current billing cycle and the next billing cycle plus a specified number of days or months. For example, if a customer purchases an offer on May 1 and the offer's $10 monthly fee is billed three months in advance, the total charge in the customer's first bill is $30. The total charge in the next (June) bill is $10, but from an accounting perspective, the $10 fee applies to August, not to June.

Cycle Alignment

Displays how to apply recurring charges:

  • Alignment with billing: Charge is applied on the customer's current billing date.

    For example, if the billing date is the 1st of the month and the charge offer is purchased on January 10, the charge is prorated and applied on January 10 for the interval January 10 to February 1. For subsequent cycles, the charge is applied on the billing date (for the interval February 1 to March 1, March 1 to April 1, and so on).

  • Alignment with purchase: Charge is applied on the product purchase date.

    Using the previous example, the charge is applied on the 10th of every month (for the interval January 10 to February 10, February 10 to March 10, and so on).


For recurring charges:

Displays how to handle a recurring charge when customers purchase an offer, cancel an offer, or change their billing day of month (DOM) in the middle of their billing cycle:

  • Prorate: Calculate the charge based on the amount used.

  • Full Charge: Charge for the entire cycle.

  • No Charge: Do not charge for the cycle.

For recurring charges, the value of this field can vary for each charge offer where the charge is used. You can edit this field only from the charge offer that contains the charge. See "Editing Charge Details" for more information.

For rollovers:

Displays how to handle rollovers when customers purchase or cancel the offer in the middle of their billing cycle:

  • Prorate: Calculate the amount to roll over based on the percentage of the cycle that the customer owned the charge offer.

  • Full Charge: Roll over the entire balance available for the cycle.

  • No Charge: Do not roll over any of the available balance.

Related Tasks

Editing Charge Details

Add Impact Categories Dialog Box

Use the Add Impact Categories dialog box to add zone impact categories to a charge.

Field Description

Zone Model

Select the zone model that contains the impact categories you want to add.

USC Selector

(Optional) Select a Usage Scenario (USC) selector to filter the impact categories in the selected zone model based on attributes related to differentiated network services, such as mailbox inquiries, call forwarding, and friends-and-family discounts.

Note: This field is mandatory if the Online Usage pricing profile is associated with the charge.

APN Selector

(Optional) Select an Access Point Name (APN) selector to filter the impact categories in the selected zone model based on attributes related to GPRS calls.

Select the Impact Categories to Add

Select the impact categories to add to the charge.

Impact Category Name Contains

Restrict the number of impact categories in the list by entering name criteria in this field and then clicking Filter.

Add Impact Categories As a Group

(Optional) Select this option to add all the selected impact categories to the same node in the Charges tree.

If necessary, you can later move some or all of the grouped impact categories to individual nodes.

Add Time Periods Dialog Box

Use the Add Time Periods dialog box to add time periods to a charge.

Field Description

Time Model

Select a time model.

Only time models associated with the same pricing profile as the charge are available.

Select Time Periods to Include in a Charge

Select time periods to add to the charge.

Add Time Periods As a Group

Click to add all the selected time periods to the same node in the Charges tree.

If necessary, you can later move some or all of the grouped periods to individual nodes.

Add Generic Selector Dialog Box

Use the Add Generic Selector dialog box to add to a generic selector to a charge.

Field Description

Generic Selector

Select the generic selector to add to the charge.

Generic Selector Results to Add

Select the generic selector results to add to the charge.

Add Generic Selector Results As a Group

(Optional) Select this option to add all the selected generic selector results to the same node in the Charges tree.

If necessary, you can later move some or all of the grouped generic selector results to individual nodes.

Search for Price Selectors Dialog Box

Use the Search for Price Selectors dialog box to find a price selector to add to a charge.

Field Description

Pricing Component

Specifies that you are searching for a price selector.

Applicable To

Displays the Applicable To setting for the charge, either a service or Account.


Displays the event to which the charge applies.

Pricing Profile

Displays the pricing profile associated with the charge.


Select a name operator and then enter a value in the field next to the operator to narrow the search.

Leading and trailing whitespaces are removed from the search criteria. If embedded whitespaces need to be included in the search, use '% %' in place of the whitespace in your search criteria.

Results Table

The Results table lists the price selectors that meet the search criteria. Select the price selector to add to the charge, and click OK.

Field Description


Displays the price selectors that meet the search criteria.


Displays a description of each price selector.


Displays the status of each price selector:

  • Draft: The price selector belongs to one of your unsubmitted changesets. Only you have access to it.

  • Promoted: The price selector belongs to a submitted changeset. All PDC users have access to it.

If the search finds both a promoted version and a draft version of a price selector in the PDC database, it returns the draft version.

Applicable To

Displays the Applicable To setting for the price selector, either a service or Account.


Displays the type of event to which the price selector applies.

Change Price Dialog Box

Use the Change Price dialog box to specify which components will be affected by a change and to add effective periods to pricing.

The available options depend on whether the dialog box is displayed from within a charge offer, a charge, a charge selector, or a price selector.

Field Description

The Price Change Will Affect

Select one of the following options to indicate the scope of the price change:

  • This charge wherever it is used: Affects every component that uses the charge.

  • The current offer only: Affects only this charge offer. Other components that use the charge are not affected.

Change Price

Select one of the following options to specify when the price change takes effect:

  • Use existing period: The price change takes effect immediately.

  • Effective on: The price change becomes effective on a date you specify. If you enter a future date that is not the start date of an existing pricing effective period, PDC adds an effective date that starts on the date.

Properties for All Quantity Ranges

Use the Properties for All Quantity Ranges dialog box to view and edit properties that apply to all quantity ranges and effective periods in a pricing instance.


If a pricing instance contains multiple price tiers, this dialog box applies only to the current price tier.

The contents of this dialog box and whether you can edit or only view them depend on the pricing profile associated with the charge.

Field Description

Charges in this tier are measured by

Specifies the RUM of the current price tier. This field is always read-only.

Quantity range selected based on

When this field is editable, you can change the basis of the quantity ranges in the current price tier by selecting one of the following items:

  • Usage Quantity: Quantity ranges are based on the amount of usage.

  • Balance of: Quantity ranges are based on the value of the specified balance element. Select the balance element in the list to the right of this field.

When subscriber has insufficient credit

Select what to do if the cost of the balance element affected by the charge is greater than the customer's credit limit.

A credit limit is the maximum amount of a balance element that can accumulate in a balance group. For more information, see "Setting Credit Limits" and "About Credit Limits" in PDC Creating Product Offerings.

You can choose from the following options:

  • Prorate service according to available balance: The subscription succeeds and the resources are prorated according to the available balance.
  • Use available balance, track remainder as negative account balance: The subscription succeeds and all available balance is used. The remaining amount is recorded as an outstanding amount to be paid at the next top-up for prepaid customers or current bill for postpaid customers.
  • Use available balance, grant loan for remainder: The subscription succeeds. If the customer is eligible for a loan, all available balance is used and a loan is granted for the remaining amount. If the customer is not eligible for a loan, the subscription fails.

    See "About Loans" in BRM Configuring and Collecting Payments for more information about loans.

  • Use available balance, track remainder as outstanding: This option is intended for prepaid customers. The remaining amount is recorded as an outstanding amount to be paid at the next top-up for prepaid customers or current bill for postpaid customers.
  • Do not use available balance, track entire amount as outstanding: The subscription succeeds without using the available balance. The entire amount is recorded as an outstanding amount to be paid at the next top-up for prepaid customers or current bill for postpaid customers.
  • Subscription fails: The subscription fails. After a configured maximum number of retries, a notification event is sent to an external system for further processing.
  • Skip subscription charges until next cycle: The subscription succeeds without using the available balance. Billing will be skipped for this cycle; during rating all balance impacts are dropped and the unrated quantity is set to 0. The cycle forward date is moved to next cycle.
  • Charge minimum configured amount: The subscription succeeds if the customer's balance is at least a configured minimum amount. If they have enough balance for the full amount, the full amount is charged. If they have less than the full amount, but more than the minimum amount, the minimum amount is charged. If they have less than the minimum amount, the subscription fails. After a configured maximum number of retries, a notification event is sent to an external system for further processing.
    When you select this option, you can also configure the following:
    • Minimum Amount: Specify the minimum amount to be charged.

      When you select Charge minimum configured amount option, the values in Amount column in the Balance Element table becomes a link. Click this link to set the minimum amount.

    • Prorate Quantity: Specify whether or not to prorate the service according to the minimum amount configured. By default, this is selected and the service will be prorated. Deselect this option to grant the full service for the minimum amount.
  • Subscription fails and is canceled: The subscription fails. After retrying the subscription the configured maximum number of times, a notification event is sent to an external system for further processing and the subscription is canceled. It will not automatically renew next cycle.

Charges based on

Displays one of the following, depending on the pricing profile associated with the charge that contains the pricing:

  • Profiles associated with the real-time rating engine: Shows the remaining event quantity.

    If the pricing contains multiple price tiers, each tier charges for the quantity that remains after the preceding price tier is applied.

    For example, a call lasts 10 minutes. The first tier deducts from the Bonus Minutes balance. The second tier deducts from the Anytime Minutes balance. If only 3 bonus minutes and 100 anytime minutes remain, 3 minutes of the call are covered by the first tier. The second tier is used to charge for the remaining 7 minutes, not for the original 10.

  • Profiles associated with the batch rating engine: Shows the original event quantity.

    Charges in every price tier are applied against the same original event quantity.

New Date Range Dialog Box

Use the New Date Range dialog box to add date ranges to a charge.

Field Description

Select the type of range to add:

  • For Fixed Period: Range starts and ends on particular dates.

  • Relative to Purchase: Range begins a specified number of days, hours, minutes, or seconds after the purchase time and continues for a specified number of days, hours, minutes, or seconds.

The purchase date is the day the charge offer is added to the account.

Date Range Effective

(For fixed periods only) Enter the start date for the new range.

PDC calculates the end date based on the existing date ranges.


(For relative periods only) Specify the relative start time.

To start the charge configured in this range when purchased, select Immediately.

To start the charge at a later time, deselect Immediately, and enter the number of days, hours, minutes, or seconds after the purchase time that the range starts.


(For relative periods only) Specify the relative end time.

To keep the charge configured in this range effective forever, select Never Ends.

To specify an end time, deselect Never Ends, and enter the number of days, hours, minutes, or seconds after the start time that the range ends.

Manage Date Ranges Dialog Box

Use the Manage Date Ranges dialog box to add, modify, and delete charge date ranges.

Click the Add icon to add a date range to the charge:
Add icon

The New Date Range dialog box appears.

Edit Date Range Dialog Box

Use the Edit Date Range dialog box to modify the start and end times of charge date ranges.

Field Description

To start the charge configured in this range when purchased, select Immediately.

To start the charge at a later time, deselect Immediately, and do one of the following:

  • (Fixed periods) Select a start date.
  • (Relative periods) Enter the number of days, hours, minutes, or seconds after the purchase time that the charge starts.

To keep the charge configured in this range effective forever, select Never Ends.

To specify an end time, deselect Never Ends, and do one of the following:

  • (Fixed periods) Select an end date.
  • (Relative periods) Enter the number of days, hours, minutes, or seconds after the start time that the charge ends.