5 Installing Billing Care

Learn how to install Oracle Communications Billing Care for a test or production system.

Topics in this document:

Downloading the Billing Care Installer

You can download the Billing Care software from the Oracle software delivery website (https://edelivery.oracle.com).

Search for and download the Oracle Communications Billing Care software. The package includes the BillingCare_generic.jar installer.

Installing Billing Care for Testing

Billing Care test installations do not use Oracle Identity Management (IDM) security. The installer deploys the application to a basic Oracle WebLogic domain with Billing Care authorization disabled. Use test installations for internal development and testing only.

To install Billing Care for testing:

  1. Disable Billing Care authorization in the WebLogic domain. See "Configuring WebLogic Server for a Test Installation" for more information.

  2. Run the Billing Care installer without specifying IDM host details and confirming that authorization is not being used. See "Running the Billing Care Installer for Testing" for more information.

Configuring WebLogic Server for a Test Installation

You can use a WebLogic domain that is not configured as an OPSS JRF-enabled domain when installing test installations of Billing Care. Test installations are not supported in production environments. For a secure Billing Care installation, use an OPSS JRF-enabled domain.

See "Billing Care Security" in BRM Security Guide for more information about securing your installation.

To configure a WebLogic domain for a test Billing Care installation:

  1. On the WebLogic Server, add the following property to the JAVA_OPTIONS parameter in the setDomainEnv.sh configuration script located in Middleware_home/user_projects/domains/billingcaredomain/bin directory, where Middleware_home is the directory where WebLogic Server is installed and billingcaredomain is the directory containing the test installation domain you want to install Billing Care:


    For example:

    JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} ${JAVA_PROPERTIES} -Dwlw.iterativeDev=${iterativeDevFlag} -Dwlw.testConsole=${testConsoleFlag} -Dwlw.logErrorsToConsole=${logErrorsToConsoleFlag} -DdisableBillingCareAuthorization=true"
  2. Restart the WebLogic Server domain.

  3. Run the Billing Care installer.

Running the Billing Care Installer for Testing

To install a Billing Care test installation in a basic domain:

  1. Verify that your Java Development Kit is installed correctly. Ensure that you set your JAVA_HOME environment variable and that the Java_home/bin directory is in your path.

  2. Start the Oracle WebLogic Server basic domain administration server or the managed server on which you want to deploy Billing Care.

  3. Download the Billing Care installer. See "Downloading the Billing Care Installer" for more information.

  4. Run the following command, which launches the Billing Care installer:

    java -jar BillingCare_generic.jar


    Specify the -invPtrLoc flag and an Oracle Inventory path location in the java command for launching the Billing Care installer if you are using an existing or custom Oracle inventory location for maintaining your installed Oracle products and installation logs.

  5. In the Welcome screen, click Next.

  6. In the Installation Location screen, enter or browse to your Oracle Home directory and then click Next.

  7. In the Installation Type screen, select the Billing Care Application and Billing Care REST API components, and then click Next.

  8. In the Feature Sets Selection screen, select to install one or both of the following components. Click Next.

    • Billing Care Application

    • Billing Care SDK

  9. In the WebLogic Server Details screen, enter the details listed in Table 5-1 for the WebLogic Server domain in which you want to deploy Billing Care, and then click Next.

    Table 5-1 WebLogic Server Details

    Field Description

    Host Name

    IP address or the host name of the computer on which the WebLogic Server domain is configured.

    Port Number

    Port number assigned to the WebLogic Server domain administration server.

    User Name

    WebLogic Server domain administrator user name.


    Password for the WebLogic Server domain administrator user.

    WebLogic Home

    Path of the directory in which the WebLogic Server software is installed.

    Use SSL?

    Whether to use SSL. Deselect the checkbox for test installations.

    KeyStore Type

    The type of KeyStore file used in the WebLogic domain for SSL: JKS or PKCS12.

    KeyStore Location

    The path to your KeyStore file, which is used for authentication through SSL.

    KeyStore Password

    The password required to access the certificates from the KeyStore.


    The Billing Care installer will not proceed until it verifies that the information you entered is valid. The domain must be in a RUNNING state.

  10. In the Target Server screen, select the server on which to deploy Billing Care and then click Next.

    The target server list includes the administration server, any managed servers, and any clusters. For example, the target list might include:

    • admin-server:RUNNING
    • managed-server1:RUNNING
    • managed-server2:RUNNING
    • managed-server3:SHUTDOWN
    • cluster-1:RUNNING

    In this example, cluster-1 is formed by managed-server1, managed-server2, and managed-server3.


    • You can deploy Billing Care on managed servers that are in an offline state.

    • When a cluster is selected as the target, all managed servers in the cluster are targets.

    • Oracle recommends that you deploy Billing Care on a WebLogic Server managed server or cluster. If you select a WebLogic Server managed server, ensure that the WebLogic Server managed server and the node manager are running.

    • If you deploy Billing Care on a WebLogic Cluster, you must enable sticky sessions in your load balancer.

    A warning appears confirming that the domain is not configured as an Oracle Platform Security Services (OPSS) Oracle Java Required Files (JRF)-enabled Domain.

  11. In the BRM Connection Details screen, enter the details listed in Table 5-2 and then click Next.

    Table 5-2 BRM Connection Details

    Field Description

    User Name

    The user name for connecting to BRM.


    The BRM user's password.

    Host Name

    The IP address or the host name of the machine on which the primary BRM Connection Manager (CM) or CM Master Process (CMMP) are running.

    Port Number

    The TCP port number of the CM or CMMP on the host computer. The default value is 11960.

    Service Type

    The BRM service type. The default value is /service/admin_client.

    Service POID ID

    The POID of the BRM service. The default value is 1.

    Use SSL?

    Whether to use SSL:

    • If you have not enabled SSL for BRM, deselect the Use SSL? checkbox.

    • If you have enabled SSL for BRM, leave the Use SSL? checkbox selected.

    Wallet Password

    The password for the Billing Care wallet.

    Confirm Wallet Password

    Enter the password for the Billing Care wallet again.

  12. In the Authenticator and Asserter screen, select Skip Authenticator and Asserter and then click Next.

  13. In the Batch Payment Details screen, enter the details in Table 5-3 and then click Next.

    Table 5-3 Batch Payment Details

    Field Description

    Batch Payment Files Location

    The directory where batch payment files are placed for uploading and processing by Billing Care.

    The installer creates these folders in the directory you specify: error, processed, processing, and unprocessed.

    Batch Payment Templates Location

    The directory where payment file templates are installed.

  14. In the Installation Summary screen, confirm your installation selections and then click Install.

  15. The Installation Progress screen appears. When installation completes, click Next.

  16. The Installation Complete screen appears. Make note of the Billing Care links, including the Oracle Home location, log file location, and link for accessing Billing Care.


    If the target server is an offline managed server or a cluster, the Billing Care link will be a template link.
  17. Click Finish.

    The Billing Care installer exits.

Installing Billing Care for Production

The Billing Care installer must be run from the computer hosting the Oracle Platform Security Services (OPSS) Client domain on which you deploy Billing Care. Billing Care installation must be performed by a user who has permissions to write to the oraInventory directory and the Middleware_home/user_projects/domains directory, where Middleware_home is the directory in which you installed the Oracle Middleware components.

To install Billing Care on your OPSS JRF-enabled domain:

  1. Verify that your Java Development Kit (JDK) is installed correctly. Ensure that you set your JAVA_HOME environment variable and that the Java_home/bin directory is in your path.

  2. Copy the oamAuthnProvider.jar file from Middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.oamprovider_11.1.1, where Middleware_home is the WebLogic Server directory containing your OPSS JRF-enabled domain (for example, /u01/app/Oracle/Middleware) to Middleware_home/wlserver_12.2/server/lib/mbeantypes.

  3. Start the Oracle WebLogic Server domain administration server or the managed server on which you want to deploy Billing Care. The domain must be configured with the OPSS WebLogic Server Security Module.

  4. Download the Billing Care installer. See "Downloading the Billing Care Installer" for more information.

  5. Run the following command, which launches the Billing Care installer:

    java -jar BillingCare_generic.jar


    Include the -invPtrLoc flag and an Oracle Inventory path location in the Java command for launching the Billing Care installer if you are using an existing or custom Oracle inventory location for maintaining your installed Oracle products and installation logs.

  6. In the Welcome screen, click Next.

  7. In the Installation Location screen, enter or browse to your Oracle Home directory and then click Next.

  8. In the Installation Type screen, select to install one or both of the following components and then click Next.

    • Billing Care Application

    • Billing Care REST API


    If you select Billing Care Application, the Feature Sets Selection screen appears next. Otherwise, the WebLogic Server Details screen appears next.

  9. In the Feature Sets Selection screen, select to install one or both of the following components and then click Next.

    • Billing Care Application

    • Billing Care SDK

  10. In the WebLogic Server Details screen, enter the details listed in Table 5-4 for the WebLogic Server domain in which you want to deploy Billing Care, and then click Next.

    Table 5-4 WebLogic Server Details

    Field Description

    Host Name

    The IP address or the name of the machine on which the WebLogic Server domain is configured.

    Port Number

    The port number assigned to the WebLogic Server domain administration server.

    User Name

    The WebLogic Server domain administrator user name.


    The password for the WebLogic Server domain administrator user.

    WebLogic Home

    The path to the directory in which the WebLogic Server software is installed.

    Use SSL?

    Whether to use SSL. Select this checkbox for production installations.

    Billing Care requires JSSE-based SSL enabled in your OPSS JRF-enabled domain. For more information, see "Using the JSSE-Based SSL Implementation" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Security for Oracle WebLogic Server.

    KeyStore Type

    The type of KeyStore file used in the WebLogic domain for SSL: JKS or PKCS12.

    KeyStore Location

    The path to your KeyStore file, which is used for authentication through SSL.

    KeyStore Password

    The password required to access certificates from the KeyStore.


    The Billing Care installer will not proceed until it verifies that the information you entered is valid. The domain must be in a RUNNING state.

  11. In the Target Server screen, select the server on which to deploy Billing Care and then click Next.

    The target server list includes the Administration Server, any managed servers, and any WebLogic clusters. For example, the target list might include:

    • admin-server:RUNNING
    • managed-server1:RUNNING
    • managed-server2:RUNNING
    • managed-server3:SHUTDOWN
    • cluster-1:RUNNING

    In this example, cluster-1 is formed by managed-server1, managed-server2, and managed-server3.


    • You can deploy Billing Care on managed servers that are in an offline state.

    • When a cluster is selected as the target, all managed servers in the cluster are targets.

    • Oracle recommends that you deploy Billing Care on a managed server or cluster. If you select a WebLogic Server managed server, ensure that the WebLogic Server managed server and the node manager are running.

    • If you deploy Billing Care on a WebLogic Cluster, you must enable sticky sessions in your load balancer.

  12. In the BRM Connection Details screen, enter the details listed in Table 5-5 and then click Next.

    Table 5-5 BRM Connection Details

    Field Description

    User Name

    The user name for connecting to BRM.


    The BRM user's password.

    Host Name

    The IP address or host name of the machine on which the primary BRM Connection Manager (CM) or CM Master Process (CMMP) are running.

    Port Number

    The TCP port number of the CM or CMMP on the host machine. The default value is 11960.

    Service Type

    The BRM service type. The default value is /service/admin_client.

    Service POID Id

    The POID of the BRM service. The default value is 1.

    Use SSL?

    Whether to use SSL:

    • If you have not enabled SSL for BRM, deselect the Use SSL? checkbox.

    • If you have enabled SSL for BRM, leave the Use SSL? checkbox selected.

    Wallet Password

    The password for the Billing Care wallet.

    Confirm Wallet Password

    Enter the password for the Billing Care wallet again.

  13. In the Authenticator and Asserter screen, enter the details listed in Table 5-6 to connect to the Oracle Unified Directory (OUD) authenticator and then click Next.

    Table 5-6 Authenticator and Asserter

    Field Description

    Skip Authenticator and Asserter

    Select this option to skip the creation of the authenticator and asserter.

    Provider Name

    The OUD Authentication provider you configured in your OPSS Administration Server.

    Host Name

    The host name or IP address of the LDAP server.

    Port Number

    The port number on which the LDAP server is listening.

    Admin User Name

    The Distinguished Name (DN) of the LDAP user that WebLogic Server should use to connect to the LDAP server.

    Admin Password

    The credential (usually a password) used to connect to the LDAP server.

    User Base DN

    The base distinguished name (DN) of the tree in the LDAP directory that contains users. For example:


    Group Base DN

    The base distinguished name (DN) of the tree in the LDAP directory that contains groups. For example:


    Asserter Name

    The name of OAM Identity Asserter.

    enter a name to use during Billing Care deployment. A new asserter is created if a OAMIdentityAsserter type does not exist in your OPSS JRF-enabled domain already.

  14. In the Batch Payment Details screen, enter the details listed in Table 5-7 for processing batch payments and then click Next.

    Table 5-7 Batch Payment Details

    Field Description

    Batch Payment Files Location

    The directory in which batch payment files are placed for uploading and processing by Billing Care.

    The installer creates these folders in the directory you specify: error, processed, processing, and unprocessed.

    Batch Payment Templates Location

    The directory in which payment file templates are installed.

  15. In the Installation Summary screen, review your Billing Care installation summary and correct any errors. Click Install.

  16. The Installation Progress screen appears. When the installation completes, click Next.

  17. The Installation Complete screen appears. Make note of the Billing Care links, including the Oracle Home location, log file location, and link for accessing Billing Care.


    If the target server is an offline managed server or a cluster, the Billing Care link will be a template link.
  18. Click Finish.

    The Billing Care installer exits.

See "Billing Care Postinstallation Tasks" for required tasks to complete after the Billing Care installer exits.

See "Verifying the Billing Care Installation" for information on verifying the successful installation of Billing Care.

See "About Installation Logs" for information on the Billing Care installer logs.

About Installation Logs

You use installation log files to help you debug your Billing Care installation. You can check the log files in the oraInventory/logs directory. The default location of the oraInventory directory is in the /etc/oraInst.loc file.

You use the following log files to monitor the installation and postinstallation process:

  • installActionTimeStamp.log

  • oraInstallTimeStamp.err

  • oraInstallTimeStamp.out

  • launcherTimeStamp.log